The Gift Ch. 02

It was getting quite late by the time they reached home but she knew that tonight was far from finished yet. They had shared such a glorious meal together at their favorite restaurant, which had never let them down in that respect and she had enjoyed every moment of her time there in His company.

The ride home in the taxi had been an interesting one. First He had told her to slide across the seat away from Him and give Him her feet so He could put her slave bells in place on her ankles; taking time to care her legs so thoroughly that even fully clothed she had felt utterly indecent and was left, much to His amusement blushing crisis. He had spent the remaining time trailing His fingers up and down her back, gently knowing full well that it was arousing her to the point of leaving her squirming and this only added fuel to her fire. When she had made a soft noise of protest He had tapped her on the nose and murmured “Now angel, you have kept Me in suspension as to what awaits me tonight. You have made Me feel on edge all day, just think of this as a little insight into how I feel.” The impish grin that had accompanied these words had made her smile, she found that she was very pleased that He had been eagerly awaiting her gift and was glad that they had finally made it home. The cheeky wink that the taxi driver had given to them as he was paid and thanked spoke volumes as to what he had seen and heard.

Settling Master in the living room with a promise to not be too long she hurries to the Library, pausing only to fetch the last thing she needs from the kitchen; she enters and quietly closes the door behind her. Taking a few minutes to catch her breath, the inevitable flood of emotion claiming her attention for a few moments, however, despite this, there was also a deep shiver of anticipation that made her smile brightly.

Hurrying across the room she begins to strip off her belt and dress as she moves. Tonight she has a very special outfit in mind, something that will take the gift she is offering and add a little extra spark to it. Carefully she hangs up her dress, belt and net skirts and puts them safely out of the way. She removes the bra and panties she had been wearing for their meal and finally carefully she removes her suspender belt and stockings, taking her time so that she can slide the stockings off without removing her slave bells or snagging the fine silky material. Taking a moment to stretch her naked form out, more as a momentary distraction as for any real need, for she is beginning to get nervous about all that is to follow.

Taking a deep breath she lifts down the clothes that she had hung in the library earlier and moves to the one seat in the room, where she begins to put on the various elements of her outfit. Starting with the dress which is truly exhaust, she cannot wait to see Master’s reaction. He has always loved “The Story of O” the book and film were instrumental in Him finding His way to thislife, and in turn to her life. She had found the dress online, it was one based on that hurt by O at Roissy, and she had quite simply to have it on seeing it, for she had known deep down what it would mean to Him to see her dressed this way. She had ordered the dress and then managed to keep it hidden for the perfect opportunity, taking the time to get all of the little accommodations to make the outfit perfect, and tonight was exactly the right time for Him to see it all together.

The dress is made from satin and is a deep midnight blue colour, that will set off the colour of her eyes perfectly. Taking her time she makes sure that the lacing at the back of the dress is loosened as far as it can be and then she gathers the full skirt and slips the dress over her head; wriggling her way into it.

Slipping her arms into the sleepless body she lines it up carefully, the dress had come with a panel that can be inserted to cover her breasts however for tonight she had left that part out. Reaching round behind her back she carefully began to work the lacings with her fingers, tightening them as she would a corset all the way down to the base of her spine.

The front of the dress sits like a shaped underbust corset and it has a broad strap which goes over her shoulders but there are no sleeps. Its shape lifts her breasts to present them but leaves them utterly uncovered. The back of the dress covers her from her shoulders to her wait with the lacings pulled in nice and tight its make her pull her shoulders back to better present herself to Him. The skirts are what make this dress truly unique as she is able to separate them to her left and right side. The result of this means that the dress is entirely open at the front and back, thus she is presented for His use with none of the treasures He desires hidden from His view.

She begins then to add the extra acoutrements, starting with the silver decorations for her feet. She hooks the toe ring over her middle toe and then smoothing the silver chains and little blue gems over her top of her foot before taking the long chain around her ankle and fasting it into the little clasp at the side. Once both are on she looks at the result and smiles, they catch the light perfectly and she knows that each step will be visible to Him, the chains form a V shape along the top of her feet. She then adds the matching one to her hands, the long chains encircling her wrists to allow the gems to lay flat to the backs of her hands.

Once these are on she hurries to add the next decoration, she has two fine chains to add, there are tiny little blue gems along the length of the chains. She carefully fastens the first one which runs from the piercing at the top of her ear, down to the one in the lobe of the same ear the chain hangs only a little and matches perfectly with the second one she adds. The second chain runs from the lobe of the other ear to the small ring piercing in her nose, thechain length is carefully set so that it dips only a little but is unlikely to catch and pull.

The final things she adds are tiny silver discs with matching silver and blue chains, the little discs are shaped to fit over her nipples. She pulls each nipple through the gap in each disc and squeezes the little clips closed; so long as her nipples stay erect the decorations will remain on. Each breath she takes cause the chains to sway and shiver, she looks then in the mirror and is astonishingly pleased with the aesthetics of her slave jewellery and the stunning dress.

A deep breath taken, almost ready now, she moves to the little side table making sure all is sitting perfectly, including the final thing she picked up from the kitchen. Moving then around the room she lights all of the candles around the room, they give off a good amount of light but it is muted and soft. She moves to open the Library Door and then pausing to lift her collar from the table she moves back to the middle of the room.

She then knees in the middle of the floor, her feet together her knees parted wide. She keeps her back straight and holds her head high, for she is proud in her submission to Him. Holding her collar carefully in her hands and arching her back to present all of her assets to the best of her ability she lowers her eyes and calls out to Him.. “Master i am ready to present Your gift to You”

She waits, eyes lowered, knowing He heard her and that He had been waiting for her to call Him. She strains her ears and feels a bubble of nervous excitement rise in her as she hears Him come up the hall towards the Library.

The shift in the shadows in the doorway tells her He has arrived and the silence that follows is one of the most difficult moments she can recall. He enters the Library and closes the door with a soft thud, she can feel His eyes on her, as He drinks in the sight of her clothes and her position and it takes every single ounce of self-control, not to fidget and squirm under His penetrating gaze.

He walks fully into the room, His tread is measured and even, she almost smiles even from this position as she recognizes that stalk but managing to school her features as she has her body she waits. He moves around her prone form taking in everything that she has done in silence, slowly, again slowly He moves around her until He is once more standing in front of her. Still he makes her wait, He reaches down and take the collar from her and then pauses before speaking “Rise My angel, I would better exam you …..”

She rises as elegantly as she can, noting that He has stood back a little; so she moves into a position that will allow Him to better see her. She stands with her feet apart, back arched slightly forwards, she laces her fingers Together behind her neck and keeps her head held high. She has kept her eyes firmly on the floor not yet meeting His gaze and once ready she settles to stand still.

Shecan hear His soft, “hmmmmmm,” as He considers her and walks around her. Wound so very tight she all but jumps out of her skin when He reaches across and cares her exposed bottom, a soft brush of His fingertips followed with a harsh pinch delivered from those self-same fingers that gave her pleasure moments ago but now leave her skin smarting. She manages not to move bar the soft intake of breath at His touches and is pleased to hear that little sound He makes, the one that says He is pleased. He comes back around to stand in front of her again only then does He speaks, “Look at Me angel …”

She nervously raises her eyes to meet His, raises her chin and looks at Him what she says sets her heart pounding. He has a hungry dark and predatory look on His face, His eyes are ablaze with desire and she cannot help but produce her little half smile as she realizes that not only did she do OK but that she has done exceptionally well. So far so good she thinks but her mind is broughtback as He speaks again.

“Is this My gift angel, you dressed and ready for me ….. hmmmmmm I can see from your eyes that this is not all and I assume that since you have so carefully presented Me with your collar at this point that your desire is for Me to accept and claim you so that you can continue with this scene, am I correct …”

She cannot help the broad smile that graces her features then and her words come with a soft laugh “Yes indeed Master, You know me so well, what i desire is that You will be pleased enough with my preparations and you will place my collar on me, so that i may properly give to You, Your gift”

Nodding He moves around to stand behind her and begins their own little ritual “This is My collar angel, this is your collar and where am I putting it” she quietly evenly replies “You are putting it around my neck Master, where it belongs, it is Yours, it is mine, i am Yours” she sights softly as she hears the definitive click of the steel closing and waits at peace while He locks it into place. Once done she speaks once more “Please sit down Master so that i may continue …”

Watching Him then move to settle Himself in His chair, she smiles her own little half smile of pleasure, so far she has pleased Him and is hoping what comes next will impress Him. Once He nods to her that He is settled and she may continue she inclines her head politely to acknowledge His permission.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves as this is the first time she has tried anything like this she moves slowly to the small table, taking her time allowing her hips to fall into their natural swway. She knows that with each flick of her hips He is getting a rather delightful view of her exposed bottom. She turns herself so that the table is between herself and Master so that He can see each of the things that she does.

She begins by lifting a silver circular tray, taking a clothes she buffs the tray carefully to ensure that there are no marks on it and she can see her reflection in it. Once the tray is ready she sets it flat and places on it the small bucket of ice that she had fetched from the kitchen and His special crystal glass and a small cloth. The last thing she adds to the tray is a bottle of vintage Bushmills, 21 year old single malt whiskey, this is the one thing she has bought Him. He rarely ever drinks anything, but when He does drink He prefers whiskey and having done her research she knows that this is a very special one in fact there are very few places it can be found and she had to order it especially.

Lifting the tray carefully she walks across the room, slowly taking her time as much for Master’s viewing pleasure as to protect the tray she carries. Once she reaches Him she turns so that her back is to Him and then bends at the wait lowering the tray to the floor. She remains in that position for a few moments allowing Him time to admit the things she is so pretty presenting to Him. Rising sloWly, each of her moves are carefully thought out every move she makes is deliberate for without these things she cannot properly present Him with the gift.

Turning she folds herself into a kneeing position beside the tray, she tucks her feet under her and parts her knees as wide as she can so that she is utterly open to Him, she keeps her back straight and head held high, but she doesn’t make eye contact with Him at this time, this is for two reasons. The first is that this all about respect and secondly the knowledge that His expression may well cause her to lose her concentration.

She begins by lifting His glass and looking at it carefully she checks that she can first see no flaws that are apparent. To be sure that the glass is utterly flawless and will do no harm to Him she lifts its edge to her full lips, Carefully slowly she presses the rim to her bottom lip and slowly turn the glass ensuring that that there are no imperfections. Once she is satisfied that the glassis flawless she lifts the small cloth and buffs both the rim and body of the glass until it is gleaming. Setting both the clothes and the glass back on the tray she opens the lid of the small ice bucket. Lifting out an ice cube with her fingers she raises it to her lips and presses a soft kiss to its cold edge, she then sets the ice cube at the hollow of her neck just beneath her collar and slowly trails the ice cube in a line down her chest and across her right breast pausing to flick her right nipple before dropping the ice cube in the glass. She repeats the same procedure a second time, only this time she trails it along her left breast before dropping it into the glass. She smiles as she has always enjoyed that soft sound that ice makes in a crystal glass.

A soft scar escapes her lips then, the ice against her already erect nipples has made them almost painfully hard and the little clips of her jewellery are digging into them in a most deliciously painful way. She is struggleg not to squirm, she knows how aroused she is and that it will be blatantly obvious to Him especially with her position leaving her so open to His gaze but she is determined to concentrate a little longer; to finish what she has started. However she cannot however quell the blush that is gracing her cheeses.

She opens the box that contains the Single Malt Whiskey and carefully removes the bottle, twisting the lid firmly to break the seal, she then unscrews the lid and sets it aside. Raising the bottle she inhales the rich scent of the whiskey and a smile touches her lips. Reaching down she takes hold of the glass in her left hand and raises it to her breast, allowing the rim to touch the lower part of her areola. She then lays the neck of the bottle against her breast and very, very, very, slowly rolls the bottle so that the smallest trickle of the rich golden liquid is running down her breast and into the glass. She takes her time with this part being careful to allow only a little ata time to flow from the bottle so that she can be sure that she catches every drop in the glass, stopping only when she judges a good measure has been reached. She stops the flow by rolling the bottle upright but keeps the glass carefully in place so that every drop is caught and sets the bottle aside.

Taking the glass in both hands she raises the glass to Him, she keeps her eyes firmly on the floor as she softly speaks “Your birthday nightcap Master, i hope You enjoy it ….” He takes the glass from her and she can hear Him first smelling the whiskey and then sipping it before setting the glass on the table beside His chair. The silence as she waits for some kind of response to her actions feels almost palpable she generally feels that no silence has ever weighed so heavily the wait seems interminable to her. She had been concentrated so hard on doing things exactly, correctly for the ‘serve’ that she doesn’t remember hearing any reaction from Him either positive or negative and she generally has no idea what His reaction will be.

His words when finally spoken are soft and thick with emotion “Look at Me angel”, raising her eyes to His face she is surprised by what she sees. His eyes are ablaze with emotion they have that almost glassy look, she can see that His fingers are tightly gripping the arms of His chair, that His breathing is deep and a little erratic and that His features are set and firm. For a moment she panics, perhaps she has gone too far and perhaps He did not like what she did. The worry passes across her features, her brow knitting a little as she frets, but the smile that He then gives her challenges all of the worry away.

“First of all let Me thank you for the Whiskey I am aware that it is hard to get and your effort has not gone unnoticed in that respect, but I am also aware that although that is My present it is not My gift. you are My gift My angel, your submission to Me, the effort you make and the attention to detail that you have, these are the gift that I have. I am given this gift everyday but you have managed to surpass yourself today, this beautiful ‘serve’ is to me the embodiment of all you give to Me and I feel humbled by all that you offer”

She smiles then, her half smile the one that He loves so much and incrines her head softly to Him. “Yes Master, the gift that i give to You is me, You bring out the best in me. In my submission to You i have found a depth of emotion i didn’t know existed, i have found strength and love. In my submission i am happy, in my submission i am free, what i wanted today was to show You how deep that emotion ran, though i am a submissive and not a slave, i will always belong to You with my body, mind and soul, Your acceptance humbles me”

Gasping softly as He reachings forward hooking His finger in her collar He pulls her close to Him, claiming her mouth in a deep and password kiss He murmurs “you are the perfect gift”.


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