The Haunted Lesson

Upon seeing his truck, she rolled her eyes towards the sky in silent protest. Pulling her Jeep next to his vehicle, she was greeted by a friendly smile. Melina put her hand up to the window. A lame gesture portrayed as a greeting.

She looked down at her cell phone and her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the window.

He didn’t waste any time.

Rolling down her window, she forced a smile to her face. The professor who taught paranormal science and had an observation with photography appeared to have put on a little bit of weight, filling out the tall, thin frame that Melina has grown accustomed to. His hair had turned just a little greyer since their last meeting and the salt and pepper look on his bear was quite attractive.

“Hey, there, Melina,” he said in a soft, southern drawl. Putting out his hand, she noticed his smile was extra bright on this otherwise gloomy evening.

“Hi, Martin,” she replied, taking his handshake firmly.

“Been working out, girl? That’s some grip you have there.”

Melina flashed him a look.

“Ok. Ok,” he said, “strange how fate keeps forcing us to work together isn’t it?”

“Well, it may be your fate, but it appears to be my bad luck.” She replied snidely.

“I am always impressed with your good NY comebacks. Spoken like a true feminist.”

“Oh, yes, Martin. I am aware.”

“Where’s your gear?” he asked, “let me give you a hand with it.”

“Thanks,” Melina said, getting out of the Jeep and walking to the hatchback and pulling it open,” so where’s the crew?”

“About two hours south of here.”

“You are kidding?”

“Nope. Bad fog. You’re not afraid to go inside with just me, are you?”

“Martin, are you forgetting the name of my show? I don’t believe. I am here to debunk your theories. What is the story with this place anyway?”

“Didn’t read your notes?”

“I usually don’t until the last minute.”

“Figures. Anyway, it was used as a house for sex slaves. Hot women sex slaves.”

“Stop, ok?” she replied.

‘I’m serious. Women, their Masters and lots of pleasure.”

“You men and your fans.”

“From the notes, it appears that the slaves loved their Masters. Many committed suicide when they masters died.”

“Sick girls. Jeez, who thinks this crap up? You guys trying to attract more of a male audience?”

Martin grinned at her, set up her camera outside of the porch of the old, Queen Anne home. Melina stepped onto the creaking porch and pulled out the notes on the place out from her jacket pocket.

“This place is amazing. Look at it,” she exclaimed.

“I see. Listen, do your introduction shot from there. It looks perfect. The fog rolling in. The sun almost gone.”

Melina looked around and said, “Good idea.” Melina’s long, dark hair glistened under the shadows of the night. He watched as her jacket blew in the wind, exposing her large tits. He saw her nipples protruding out from under herwhite blouse.

“Damn, girl, you are so friggin’ beautiful right now. Too bad you are such a New York bitch. A bitch that needs a lesson.”

“I didn’t hear what you said, can you say again?” she asked.

“I said that is perfect. Finish reading your notes and we can start.”

Martin stared at her as she quickly glanced at her notes.

“O.K. Let’s roll.”

Martin took his place behind the camera, smiled and raised his finger.

“Good evening. I am Dr. Melina Jones and this is Paranormal Hunt: The Voice of Reason. We come to you this evening from the Great American South. Standing before a home that supposedly held women that were purchased as pleasure slaves during the gold rush era, who then, According to documentation, committed suicide after their owners died. Many say one can hear the rattle of chains, the metal that bound them to their owners, sounding off in the hallways. The girls, looking for the men that they may have been forced to love, but loved nonetheless. To be attached to their Masters again. I intend to debunk this silly, boy, fantasy-like story and I know if there are the sounds of chains in the hallway, it must be the women coming back to choke their Masters to death. Let’s begin our journey.”

“Well, done, Melina,” Martin commented with an attitude.

“Thanks,” she replied, while shaking her head. She heard the tone of his voice, ” I guess we can get the equipment set up for the crew.”

The two worked in silence as they placed the ghost hunting equipment in strategic positions. The wind kicked up, forcing Melina to close the bay windows she had just opened.

“Shit,” Martin exclaimed, “the lights just blinked.”

‘Yeah, I saw that. This storm is bad. Look at it out there. I don’t think I have ever seen lightning like this.”

“Welcome to the South, girl. Not everything powerful comes from NY.”

Martin took out his lighter and a few candles from his camera bag. He lit them and placed them onan end table near the couch in the middle of the room and then plopped onto the sofa.

“I am beat as hell,” he announced as the lights flickered off.

“Great!” Melina yelled.

“Come sit over here by me.”

“Nice try but I am not afraid. I am not the believe in all this hocus pocus stuff like you, professor.”

“Girl, just because you cannot see it, does not mean it doesn’t exist. I know you are a science girl but it cannot prove everything.”

Melina finally made her way to the couch and the two became enthralled in paranormal chit chat. Without warning, the flames in the fireplace crackled and illuminated the room.

“What the hell?” Melina asked as she rose from the couch and stood before the fire.

“How the hell did that got started?” she asked, turning to face Martin.

“What do you mean, love? I started the fire.” Martin answered. Melina looked around the room. It changed. The tables were decorated with ornate vases and fresh flowers. Thesmell of cinnamon filled the air. Martin sat in a pair of pajamas and a robe in an easy chair with a book. Melina looked down at herself. She was dressed in a short, white, tight nightgown. No panties. She put her hands to her breasts.

“Are you alright, love? Come over here now,” he demanded in a stern voice. Melina walked towards him, unsure of what was happening to her. He put her hand to her forehead, “You don’t feel warm,” he said as he started lifting the back of her nightgown. She pulled away from him and he pulled back on her, frowning.

“What is with you?” he asked, “I am trying to look at the damage. I am wondering with your behavior tonight if you are having a reaction to the bee stings.” He lifted the back of her gown and ran his warm hands over her back.

“Ow,” she replied.

“I am sorry, love. The swelling is much better than it was before. I knew this remedy would work. But, do not think this exonerates you from punishment, Melina. You will be taken over my knee before we go to bed. There are no sings on your ass. I have told you many times not to fool with the bees and the honey,” he remarked, while lowering her gown, turning her towards him and putting his hands onto her face, “and while I appreciate your eagerness to please me, I am sick of repeating myself.”

“A ‘Yes, Master’ will do.”

“Yes, Master.” Melina replied. Unknown, she put her hands to her mouth, shocked at the words that spewed from them.

“If I did not know you better, Melina, I would think you were playing dumb tonight to try to avoid your spanking. You take your spot and think about that while I finish my book.”

Melina stood there, unsure of what to do. Martin grabbed the pillow from behind his back and placed in Between his feet and nodded for her to come down before him. Melina knelt down and placed herself onto the pillow. Martin’s hands ran through her hair. Her spine tingled as his hand caressed her.

“My little pet gets all stung up. Look at me, love.”

Melina put her chin on his knee and looked at him.

“No more honey. I can well afford to purchase it in the store. While I appreciate your effort, I worry about your judgment. Am I clear?”

“Yes,” she replied, “Yes, Master.”

Warmth came over her as he diverted his attention from her to his book. She looked into his eyes and saw kindness and warmth. Her body tingled. Her nipples hardened. She felt a pulling in her pussy that she hadn’t felt in a long time. She started to rub her cheeks over his legs. His fingers ran through her thick hair as she cleared her throat when she imagined she had moaned under his touch.

What the hell is happening to me? I am so turned on, she thought.

With every touch of his hand, Melina’s arousal increased. The moans spewed from inside of her. Her face moved closer to his growing cock. She couldn’t stop herself. She needed to lick it. To taste it. To put her mouth on it.

“Ahh, there’s my little bitch. My hungry whore,” he whispered to her. Melina nuzzled her way underneath his robe and slide her tongue into the slit of his pajamas. Suddenly, he grabbed her by her hair and pulled her mouth away from him.

“Since when do you lick without permission? I have had enough of your power game tonight, my love.” He said, keeping his voice calm.

With one yank, he pulled her to his lap and lifted her gown. His large hand came down on top of the cheeses of her ass. Down again, he came. His hand stung her ass and she cried out. She wriggled on his lap and released a moan. He hit her again and then again.

“My my, I have never seen my bitch wriggle under my spanking hand. What is going on with you tonight? Look at that fat, red ass. It beckons for my hand. Melina surprised and moaned again. He came down hard with his hand.

Whack! Whack!

“My girl is learning. She is learning to take her master’s corrections, isn’t she, love?”

Melina’s chesttightened. She gasped and fell from Martin’s grapsp onto the floor.

“What the hell?” he yelled,” Are you alright?”

Looking down at her herself. She saw her black skirt was pushed up to her waist and her frilly white panties hung around her ankles.

“Martin! What were you doing to me?”

“I…. I think I was spanking you. I, uh, look,” he answered nervously; “I don’t know what is going on here any more than you do. Damn, girl, my hand hurts.”

Getting up from the chair, he bent over and helped her to her feet. He knelt before her, pulling her panties up, but unable to bypass the motivation in between her legs. Sticking out his tongue, he ran the point of it over her shaken pussy lips.

“Martin, Please” she shouted. Rising to his feet, he grinned at her. Walking over to the end table that held the burning candle, he opened the drawer, and removed the leash. He didn’t question why he knew it was there. He didn’t care. Her breathing growing deeper as approached her. He placed the lean around her neck. Her large breasts moved up and down with every breath.

Against her will, Melina released a moan from her lips when feeling the coolness of the steel against her neck. Her hands slide down to her wet pussy. She looked to him.

“Come to your knees,” he demanded, “and keep your head down.”

Grabbing the chain, he pulled her down. Still keeping her head down, all she could hear was the zipper of his pants. Martin took out his hard cock and rubbed it all over her face.

“Open you mouth, Melina. Suck your Master’s cock.” He demanded.

Obediently, she did as asked and ran her tongue over the swollen head of his cock. He yanked on the leash forcing his cock deeper into her mouth.

“Tonight,” he said, “we are going to start our evening off with a little reminder of respect, my girl. On every outing you have been taking advantage of Master’s good will and it must stop. Tonight you will serve me and suffer the consequences ofyour actions. Do you hear me, girl?” he laughed, “Oh, I guess you cannot answer with Master’s cock shoved in your mouth.”

He yanked on the chain and she heeled to him, changing her position as she pumped his cock into her mouth.

“Yes, that is my good girl. You will become a good cock-sucking slave for your Master. That’s it bitch, take it in deeper. Mmm. That feels so good and look how pretty you look with master’s cock sliding in and out of your hungry mouth.”

Dropping the chain to the floor, he grabbed her hair on either side of her head and fed her his cock. She moaned as he yelled, “Suck it, slave.”

He knew she was cumming all over herself as he filled her mouth with his seed. Slowly, he pulled back from her mouth and watched some of his cum dribble into the corner of her mouth. He groaned as her tongue came out to lick it up.

Reaching into his pocket, he took out a scarf and blindfolded her with it, “Stay put until I come back,” he said

“Yes, Master, but…”

“Shhh, girl, no talking,” he answered. She heard his footsteps leave the room.

Time moved slowly for her until she felt a yank on the leanh. She moved, trying to come to her feet.

“Down Melina, there will be no walking for you tonight, only crawling.” He laughed.

“Master, please, I am not sure of what is going on here.”

Raising His voice, he said, “I told you no talking and I do not want to hear another word out of you unless I give you permission to speak. We are becoming who we were meant to be. I, your master and you, my little bitch.”

He yanked on her lean and she crawled into the direction that he led her.

“Look at you,” he said, “all dressed in your business suit. Miss high and mighty. Do you think you are higher than me, Melina? Answer me, do you?”

“No, Master, I do not.”

“Where are you, Melina?”

“I am under you, Master.”

“And, who are you?”

“I am your slave, Master and I always will be.”

He untied the blindfold and took the chain off of her neck.

“Take your suit jacket off and crawl to me, bitch,” he grinned as he moved to the far end of the room.

“Tonight you will be punished for all the times you treated me like an ass. Crawl to the kitchen table.”

Once at the table, he took her wrists and cuffed them together and bound her to the table.

“Oh, Master, please, no.”

“Hush, my slave, you must learn your lesson. You must obey Master. No matter how many of those men in your past have allowed such disrespect. I will not.”

“No, Please, Master. I beg you. No!”

“Shhhh, no more,” he calmly said as he made sure she was secured to the table.

“There will be 5 hits from my crop, Melina. One for each time you ran your New York mouth to me.”

He heard her start to whimper as the crop kissed her ass but it had to be done. He brought down the crop onto her flesh. She yelped and tightened her ass.

“Master, please. I am sorry.I beg you. I will not do it again,” she begged.

Ignoring her, he brought the crop down again. She cried out louder.

“Master, please, that hurts.”

Again the crop came down. Her saw her ass start to redden. He knew the next strike would bring tears. He also knew he needed to teach her lesson. Again, he came down with it.

“Master, please you are hurting me,” she cried.

“That is why it is called punishment, Melina.”

Dispite her tearful begging, he brought the crop down one final time.

When he was done, he released her cuffs and removed her from the table. She came to her knees before him and kissed his feet with her soft lips as her tears fell over him. She started licking his feet and ran her tongue over his legs.

“Who do you belong to, Melina?”

“You, Master. I won’t forget.”

“And if you do, I will be here to remind you.”

He bent over and picked her up into his arms and carried her to the great room. He lay back onto the couch and brought her body on top of his. She put her head to his chest. She heard his heart beating.

“Is this who we are, Martin?”

“I am not sure, girl, but let’s not fight it. Let’s rest a while before the crew gets here and see what happens.”

“OK, Master.”

Melina nuzzled into the nook his arm. She thought she heard gleeful laughter coming from the upstairs. She wanted to be closer to him. Martin grinned as she cuddled with him. He drifted off into slumber, positive he was home.


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