The Goddess Ch. 1

Chapter 1: The Goddess’s Anger

She came in the house and slammed the door shut. “Undress and put on the cuffs and collar and then wait in the bedroom” she ordered. He could see that she was upset. When he tried to ask her what the problem was, she slapped him across the face. “Go” she said.

He had been living and serving the Goddess for two months now, after she had answered his ad on the internet. He had retired the previous year from his job and as his children were grown and living in distant states, he sought to make the kind of life that until that time had only existed in his imagination. Gradually she had stepped up her domination of him to the point where he could only be described as her slave.

He knew better than to argue with her when she was in this mood. He went upstairs, undressed and put the leather ankle and wrist cuffs on as well as a leather dog collar. She came into the room a few minutes later. She crossed the room and drove her knee intoHis balls. “You should have been on your knees” she shouted as he fell to the floor. She removed her skirt and stepped out of her shoes. He was curled in a ball on the floor trying to get his breath back. She went to the dresser and took a long leather strap from a drawer. Attaching one end to a ring in the collar he wore, she pulled him to his feet. “Turn around”, she locked the leather cuffs together. She spun him back around and wrapping one end of the strap around her left hand, she began slapping him with her right hand. The slaps weren’t heavy but before long, his head started to ring. Tiring of this she throw him on the bed. Taking off the rest of her clothes, she said “tonight I’m going to punish you like you haven’t been punished before.”

She rolled him over to his side, locked the ankle cuffs together and turning the collar around, ran the leather strap down his back tying his ankles so that his knees were bent. She then turned him over on to his back. “Comfy” she asked in a mocking way, as she put a doubled pillow under his head. She then went over to the closet and took out some instruments that gave him chills. She laid the short cane, strap and riding crop on the bed next to him. “I’m going to feel your tears on my ass” she said as she climbed onto the bed. She positioned herself faced towards his feet and lowered her ass to his face.

He started immediately to kiss and lick her. “That’s good but I want you to really put some energy into it.” She said as she picked up the riding crop. She whipped the side of his leg as hard as she could at the same time pressing her ass into his face. His scream was muffled by her flesh. She leaned forward, so he could breath. “Get the idea” she giggled as he pleased for her not to hurt him. She sank back and struck again. This time on the other leg. Leaning forward she said “curl that tongue so that I can feel it in my ass”. She leaned back and could feel his tongue. She picked up the short cane and struck him inside the thigh. When she leaned forward again, she jabbed the end of the cane into his balls.

“If I don’t feel you’re doing the best job you can. I’m going to whip your cock and balls. Leaning back she looked down and could see the cords standing out on his neck. She kept this routine up for quite some time. It looked almost as though she was cantering on a horse. She would lean forward and give him a chance to take in a breath and then pressing back she would strike him with one of the instruments. After awhile the pain from the repeated blows to his thighs and across his stomach caused him to cry. She could feel his tears on her ass and she smiled. She laid down beside him and stroked his face. “I told you, you would cry tears on my ass.”

She then skept his cock until he was hard. She mounted him and fucked him till she came. Moving forward she made him clean her. She flipped him over and untied the leather cord so he could stretch out his legs. She opened the lock on the wrist cuffs and cuffed his hands in front of him. She snuggled down next to him and they both fell asleep.

In the morning, she woke first. Rolling over she nudged him awake and ordered “rim me”. He protested but she said “tears on my ass” which was all she had to say and he was busy rimming her asshole.

to be continued…


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