You Thought I Would Never Do It

“You Thought I Would Never do it!”

Kaci follows through on something we’ve joked about…

If you’ve been reading along in the saga of how, over the course of the last year, my wife Kaci has been embracing my wish that she be more playfully assertive and frisky with me, you may recall that while telling some friends about how she sometimes ties me naked to the bed, Kaci mentioned that we joke about the idea that she might bring in a dominatrix, some expert who really knows what she is doing in this arena. Just a joke, right? Well, our anniversary has come around again, and guess what?

We’re all well over eighteen here, and though Kaci and I are (based on) real people, Marne is totally made up… for now, at least. Her role as a dominatrix and what happens to me probably means that BDSM is the likely category for this, but for me it’s really a Romance about how my LovingWife gets creative in delivering on my erotic fans… so we’ll see where the Lit Gurus put it.

“Your anniversary present to me is a Dominatrix???”

“Well, not to have forever, or even for a year until our next anniversary, it’s just for one session,” my wife Kaci replied, smiling brightly. “Unless you really enjoy it, that is. Then we’ll have to see about a package arrangement.”

It was our 15th anniversary, and we were sharing a celebration candlelight dinner in a quiet booth, tucked away in a corner of one of our most favorite restaurants. We had plenty of privacy for this conversation. After drinks had shown up and we ordered our meals, Kaci and I had both put our anniversary gifts to each other out on the table. Mine to her was in a small blue flat box tied up with a white ribbon; and hers for me was in a deep-red square envelope. She is easy to buy for — jewelry is always welcome, as is clothing – and she seems to appreciate my taste in both.Fifteen years is a bigger one, so I had looked around until I found what I felt would be the perfect ruby ​​pendant — it came from the same place as our wedding rings. Kaci nearly gasped when she opened the box; I knew immediately that she loved it. I, on the other hand, am a little harder to buy for, so I was a bit perplexed as to what this envelope might contain.

I reached over to pick it up; Even the envelope itself seemed luxurious. It felt heavy, and almost like velvety fabric or leather to the touch. I flipped it over and found a wax seal on the envelope flap, and as I slider underneath to break the seal, I glanced up a Kaci. She was smiling at me, almost shyly, in the warm flicker of the candlelight. I could see deep love in her eyes. I folded back the envelope flap, took hold of the card that lay within, and pulled it out.

“Submit to Mistress Marne”, read the simple script text on the front of the card. I looked up, still perplexed, then flipped the card over”This card may be exchanged for one session of submission to the will and the talents of Mistress Marne, Dominatrix Extraordinaire.”

“You’re giving me a Dominatrix?” I repeated, still not sure quite what I was holding.

“Yes, my Sweet Love, you don’t really need or want ‘things’ as presents, so we can think of this as the ultimate experience gift. I know you love for a part of Our sex life to sometimes involve being tied, teased, tantalized and tortured. Last year for our anniversary, I did my best to deliver on that fantasy, and I actually think I did pretty well, if you recall.”

I did in fact remember this well, as Kaci had given me a solid spanking, played around in my butt for the first (and only) time ever, and then she tied me down, blindfolded me and actually invited a friend in to help with the teasing and torturing. That was the really surprising part. I frequently look back at the photos we have saved of that experience.

“Well, my love, this year I was trying to figure out how I could top that, and remembered how as we’ve talked about that day, we’ve mused that perhaps I should send you to a dominatrix for a more expertly administrator experience than the two of us could deliver. So, this year I decided to do it! I searched around on the web, found Mistress Marne not too far away, called her up for a chat, and I think she’ll be perfect for what I have in mind! Happy Anniversary, Honey.”

“Wow. I do remember you suggesting that, but you were laughing at the time. I thought it was a joke! I never even imagined you might really follow through. So…. when is this going to happen? And where?”

Well, it has to happen in what she calls her Den of Domination, because she has all her frames, implements and supplies over there. And it can happen anytime you like, but we do have a tenative appointment set up for next Saturday afternoon and evening.

“We? Are you going to be there too?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t miss this for the world. Mistress Marne gave me the choice of being there or not, but I want to see what she does to you. Who knows, maybe I’ll pick up a few points I can use on you another time. Besides, she’s an hour away and you’ll probably not be in any shape to drive home yourself. Don’t worry, I’ll just sit in a corner and watch, since I wouldn’t want to distract you from the intensity of what I expect you’ll experience.”

“Did you talk at all with her about what she’ll do?”

“A little. I described your love of being tied, tantalized and tortured, as well as what I did with you last year, and said I hoped she could focus her attentions along those lines, just more so. I also mentioned you really like being spanked, so you can probably expect some of that. I don’t really want for her to make you crawl on the floor or lick her boots or pee on you or anything like that. It’s not about dehumanizing you, it’s about her doing an even better, hotter, more experienced job of what you tell me you like than what I did for you last year. But then, I did also tell her she should be imaginative and not to hold back…”

At this point the sommelier showed up with our bottle of celebrator chateauneuf de pape, a wine we reserve for special occasions, and just after that, our waiter delivered Kaci’s beef tenderloin and my porterhouse. It seemed appropriate to set aside our conversation for awhile, Though before we began our eating, I did raise my glass and offer a toast to “fifteen years of love, relationship growth and fun together, and to celebrate that love through creative gifts”. In truth, I needed a bit of time to mentally assimilate just what Kaci was giving me. Since that session a year ago, she had ‘evolved’ quite a bit in her approach to what I call bringing friskiness into our marriage, but this, I had to admit, just might be a new extreme. We settled into some conversation about more mundane topics for awhile, until, with dark chocolate cake and brands in front of us for desert, Kaci somewhat hesitatingly asked “So, what do you think about Mistress Marne?”

“Well, I have to admit I’m very curious, but also very nervous about what she would do once I get in there. It’s one thing to want you to do this stuff to me, since I know you won’t really go too far with it. But I’m sure she’ll have lots of torture tools we haven’t even dreamed of using in our play, and to her, I’ll just be a naked male body she can play with at will, not a naked male body inhabited by someone she loves.”

“Well, you don’t have to do this, after all, I can just let her know we decided not to come. I haven’t paid her yet. But she did say you’ll have a safe word to use if it gets to be too much. And, she is a professional — I checked a couple of references who speak highly of her services — and so she does understand how to walk the line between what’s a lot and what’s too much.”

“OK, Honey, then I guess I’m in. After all, this is you taking your friskiness to another level, which I keep asking for, and you do have my written promise that I’ll never complain or resist, since I trust you to stay within some boundaries. So…. It looks like I have some sensing experiences coming my way next Saturday. Thank you…… I think!”

“Oh, Goodie. Even though I won’t actually be helping her, I think I’ll want to dress appropriately for my role as observer. Perhaps I’ll go shopping this week. And you can be sure I’ll be wearing my anniversary ruby ​​– I love it, Dear Husband!” Kaci leaned towards me for a tender kiss, which evolved into a more password one that probably went on a little longer than it should have in a restaurant, before we slide out of the booth, headed for the car and home, and tumbled into bed for what turned into very long night of frisky announced sex! We had a lot to celebrate, after all…..

As the week went by, I started to wonder more and more about just what would be in store for me. Kaci could, I think, tell that I was a little nervous, but she just sent me frisky little anticipatory smiles from time to time and went about her business. On Saturday we had a big lunch, as our appointment was for 4:00 pm — to allow plenty of time, Kaci said — and so we likely wouldn’t be having dinner. A bit before 3:00 we climbed into the car — Kaci with a little bag containing whatever she had decided she would wear — and set off. I could already feel my butt twinging in anticipation. And my cock was uncomfortable tight inside my underwear.

An hour later, we pulled through a gate into a long driveway, at the end of which we found, well, not really a mansion, but a very nice house. Kaci and I got out, rang the doorbell, and were greeted by a tall, fairly statuesque woman with dark auburn hair tied back in a ponytail and a friendly smile, dressed in simple, casual clothes. “Good afternoon, and welcome,” she welcomed us in. I expect you’re Kaci, and this must be Cal?”

“That’s us,” Kaci answere. “Are we on time?”

“Perfectly. Can I offer you a glass of something before we got started?”

“I… I could really use a tall glass of water,” I responded. My throat and mouth were really dry, and my nerves were starting to get to me.

“Of course, just come this way.” Mistress Marne… for that had to be who this was, or would become… led us into her kitchen, filled two classes with ice and water, and handed them to each of us. I drank mine down greedily, and she promptly refilled it.

“Well, we have an evening ahead of us. My Den is just downstairs, please follow me.” So far, it seemed that we could have been visiting just about anyone either of us might have met at some professional or social event. Kaci and I followed the woman downstairs, where we found ourselves is a sort of small, comfortable furnished living room with several doors leading off of it.

“Cal, my Ready Room is just through that door. You’ll find a place to put your things, a showerand other facilities, and some other preparation supplies. Please go in, remove all your clothes, and get cleaned up; when you’re ready, there’s a door that leads directly into the Den. Once you are in there, you’ll see a circle in the middle of the floor; just stand there and we’ll join you shortly.”

It seemed that I had been dismissed. Kaci looked at me, smiled broadly, and gave me a chaste kiss and a pat on the rump. “Get moving, you. Happy Anniversary.” I found myself with no choice but to head through the door.

On the other side was a large, tastefully appointed bathroom, with a toilet and a bidet, and a large open shower with a rain head and two hand-held shower devices, one of which was clearly intended for internal cleansing. There was a vanity sink and a large wooden benchmark to sit on. There were plenty of towels, and also some empty shelves and hooks for my clothes. On the vanity, next to the sink, I noted a couple of rectal cleaning bulbs, fully loaded with fluid.Apparently, I had several options available for ‘getting cleaned up’… Well, there was nothing to do but jump in, so I stripped off my clothes, used all the available cleansing devices, finished showering and dried off. Then, taking a deep breath, I pushed through the door leading to Mistress Marne’s Den of Domination.

Oh My! Holy Shit! This was serious stuff!!! I found myself in a very large, high-ceilinged room, with walls painted the same deep red as had been on the envelope, and a dark grey ceiling. Although the dark colors, the room was somehow very tastefully lit. There were several very strdy tables, some chairs and benches of various designs, and a couple of what appeared to be ‘frame restraint devices’ arranged about the room. One wall was adorned with at least twenty different canes, paddles, whips and other implements of domination, and a large case hold quite a few drawers that I had no doubt contained a broad array of smaller items. As promised, in the center of the room was a circle on the floor. I went over to it and simply stood there, naked as a jaybird, having no idea whatsoever just what I should do with, like, my hands.

After what was probably just a couple of minutes but seemed like forever, another door opened, and Mistress Marne stepped through, transformed from the milk-mannered friendly suburbanite I had just met a few moments ago into a woman who appeared to be someone very used to demanding and getting her way. She wore a tight-fitting leather corset bodysuit, in what it was quickly becoming apparent was Mistress Marne’s trademark deep red color, emphasizing her slender wait below a magnificent pair of barely-contained breasts that seemed to want to exploit out of the top. A pair of legs covered in black lace emerged from below the high-cut profile at her hips, only to Disappear into a pair of leather boots that began well above her knees and extended down to a pair of very high heels. Released from the ponytail, her dark auburn hair cascaded down around her shoulders, almost hiding the choker — which matched the corset — she wore around her neck. Matching cuffs at her wrists completed the look, for the first time I noted that her nails were also painted in her trademark red.

A moment later, Kaci followed Mistress Marne into the room. Apparently the two of them had been talking, because Kaci was similarly attired in a corset bodysuit, Though in this case it was a deep green color, with black tights and boots. In place of choker, she wore her anniversary red ruby ​​around her neck; it lay very nicely between her breasts. Kaci isn’t as tall and statusque as Mistress Marne, nor was she wearing such high heels, and her hair is “grey with highlights” and much shorter, so the overall effect with her was not nearly as domineering, but even for a role as simply an observer, she had clearly decided to dress for the occasion. As for me….. well, I was feeling a little underdressed.

Kaci smiled at me,blew me a kiss, and then silently melted away into a chair off to one side. Mistress Marne, on the other hand, stepped right up to the circle I was standing in and stood before me, looking somewhat imperious. With her natural height and her heels, she stood perhaps three inches taller than I did. She came up very close to me, inches away. I knew well enough that I shouldn’t meet her eye to eye, but I was torn between trying to be respectful with a downward gaze, and knowing — and knowing that she know — that such a downward gaze would be directed precisely at her barely-contained, overflowing breasts. I opted to show respect anyway. It was too good a view to pass up, and still feel like the safer option than engaging her eye-to-eye.

“Good Evening, Cal,” she said in a deep, breathy voice. “Are you ready to begin? Once you say yes, then I will be in control of everything that happens to you for the rest of the evening.”

Well, I had come this far, so despite some concerns for what the evening might entail, there could only be one answer, and I knew what it had to be. “Yes, Mistress.”

“Ah, I see you already know how to address me. That’s good. Anytime you speak to me, you must call me Mistress. Now that you’ve accepted my control, however, you will be nameless for the rest of the evening. I did promise that you would have a safe word you could use if need be. That word is kumquat. If you use it, the evening will end immediately. Do you understand?”

“I do, Mistress.”

“Then let’s begin.” Mistress Marne stepped back, reached over to a nearby table, picked up a spreader bar with padded leather cuffs and Velcro strap fasters at each end, and handed it to me. “Spread your legs, bend over, and attach this to each of your ankles.”

I took the bar and sought to follow instructions. The first side was easy, but fasting the cuff to the second ankle was kinda tough because my legs had to be spread quite far apart. I finally managed to get iton, then straightened up again. My spread legs had cost me some height, and I was now staring directly at those overflowing breasts. Mistress Marne smiled knownly, turned back to the table, and picked up some sort of remote control. She pressed a button, and suddenly two little trap doors in the ceiling opened up and a wrist cuff attached to a satin rope fall out of each one.

“Now fasten these to your wrists.” There was plenty of slack in the cords, so this wasn’t so tough to accomplish. When I finished, Mistress Marne pressed something else on the remote, and suddenly the cords began to retract, lifting my arms up and out. In a moment, I was effectively spreadeagled in a standing position, both arms and both legs extended out to the point where I was feeling quite a bit stretched. My heels were just barely touching, effectively my weight was mostly on the balls of my feet. I was pretty well immobilized.

“I like to begin with full access to the entire body. Sometimes I blindfold my clients, but in this case, I think I’ll let you see what’s going to be happening to you.” Mistress Marne went over to the wall where all the various implementations were hanging. Silently, she evaluated her options, then selected several, taking them down off the wall and carefully laying them out on the neary table. She then picked up a sort of cane thing with a large bunch of fluffy feathers affixed to one end. Slowly, Mistress Marne circled around my immobile body. My cock, which up until this point had managed to stay fairly flacid, was beginning to anticipate what might happen.

I feel the feathers on the back of my neck, lightly dancing about, and then slowly, starting to move down my spine, advancing, then retreating a bit, then advancing again. When they reached my ass cheeses, they began actively playing across my skin, first on one side, then the other, then probing into the crack in between. It ticked, and involuntarily my torso tried to understand around to escape,but I was stretched so tight that I had very little flexibility. Suddenly I felt the feathers on the back of my balls; Mistress Marne had extended the cane between my legs and was tantalizing everything I had hanging down. “AAAhhhhhhhh” I began to exclaim.

Slowly, the feathers withdraw, drawing up my ass crack on their way. Then, I felt nothing, until a moment later, there was a ‘swhiiissshhhh” and then the cane — and not the part with the feathers – cracked across my ass cheats, leaving a singing, flaming sensing in its wake. “OWWW” I couldn’t help but excerpt, partly due to surprise, partly pain.

“Silence! That was nothing, as you will discover later in our session. I don’t want to hear a word from you, except in response to a question, unless the pain you experience causes you to use your safe word. Do you understand?”

“Y – Yes, Mistress, I do.”

“Good. Another outburst and things will only go worse for you.” The tip of the cane — the non-feather end, this time — was tracing its way around my backside, as if deciding where it next wanted to land. Then it stopped, lifted off, and I knew what was coming…… CRACK! Again a very sharp singing sensing on my ass, just a bit lower than the first. I actually heard a sharp intake of breath coming from Kaci’s direction; she was behind me and I couldn’t see her. But she could see my ass.


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