From the files of Dr Marie Lyndon. Patient GS:
T 05/08/14
Interesting case. Delusional. Possibly self-deluded, possibly schizophrenia. Delusion comes in the form of being told by ‘voice’ (non-recurring) that he has been given infinite power over the humans of Earth. Patient has decided ‘not to use this power’, quoting Lord Acton: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”. His deepest desire to ‘never have been given such a power in the first place’ and to lead normal, happy life. Confronting the delegation obviously dangerous, so humored patient and spent most of session debating the wisdom of not using power. Made appointment for next day—patient seemed anxious to have ongoing conversation. Got quite agitated by end of session, but had next appointment waiting so had to assure patient that discussion would resume tomorrow.
F 05/09/14
Patient is educated caucasian male, mid-thirties. Single, or at least didn’t mention girlfriend or partner. Spent session trying to ascertain what triggered delegation—no military history, no signs of PTSD. Except for observation with delegation, patient seems otherwise healthy. Spent first half of session allowing patient to vent—spoke at length about potential consequences of ‘using power’, including (as mentioned in last session’s notes) potential corruption and inability/unwillingness to stop. Attempted to reassure patient that he is in control of his own life—seemed to calm him down. One phrase repeated—“If I don’t let it out, it’s like it was never there”. Patient seemed to find this mantra extremely helpful, and so recommended patient use it as achievement in the mirror each morning. Once patient was calm, probed about experience with the ‘Voice’. Patient seemed in the dark about voice’s origin, though did specify that it was external. Patient theorizes it was either God, aliens, or some kind of ancient spirit. Not sure what to make of this. ‘Encounter’ happened two weeks ago, and patient only yesterday summoned the courage to leave the house—to see me.
Worried about patient, but confident that he is not a danger to himself or others. Made appointment for Monday—patient seemed worried about being alone over the weekend (confirming single status)—suggested inviting friends around, going to see a film, or simply having a night in. Patient was uneasy but agreed that it might be for the best.
M 05/12/14
Unusual development today. Patient seemed fine when entered room, but upon seeing me, went white and almost fell over. Asked patient what was wrong and was surprised to hear a question about my bust-size. For clarification, patient has been nothing but gently up until now; crud request was totally out of the blue. Refused to answer initially, but upon increased distress, did inform patient that bust-size increased over the weekend. (this is unusual for patient notes, but necessary: due to time of the month, swelling is not unusual or unexpected)
Patient seemed preoccupied with bust-size, despite various attempts to change the subject. Kept insisting that it was ‘his fault’ and making connections to a dream or fantasy (didn’t specify which) he’d had during our last session. Obviously sexual interest from patients is nothing unusual for a doctor of my age and gender, but seemed out of character for patient GS—though was apologetic for repeated inquiries. Considered recommended him to another psych, but am worried about fragility and losing progress. As long as sexual interest doesn’t resurface, I see no issue with continuing to treat patient.
Spent rest of session discussing childhood and early years (nothing of note to report; good relationship with both parents, stable family environment, didn’t mention or indicated abuse). Patient’s attitude suggested he thought line of questioning was irrelevant, but tolerated discussion—perhaps out of guilt for sexual comments earlier.
Reluctant to prescribe anything for patient until more is known about delegations; patient is having no trouble sleeping, no anxiety issues, and claims not to be hearing voices on an on-going basis. Only signs of instability are obsession with alleged ‘power’ and out-of-character sexual behavior.
Made appointment for next day. Confirmed patient single.
T 05/13/14
Patient was late to session today. Apologised profusely, and explained he’d considered not coming due to ‘fear of corruption’. After assurances that I wasn’t going to corrupt him, patient clarified: perhaps as a subconscious response to sexual interest show last session, patient is worried about corruption me.Explained that I was able to take care of myself, and (without breaking privilege) made reference to previous patients with far more severe issues than him and methods I’d used to tackle them. Patient seemed unconvinced, but promised to keep on attending sessions.
Despite attempts to revisit childhood, patient insisted on discussing moral issues, and most of session was spent talking about morality of using power. Patient seems to value my input, so despite attempts to stay neutral and draw out his thoughts, ended up contributing more than intended to conversation. Will make sure not to be drawn in like that again. Patient seemed soothed by discussion, and made appointment for next day.
W 05/14/14
Patient again shocked by size of my bust. Swelling has been greater than in previous months, but obviously didn’t tell patient that for fear of acerbating concerns. Instead, just assured patient that there was nothing unusual and to sit.
Rest of session was spent debating morality. Managed to stay neutral this time, to patient’s frustration. Interesting ethical dilemma: on one hand, don’t want to prosthelytize to patient, on the other, morality discussion seems to be the only thing he attends sessions for.
Worried about what would happen if patient stopped attending sessions. Considering prescribe prozac to install feeling of calmness. Patient made appointment for next day.
T 05/15/14
Patient GS did not attend appointment.
F 05/16/14
Kept regular appointment time open just in case, but patient did not appear. Concerned, asked police to drop by address on file.
M 05/19/14
Police left message on answering machine over weekend—patient was at home, unharmed. Left appointment time open once more, and sure enough, patient GS arrived.
Explained motivation wasn’t intrusiveness but concern;patient claimed to understand, and apologized for causing worry. Though he tried to mask it, patients attention was clearly on my chest—when he saw that I’d noticed, I smiled and waved it off, explaining that I’d hurt a push-up bra today. (my bust-size significantly increased again over the weekend and, worried that it would cause anxiety in the patient, wore a bra to provide alternative explanation for growth)
Unfortunately, patient wasn’t interested in morality debate—his delusion seems to have deepened. Patient is concerned that by not using his ‘power’ it is “spilling over”, and causing changes based on his unconscious desires. Again, argument would be futile, so I humored his theory, and asked what sort of changes it would cause. Patient refused to make eye-contact.
Presumably patient blows my increased bus size on this ‘spillover’ effect. Ridiculous, of course, but to assume patients’ feelings, assured him that I am enjoying the changes.
Again, unsure if that was the right course of action, but patient seemed satisfied, and made appointment for next day.
T 05/20/14
Patient seemed concerned about my choice of clothing today—assured patient that skirts were a standard part of my wardrobe, but he seemed respectant to believe me. On reflection, I have been wearing pants during all of our previous sessions, so patient’s response makes sense. Had minor difficulty convincing patient to stay—succeeded by confessing that if he didn’t come, I would be worried about him. Seemed to work—patient stayed for rest of session, and made appointment for later in the week.
Session was spent discussing patient’s home life. Patient has recently started dating—‘Gloria’. After further questioning, patient revealed Gloria one of the police officers who checked up on him. Police were first people he’d seen in almost 48 hours, and when patient invited them in for coffee, Gloria and he ‘clicked’. Secretly unsure if a new relationship is a good idea for patient, but didn’t express this to patient. At least he’s not spending so much time alone.
W 05/21/14
No appointment with patient today, but keep appointment time open, just in case. Considered calling to check in on him, but reconsidered.
T 05/22/14
Unusual development today. Gloria has moved in with patient. In an attempt to remain professional, didn’t pass judgment on the situation, but expression must have given away how I feel. Patient explained that since they started dating, they hadn’t spent any time apart, and they both decided it was just easier for her to move in. Asked patient how he felt about it, and after a long pause, patient admitted that he thought it was odd.
Patient didn’t say anything about how I was dressed, but was unable to stop himself glancing at my legs; my new skirt shows off more than typical, but something was needed to distract from my (still-growing) chest.
Made appointment for Monday.
F 05/23/14
Although no appointment today, patient GS burst in while I was with another client. Fortunately not a new client, but an understanding regular who didn’t mind leaving the room for a few minutes while I calmed patient down. He continued to elaborate on his delegation, pacing and explaining the ‘new development’. Something about the ‘spill’ affecting him as well as others, and trying to work out whether using the power obviously was morally better than letting it affect the world at random. I let him speak his piece, before reminding him of Lord Acton’s advance. Patient still seemed conflicted, so I felled him to calm him down. It seemed to work—he apologized for interrupting, and assuredme it wouldn’t happen again.
M 05/26/14
Patient had more starting news today—Gloria lost her job. On a personal level, the more I hear about Gloria, the more she concerns me, but I put on a poker face for patient. As I stroked him, he explained that she’d been fired from work for ‘sexual misconduct’, which seemed to strike us both as unusual. I asked patient how he felt about it, and as he came on my face, admitted that he was concerned about how quickly the relationship was moving—he said that he’d always wanted a loving, long-term relationship, but after our session the other day, had questioned the speed at which things with Gloria had progressed.
I recommended he bring Gloria in for our next session, and he agreed to run it past her. Made an appointment for the next day.
T 05/27/14
Fears about Gloria were quenched as soon as she entered my office. Spectacularly attractive, not at all what I’d been expecting when I heard she was a (now ex—) police officer. Particularly surprised by bus size—bigger than my own, and mine stopped growing at a double H. Fortunately, due to high number of female patients (many women prefer a therapist of the same sex as them) have grown quite skilled over the last few days at cunnilingus. Gloria seemed to appreciate my skills.
Once formats were out of the way, encouraged Gloria and patient to make love while the session continued. As suspected, Gloria’s breasts very similar size to mine, but she too wearing a push-up bra to examine their size. Suspect push-up bras to be particular fetish of patient GS. As soon as intercourse began, her orgasm began, and seemingly continued throughout entire duration. Can’t deny it was distracting, but session managed to press on.
Seems Gloria shares my belief that not using his ‘powers’ was patient’s best course of action, though whether she (like me) was simply humoring him or generally believed in powers hard to ascertain. Regulating the termination of her employment, was shocked to discover that she was fired simply for giving fellatio to a prisoner in lock-up. Baffling. Made a note to see if the city ordinances had changed in that respect, but before conversation could continue, patient approached orgasm, so had to quickly confess him to pull out and aim for my cleavage.
Knowing we would run late if followed up with further activities, quickly made out with Gloria for a few minutes before making an appointment for patient for the next day.
W 05/28/14
Patient arrived early, walking in on me riding previous appointment. Had, embarrassingly, lost track of time, but fortunately took only a few minutes to milk the cum out of him and re-dress, fresh and ready to discuss with patient.
Gloria, apparently, considering suing the city—while letter of the law states that sexual intercourse with prisoners off-limits (which frankly surprised me), the fact it had been standard protocol for as long as anyone could remember left room for legalities to intervene. Relieved, I asked patient how the relationship was going, and as he entered me for the first time, I failed to catch his response. Sex with patients is so run-of-the-mill that typically can’t tell you what most of them taste like, but for some reason patient GS was different. Like Gloria had the previous day, began cumming the second patient entered me, and struggled to breathe, let alone speak, or understand sentences. Their previous marathon sessions must have acclimatized her to patient’s talents; found myself unwillingly impressed by how well she’d managed to hold a conversation the previous day.
Once intercourse concluded, orgasms stopped long enough to ask a few questions. To my delight, patient had no memory of voices, powers, or ‘spillover’ effect. Not sure how, but it seems therapy was successful—as far as patient was concerned, he saw me to deal with relationship issues.
Giving him a clear bill of health, I knew another appointment wasn’t needed for at least another week…but, regardless, made an appointment for patient for next day.
There’s no way I was waiting a week to experience that again.
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