The Greatest Slut Ch. 01

=This story will contain dominants and submissives of both sexes, you have been warned. All persons taking part in sexual activity are 18 years or older. This first chapter gets a little dark, with a mention of suicide. Otherwise I hope you enjoy the story 🙂 =

It was early evening, and Tarnished was hauling water from the well when someone pushed her from behind. She went crashing into its stone railing, nearly hitting her nose against its edge before she managed to catch herself. As it was, the bucket went flying, drenching her in the process. She shivered from the cold spring water and looked up to see who had pushed her. Letitia and her friends stood there smiling at her, and Tarnished groaned internally. Here we go again.

“Sorry, my bad,” Letitia said disingenuously, and her friends laughed as if on cue. “But you should watch where you stand. Someone might hurt themselves with your bulk in the way.” Letitia was making a dig at Tarnished’s tall frame, or at least she would be tall if she could stand upright without excruciating back pain. The well was out of the way, and Tarnished saw no bucket in any of the other girl’s hands. They had no real reason to be here, so it was more likely that Letitia had told Tarnished out just to mess with her, as she liked to do.

Tarnished thought Letitia should be dominant by how she acted and not wear an unclaimed submissive’s breezy robes. They were not really robes, but long pieces of clothes drawn over their bodies so that their front and back were covered down to about mid-thight. Belts cinched them tight around the waist and accentuating their bodies in the process. The sides were open for the world to see, and Tarnished stared in envy, wishing, not for the first time, that she could be like them.

“What’s wrong, Tarnished? Not gonna say anything?” Letitia smiled down at her soaked form, her own frumpy robes sticking to her twisted body, knowing full well that what would come out wouldn’t be pretty. “Didn’t think so,” she concluded without really giving Tarnished a chance to talk if she had wanted to.

Letitia started running her hands slowly up her perfect thighs and then up her sides and under the robe. “Tomorrow, I’ll be owned,” her hands grabbed her heaving breasts under the robe and started to play with them, accentuating Tarnished’s completely flat chest in the process. “Taken out of this humdrum little town for a life of fun and debauchery,” despite the hostility behind the words, the concept still aroused Tarnished. To be so completely owned and subjugated by someone was her life’s greatest wish, but she knew it would never happen.

Her lousy back was one thing, making her constantly hunted over. Her figure was atrocious, with no tits to speak of and hips as straight as a board. She’d have been called mannish by the more cruel townspeople and big-boned by well-meaning strangers. The worst thing was her voice, it came out slow, and she had trouble forming completione sentences, making people think she was stupid. She wasn’t, not really, inside Tarnished was just like everyone else, and it frustrated her to no end that she could’t make people see that. It was like she was a slut trapped in an ogre’s body.

“Let’s show her girls,” Letitia said, and they all nodded at each other and smiled at Tarnished with cruel anticipation. They turned their backs on her, flipped up their robes, and as one bent over. Tarnished was left staring at four perfectly plump round asses, their wet sexes glistening below, as a good slut’s cunt should. Between their cheats peeked out four small jeweled butt plugs, glittering at her like stars in the night, and Tarnished gasped. “That’s right, Tarnished, we have begun anal training, isn’t it fantastic?” Letitia said in self-satisfaction as she stood back up to face her. Tarnished could only nod in response, feeling sorry for herself as her jealousy flared up to new heights. “My new master will be so pleased. He mightJust take me then a there,” she had a dreamy look in her eyes as she imagined the scene, so did Tarnished if she was honest.

“And while I’m getting my ass fucked, you’ll be hiding away in some barn somewhere, awaiting the rest of your sexless, prudish life stuck in this town.” She held out her hands at their surroundings as if they had personally offended her. “I’m serious, Tarnished. You’ll not ruin my perfect moment with your presence,” Letitia suddenly bent down and grabbed Tarnished’s face. She squeezed hard, nails digging in. “Are we clear?” Tarnished nodded as tears came to her eyes and immediately ran away crying as Letitia let her go, chased by their cruel laughter.

A few hours later, Tarnished finally managed to calm herself down from her crying fit. She had run straight to her little house on the edge of town and thrown herself on her bed, not even bothering to change out of her wet clothes. Why can’t Letitia and her so-called friends just leave me alone? Tarnished thought as she roused herself from her bed to get a spare set of clothes to wear. Letitia was the town mayor’s daughter and should by Tarnisheds reconning not need to be so cruel. But no, the brat had everything handed to her on a silver platter, and it had spoiled her rotten. Letitia seemed to need to assert herself over others, and Tarnished was just an easy target.

She got out another one of her robes and donned it, throwing the other one in a basket to be washed later. It could be compared to the robes the nuns down at the temple wore in that it covered most of her body. But where the nun’s robes were sleep and sexy, clinging to their bodies and leaving little to the imagination, leaving a viewer to wonder at the delights hidden beneath. Tarnished’s robes were loose-fitting, not intended to accentuate her body but to hide it. In all of Tarnisheds imaginations and dreams, it was always someone else doing the fucking and sucking, or if it was her, she had another body. Where she was someone to be sought after and possessed, where someone actually wanted to master her.

That depressing thought made her pause, staring at herself in the mirror. Letitia’s words came back to her that she had forbidden Tarnished from attending the auction tomorrow. They echoed around in her head over and over as she stared at her own reflection. At one point, she had made an effort with her appearance, styling her hair and putting on make-up. Bradley, the town stud, had even fucked her. Tarnished remembered how happy she had been that night, thinking that it was possible, that if Bradley could fuck her that good, then surely someone would want to own her. Oh, what a fool she had been. Hair, make-up, and a can-do attitude did not a slut make.

Tarnished had found out later that Bradley had been ordered to fuck her by his mistress, something about being able to stay hard even though he wasn’t attracted to the one he was fucking. It had all come crashing down then, and shehad stopped trying to make herself out to be something she was not. Her reflection in the mirror seemed only to confirm what Letitia had said to her, and Tarnished grew suddenly angry. Why was it always the cruel ones who got what they wanted? Letitia doesn’t deserve the life she’s living. It should be me that everyone clamored over, for I am a true slut, at least on the inside. Her twisted body, unkempt hair, and tied eyes seemed to mock Tarnished as she hurled her hairbrush at the mirror with a snarl.

Her anger turned to regret as she watched the glass break into a million pieces and fall to her floor like glittering snowflakes. She regretted both the broken mirror and her angle thoughts towards Letitia, for she knew they weren’t true. The other girl longed for a master just as much as Tarnished did, but why did she have to rub it in Tarnished’s face? Anyone brave enough to purchase Letitia would have to have a firm handle on her or risk being mastered in turn. Tarnished could picture it. A life of daily punishments and hard use was just what she wanted but could never have.

Maybe it was better if Tarnished could just disappear. She didn’t fit in. It was as simple as that. People grew awkward around her as if they didn’t know what to do with her or how to treat her. Well, they wouldn’t have to try so hard to fit her into their worldview if she was gone. She stared down at the shards littering her floor and caught her eyes in a particularly large one. It would be so easy, wouldn’t it? She could just slit her wrists and let herself fade away. She would be no one’s problem then, and she wouldn’t have to endure the life Letitia predicted for her. There were still people who cared for her, people she would call friends, but was it truly worth it if she couldn’t become the shameless slut she wanted to be?

The decision was taken out of her hands as someone banged on her door, making Tarnished jump in surprise at the sudden sound. “I know you’re in there, girl,” came a demanding voice as the independent knocking continued. “If you don’t open this door this instant, I’m going to have to have my pet break it down.” Tarnished hurried out of her bedroom and through her tiny house to the front door. The person on the other side must have heard her hurrying, for the knocking stopped before she opened the door.

Standing on the other side, with a severe look in her eyes, was Mistress Applebottom. She was an older woman, but Tarnished still thought she was beautiful. She had luxurious brown hair done up in ringlets cascading down to her bare shoulders and the most intense green eyes Tarnished had ever seen. They could make her quiver with a glare as they were now, and quiver Tarnished did. She thought they would have been about the same height if Tarnished could stand upright, as it Was, the Mistress stared down at her, only intensifying the effects of the glare.

“Where have you been, girl? You should have been done with your rounds hours ago. I should have you spanked for skipping work,” the Mistress accused, and Tarnished wanted to hide in a corner. She could have slapped herself for forgetting. She was not Mistress Applebottom’s slave, so her threat of a spanking was an empty one. That honor went to the man attached to the other end of the lean the Mistress was holding.

Mistress Applebottom was wearing a beautifully embroidered Corseted dress. It was very modest in some ways as the dress material went all the way down to the ground, giving no hint of the Mistresses legs. In other ways, it was not, as the corset cups only served to support her delicious-looking breasts from beneath, leaving her pink puffy nipples free for everyone to see. Tarnished’s mouth watered at the sight, and she could feel her cunt warm between her legs. That was nothing compared to the view at the end of the leash.

The slave was completely naked except for the collar around his neck where the leash was attached. He must have been the pet Mistress Applebottom threatened would break down her door if she didn’t open it. He sure looked like he could do it, with broad shoulders and a well-muscled chest and arms. His cock was a thing to behold. The crotch had been shacked clean as with most slaves, leaving nothing to obscure his clear erection. It was a fine member, about a hand and a half in length and just a little smaller around than Tarnished’s wrist. She was a bit lost in daydreaming about what such a weapon could do when the cock obviously slackened. Tarnished was dismayed and looked up to see a look of, if not outright disgust, then at least appreciation on the slave’s face as he looked at Tarnished.

Mistress Applebottom saw where Tarnished’s eyes had roamed and turned to see what had upset her. When she saw the look upon her slave face combined with his slackening cock her expression turned cold. “I don’t expect you to stay constantly hard,” she said calmly as she slowly walked towards the slave. She grabbed the half-erect member and gave it a few quick pumps, getting it back to hardness. “But how you acted just then was very rude. You have been a naughty boy.” She raised her hand as if to strike him, and the slave actually cringed away. “Oh, you are in so much trouble, young man, don’t you shy away from me.” A look of resignation came upon the slave’s face as he seemed to accept his fate.

“I’m sorry, mistress. I will take whatever you wish to give me,” he said slightly.

“That’s better,” Mistress Applebottom said with some affection. “Now, lean back and stick out your pelvis, hands behind your back,” when the slave took up the position, the Mistress smiled warmly and kissed him on the chef. “Good boy. I’ll do much worse to you when we get home, but if You take this punishment well, I might show mercy.” To Tarnished’s astonishment, the Mistress proceeded to slap the slave’s cock five times, and not gently. The position provided the perfect target, so she should haveexpected it, but she had never seen such punishment before, and she turned out to Tarnished.

“I’m sorry for,” he began but was interrupted when his Mistress slapped him sharply across the ass.

“Don’t half-ass it,” she scolded. “Take the proper position.” The slave got a put upon expression on his face before he rolled his eyes. “Don’t give me that look,” the Mistress said sternly. “Or perhaps you’d like some more cock abuse, you slut?” That lit a fire under the slave, and he hurried to knee before Tarnished and bowed to put his forehead to the ground.

“I’m sorry if I have caused you distress with my rudeness miss, please tell me if there is anything I can do to make it up to you.” He actually sounded sincere, and she had the sudden urge to kiss her way down his well-defined back. Although Tarnished thought his sudden seriousness was more out of fear of more punishment than anything else. She was inclined to forgive him though, as she felt he couldn’t be blamed for finding her ugly. She felt the same after all. Before she could get the words out, Mistress Applebottom frowned and spoke over her.

“Still speaking in first person, I see,” She said as if to herself but practically roared in outrage as the slave made to get up. “Stay down! You haven’t earned your forgiveness yet, and arch that back, so that great ass is better exposed. A slave should always struggle to present themselves in the best light possible.” The slave practically flew back to the ground and hurried to follow his Mistresses’ instructions. “That’s a good boy,” Mistress Applebottom said in a sweet patronizing tone before she turned to Tarnished.

“I’m sorry about him. He’s still rather new,” she gestured for Tarnished to follow, and togetherr they walked up behind the slave and stood gazing at his upturned ass for a moment. A fine ass it was, with not a hair in sight and a nice thick cock still as hard as ever pointing straight down to the ground. “I love these cheats,” Mistress Applebottom sent as she stroked and massaged the slave’s backside. Throughout it all, he remained stoic, not uttering a sound. “But such a fine ass aught to be broken in Someday,” she continued and grinned smugly as that got a surprised squeak out of him.

“Want to suck his cock?” The Mistress suddenly asked, and Tarnished started back a bit in surprise. People didn’t just say such things to her unless this was some sort of cruel joke. But Mistress Applebottom seemed serious, so Tarnished got down on her knees to inspect the magnificent tool. She gripped it in her hands just to feel its weight, its steel hardness wrapped in silk. She hadn’t handled many cocks, but she thought Bradleys was bigger, although this one might be thicker.

She thought about sucking it for a moment, how good it would feel going down her throat, and about how the slave would moan as he came all over her. But no, he didn’t like her, and although he might enjoy it, Tarnished wasn’t the type to push her desires on others. She couldn’t resist pushing her face into his balls and inhaling, taking in the heady mix of muscle and sweat. She stood back up to find Mistress Applebottom giving her a considering look.

“I hope you’re not stopping on his account. He’s a slave, you know, supposed to please others,” she said, giving Tarnished time to answer.

“HHH-hhis aaand m-m-mine,” she managed to stutter out under the Mistress’s scrutinizing gaze. She stared at Tarnished for a long moment before finally bursting out.

“Bullshit! I Know you are a slut and a filthy whore at heart, girl. You would have loved to gobble on that dick. That’s why I offered it.” The nice words made tears start to fall down Tarnished’s cheats, and she convulsed as hEaving sobs wrapped through her. She felt arms wrapping around her bent body and cool skin against her tears-streaked face. Tarnished opened her eyes to see that her face was pressed into the Mistresse’s bountiful bosom. “Want to suckle on mommy’s nipples until you feel better?” Tarnished could only nod in response, her sobs making it even harder for her to speak.

Mistress Applebottom sat down with Tarnished laying down in her lap. She gently moved the straight hairs out of her face and leaned down to offer Tarnished a full breast, the nipple hard and pointing at her face. She latched on quickly and sucked hard, the sensing of having something in her mouth immediately calming her down. The Mistress gave a low moan and chuckled at her eagerness. “Slow down, girl, I’m not going anywhere,” she said and smiled down at Tarnished. “That’s it, that’s a good girl, such a good slut for mommy,” that made fresh tears run down her face, but she stayed calm and let them fall. To Tarnished’s surprice, warm milk started to splash on her tongue, and she looked up in surprise to the woman above her. The Mistress only smiled at her, so Tarnished continued sucking, the milk spreading warmth throughout her body.

“Tell me something, girl,” Mistress Applebottom said once Tarnished was completely calm. “Why won’t you enjoy yourself while you are free? Tomorrow’s the audition, and my slave’s cock might be the last you’ll suck by your own free will.” Tarnished looked at the other woman and popped the nipple out of her mouth before she spoke.

“Aaaam ugly, nn-nnno one wiiill want,” she managed, trying to keep her sentences as short as possible but still get the meaning across.

“Silly slut,” the Mistress scolded gently. “You are not ugly. People will be coming from all over the place tomorrow. Surely someone will buy you. And the surgeons in the larger cities can work wonders. I’m sure your bad back will be child’s play for them to fix.” Tarnished couldn’t believe her ears. In all her life, no one had been this kind to her. If what the Mistress said was true, perhaps she had a chance after all. Even if it wasn’t, would she give up her dream simply because of the words of a stupid spoiled brat? Tarnished launched herself at the Mistress, putting her arms around the older woman’s neck to give her a fire hug.

“There there,” Mistress Applebottom said and patted her gently on the back. “You will make a great fucktoy someday. Someone will just need to put in the time as with all slaves. Run along now, girl, and if you hurry, you might finish and get some beauty sleep before first light.” Tarnished hadn’t felt this good about herself for as long as she could remember, and it was with great strides that she hurried to do her duty.


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