“You got Mail,” so I heard as I walked past my computer on the way to save myself. Actually, all that I heard was a simple chime signing that I had a new email. Most likely it was just junk mail so once I was done I just headed back out to my shop to keep working.
As my saw came to a stop I heard double chime coming from my phone telling me that I have a new text. It is amazing how technology has brought a whole new world of sounds to our lives. Knowing that my latest text was most likely from my wife, I picked up the phone and saw the question, “Did you get my email!!!”
I quick rely of “No!” brought an even quicker reply.
“Read it now!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Wondering what was up. I headed to the office to see what had my wife being so demanding.
As I open the email and stared at the screen my dick started to harden immediately.
Staring back at me was a picture of my alter ego,’ Helga’, which was taken as we got ready for a Halloween party years ago. A million thoughts ran through my head and my groin, I thought Helga was just a long-ago memory with my wife. What was my wife up to now? Why was my wife sending me a picture of Helga? We always sort of played with the idea of me being her slave/maid, but it was just usually talk except for a very occasional play day, which are long forgetten. I just figured she never got off on dominating me, even though I craved being a submissive to her. I always suspected she was a bit submissive herself.
As my mind wandered my phone chimed with a new text, “Well?”
My attention then went back to my picture and then I started to read.
My dear Weemouse,
We are going to have some fun tonight. As I look at your picture I realize how I have missed my maid, it has been too long and I am not happy about it. So tonight it all changes, I have a few things for you to do before I arrive home.
• First have the kids fed and put outside. (Our kids are of the four legged variety.)
• Then shower and shake.
• Then go to the living room where you are to shade your legs together with a short chain.
• You are to put your collar on with a lean attached
• You are then to blindfold yourself so you cannot see anything.
• Then you are to cuff your hands together behind your back so you cannot get free.
Oh in case you were wondering you are to be naked waiting for my return. For your own good you better be ready for me. If you’re not, remember, I could easily forward the attached picture to all your contacts or post on Facebook.
The rules for the night are simple, you do what I tell you without question and you don’t speak unless I give you permission.
Mistress La Femme Vikita
What the hell got into her was the only thought going through my mind when my phone chimed again.
The text read, “I bet you’re hard!”
Was she ever right!!!
I looked at the phone again as the next text arrived, “I’m going tohave some fun tonight. If you’re good, you might have some too!”
I always told my wife she could blackmail me in to doing anything she wanted. I wonder why she has decided to do it now.
With that thought the phone rang and as looked at the caller ID I could see it was my wife
“So you up to having some fun this evening?” she asked.
“Yeah, but what’s up? What’s gotten into you?”
“Well I was thinking about what we were talking about and decided you’re right, we need to be more physical. So I have I few ideas that should just do that. I hope you’re willing to go along with them.”
“Oh, I sure am. I haven’t been this hard in a long time. I just can’t stop thinking about what you might have planned,” I replied.
“Oh you have no idea. I’m glad you’re on board though, but then again you really don’t have a choice unless you want Helga to be out-ted to all your friends?”
“You wouldn’t?”
“Are you willing to take that chance?”
“I didn’t think so. Well, you better get busy I have one stop to make and then I will be home.”
“Okay,” I replied with a bit of trepidation. “I love you, be careful.”
“Well I hope you still do after tonight!” She then paused, chuckled a bit and finally said, “Love you too.”
With that she hung up and I was left standing there rubbing my hard on that I had snacked out the leg of my pants.
At that point I decided I need to get busy for I had all of 30-40 minutes to comply with all of her demands.
As I stood there blindfolded with my ankles chained together, a lean hanging from my collar rubbing against my so ever hard cock, I realized I was more excited than I have been in years. What has gotten into my wife? Why is she doing this and why now? Is she tired of me? Has she found someone else? Is this her way of putting me in my place so she could be free to do what or who she pleases? My mine was just racing in all directions.
I’m hesitant tolock the lock on my wrists till I know she is here. What would happen if she got in an accident and got killed? The police would find me standing here like an idiot when they came to inform me of her death. As I was mulling over what I should do I hear a car door close and without any further thought I pushed the pad lock closed trapping me here for my mistress to do with me as she pleases.
As the minutes passed and the front door didn’t open I realized that it must have been one of the neighbors coming home. Hopefully I didn’t screw myself.
As the clock ticked the minutes passed ever so slowly. With each passing of a car my heart jumped and my legs began to ache a bit more. My dick was growing softer with each passing minute. As the clock chimed once I knew that I have been here for almost thirty minutes. My mind started to race I was now beginning to worry that something really had happened.
My arms were beginning to ache. I tried to design a plan to free myself.My legs were tiring I was considering sitting, but I thought better of it. What if mistress was here watching me all the time? She could be right there laughing at me. I wanted to call out but then I would be breaking the rules.
The clock ticking was getting old. My mind was racing when all of a sudden the phone rang. I was unable to see who was calling or to pick it up. Most likely it was just a telemarketer, they call every day. I wonder what they would think if they knew why I wasn’t answering. Then as I listen to the message I started to laugh to myself. Our message led people to believe we were unable to come to the phone because we were a bit tied up.
As the message ended I heard laughing, a very familiar laugh. It was my wife on the phone. “Now when you recorded that did you ever think that You really would be unable to answer the phone? What a hot. Maybe this is what you were hoping for when you recorded that message.”
She continued laughing for a bit, then she said, “I hope you can hear this. By now I bet you are a bit worried, but no fear I am OK. I just thought I would stop and do a little shopping. I need to get something sexy for my date tomorrow evening. Oh that’s right you don’t know about that yet do you. Oh well, I’ll tell you about it later when I get home. I shouldn’t be too much longer, I just need to get a pair of come fuck me silettos for my date, for I plan on fucking him silly. See you soon and don’t go anywhere.”
With that, the call ended and she was gone. A date, what the hell? Is she going to leave me? My mind started racing. I was just imagining my wife in siletto heels riding some big cock, fucking it silly. I just realized I was rock hard again. Was the thought of my wife fucking someone else really turning me on? Did she really have a date or was she just mind fucking me? God how long have I been like this. As that thought passed through my mind the clock chimed 6 times, signaling the top of the hour. I have been here an hour.
Time continued to crawl when I heard a car come up the driveway. The engine stopped and then a door opened and closed, but wait, it sounded like two doors opened and closed. My wife was talking to someone. I couldn’t make out what she was saying or what the other person was saying. Suddenly the front door opened and I heard my wife say, “Oh this is going to be so much fun and of course if we have a good time we will definitely do it again and next time we will invite a few more, because the more the merrier. Just keep your mouth shut and don’t say anything, we don’t want him to know about this.”
As the door closed I heard my wife go into the office, but no one was talking. Then I heard her say, I’ll call you back in a couple of days. I’m home now and I have got to get busy.” Then there was silence again and then she said, “Well tell John he’s going to be tied up for a few days, I’ll have him call when he gets free.” Another pause then, “Okay, see you this weekend, yeah I’ll tell him to be good, like he has any choice, bye.”
Then there was silence. I could hear her chair creak as she sat down. So there was no one with her or is there? Is she just trying to make me think there was someone with her or am I just paranoid? Maybe there is some one here and she told them to be quiet, there were two car doors closing. God I wish she would come in here and uncover my eyes.
Just then the chair creaked and I heard her go down the hallway to our bedroom. Time passed and I realized my cock was no longer hard. The anticipation was murder, my mind as all over the place, I wanted to know what she was going to do to me and who she was going on a date with. I wanted to know why she was doing this. I wanted to know what had gotten into her, when all of a sudden I jumped as finger nail ran up the side of my cock.
“It’s good to see you can follow directions,” she whispered in my ear and then as quick as she was there she was gone again.
As she walked away she yelled back at me, “Don’t go anywhere!” and then her chuckles faded as she went into our bedroom, I think.
As the minutes clicked away I could hear her opening and closing doors, drawers and moving around the different rooms of the house doing whatever. She seemed to be gone forever, then suddenly the stereo came on and I could no longer tell where she was. My imagination was in overdrive I could only imagine what she had in mind, but I was ever so eager to find out. I was never so stimulated or excited then I was at that moment. Just when I was I hope that I would soon feel her touch on my ever aching cock, my mind was brought back to the present as a hear a swish in the air and then heard the ‘WHACK’ from a belt hitting my ass and felt a pain spread across my ass.
As I heard the second swish in the air I dropped my hands down across my ass as best I could just in time for the belt to hit across both hands.
“Oh no you don’t,” she yelled. “That will not happen. You are not going to stop me.” Then she grabbed the connection between my wrists and yanked up on it pulling my hands away from my ass.
With her other hand she took hold of the leash attached to my collar and wrapped it around the chain between the cuffs holding my wrists together, effectively keeping me from lowering my hands all the while pulling on my neck. The more I tried to lower my hands the More I chased myself
Just as quick as that happened I heard the swish of the belt again and there was “WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK,” of the belt hitting my ass repeatedly and then silence.
I stood there breathing heavily, I can’t believe she just did that, that actually hurt even though I wasn’t going to let her think know.
“I hope you know this isn’t a game. Did that hurt?” I shook my head no, not knowing whether I should speak.
“Really, guess I’ll need to be like Avis and try a little harder.” She let those words hang in the air whenI heard the swish of the belt, WHACK, and the sting of the belt rang not only through my ears but also my ass. Then she said, “Don’t go anywhere I have things to get ready.”
I don’t know if she was there or not, the stereo was drowning any chance I had of hearing what she was doing. As the minutes past I could not help to wonder what was to yet to come. As my mind raced with so many possibilities I realized My cock was hardening with anticipation and my ass was burning.
Just then a hand grabbed my cock, “I guess since the leash is needed elsewhere I will need use this thing to move you.” With that she yanked me forward and turned me around a few times. I became a bit disoriented as to where we were in the room. It was not easy keeping up with my ankles shacked together, but I stumbled along behind her to keep from getting my cock ripped from body. “It’s a good thing you’re enjoying yourself so that I have a built in leash,” she said as she gripped a bit harder and pulled some more with a sudden tug. I stumbled and would have fallen flat on my face if I hadn’t bumped in to her.
Once I had my balance and she knew it she yanked again, she was not being overly gentle, but I was not going to let her know, for I actually was enjoying her new person.
She suddenly stopped moving and I could tell she was now sitting down. As she did she pulled my cock down and guided me to lie across her lap. It was not easy getting there without the use of my hands and legs. As I fell across her lap I thought I was going to go right to the floor, but she grabbed the leash that was tied between my collar and around the cuffs on my wrists. This steadied me into place and I found myself drawn across her lap with my feet on the floor and my head hanging down the other side of her. She then brought her legs together trapping my cock between her naked thighs.
“Ok now it’s time to have a little talk.” Strange position to have talk I thought. “To say I am unhappy with you would be a gross understanding. I am not happy how things are around here. You always tell me I should use you and make you my slave, but when I do you just mock me and make fun of me. When I do tell you to do something you just laugh at me. You are anything but subservient to me. You say it’s my fault, I should be more demanding and expect more and punishment you when you’re bad. I never could understand why you would want me to be like that. I have a hard understanding that on one hand you want me to love you, but at the same time you want me to hurt you. I always thought there was something sick about that. I could never understand why you wanted me to hurt you. That if you wanted to be a slave then you should just be good and be one. Why Should I have to work for you to serve me?”
She paused as she stopped to rub her hand over my sore ass. “Then one day when I was looking for something in your drawer I found an interesting book you had hidden away.”
Now that’s not agood thing. I had debated for years if I should show her that or not. “I read it from cover to cover. After reading it I’m not sure why you never had me read it. I now understand you not only want me to dominate you, but you need it. That it is who you are, it must be the way you are wired and that you need me to punish you and force you to do whatever I so choose. I then did some snooping on your computer and found your stash of stories. It made me sad that you kept all this from me.”
I suddenly felt bad, but she didn’t give me a chance to finish the thought. “In all the times you tried to goat me into punishing you I never thought I could. I never thought I could be that dominate person you so wanted. After reading that book and your stories and so much more on the internet I not only think that I can, but now that I have to. It’s not only that you need me to, but just the thought of hurting you has woken something in me. I don’t understand it, but I got so turned on reading all those stories and imagining it was me in those stories. I can’t imagine you really want me to do those things to you, but I got so turned on that I decided I want it and maybe even need it.”
“Well skipping ahead to the present, I realize I need to quit feeling bad about so many things. I also am no longer going to be upset that I don’t get enough done around here. And now I don’t have to Feel bad about asking you to do stuff. I now know I can get all the things I want done and never lift more than my hand. All I have to do is tell you to do it, and if you don’t!” With those words she quit rubbing my ass and brought it down hard on my ass with a loud ‘WHACK’ resonating around the room above the music playing on the stereo.
“You have to understand that I am doing this not for your pleasure, even though I can feel the prospect of what is too come is exciting you, but I am sure that may be short lived.” She said as she squeezed her legs to together stimulating my hardened dick even more. “You’re pleasure isn’t why you are presently laying across my lap. I really doubt this will be very pleasant. It might take me some time to get the hang of this, but I will. I am serious about this and I am a bit pissed with you. You should have told me how bad you needed this. You hurt me. You have deprived me.”
Now she was making feel really bad.
“So from this day forward things will now be different. You say you want to be my slave, well now you are. You will do what I say and you will obey me or life will not be good for you. You always said you wanted me take control and be more dominate, well you are getting your wish. I really didn’t think being dominate was in my nature, but I think I was wrong. I think I need this as much as you do. I’ll figure this out, I’m smart, plus I’ll have lots of help.”
Help! What help? Is there someone else here?
“I always know that you were very submissive, so you should enjoy submitting to me, but if you don’t, it doesn’t really matter, for you now have no choice. I know you need this. I never wanted to hurt you, I never thought I could, but now that is about to change. I will learn to punish you and punishment you seriously and I will not feel bad if you don’t obey me. Actually I think I am going to enjoy it. You will know your place. I am no longer worried about hurting you. I now understand you not only want it, you need it.”
She lets those words hang in the air then said, “Since you didn’t think the belt hurt before let’s see what you think of this.” She paused and then said, “I still can’t believe you want this, but since you do I am going to do the best I can to give you what you think you want.” She paused again and rubbed my ass round and round. “For some strange reason having you here across my lap thinking about what I am about to do to you is really turning me on. Not sure why.” With those words came silence and another rubbing on my ass.
“I really like this little ass; Ican wait to do things to it!!”
At that point I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was more that excited that the love of my life was about to fulfill my longtime fantasy. I truly couldn’t believe this was happening. I could not however wonder why all of suddenly out the blue this was happening.
“Okay, I would like to say this is going to hurt me more than you, but we both know that isn’t true. This is going to hurt you a lot. This is going to be the punishment you have wanted for years or at least thought you did. This is to let you know that I am serious. “
With that she reached for something, but what. Suddenly she was rubbing my ass with something cool and hard. Around and around she went. She stopped lifted the object I braced myself for the contact, but she Just lowered it again and rubbed it around and round.
“It is such a shame I let this beautiful brush you bought me so many years ago just sit in the bottom of the drawer. So many wasted years, what was I thinking? If only I had known years ago of what this brush could have done for me.” A few small chuckles came out her. I remember that brush it was big and heavy. What was I thinking when I bought it, will she really use it now after all these years.
Before I could have another thought the first blow hit my right cheek, SMACK, and then the next the left, SMACK, and the right, SMACK, and they continued, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK…… I don’t know how many times she hit me, but it was hurting like hell, my ass was now on fire. Her arm had to be getting tired. Not sure how much more I could take when she suddenly stopped.
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