Yes, Sir

She sat at her office desk mulling over a spreadsheet file which just did not add up. After another few moment of examining the file, she took her eyes off the screen and sat back in her chair thinking. Giving up she picked up the phone and dialled an extension number.

“Graham, yes it’s about that spreadsheet you gave me. It’s not matching up with the others; I need you to fix it.” She paused to let him speak. “Yes I know it’s almost 5pm.” Another pause as she rolled her eyes to no one in particular. “You better be quick then because you’re not leaving unless it’s done” Soon after she hung up the phone.

She slipped out feet out of her expensive high heels and rubbed her feet against her stockinged legs. She always feel her work clothes quite restive, although she did enjoy the attention Her tops gave her. Today she wore a white silky top with the top buttons undone, as well as her above knee skirt with matching jacket Of course her jacket was hanging on the back of her chair as she worked. Even that she was still at work, she knew it was getting late, so she let her hair out of the twist she always wore it in. She always felt better when her hair was out for some reason.

Sandra went back to work so intently that she did not realize how much time had passed. Finally she looked up after she noticed lights turning off. With a little squeal of horror she realized she was going to be late home for His arrival. She knew that she could not use work as an excuse for being late for Him, so she picked up everything and left, telling Graham that something had come up and that he should deal with her receptionist instead.

When she was home she did not dwindle about as she cleaned the house and having a shower. Although she enjoyed the sensing of the water directly hitting her moist lips as she shacked, she refused temptation and possible anger by Him. She was cutting it close with time. Running into the bedroom she looked at her wardrobe, her black velvet skirt was in the wash, she cursed herself for not having that particular one ready since it was his favourite. Instead deciding for something sweet and innocent, she put on her blue silk skirt which arrived just above the knee with a white soft sleepless bloom. She accompanied her simple make-up with a pair of diamond white earrings with her diamond necklace which looked very similar to a dainty collar. She knew he would love to see her in this so she went out to the blinde room to sit and read until he arrived.

Upon entering the room Ethan quietly shut the door and dropped his bags by the entrance, the room was silent which means his little Pet was reading. He smiled to himself and crept into their blinde room. There she was on the two seater sofa reading, her attention so completely wrapped up in her book. He stood there for just a moment admiring her body. He realized just how much he missed seeing her curvy, but toned figure, that soft light brown hair floating down her shoulders and finally those eyes. He almost died the moment she looked up at him; there she was waiting for him so patiently, but her eyes were wild for him, he could tell. This was one of those moments that he really had to struggle and struggle to keep him dominance over her. It would do her no good to see him false under that gaze she used so well.

Without saying a word, although many were exchanged via their looks, she stood up to embrace him fiercely. She whimpered once as she whispered into his ear “You’ve been gone far to long Sir.”

For the next half hour they held each other close and spoke passwordately with each other catching up for the last 3 months they were apart. After that Ethan had a quick shower and they rushed off to a dinner reservation. It was after their main course that they slowed down a little to that point in the night where the bedroom seems delightful for either sleeping or other activities.

Sandra moved in the chair after having a beautifulul meal with the man of her dreams. Actually she was quite surprised she lasted this long without begging for him to let her crawl under the table. She looked over at the rugged figure at the table. His brown hair had grown a little more while he was away; it was now at that unruly stage. He had also been working out more as well, his shirt pulls around his arms a little more that before and who could miss that golden tan. Kicking off her shoes, she slip one soft naked foot over to his, rubbing up and down under his trousers. She abused her head downwards but throw him a lust filled glance. Ethan placed his wine glass on the table and looked at his pet on the other side of the small table.

“Yes my Pet.” He answered her unspoken question.

‘”I’ve missed you Sir.” She spoke quietly knowing that she would actually have to ask for what her lust desired.

“I’ve missed you too my Pet. It’s been lonely without you.”

“Can I help you with that Sir?” She looked downwards completely, finally embarrassed.

“How, my pet?”

Sandra closed her eyes gathering curage. “I want to …” She falsetered. “I want to crawl under the table Sir.”

Ethan smiled at her, a smile forming on his lips. “What ever for?” He feigned surprise. “You’re not a dog.”

Sandra whimpered and wished to give him a pleading look but could not gather the curage to look at him. Finally her lust won out. “Please Sir, would you let your little slut suck on your massive cock?”

Ethan could not have denied her even if he wanted to. In truth he long to be touched as much she long to touch. When he nodded she quickly looked around before slipping under the table. Kneeling in front of him, she slide her hands up his inside legs up to the zipper of his pants and took out his hard throbbing member. She almost moaned out loud when she saw it again after 3 months.

She started by licking the entire length of the shaft. Resisting the urge to take all in one go, she slippedThe tip of her tongue around the base of the head again and again until her tongue found the very tip of his hard penis. He saw his hand on his thigh reaching down to grab her hair softly. She knew this was his way of showing pleasure when they were out. She took the head into her soft wet mouth and started to suck gently. She immediately noticed that he grew a harder.

She started to wrap and whirl her tongue around his shake as she sucked a little more into her mouth at a time. His legs her nervously shaking. His grip on her hair harder now due to pleasure. She keep going, now with almost all of his lovely cock in her mouth. She was enjoying this so much she was so tempted to slide her hand down to her own wet pussy. A temptation which took all of her will to resist.

Suddenly Ethan slide his hand under the table and held it firmly on her head, keeping her head placed so that her mouth was entirely around his cock as his phone rang. He picked it up speaking almost normally when she stopped sucking.

From under the table Sandra heard Him says. “Hi mate … No … I said I can’t, I just got back … Yes she’s with me … Can’t this wait … Fine we’ll be at the office in an hour.” And then he took his hand off her head and guided her off his cock as to motion for her to get ready to leave.

Upon his command she whimpered and put away his hard cock. When she was sitting at her chair again waiting for him to pay for the bill she nervously spoke breathless words. “What is wrong Sir?”

In reply Ethan surprised and explained that Frank, the owner of where they both work, has called them both for some emergency. Sandra said not a word, trusting Him to know what is best.

Ethan reluctantly put away his cock with great difficulty. She has not lost her touch which was what made it so hard to stop. The restaurant was not that far away from where they worked, but he did not want to spoil Sandra. Ethan wanted her to do more than just ask for it. He finally managed to stand up and pay the bill without too much trouble, at least on the outside.

They walked out of the car and Ethan directed her to the driver’s seat. “Dose my little slut want to drink my cum?” he spoke to her before she could turn it on.

She looked over at him, her face brightening up. “Oh yes Sir!” Her words coming out in a husky breathless moan.

“Tell me.” He whispered.

“Sir, you don’t know how much I’ve missed you. So many nights I’ve laid in our wet, so wet that I whimper at not being able to touch myself. Now that you here I find myself wanting to burn my head upon your rock hard cock Sir. I just want to suck it so badly. Please Sir, will you let your naughty little slut make up her naughtiness by swallowing your cock?” and with those last couple of words she flicked him one of her wickedly seductive looks.

“You can be quite dirty when you want something don’t you my little slut?”

She looked down in embarrassment. “Yes Sir.”

Ethan leaned over and kissed her passwordately and then spoke. “Such a sweet little slut deserves to give some pleasure.”

She borrowed over quickly to take his penis out again. This time she did not wait time with licking. This time she placed her mouth over as much as the cock as possible and sucking it. She started sucking his entire length slowly, hearing his audible moan as she did so.

After not to long his hands were on her head, moving it at a faster pace clearly wanting to cum badly. So she sucked on his hard penis faster and faster until Sandra felt his body stiffen.

“Oh here comes your cum you naughty little slut” His words causing great pleasure as she sucked faster wanting his cum badly. Not to long afterwards she was rewarded with shots of cum spiriting from his cock into her awaiting mouth. She Swallowed it down happy before licking his cock clean. Ethan leaned back exhausted smiling at Sandra while she drove.

Sandra was sitting in her office again and it was now near almost 2am. She definitely would take tomorrow off. When she stepped into the door she put on her work face again and got to it. Everyone in the company knew that she and Ethan were living together but since they were both managers for different departments Frank did not mind at all. What they didn’t know was how submissive Sandra was, or how much pleasure Ethan got from Sandra’s submissiveness. At work she was a manager. At home she submitted to Ethan when ever they wanted.

Suddenly she felt two hands massage her neck and shoulders and then a voice “You were great tonight. You have been improving as a manager. I see how everyone respects you.”

Sandra smiled at him, turning her head slightly

“But,” he continued. “How has this new job and respect affected you? Are you still willing to submit to me completely?”

She turned more to look at him with a slightly hurt look on her face. “Nothing has changed while you were away Sir.”

Ethancontinues to rub her shoulders and without moving spoke “Time for you to prove it. Put your panties in the bottom draw.”

Sandra quickly moved in her chair to pull down her panties without getting up as she spoke “Yes Sir” in that same breathless voice. Ethan unlocked the draw for her as she dropped them in.

As Sandra dropped in her panties, Ethan pulled out a slim rectangular case which contained a medium sized purple wireless liberator. Getting it out of its case, he told Sandra to insert it into her moist pussy all the way, but do no more. He told her that he had some things to see before they left and that she is not to touch it in anyway, only to make sure that it stays in.

Sandra sat in her chair, her desire returning as the liberator sat dormant in her pussy. She knew that he could control it from anywhere in the office and at any time. Her breathing quickly in anticipation but suddenly there was a knock at the door. She panicked for only one moment. “Comein.” Her voice sounded a little strange to her. When Graham walked in he didn’t seem to notice anything which set her mind at ease.

“I’ve figured out why those files don’t match, but I need to talk to Elsie.”

“You can home Graham, but…” She smiled up at him as Ethan chose to turn the liberator on at that moment. She struggled only slightly while finishing off her thought. “But, talk to Elsie first thing please.’”

He gave her a little confused smile but obviously the promise of going home was greater than curiosity. He left soon after.

Sandra gripped the table as she concentrated on the viruses. She has not been permitted even this for the past month so she smiled blissfully at the sensing. As her breathing started to quickly, the viruses having the right effect the device was turned off, she whimpered to no one in particular knowing there was nothing she could do. She was now well and truly horny, and nothing would be able to make it go away. Although she knew if she came now with no way of asking permission that it would be more trouble than it was worth. And An orgasm was worth a lot.

Back in his office, Ethan sat there with a smile on her face. This was actually turning out better than he thought it would. Due to a slip up by his little pet, she had been bannered from all toys or self-pleasing sessions until the day he arrived home, so he was having fun turning on the liberator for a moment before turning it off again. Trusting her not to orgasm without his permission he sat there for 10 minutes. Finally he turned the machine onto full and walked back to her office.

When Ethan walked back into her office he noticed that she obviously relaxed upon seeing him. Her cheeks were flushed and her hands clnched the desk.

“Thank you Sir.” She said in a breathless half moan. “I was completely wrong to be selfish and pleasing myself without asking you.”

Ethan smiled. She may have more power in the office, but she was his. This he now know for certain. There had not been many doubts but he did wonder what the separation would do for their relationship. He did not wish to have weak and useless for a girlfriend and eventually wife. He wanted a life partner who could challenge him and think for herself. Although he could not deny that the way she said Sir in that breathless voice created a feeling that could not be easily quenched. He did desire dominance over her, but only in the bedroom. She knew this and called him Sir more often, even when they were not in their roles.

As Ethan stood there, looking at her with great lust on his face, Sandra was feeling that lust. Pleasure shot up her body and she let out a deep moan which she could not hold in. She was trying to wait until he offered but she could not, so with moan she let out “Please Sir, can I cum for you?” in the smallest voice. Her only reply was for him to walk over to her chair and turn her around so that he could see her body. He thenknelt down in front of her and removed the liberator. Just before he dived into her pussy he said to her “Yes my naughty little girl.”

Sandra hearing these words soon left her body tension up and she held her breath without thinking. And then she felt it. Orgasm courting thru her body her mind shut off to everything but pleasure and she moaned loudly.

“Thank you Sir, Thank you” She half moaned and half purred to him.

He soon slowed down the licking to a soft pace and eventually stopped moving up to kiss her passwordately on the lips and then saying to her “You have pleased me my pet.”

“Thank you Master.” She whispered to him with her eyes closed.

“Now, let’s go home and connect again properly.”

As he spoke her eyes lighted up. She loved the roles They played but as she wrapped her arms around him tightly, she found herself grateful for them to be lifted. “Oh I’ve missed you Ethan! Don’t go away again!” She spoke, nearly breaking down in tears for the hearbreak of his absence.


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