*Disclaimer: Any persons engaging in sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.
Chapter 1
“Oh won’t this be a grand adventure!” Natasha Kowenski laughed and chattered with several of the men and women that waited for the bus.
Several of the others smiled and chatted with the very pretty nineteen year old and she walked around the pavilion, talking with nearly all of them. She did not discriminate; she talked with the youths and with the older people, all hopeful of getting on with the new factory opening in Porasch, Poland.
The coal mine in the town of Trimblin was shutting down and many were finding work very scarce. When Jacobs Industries put the advertisement in the local paper, nearly eighteen thousand people applied for the three hundred positions. Five hundred people had received invitations to come to Porasch, to try out for the jobs. Of those five hundred lucky recipients, one hundred and fifty were standing, waiting at the pavilion inTrimblin.
Jacobs Industries was sending the busses, Jacobs Industries was providing meals, and Jacobs Industries was providing lodging while they applied.
The requirements were ridiculously simple; must be able to read and must be able to pass a doctor’s physical.
Magda rolled her eyes as her classmate and neighbor prattled and chattered incessantly. It was just like when they were in school; Natasha was always laughing and smiling and chattering with anyone who cared to listen, and even when no one cared to listen. She sneered at the pretty blonde and put her nose back in her book.
“What you reading?” Natasha interrupted.
“Shut up, it’s about this girl that doesn’t shut up and finally someone kills her,” Magda said.
“Oh, so it’s like a mystery?” Natasha asked and looked down the road again to see if she could see the bus.
“No, no mystery to it,” Magda said and went back to reading ‘Flowers In The Attic’ by V.C. Andrews.
“Oh, isn’t thisexciting?” Natasha giggled happily and jostled Magda by hugging her tightly. “I hope we got hired on! Oh! Maybe we can even be on the same shift together! What you think?”
“I think I’d be on the next train back to Trimblin,” Magda sneered.
“Oh, here it comes!” Natasha whooped and picked up her cheap suitcase.
Magda put the book inside of her own suitcase and checked her clothes for any imperfections.
Dispite her unexpected answer to Natasha, Magda was sincerely hoping to get hired on; her widowed mother had four younger siblings to look after and having another mouth to feed had been stretching the Korenski budget beyond the breaking point. She hoped the small tear at the laptop was not noticeable; she did not want any imperfections to hamper this application and interview process.
The large vehicle ground to a halt and a smiling man got off the bus and held up a hand to stop the push of the crowd.
“Good morning,” he said pleasantly. “I am Peter Slanisova, employee of Jacobs Industry and I am here to assist you, who also hope to be employees of Jacobs Industries.”
Magda groaned inwardly as the man insisted that they get on the bus in alphabetical order. Chances were very good that she would either be seated with Natasha, or right across the aisle from the chatterbox, just like in school. Every class, she was seated directly in front of Natasha and Natasha assumed that she and the pretty brunette were the best of friends, just because they were always paired together.
“I am so sorry,” Peter was telling a tearful Sophia Arnak. “There just is not room on the bus for you AND the three children.”
“Oh, how sad!” Natasha said and went and hugged the woman and then hugged each of the crying children.
“I will pray for you, that there will be room on the next bus for you,” Natasha promised the woman.
“Good luck, dear girl,” Sophia said and gripped Natasha’s hand tightly.
Finally, Peter called her name and Magda entered the large bus. The interior was plus, almost luxurious and was pleasantly cool. She had not realized how hot she’d been, standing in her Church best in the August heat, until she stepped into the cooling of the interior.
“Here, you sit by the window so you’ll have enough light to read your book, Okay?” Natasha cheerfully offered.
“Thank you,” Magda said.
“Oh, you’re welcome,” Natasha said and immediately began a conversation with the person across the aisle from her.
It took nearly an hour, but the bus was finally loaded and the happy chattering people began the seven hour trip to Porasch.
Magda wanted to scream; she was tired, the slow rocking of the bus was lulling her to sleep, but Natasha’s mouth never stopped long enough for her to drift off. She wanted to sleep, she wanted to dream.
She’d been dreaming of that actor, the one that had played Lord Byron in that movie. With his broad chest and flat belly. The movie had been an awfulone, more about flesh and sexual escapades than actual historical content, but when Lord Byron had eased his breeches down and displayed his taut buttocks, Magda had actually squealed. So had nearly all of the girls in the darkened theater.
She’d been dreaming of him forcing her to the ground, forcing her to pleasure his manhood with her mouth and her hands, then laughing cruelly as he forced her legs apart. Savagely taking her virginity, just as he had done in the movie to that girl.
“I will write beautiful poems of you,” he whispered in the gasping girl’s ear.
“Oh, yes!” Magda thought.
“Oh, look, there is even the cookie,” Natasha showed Magda as she opened the Styrofoam container that held their dinners.
“I can see that; I’ve got the same thing,” Magda said coldly.
“Wasn’t that nice of them? I love cookies. We don’t get them often; Momma’s doing everything she can, but you know with Poppa being sick…” Natasha prattled as she began eating.
“Natasha, please, be still,” Magda finally snapped and Natasha looked at her for a long moment, and then shrugged her shoulders.
“Tonight, you will be paired, two to a room, men with men, women with women, unless, of course, you are married, then you will be paired with your spouse,” Peter told them as they pulled up to the large hotel.
Right across the street from the hotel was the large building of Jacobs Industries. Even the hatty Magda was impressed by the glaiming structure, painted in the colors of Jacobs Industries, bright white and chocolate brown. The building was immense and Magda wondered what was behind the large brown doors. Surely a building of this magnitude could hire more than just three hundred of them?
“We’re going to room together,” Natasha giggled and grabbed Magda’s hand, just like they’d had to do in school.
Magda was still looking over her shoulder at the large structure as Natasha dragged her to the glass doors of the hotel.
“Breakfast will be served at seven tomorrow morning,” Peter was smiling and telling them as they received the keys to their rooms. “Here on the ground floor, breakfast at seven. If you get here at five minutes past, I can promise you, I will have eaten your breakfast.
They laughed as the portly man rubbed his large belly to emphasize his point.
“Seriously, my good Friends, and I do hope that we will be friends,” Peter said. “It is important that we got started on time tomorrow. There were four more busses coming in and just five minutes can slow us down for hours. Good night; I know it has been a long journey for you so I bid you all a good night’s rest and I will see you all here tomorrow morning at what time?”
Magda sneered as Natasha and several others answered him with a loud “Seven o’clock!”
“Right!” he laughed and they cleared the lobby.
“We’re on the third floor,” Natasha cheerfully told Magda. “We don’t really need to take the elevator, do we? We’re young, let’s just take the stairs and leave the elevator to those that need it.”
“Fine, fine,” Magda grumbled as they ascended the stairs.
The two nineteen year old girls found their room and Natasha wished the others in the hallway a good night’s rest.
“I cannot wait to take a shower,” she bubbled and began to strip out of her clothes.
Magda looked at the furnishings; two single beds and was grateful. The last time she’d been in a hotel had been on a family vacation and the hotel that her overly thrifty mother had secured had only a double bed. Magda had finally grabbed one of the pillows and slept on the floor, rather than try to cram herself into the small bed with her siblings.
“Oh, Magda, look at this!” Natasha said and entered the bedroom, holding out a tiny bottle.
Magda had to admit; even if Natasha was a dullard that had gotten through their primary and finishing school on her looks alone, the girl was an incredible beauty. Her blonde hair was thick and long, as long as her own dark hair, reaching the small of her back. Natasha’s skin was very pale and her large round eyes were light blue. Her nose was her only flaw; it was a little large, but was hardly noticeable because of Natasha’s ever present white toothed smile. Her face was oblong, with high cheesebones.
Her body, Magda reflected, was almost identical to her own. Both were of average height; she remembered as they were measuring one another in Science class, converting from centimeters to American standard, both she and Natasha had measured five feet four inches. Tall. She’d lied and told the instructor that Natasha was five feet and three inches, giving her a one inch advantage over the blonde. Their chests were both thirty five inches around, their wastes were twenty nine inches (She suspected the girl was sucking in her slightly rounded belly) and their hips were thirty two inches.
“With this information,” the instructor had said while thegiggling girls were measuring the inside of each other’s legs. “You would be able to order the right size of American clothing and have it fit appropriately, isn’t that fun?”
As if any of them could ever afford the glamorous clothes in the American fashion magazines.
Large, pale pink nipples capped Natasha’s full breasts; her belly button was little more than a dimpl in her slightly rounded belly, and her vulva was covered by a light blonde mat. Her thighs were slightly pudgy and Magda wrinkled her nose in confusion.
“Natasha, you shake your legs?” she queried.
Yes,” Natasha giggled like a naughty schoolgirl. “Actually, I use what the fashion models use; it’s a hair remover, it comes in a bottle, it smells terrible, but look at how good it does!”
She grabbed one of Magda’s hands and rubbed the palm against her smooth thigh. Magda jerked her hand away from the other girl’s leg, extremely uncomfortable with such an intimate touch. She did have to agree; Natasha’s leg was indeed very smooth.
“But look, look, there’s fine shampoo for our hair! There are two of them in there!” Natasha went on and showed Magda the bottle of the shampoo she’d carried out of the bathroom.
Magda had to agree with Natasha, that was indeed something to be excited about. She normally used the harsh soap for her body and her hair; this would be a real treatment.
“I will try to be as quick as possible; I am sure you’d like to shower too,” Natasha turned and returned to the small bathroom.
Magda coveredly admired the other girls rounded backside; Natasha was truly a beautiful girl.
Natasha did shower quickly and was prattling on about the shampoo when she exited the bathroom. She looked at Magda’s hairy legs and grabbed the bottle of depilatory cream from her suitcase.
“Id you would like, I can show you how to use this,” Natasha offered.
“I think I will leave my legs and my underarms as they are, thank you,” Magda snapped.
“Just offering,” Natasha said and toweled her damp hair.
Magda looked at her own body in the mirror of the bathroom. Her breasts were the same size as Natasha’s; her nipples were larger and darker than the other girl’s. The nipples themselves were almost as large as her areoles and as fat as a thumb when erect. Her own belly button was a little larger in her own rounded belly, and her profusion of dark curls spread out and upward, reaching almost to her navel.
Her face was square, her skin was clear, with a light dusting of freckles across her small nose. Her lips were full, naturally dark, her eyes were chocolate brown. While she was not the incredible beauty that Natasha was, she was still quite beautiful in her own right.
The shower was quite relaxing and she did luxury in the rich shampoo and fragrant soap the hotel so thoughtfully provided.
“Wasn’t that wonderful?” Natasha tried when Magda stepped out of the bathroom.
For once, Natasha’s effortsCent nature was contagious and Magda agreed with the dolt; the shower was wonderful and the soap and shampoo were fantastic.
Chapter 2
Magda prepared for her lover’s cock to battery through her hymen. His birching good looks and broad shoulders mesmerized her as he poised himself above her.
“Yes, my love, my beautiful pet,” he murmured to her. “I will write of your beauty and for ages to come lovers will compare themselves to us, to the love we share.”
His large hands gripped her breasts, almost painfully and his cock pressed against the heavy lips of her pussy.
“Magda, wake up,” Natasha’s cheerful voice burst into her consciousness and Magda groaned.
“What, damn you, you idiot, what is it?” Magda grumbled.
“It is six thirty,” Natasha finally said, the hurt quite evident on her face. “I did not want you to miss our breakfast.”
“Oh!” Magda said and sat up. “Thank you, I did not remember to set my alarm clock!”
“You’re welcome,” Natasha mumbled, still quite hurt by Magda’s angle utterance.
Magda dressed quickly, brushed her teeth, then the two girls left the room.
The large dining room was already abuzz with other applicants and employees of the hotel and of Jacobs Industries. Magda and Natasha joined the others in line for the food.
Magda looked around as she and Natasha sat at a large table with six other hopefuls. The employees of Jacobs Industries walked around the large room, observing the applicants.
Magda realized that this breakfast was part of the application process and wondered what they were looking for. She made sure to eat carefully, properly, like her mother was always telling her to do.
A few people curried in after seven o’clock, making excuses about why they had not hurt up in time. Magda observed a woman in Jacobs Industries colors marking something on a clipboard.
A dozen of the applicants, some from their own group, approached the servers for more food and Magda saw Peter writing something on his own clipboard.
“Their names,” she thought. “If Natasha had not hurt me up in time, my name would be on one of those boards.”
“I think I will get some more of the bananas; I just love the bananas, you want one?” Natasha said and Magda grabbed the girl’s hand and pulled her back down.
“They are watching those of us that go back for more food,” she hissed to the girl.
Natasha looked around and realized that Magda was right.
“Oh thank you!” she gasped to the other girl. “I would have hated to lose this employment for a few bananas.”
“And I thank you for waking me up in time,” Magda admitted.
“Oh, that’s all right,” Natasha, said happy. “We’re friends; friends take care of each other.”
Magda fought the urge to sneer; she and this empty-headed beauty were not friends. The similarities in their surprises had thrown them together for the years of schooling, but they were not friends in her opinion.
They sat in rows at tables and scribbled down the answers to the questions. They’d been hunted over for nearly two hours now, first to fill out the applications, then to answer some basic knowledge tests.
Magda noticed that the employees watched them very carefully, just as the instructors had in school, making sure that the students did not peer over at their neighbor’s paper.
Natasha finished her papers and put her pencil down and put her hands on the top of the table, just as they’d been taught to do in School. Several minutes later, Magda finished her papers and did the same. Unlike Natasha, Magda read each question carefully, considering her answers.
Seconds later, Peter called out “Time to stop; please put your pencils down and put the papers on the edge of the table away from you.”
Peter smiled as he collected the papers. Then he and the other employees huddled together. Magda watched as they shuffled through the papers and pulled a few from the stack.
“Lunch will be ready in about thirty minutes,” he announced. “Everybody remember where the breakfast was served?”
He then called out a few names and asked them to stay behind but asked the others to go freshen up for lunch.
“They’re being pulled because of cheating,” Magda guessed.
“What did you think of that test?” Natasha asked her as they stood in line to use the ladies water closet.
“Just like school,” Magda shrugged.
“I hope I did all right,” Natasha while and stamped her foot.
“Just like school,” Magda thought. “You’ll get by on your beauty and your body; if it were up to your brain, you’d be in real trouble.”
The doctor was a heavy-set female. At first Magda had been grateful that the doctor was female; they were asked to disrobe completely for this phase of the interview process. But as she was produced and poked, she began to suspect that the doctor was taking more than just a medical interest in her examination.
Blood was drawn and finally the doctor bad her to dress again.
“That was a little much,” Natasha murmured as they met in the large room for their supplier.
“Agreed,” Magda grumbled. “I don’t think Herman grabbed my breasts that much when we went to the movies!”
Natasha giggled and after a moment, Magda burst into giggles as well.
They sat at the same table and noticed that they were missing two people.
“Wilhelm was copying his answers from someone else’s test papers,” a harsh looking woman said. “His wife said she would go back to Trimblin with him. “Believe me, though, she was none too happy with him.”
Magda looked around the room. The crowd had thinned noticeably.
“My friends,” Peter announced as they were finishing their meals. “You have, no doubt noticed that some that were here for breakfast are no longer here.”
“Including those that went and asked for another serving at breakfast,” Natasha whispered and clutched Magda’s hand. “Thank you, thank you.”
“But you are still here; that means that you have performed well so far,” he smiled. “Friends, I encourage you to continue to do your best. Jacobs Industries want nothing but the best.”
They were told they could avail themselves of the other facilities that the hotel offered, including the tavern, but Jacobs Industries would not pick up the tab for any alcoholic beverages.
“Don’t, its another test,” Natasha neededlessly whispered to Magda.
“Do you think so?” Magda asked, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“I am almost positive,” Natasha nodded. “Look around; those that do go to the tavern will not be here tomorrow morning.”
They took the elevator this time; there were fewer people waiting to use them. Natasha looked at the panel and turned around and said to Magda, “There are twenty two floors to this building! It even has an observation deck; let’s go to that!”
Magda shrugged her shoulders and Natasha excitedly hit the button for the Observation level.
The sun was just setting and Magda looked over the cityscape of the Polish city of Porasch. It was a much larger city than their small town of Trimblin and as tall as the building they were on, it was not the tallest building.
“And there’s the Jacobs building; Peter said we’re going to be tourist it tomorrow,” Natasha prattled as she ran to the edge of the building and looked around.
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