I was still living in my parents’ house where I’d grown up and lived all my life, inheriting the house from my folks when they died. I was sad to hear that our next-door neighbors, the Hanovers, were moving to Florida so they could enjoy their retirement. I’d known them for as long as I’d been alive. As I was growing up, they were always nice to me, watching over me when Mom or Dad needed their help. I liked them a lot, and since they were a little older than my parents, I took to calling them Grandma and Grandpa, even though we weren’t related. When I was a little older, I’d help them rake leaves, and shovel their sidewalk when it snowed. I might help Grandpa carry out the trash, or help Grandma plant her flowers. I’d help them whenever I could. They were ideal neighbors in a small town like ours.
About a week before they moved, Grandma waved me over. “Oliver,” she said, “our granddaughter will be taking over our house and moving in. Would you help her get settled and keep aneye on the place? It’d make us feel better, knowing that a good neighbor was able to help her if she needs it.”
“Sure, Grandma, I’d be glad to help her out,” I answered.
Grandma smiled and patted my cheek affectionately. “We’re going to miss this neighborhood and our good friends, you know. But I’ll tell our granddaughter, Betty, to call you if she needs any help.”
Several days after they moved away, a car pulled up loaded to its roof with stuff and a woman got out. She was dressed casually, but I expected nothing else after a day of packing her car and what was probably a long drive. Sort of spying curiously at her from my upstairs window, I guessed her age to be about 20, a few years younger than me. She appeared to have a nice figure and looked attractive, at least at this distance. Her red Honda looked like she took good care of it. I admit I was impressed at the ease and skill she’d exhibited as she’d easily backed into the long driveway to facilitate unloadingher stuff out of its hatchback.
I went out and said, “Hello, and welcome to the neighborhood. I’m Oliver, your next door neighbor.”
She smiled and shook my hand, saying, “Hello, Oliver. I’m Betty, and my grandparents told me that you’re a good and helpful neighbor. I’m very glad to meet you.”
I grinned, saying, “Speaking of helpful, would you like Some help unloading your car? It looks like a lot of things to carry.”
She laughed, and she had a nice laugh too. “I see my Grandma wasn’t wrong. Thank you. Yes, I could certainly use some help. Many hands make light work, they say.” She looked askance at the crammed car. “I guess we’ll be putting that to the test with this lot. It’s hard to believe how much stuff you can accumulate without notice until you move.”
After a few hours, we had the car unloaded and had her belongings at least mostly sorted into the various rooms where she wanted them left until she could unpack the boxes later. I wondered if she wasNow as hungry as I was, so I asked, “Betty, if you’re hungry, can I take you out for some fast food? You’d get to see a little more of the neighborhood.”
She replied, “That sounds great Oliver, because I don’t have any of my cooking things unpacked yet, and the cupboards and refrigerator are completely empty. When we get back, now that my car is unloaded, it would be wonderful if you’d direct me to a good grocery store, so I can do some quick stocking up for my immediate needs.”
Therefore, I drive us to a local place, ordering sandwiches and soft drinks. As we chatted, I said, “I’ve known your grandparents all my life, Betty. I was sad to see them go, but I’m hoping they’ll enjoy their retirement in that warm location.” We made small talk about a lot of issues, getting to know one another. During this, I realized how really cute she was and enjoyed her great personality. This may sound strange to report, but I also became aware of how good she smelled. Her cent entirelyto inhale more deeply, and my heart sped up. I really hoped I could see more of her in the future. I reminded her, “If you need anything, Betty, just call me or come on over next door and ask.”
We finished eating, so I took her home but on the way showed her where the grocery store was located. I offered to stop while she shopped, but she said she wanted to make out a list first. When we reached her house, I wanted to prolong our time together a little longer, if I could, so I asked, “Is there anything else you need at the moment, Betty?”
She hesitated for a long pause before answering, “Oliver, you remember that very heavy box that you managed to lug from my car and I had you place it just inside the door?” I nodded, remembering it well. “Can the two of us carry it up the stairs and put it in the empty back bedroom? I can’t do it myself.”
I readily agreed, and as she lifted one end, and I took the other, we slowly ascended the stairs, her backing upward while I lifted and took its weight from below. Having her lifting her end helped a lot. I wondered what could possibly be in it, but it was sealed shut with a lot of tape. It made a little noise as it’s contents shifted, but we put it down gently in the room where she wanted it.
Betty thanked me and even gave me a kiss on the cheese as I was leaving. I said, “Let me give you my home and cell phone numbers. Once again, if you need help with anything, please just call me.” As I walked home, I mentally upgraded her from ‘cute’ to ‘gorgeous’ and marveled that she had such an attractive, bubble personality. I was thrilled she’d be living right next door.
Time passed and we’d wave when we’d see each other. She seemed to be setting in nicely. It was fortunate that her grandparents had left the house fully furnished, since after that big move of the first day, Betty seemed able to make just a few more trips to finish fetching the remaining small amount of her personal belongings. Then one dayShe invited me to her place to watch a movie and share some popcorn. We had another nice time and I felt very comfortable with her. She must’ve felt happy also, because we started to date and had really great times together as we drew closer. Now the kisses were no longer on my cheese, but on my lips, and I saved them all. When we hugged, some of her scent transferred to my clothes, so, in a way, Betty was still with me, even after I went someplace else. I loved how her scent kept reminding me of her.
Perhaps a month or more went by, and late one night my phone rang. Betty said, “Hi Oliver, it’s me. Can you come over right now?”
“Sure, but is there something wrong?” I asked.
“There’s nothing really wrong,” she replied. “I just need to talk to you about something personal, and I don’t want to do it over the phone.”
I told her, “I’ll be there in a minute, Betty.” As I hung up, I raced over thinking something had to be wrong. Maybe she’d found somebody she likedand wanted to break up with me?
When I arrived I barely had a chance to knock, before she opened the door. I was a little shocked, because she was only wearing a nylon full slip that ended half way up her thighs and black stockings and ankle strap high heels. My mind was wondering if she’d been getting ready for bed and seen a mouse or something and was frightened. She grabbed my hand, pulled me inside, and locked the door behind me.
She may have seen the confusion, mixed with concern in my expression. She stated, “I’m sorry, Oliver. I just need to share with someone, something very private and personal. Can I trust you?”
I swallowed hard, thinking maybe she’d just gotten a diagnosis about some really bad illness. But I answered, “Of course you can trust me, Betty. I’ll Keep whatever you say private, and I won’t share it with anyone.”
She gave me a weak smile, saying, “I believe you, Oliver. You’re my close, special friend.” She beckoned for me to follow her tothe dining room, and had me sit down on a wooden chair there. She stood before me, close. She was only inches away from me, so close that I could smell that wonderful characteristic scent that was uniquely Betty. My heart raced as I inhaled, but I also knew that I had to focus on what she wanted to tell me.
That’s when she shared, “You see, I have this need that no one knows about and I’m trusting you with my secret. This need has grown and grown to the point that I can no longer stand it.” She paused, watching my eyes, making certain I understand what she’d said. So I nodded, still wondering. Quietly, almost shamefully, she confessed, “I need to be helpless and used, Oliver. It’s my fantasy, and it’s grown even stronger. Please help me. Will you?”
Still not completely certain what she was saying, but knowing this was my dear close friend Betty who was asking me, I nodded my head, saying, “Yes, of course I’ll help you.” I swallowed. “What do you want me to do?” I asked.
“Stay right here a moment, please.” She went upstairs and returned with some rope. It sort of looked like a cord people might use on window blinds. She handed it to me, stating, “I need you to tie my hands behind my back.”
I wanted to be very sure that I wasn’t misunderstanding, and asked, “You’re telling me to tie your hands behind you with this cord. Is this really what you Want?” She answered me with her body language, turning her back to me with her wrists together behind her. Not exactly certain how to do this best, leaving a long free end, I wrapped the cord around her wrists several times. Then I threaded the rope between her forearms and down between her hands and back between the forearms over and over. That snugged the loops against her wrists, but it looked like it wasn’t so tight that it would cut off her circuit. Then I tied the two free ends of the cord together into a firm knot. “Please test that now, Betty,” I told her.
She pulled and twisted, struggleling with her arm actions and even some body connections, but she couldn’t get free. Facing me, she had a big smile on her face. “It feels wonderful, Oliver,” she whispered, as if not wanting to break some spell. She stepped closer to me and whispered, “Now please run your hands along my legs.” Honoring her wishes, I began doing so. My hands felt the smooth, very warm nylon on her calves and shins. Alert for her to tell me to stop, I moved my hands up her tighs to just up under the bottom of her black slip. I smiled as I realized she wore a garter belt. When she’d stiffen from time to time, I stopped my hands, letting her get used to my touch, or perhaps savoring the fulfillment of her fans. I know that I was laser focused on the feel of her silken-encased legs sliding smoothly along my palms and fingers. When she’d silently nod, I continued my hand movements.
My hands were finally on the sides of her hips, well up under her slip, and I couldn’t proceed any higher. Betty shivered a little and stated, “Oliver, please pull my panties down and remove them.”
I was some shocked, since we’d never been this intimate, but with a mischievous grin I told her, “I’ll only do that if I can keep them as a souvenir.”
Blushing a lovely shade of red, she said, “Yes. They’re yours to keep.”
Now a little above the garter belt, my hands blindly explored, locating a wispy material that felt quite different from the garter belt. “These?” I asked. She nodded silently. I grasped the panties and slowly pulled them down to her ankles and high heels. Feeling that contact, she carefully lifted one leg and then the other, giving me time to unhook them from her heels. This process must’ve really excited her because something wet dripped onto my hand. As I brought that hand Near my nose, I was positive that it had to be her pussy juice. The cent of her essence was very exclusive, and my cock, which had started its response as I’d felt her legs and tighs now surged inside my pants. My mouth went dry and my heart thumbed hard in my chest, although it felt like it was trying to climb into my neck.
At this point, I had a much better idea of what she’d mean by needing to be used. Growing a little more bold, I ran my hand over her pussy and confirmed that she was wet to the point of dripping. I took a wet finger and smelled some of her juice along her upper lip and dabbed more into her cleavage. At this point, I noticed her nipples were poking out hard against her nylon slip. With my knees together, I grabbed her by the wait and pulled her forward towards me. That means her legs had to widen to get beyond my knees and she ended up sitting on my lap, facing me. She was moaning and shaking a little. Her eyes were closed, so I assumed she was lost in some mental imagery that was exciting her. Her rate of breathing accelerated, making her tantalizing breasts rise and fall rapidly.
She tilted her head to indicate a direction. That caused meto look at a side table. There, propped discretely at the base of a lamp was a box of condoms within reach. I quickly reached out and grabbed one. “Wait,” I thought. With some pressure at her hips I had her stand up a little away from my legs. Opening my pants, fishing out my penis, and spreading my thighs, I again used my hands on her hips to silently make her knee. Her eyes opened to check the distance to the floor, but she also caught sight of my open pants and exposed cock. She gasped in surprise and her eyes sparkled. She didn’t need much encouragement to guide her mouth to my cock. She took it in and started to suck me hard to my delight.
She acted very hungry for some cock and she was great at using her mouth. When I was ready, I stood her up, put my knees back together and guided her towards my cock. She spread Her legs to sit on my lap watching patiently while I put the condom on. That accomplished, I pointed my cock more in her direction, so she raised up and came forward a little. She felt my tip and slowly lowered herself onto it, both of us feeling it slide into her dripping cunt with ease. To me, it feel like warm honey being wrapped around my penis as she lowered herself. Her body stiffened as her pussy touched my public hair and balls. Then her body language looked more relaxed as she started to move up and down. Her breasts, encased in the nylon slip, bobbed in front of me suggestedly. So I slide her should strraps down her arms a little, letting the top of the slip peel downward. This exposed her lovely breasts — the first time I’d ever seen them — and they were magnificent!
I kissed her breasts and then took her nipples in my mouth sucking and nibbling on them. This sent shocks through her and she jumped a bit, fucking herself even more vigorously on my cock. As a slight sheen of sweat appeared from her efforts, her skin seemed to glow. I couldn’t get over how beautiful Betty was and this transformation she’d undergone — totallychanging from being a good girl to being a bound, horny slut. She was amazing!
I was getting close to cumming, but if she really wanted a new submissive experience, I’d give her one to remember. “Betty, stop and get up. I don’t want to cum too soon,” I informed her. As she got up, I took hold of her elbow and pulled her to the kitchen. There, I bent her over the table, commanding, “Don’t move.” She might’ve been a little tired, so she stayed there quietly. I opened the refrigerator and found a stick of butter. I pinched some off the end and warmed it in my fingers until it was partially melted, pliable and slippery. I pushed my fingers in succession against her little pumped hole, smearing some butter around it, on it, and ultimately into it. Betty squealed at the first touch there but then relaxed. I took that as a sign that she was willing to submit to this. I removed the condom and covered my penis with warm, slippery butter and pressed it against her tight hole.
I went very slowly. I wanted to be absolutely certain that I wasn’t violating one of her boundaries, but I thought that asking for permission would break the spell of what she’d requested — to be bound and used. Betty didn’t protest at all, she stayed as she was, moaning with apparent lust. She even spread her legs a bit more to give me more access to her butt hole. She didn’t complain at all as my cock went deeper and deeper, until my balls touched her smooth, hot skin. I waited a little, feeling the subtle movements of her rectum as it learned to accommodate my penetration.
Now it was time to pump. As I began doing so, I did get a reaction out of her, hearing her say ‘yes’ and ‘oh yes’ over and over. Since I wasn’t wearing a condom, my buttered cock slide in and out with very little restrictions, but a nice pleasant friction for me. I picked up my pace and I could tell that she tried to move more, but with her hands bound behind her back she could only wriggle her torso as she gaspedand moaned louder with need, saying, “Fuck! Oh fuck, yes! Right there! Fuck me! Don’t stop!” and things like that.
With my faster thrusts, she felt even tighter. Perhaps the butter was also being absorbed by our body tissues. Whatever it was, it felt really good to me, and I really hoped that Betty was loving this as well. I had a firm grip on her hips and was pulling her back onto my thrusts, so her upper thighs wouldn’t get bruised against the edge of the table. My pleasure built and built, until I couldn’t hold back any longer! Like a dam bursting, I exploded inside her butt, and she must’ve felt it because she raised her head and her mouth flew open as she cried out a blissful sound. I pumped more slowly for a little bit longer, feeling my cock now softening. Her tight butt hole Finally forced out my dick. It slide out of her hole, ending up pressed simply against her pussy, the surface of which was slick with my cum and felt really wonderful like that. The pungent anoma of semen permeated the air around us. We were both hyperventilating after that experience.
I could tell she was exhausted as she slouched flat on the table, panting. I laid my body warmly on top of hers and whispered into her ear. “You now belong to me, bitch. I’ve used all your holes and I’m going to make you my sex slave to be used by me when and where I want.” Then I dropped out of character and whispered, “That was just role play, Betty. I want you to know that I love you so much, and I’d never harm you.”
I saw her smile and then she said something that thrilled me to my core. “Yes, Master! I’m yours to be used! And I’m not role playing. You just gave me an orgasm while fucking my pussy, and just now you gave me another one fucking my ass! You’re thoughtful, helpful, loving, and amazing! I’m so glad you’re in my life, Oliver!”
I kissed her softly, saying, “Rest right here. I’ll be right back.” I went and cleaned my penis, then brought a warm wash clothes back and cleaned her. Untying her wrists, I lifted away her slip, picked her up, carried her to her bathroom and started the shower. I joined her under the spray and washed her literally from her neck down to her toes.
Emboldened by her submissiveness, it occurred to me that if she was willing to accept her role, and loves the concept of rope play, maybe she’d be willing to take it a bit further. I stepped out of the shower, opened her medicine cabinet and found a can of gel shaving cream and a new disposable razor. I returned to the shower, knelt down, put some gel on her bush and rubbed it until it foamed up. Grinning, she was leaning against the shower wall and tilted her pelvis towards me in offering, knowing what I had in mind. Taking the razor, I slowly and carefully started to remove the hair around her pussy. I repeated the process to make sure she was smooth and clean. She looked very, very sexy. I still remember that moment, my face inches away from her beautiful opening. With her hands on my head to guide me, I licked and sucked at that opening until she fed me more of her cum. When she got her breath back, I told her, “You must keep this smooth for your Master. If not, there’ll be a punishment.”
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