The Hollow Tree Pt. 01

The Hollow Tree – slave girl sara.

It is 1922 and I am nineteen and live with my elder brother and mum in the workhouse. Life is not easy; we work long hours most days and if we do not turn in for work most shed managers take pleasure in dealing with us.

My mum was in the kitchen this month, Jack was wood chopping, and I was in the bath house, giving posh people a bath plus any extras they wanted.

One morning I must have just closed my eyes again for a second and fallen back to sleep, next thing I knew my covers were pulled off me and Mr. Hill was staring down at my naked body.

“So Ruth Town, who was it that gave you permission to skip work?”

“No one Sir, I am so sorry, I will do anything to make it up to you.”

He thrust his body towards my face.

“Unbutton me girl and see what delight I have for you.”

I already knew the delight of unbuttoning and knew the surprise of what was behind them as my brother and his pal swapped sisters and Iwas fucked most of the night by his friend, and this morning as we woke too, no wonder I fell asleep.

“Yes Sir, thank you Sir.”

I unbuttoned his trousers, and his big cock fell out.

“Give it a lick Ruth and see if you can taste my elder who I fucked when I woke this morning.”

His elder was two years older than me and a right snotty cow, well up herself, well not this morning as Mr. Hill was up her. I laughed and was straight over Mr. Hill`s knee.

“See how funny this is, why is your bottom already so red?”

“I was spanked last evening Sir by my brother, me and mum.”

I got a dozen or more swats, then he knelt me ​​in front of him.

“Now, tell me in detail all about your spankings, miss nothing out.”

“Yes Sir.”

“And I will take a wank as you talk.”

“Well Sir, mum was late home as she was wanted in the office so when Jack got home his meal was not on the table. He shouted at us both while he unbuckled then removed his belt, hepointed at mum and said you first.”

“Did he see her naked?”

“Not this time Sir but he obviously does when he fucks her.”

“Carry on.”

“Yes Sir, she leaned over our table and lifted her skirt, he saw she had no knickers on.”

“What did Jack say about that?”

“Where are your fucking pants, have you been fucking the kitchen manager again?” he said.

“He said I could bring the scraps of chicken home to cook for your dinner Jack.”

“And what did he say to that Ruth?”

“He never answered her Sir, he just gave her a sound leathering and told me to strip naked and lay next to her.

“So he belts you naked Ruth?”

“Yes Sir, so do his mates Sir.”

“Carry on.”

“I began to wank him harder and had to spit on his cock, so I did not make him sore. I got my leathering Sir and sent to my room as he took out his cock to do mum.”

“Do, what do you mean by do?”

“Fuck Sir, he fucked her.”

“Mouth open girl.”

He cum in my mouth and dribbled onto my tits.

“Back over.”

He patted his knee, and I was spanked and sent naked to work. I was fucked three more times that morning then called back into Mr. Hill`s office and was spanked and fucked again.

“Under my desk girl, you know the drill.”

“Yes Sir I put your cock in my mouth and every time it comes out I get a cane stripe.”

“What is your best and worst Ruth?”

“Best was just five Sir and the worst eleven.”

He had his cock out waiting and I sucked him in. I was at four when he pulled out of my mouth, he was pretty hard.

“Come out girl and knee in front of me, I have the urge to fuck your sweet lips, how many dropouts did you manage?”

I came out and he made sure when I was knelt up my head could not move back.

“Only four Sir.”

“Did you include this last one?”

“No Sir, because you pulled out.”

“That is a straight six then, right?”

He was fucking my face so I could not answerr. He took long even strokes from the edge of my lips to fully in and down my throat until he cum, nearly choking me, a got four face slaps for spilling.

“You may go, oh, tell your mother I expect her here when the clock strikes eight, she needs reminding of her parental duties making sure you are at work and not bed?”

“Please Sir could you not spank and cane me instead, it was my fault?”

“I will deal with your rude outburst tomorrow, now fuck off home before I whip you in public.”

I ran home, where mum and Jack were waiting, and I told them the whole story.

Mum served supper.

“Under the table Ruth, we will play Mr. Hill`s rules.”

“Yes Sir.”

I sucked him off, got three more stripes, fucked over our table and no supper, I so needed to get out of this place.

Mum was outside Mr. Hill`s office as the clock struck eight. He saw she had been given plenty of attention on her bottom so made her lift her tits and coulded them instead. He thenused them as pulleys as he fucked her over his desk.

Everything settled down over the next few days as the shift pattern changed, Jack went farming, mum ironing and me sewing.

One day Sissy Howson told me Mr. James wanted to see me so I knocked on his door. He thought he was all the young girls’ uncle or daddy and me looking a lot younger than my nineteen years was a favourite, it seemed.

“Ah Ruth, come sit on my knee.”

I could see he had a right boss on, but I did as I was told and sat on his knee.

“I have not seen you for months, have you been a good girl?”

“I have always tried my very, very best Sir.”

“Your dress will be creaming, best remove it Ruth.”

“Yes of course Sir, anything you say.”

That made him smile.

“You look sweet with no vest and your young titties still to grow.”

He flicked and nipped my nipples, and I smiled.

“You liked that didn`t you?”

His cock was sticking in my bottom, but not so muchas you might enjoy it I feel!

“I have a little task for you Ruth.”

“Anything at all Daddy, I mean Sir.”

His hand pushed down the front of my knickers and his fingers split my lips, I opened my legs and let him fingerprint me, I unashamedly cum a few times, he removed his fingers and licked them, “you really are a `sweet` girl,” he chuckled.

“I want you to go and put your coat on and take a carriage into town to Deeper`s the drawer for some needs, is that ok with you?”

“Yes Sir I have been before.”

What a result.

“I have put two shillings in this envelope and a note of what sizes we want and here are six pennies for your return carriage journey and a few sweeties.”

“What sort of sweeties do you want Daddy, I mean Sir?”

“Not for me silly, for you.”

I hugged him around his neck and kissed his cheek.

“Maybe I can give you something nice when I come back Sir?”

“That would be very nice, now, off you go.”

“Please Sir,may I take a pencil just in case I need to write anything down?”

“Of course; well thought out Ruth.”

“I may be a little longer today Sir as I might not catch them before they close an hour for lunch.”

“Aww sweet girl, you knew Daddy would worry didn`t you.”

“Yes Daddy, I did, and I will rush back to sit on your knee, bye Daddy.”

A very slim chance of me sitting on your knee, you pig.

I put my dress on and rushed to our room and scribbled a note;

My dearest mum and brother.

I have been given an opportunity to leave this place, please do not worry.

I will come back to you when I am rich.

Love your Ruth xxxx

Ps. Please burn this note when you have read it so you have no idea where I am and are so worried.


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