The Guildhall

This is, I hope, the beginning of a series. All characters are over 18.


The Guildhall

The ride to the Guildhall seemed to go on forever. I sat quietly in the passenger’s seat, my cheeks burning with shame. How did I get here, sitting like this, panties around my knees, shamed and exposed as the slut I now knew I was?

Being an adventurous sort, I had done my research online for a little something extra in the dating scene. I was tired of meeting the same boring guys at the same boring bars. I wanted more spice, more sexy, more bad. My girlfriend Brenda agreed and one night, after a few too many margaritas for common sense, we started checking out sites for kinky sex meet ups. Wow, were we amazed at what a wealth of information was out there! We laughed and giggled and Maybe even texted a few but that was all the came of it — for Brenda anyway.

I remained intrigued and on my own started looking more deeply into this fascinating world that seemsto hold what I was looking for. After a few weeks and a few cautious replies to the barrage of IM’s that flooded my newly created account, I found a group that was meeting in something called a Munch. That was my introduction to the world of kink.

Over many weeks of meetings, research and chatting with online friends, I became friends with a woman called Tracy. She and I shared similar interests outside the party scene and our friend grow.

One night, later that fall, we were hanging together watching The Secretary on Netflix. There were raised eyesbrows and giggles over some of the parts, but the scene that stuck in my head was where Maggie picked up a fax and went about her job with her hands cuffed to a spreader bar. Yes, the bar was a turn on, but it was how happy she looked that stood out. She was happy to be owned and restrained for her boss/Master’s pleasure. After the movie was over, I asked Tracy about that.

“Oh yeah,” she replied, “Maggie there plays a sub.”

At my questioning look she clarified, “A submissive. James Spader is her Dom and that is why she is happy. If you want to know more about submission, I’ll introduce you to Jason if he’s at the next party. I think I heard he was looking for a new sub.”

Tracy was as good as her word and introduced me to Jason. He was a little taller than I was with a barrel chest and a full beard of black bushy hair. He often joked that gravity pulled his hair down as he was bald on top.

Jason opened up my world and introduced me to the delights of submission with a little added stimulus of pain. Nipple clamps and his heavy leather belt became favorites for both of us, and when he bought me a slim black leather chaser collar, I thought I was in heaven.

However, Jason was away a lot and often too busy to play as much as I wanted to. I was feeling disconnected and neglected. At a monthly party while I was jealously watching another girl get spanked over her D’s knee, a man approached me. I had seen him once or twice before but hadn’t actually met him since I was usually busy with Jason.

“Hello,” he said.

“Hi,” I replied. “I’m Ivy.”

His blond hair caught the light and I could see that his eyes were blue. Unlike most of the people there who were wearing anything from casual to nothing in the way of real clothes, his dark suit, crisp white shirt and tie stood out. He held out his hand and said, “My name is James.”

His hand was very warm as he held my hand in his. A quick jolt of electricity ran through me at the contact of his flesh on mine. I think he felt it too as he didn’t let go right away.

“I’ve seen you here before, haven’t I?” he asked, finally releasing my hand.

“Yes, I’ve seen you too. I’m usually with my, boyfriend.” I stumbled slightly on the last word. Jason was both more and less than a boyfriend. I put that thought away to think about later.

“Is he your Dom?” he asked. For some stupid reason I blushed under his steady gaze. I could not believe it, blushing at this question, here of all places!

I lifted my head and steadied my breath. “Yes, he is,” I managed to say.

“Ah I see.” Was that a British accent I heard? Did he sound…disappointed?

“You are enjoying yourself here? I don’t often come to these events, but I like to stay involved with this group, and to meet newcomers like yourself.” He smiled at me, and I felt again that flash of connection.

My brain didn’t seem to work correctly and I felt stupidly tongue-tied. “I like the people here, yeah they’re really nice and everything.” What an idiot! I cursed myself.

“Yes, they are. A good group to be involved with.”

He began to move away, then stopped and looked back at me. “If you are interested, I have a club. It’s more…,” he hesitated, searching for the right word, then looked directly into my eyes, “exclusive. For more specific delights. Specializing in dominance and submission.”

His eyes moved warmly over me, “I think you would be a delightful addition.”

“What about Jason?” I asked.

He shrugged, “Bring him too if you like.” With that he handed me a card with just a phone number on it.

I watched him walk away, a little, trim figure in a dark suit. It was that meeting that brought me to my present state of affairs.

A few weeks passed after that meeting. I saw James at a couple more parties and we talked for some time about a bunch of different topics. However, Jason was actually there for a change and wasn’t in the mood to miss any of the fun so our time was short. But still there was that connection…

Unfortunately, the connection with Jason was fizzling during this time. More absences and less interest on both our parts finally made us admit that it was over. We parted amicably enough but there is always a slightly bitter taste left after a break up and I stopped attending parties for a while, not really wanting to see him.

After a month without any play, I began to feel twitchy, uncomfortable in my skin and quite frankly, bored. Still not quite ready to join in the monthly parties, I called up Tracy for a girls’ night in.

“What are we watching?” she asked.

“Another classic movie of kink, Exit to Eden. Its screwball, but fun,” I told her. “Of course, as usual, the book is better.”

“Ok,” she said and we settled in.

Halfway through we began to lose interest and started chatting. She caught me up on the latest doings of our play group. I asked about a few people, then casually asked, “Have you seen James at any of the parties?”

“The dishy Brit that never plays, but you wish he would?” Tracy asked.

“Yeah, that one,” I laughed. Tracy had a way of putting things!

“Funny you should ask. He was asking about you last week!” Her eyes rose as she looked at me.

“Hmm, really?” I said, feigning indifference. I remember how warm his eyes were when he talked with me.

“Oh,pretend all you want. You’re interested. He was asking around, looking for new members to join his club. You should check it out since you are currently without!”

“Yeah maybe I will. He is dishy!” I agreed with a smile.

“That’s my girl!” she laughed.

The next day after work, I rummaged through the mounds of paper on my desk and found that simple white card with just a phone number on it. It rang and was answered by a machine. Damnit! I hate leaving messages when I’m all mentally geared up to talk to a sexy man.

“Hi, this is Ivy. Um, I heard you were asking about me and I want to know more about your, uh, club thing.” I rattled off my number and hung up feeling like a fool.

The phone rang back almost instantly. I jumped and looked at the screen. ‘Unknown caller’ it said.


“Hello Ivy. I’m so glad you called!” James’ warm voice sounded in my ear.

“Uh, Hi there! I didn’t expect you to call back so quickly,” I said.

“I always answere this number as quickly as I can. So, you are interested in my club Ivy?” he asked.

“Yes, it sounds interesting,” I hedged. I was really more interested in him.

“Oh, it is! I think you might like it. We do have a bit of an entrance requirement before full membership is granted. Just a, personality test to see if you will, hmm, fit in.”

His voice in my ear was enough to remind me of that electric jolt that happened when we first met.

“Oh?” I asked. Did I want to be a member of some elitist club? “What do I have to do?”

“Why don’t you meet me at the bar at the Marriot? Much easier to talk about this in person.” His voice cooled slightly. “Will your partner be joining us?” he asked.

“No! I mean no he’s not my uh, partner. Anymore. We finished a while ago,” I havetened to assure him.

“Excellent!” he said, sounding truly pleased. “Well then, meet me at, say, 7 then?”

“Yeah sure. I’d like to see you again,” I said, suddenly feeling bold.

“And I look forward to seeing you again as well!” His voice was practically purring now.

I was smiling now and about to hang up when he spoke again, “And could you wear that black dress I saw you in the first time we met?”

“Sure, I can do that!” I certainly wasn’t going to complain about wearing my favorite dress.

Two hours later, I walked into the bar next to the lobby. I could feel eyes watching me and I loved the attention. I knew I looked good and I felt good too. My light brown hair fell in waves down my back and my little black dress showed off my long legs and lush curves. The plunging neckline was provocative and I had to admit to a thrill of showing off my ample assets.

I saw James at the bar, waiting for me. His dark suit and white shirt were immaculate as always. I smiled and walked towards him slowly, giving him time to look at me and see that I was wearing what he asked.

“You look lovely, Ivy,” he said, kissing my cheek. “Thank you for doingas I asked.”

“Of course, si-. Of course. It was an easy ask to fulfill,” I replied. The honorific Sir had almost had slipped out. I was mortified to be so presumptuous.

James smiled almost as if he knew what I was thinking, but he didn’t say anything. Instead he asked what I wanted to drink and ordered. We chatted easily and comfortably while I sipped my Pear Martini and he drank his lager. We found that we shared many of the same interests and the bond between us grow stronger. I found out that he was from the UK and had moved here recently to pursue better work opportunities.

I was drinking my second martini, when he asked about my experience as a submissive. I gulped it down a little too quickly and choked. The bald question asked in such a public, vanilla, Venue was unexpected.

“You’re right. Not here at the bar. Let’s take that table at the back,” he said nodding to a secluded corner. I managed to breathe again and grabbed my drink and followed him.

“So, tell me. Do you enjoy being a sub?” he asked me. I was prepared this time and was able to nod my head.

“How do you know?” he asked intently.

I looked down at my drink both aroused and self-conscious. I knew what turned me on but saying it out loud…

“…embarrasses you?”

I looked up at him amazed he could hear my soft admission.

“You shouldn’t be embarrassed, pet. It’s just who you are, and there is nothing wrong with that. I certainly find you lovely,” he took a sip of his lager, “and arousing, just as you are.”

Something tightened deep in my belly at his words.

“I am looking for a new sub to train and make my own. And since you no longer have a Dom, would you like to play with me?”

His hand reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “I find you so delicious and even now so ready to listen to my desires.”

I must have looked a little surprised when he said that, as he cocked a browser at me and asked, “Your dress?”

“But I would probably have defeat it anyway!” I protested. Why was I protesting? This gorgeous man was meeting me on so many levels that my previous experiences seemed remote and kind of cute. A child’s past time when this felt so much more. More intense, more serious. I admit I was unnerved.

“But you agreed to wear it when I asked you to. You met me here, as I asked you to. You called me about the Club. I believe we have some really exciting chemistry between us.”

He left it at that as I sipped my drink and wondered at my instant and powerful response to James’s proposal. I knew it would be good, better than good. Certainly, he got me on a level I hadn’t experienced before. So why was I hesitating?

“I’m a little afraid,” I told him.

“Of what?” he asked.

“Of this,” I waved my hand in the air between us.

He caught my hand and held it firmly. “‘This’ is precisely the reason I want you. ‘This’ is so fucking hot that that burning to cinders with you would be fantastic. I want to own you and hold you safely while you explore every slutty sub fantasy you’ve ever had and a few you haven’t yet dreamed of.”

My mouth dropped open and my entire body ignored.

“Yes,” I said. I was suddenly completely sure that this was the right thing to do. “Yes…Sir”. It fell naturally from my lips.

“Oh, wonderful girl! We are going to have so much fun!” He kissed the hand he was holding and then leaned in to kiss my lips, softly at first then with more heat, his tongue dipping in for a quick taste.

He broke the kiss and sat back, leaving me burning, my mouth soft and open.

“I want you to do something for me to show your commitment to our new relationship.”

“Yes, what can I do?” I asked. So willing already? I chided myself.

“Go to the ladies’ room and stroke yourself through your panties, soak up all that naughty moisture between your tights. When you’ve done that, remove your panties and bring them to me,” James instructed me.

I felt my clip pinch tight at this. I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it and instead grabbed my purse and slide off my chair. I wasn’t gone long.

When I came back to the table, I could feel that my cheeks were hot when I opened my purse to show him I had done as I was told. He reached in and touched the damp scrap of fabric and looked at me with a wicked grin on his face.

“Such a good girl!” he prayed me. “Now shall we get something to eat?” he asked me, picking up the menu and beginning to look it over.

I collected myself enough to close my gaping mouth and look at the food offerings. I was hungry alright, but not for anything on the menu! I felt electrified, alive in a way I hadn’t felt before.

Eventually food was ordered and consumed though I have no real memory of what it was. What I do recall is the touch of his hand on my thigh. My dress was short enough to leave a general expansion of leg exposed and James took completee advantage of that, lightly touching and struggling, drawing figure eights just at the edge of my dress. At one point I tried to move my leg away from that tickling pressure but one firm squeeze of his hand kept me in place.

During all this we talked, about clean thing and sexy things, and I was captured by his wit and knowledge of so many topics. I was also increasingly turned on and hoped there was to be some happy ending to this evening.

My increased squirming must have been noticeable.

“Are you alright Ivy? You seem a bit uncomfortable,” he asked me.

“Um, no I’m alright. It’s just,” my voice dropped to a whisper, “your hand is making me…” I couldn’t quite finish.

“Yes? Making you, what pet?” he enquired, a small smile on his face.

“Hot,” I admitted, “wet.”

He squeezed my thigh firmly and smiled indulgently at me as if I had pleased him admitting to my lust. “Very wet?” he asked. I nodded my head.

“Well then you should do something about that. Go to the ladies’ room and using two fingers give yourself a nice frig. When you’ve come, return and show me your wet sticky fingers.”

I was gone longer this time and returned flushed and rosy. I slip back into my seat.

“Good girl. Now have a bit more of this wonderful chocolate cake.” He held a decadent mouthful to my lips and I opened my mouth obediently to accept it. His eyes were hot as he watched me do this, his face intent. When I swallowed, he used his thumb to wipe a smudge of icing from the corner of my mouth across my bottom lip.

“Now show me your hand,” he said. I held out my sticky fingers to him, feeling so aroused and self-conscious. He took my hand and kissed the palm, then quickly sucked one finger into his warm mouth tasting me thoroughly. “Delicious!” he exclaimed. James then turned my hand to me and asked, “Have you tasted yourself?”

I shook my head, too turned on to speak. He folded my other fingers down leaving one coated finger extended. My arm was boneless in his controlling hand and he placed my finger on my lips and said, “Taste.”

My finger, coated in my own juice, was placed into my mouth and I reflexively sucked. My taste was new to me, and surprisingly sweet and a little spicy. It mixed with the chocolate flavor of the cake and was the most decade, arousing flavor I had ever tasted. I closed my eyes and saved as he held my hand.

“Oh pet,” he murmured, “I’m going to have so much fun training you to be my delicious subby little slut. You are so ready to be trained!”

His hand let go of mine and caressed my face, stealing a quick kiss from my mouth. I was dazed from my quick climax in the ladies’ and renewed lust at his words so it took me a moment when he stood up and held out his hand.

“Are we going?” I asked him.

“Yes pet,” he replied helping me to my feet and deftly retrieving my belongings.

We walked out to the lot and to my car after I told him which one was mine.He held me tight for another tender and intense kiss.

“I’m so glad you called me tonight,” he whispered against my cheek. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Be good.” Another kiss and he was gone.

I stood there for a moment more, feeling like I had been picked up by a tornado, all dizzy with lust and the thrill of having a new Dom, one who seemed to know what I needed and wanted.

‘This is going to be fun!’ I thought. Little did I know that my life had just changed course.

I was with James almost every night for the next week. He was like a drug I couldn’t get enough of. I was giddy and happy, and so energetic! My apartment had never been so clean and organized, and paperwork just flew off my desk at work.

James bought me a beautiful wide, red, leather collar that made me feel so connected to him that I wanted to wear it all the time. It was a little too obviously kink to wear to my work, a conservative government office, so I bought a decorative silver picker to wear in its place.

After work I would either go home and grab something to eat before heading to James’ apartment or just go there right away. He worked from his home so he was usually there though sometimes deeply involved in a conference call. These could last awhile. I didn’t feel neglected during these times. I always had my collar on and he usually stripped me naked so he could fondle me. It was Very erotic standing naked in front of him while he conducted business. It sometimes made me wonder what a video conference would be like!

After one of these calls I told him of my thoughts and laughed. He didn’t laugh, but did become thoughtful. At that thoughtful look, I shivered. I had learned very quickly that, that look usually means he wanted me to try something new, something to push my boundaries. I was getting more nervous about these sessions because everything new thing he introduced I ended up loving, and the intensity pleasure I felt at saying yes made me question if I hadAny boundaries left.

One night I was cuddling on the couch with him watching tv when the buzzer sounded. I looked up surprised, it wasn’t too often that visitors arrived in the evening.

“Get the door, would you pet?” James asked.

I was even more surprised and a little uncomfortable. I was wearing what I thought of as my lounging robe to be with James when it was too cold to be naked. It was silk with red flowers on a black background with long flowing sleeps and came to my knees. It was wonderful to wear around the apartment but to answer the door?


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