As always, feedback always welcome at [email protected] sat in the back of his limo and watched the scenery outside slip by on a subconscious level. Again he thought about the workings of his own mind. Was it the power that he had harnessed? Was he just a weak man? Whatever the reason he knew he would continue. Knew that he had to continue. The limo pulled through the gates of his driveway and approached his home. It was a large brick home patterned after a French villa. It sat on a lakefront lot in one of Boston’s best suburbs. He stepped out as Charles opened the door, thanked Charles and told him he would not need his services the rest of the night. Charles carried his bags into the foyer as he removed his coat. It was good to be home after so long away. Mrs. Alisha Giazelli-Yadav came down the staircase to greet her husband. His second wife was a tall statusesque Italian that he had met in Naples three years ago after the death of his first wife. “Darling,welcome home,” she said as she kissed him. “It’s so good to be back,” he said as he hugged her. He loved her very much and a pang of guilt hit him as he held her. He had just come from his office and the arms of his secretary. He pulled away from her quickly, hoping that none of Pooja’s scent was left on him. Charles came in with his final bag. “Thank you, Charles,” Alisha said and Charles tipped his cap and was gone. “Well, come in and have some dinner. You must be hungry after your flight. I know how you hate the airline food.” After his meal, they sat and talked as they drank a glass of wine. Alisha was into her fourth cigarette in about the last ten minutes. Atharva thought it was a disgusting habit but she tried to curtail her usage when around him. Something had his wife stressed out. “What’s Bothering you, Ali?” he said using her nickname as he placed his hand on hers and gave it a squeeze. His wife blew smoke up at the ceiling and smiled at him.
“It’s Gunjan, of course,” Alisha said with a sight. Alisha’s daughter seemed always to be a source of aggravation for her mother. Part of the problem was that Ali was being too confining, not letting Gunjan grow up and learn things on her own. Alisha wanted to mold her daughter into the perfect society darling. Of course, Gunjan was at an age where rebellion was at its highest. The result was that Gunjan began hanging around with the wrong crowd, a collection of long-haired boys and punk looking girls. The more Ali tried to bring Gunjan back in line, the bigger the rift between them became. “What has she done now?” Atharva asked. “The school phoned to say that she has been missing more classes. That is maddening enough because we have talked to her about it. But even worse than that is that Maria was cleaning her bathroom This morning and found a pregnancy kit box in the trash can. She reported thats to me, of course.” Maria was their maid. “When Gunjan got home, I sat her right down and asked her what she was doing with the kit. She admitted that she was concerned that she might be pregnant. She said the test was negative. When I began to tell her again about the perils of the unprotected sex, she, of course, stormed out of the room.” Alisha stamped her cigarette out and reached for another. “The thought of her Ruining her life by getting pregnant by one of those. . .those . .hooligans causes me great heartache.” Her mastery of the English language was not always very good. “I know, Ali, raising children can be the most infuriating thing a person does in life. You only want the best for them. I went through the same thing with Khushboo. I’ll talk with Gunjan tomorrow. She may listen to my advice.” “I hope so, Atharva. But this is no way to welcome my husband back home. Talking of only problems. Come upstairs and I will draw you a bath and you can tell me of your trip. I want to hear all of it.”
Atharva closed his eyes and let the warm water lap around his body. The oversized bathtub in the master suite had water jets just under the surface and Ali had set them on a low level before going into the bedroom to put up her hair at the vanity. Atharva began thinking about Pooja, her hot, supplement body, the way she’d felt under him. His dick began to inflate into a full-blown erection. Nothing to worry about there; Alisha would be pleasantly surprised was all. He heard a movement at the doorway and opened his eyes to see his wife come into the bathroom, sipping her glass of wine. She wore a short robe that he had bought for her last Godmas; it accentuated her long legs. She was 5′ 9″ in her bare feet and a lot of her height was in her legs. It had been the first thing he’d noticed at the party they had met at in Naples. Her full black hair was pinned up on her head in an intricate series of folds. She came over to the tub and kneeled to place her drink down. “How is the water?” she asked seductively. “Fantastic but lonely,” he answered with a smile. Ali rose up and undid her robe, letting it fall to the floor. She proudly modeled her statusesque body for her husband. She saw him take in her long legs, her black pubic mound, her flat stomach and her firm breasts, courtesy of the best plastic surgeon in New York City. She stepped into the tub and sank down into his arms. “Oh, Atharva!” she gasped as she felt his boss press into her side. Her hand reached down to fist his manhood. She gave it a jerk and her husband groaned in pleasure. The poor dear has not been with a woman in three months, Alisha thought. She hoped he could last long enough for her to satisfy herself. Atharva turned her in his arms so she faced him and their bodies molded together as she kissed him hotly. He ran his hands down her strong back and grabbed her ass, pulling her tighter against his sandwiched cylinder of sex. She broke their kiss and he went for her exposed neck, kissing and nibbling it all over.
“Mmmmm, yes, Atharva, oh, my love….it has been so long… long,” Ali whispered as she pushed his legs together and straddled them with her own. She slide her body up his and offered her breasts to his active mouth. Atharva grabbed her hard tits and squeezed them together. His tongue flicked back and forth over her dark stiff nipples as he felt her hand grip his up thrust nine inch member. Her hips slide Further up his torso and he felt her guide his bloated cockhead into the folds of her pussy. His hands traveled down to hold her wet hips as she lowered herself down on his column. “Hmmmmmmummuhhhhh!” Ali groaned as his familiar thickness spread her descending flesh. She never got enough of his big cock. Her hands gripped his powerful shoulders as she sank further and further into his lap, impaling herself on her man. The bottom of her thighs pressed against his legs finally and she knew she had all she was going to get in that position. Her cunt massed his encased phallus as her husband bent his head to lick and kiss her glistening torso just beneath her tits. Atharva lavished her soapy body with his tongue, the swells of the bottom of her tits pressed against his forehead. His hands kneaded her ass as he ran his tongue up into her cleavage, feeling her hard breastbone underneath her wet skin. Her hands closed on his head and she tilted it back against the tiled wall of the tub area. His wife brought her mouth down on his, hotly frenched him as she began grinding her hips in a circle. He hadn’t seen her that excited since he had fucked her the night of the party in Italy. Ali pulled her tongue out his mouth and leaned her head back, her eyes locking onto his as she began moving herself up and down on his tumescent prick. Atharva brought his hands up to grab her tits, his fingers moving over her distended nipples. She thrilled At the new sensitivity her nipples had taken on since she’d had her breasts augmented; Atharva had gotten her off just sucking them in the past. As she slide her pussy down again, her husband thrust himself up hard to meet her and Ali encouraged him to continue. “Atharva, darling, yes, I like that, give it to me, darling.” Ali sank down against him, crushing Her tits against his chest and raising her hips until only the head of his cock remained in her snug sex. Atharva’s strong hands gripped her asscheeks and pulled them open as he began humping his large dick up into her waiting womanhood. Ali gasped softly in Atharva’s ear with each powerful lunch up into her excited body. “God, aah, aah… Ali!” Atharva said as he banged his hips up between her long legs. His wife gave her hips a semiconductor in-and-out grind that directed his cock into her at different angles, heightening his ardor. Her tongue licked and explored his earhole as he felt her right hand slide down between their wet squished bodies. Soon her nails were titillating his ascending prick as she worked her clip into a later. The bathroom rang with his grunts and her steady rising squeals of pleasure. “Ooooh, yes, ooh, yes, ooh, Atharva! Atharva! Oooh! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yesyes yessssss!” Alisha hissed as her cunt churned and quaked around his manhood on the crest of her climax. Atharva held her trembling hips as he continued hurling his unflagging erection in his delicious wife. He kept her cumming for well over a minute as she shook in his arms. “Oh, Atharva!” Ali said as she stroked his face after returning to earth, “I can’t believe you didn’t join me. After such a long time. You are like a superman, yes?” She gave his cock a squeeze with her vaginal muscles. “I just didn’t want it to end,” Atharva replied, his hands rubbing her wet tits, enjoying the heavy feeling of her soapy sacs. “Yes, but what kind of wife would I be if I did not satisfy you properly,” she teased. “I know a way that you enjoy. Would you like to do my breasts?” Ali knew her husband had thoroughly enjoyed himself making love to her new breasts before he had left.
“You know I would,” Atharva said as she lifted herself off his cock and rolled off him to sit on the ledge next to him. Atharva swung his leg over hers and pivoted his hips so he was astride her reclining body. His cock and balls dripped soapy bathwater onto her wet tummy as she used her legs to raise her frame to a more horizontal position. Her round tits rose from her chest, proud and perfect. Atharva eyed her deep, tight cleavage as she cupped her globes and squeezed them together. “Ali, that looks so hot!” “You know I feel more of a woman with them, Atharva. Come and let me thank you.” Atharva needed no further invitationtion. He dipped his hips and slip his spongy head into the middle of Ali’s now spread tits. It more than filled the two inch separation between her olive hued mounds. Ali wrapped her firm jugs around his wet member and Atharva slowly drove the rest of his cock up between her enveloping teats until his cockhead met her down tilted chin. “Oh, shit, that feels good!” he exclaimed as he pulled his dick back to repeat the process. Atharva loved to fuck tits. His first wife had been a curvaceous belle from Atlanta. On their honeymoon she’d suggested he do her tits after trying almost everything else. He’d been hooked ever since. He was glad Ali now had those firm pillows to sandwich his dick. Atharva tit-fucked his wife for several minutes, eyes closed, enjoying the incredible sensings. His thought flicked between Ali and his hot former wife. Then, an image of Khushboo found its way into his tit-fucking mental slideshow. He pushed the image of his beautiful daughter out of his mind. Khushboo, the spitting image of his deceased wife! He shouldn’t think about that. But she kept finding her way back to his thoughts. Khushboo, the head cheerleader at Duke. The way she had filled out her uniform when he
Went to a game on Parent’s Day. The way her breasts had felt against his chest when she hugged him good-bye in front of the sorority house. Khushboo in her bikini out by their pool last summer; the top leaving nothing to the imagination.Atharva lost himself in his fantasy. Ali heard her husband groan and his thrusts increased through her soft cleavage. Her tongue darted out and lapped at his flared glans each time it Neared her face. Her nipples were super stiff between her fingers. God, Atharva is really enjoying himself! She thought. But Atharva wasn’t fucking Ali’s tits anymore; instead his beautiful daughter was now below him, her large, soft mammaries trapping his humping cock! In his mind’s eye, he looksed down to see her looking up at him, her tits rippling with each thrust, her cheeks wet with his pre-cum as his cockhead slid around and past her open mouth. Yeah, Daddy, fuck my tits! Fuck my big tits! Get your rocks off all over my face! His lovely daughter pleased. “Yes….Yes! Here it is, baby! Atharva cried in the real world as his dick, on an upstroke, began erupting. A thick wad of his cum slammed against Ali’s nose and began dripping down into her open mouth. Successive blasts completely covered her cheeks and chin with a glaze of his semen. Finally, Atharva’s prick began to dribble more of his slick cum on her breastbone and in the valley of her tits as he slowed his thrusts. Atharva opened his eyes to look down at his daughter and saw instead his wife as she cleaned his cock with her tongue. God, why am I thinking such things? Atharva thought as his mind swam in turmoil.Later in bed, Atharva held his wife as they talked. Atharva had offered to give herShoulders a massage and she’d leaned back against him as he sat up against the headboard. His fingers kneaded and pulled at her shoulders, sending her into a very relaxed state. “That’s right, Ali. Relax. Relax. Let those shoulders just relax totally. That’s it. This must be making you sleepy.” ”
Yes, very,” Ali said in total bliss. “Good, let yourself go. Go into a sleep. You’re safe here. You’re getting sleeper. Still you are relaxed. Sleepier now, sleeper….” Without realizing it, she was taken through a hypnotic induction sequence. Atharva tested her when he thought she was thoroughly under. “Ali, you’re a sleep but you can hear her. You are staying but you can talk.” “Yesssss…asleep,” Ali whispered. “Good, Ali, now listen carefully. I am going to give you several commands. You will be open to all forms of sexual expression that I may wish to try, with youor another woman. I want to be with other women. You will not be threatened or angry about this. You will accept this as a natural part of our relationship. Do you understand?” “Yesss, understanding.” “Ali, you will not speak to anyone regarding any aspects of either of our sex lives, do you understand?” “Yesssssss.” “I am going to give you a keyword. When I speak this keyword, you will immediately go into a trace state. The same state that you are in now. Do you understand?” “Yes, I understand,” Ali said sleepily. “Ali, your keyword is Aardvark. Repeat that please.” “Aardvark.” “Good. You will not remember this conversation but you will remember all the instructions I have given you. Now roll over and go to sleep.” Ali rolled over and was fast sleep.Unable to sleep, his mind on the day’s events and a number of his patients that he envisioned fucking, Yadav got up around 1 a.m. And wentdownstairs to his study. He saw Gunjan’s Jeep parked in front of the house. Apparently, she’d finally gotten home. Probably, well after her curfew. The girl just did not respect her mother or him. It’s time to change that, Yadav thought. He made his way back upstairs. Gunjan’s bedroom door was shut. He knocked softly but got no response as he had hoped. He slowly opened the door inch by
Inch. The light from the hall allowed him to see that she was sleep in her bed. He quietly moved to the side of her bed and looked down on his stepdaughter. Gunjan had the same olive skin as her mother but was slight in build. She’d probably not get much taller than her present 5′ 3″ height. Her hair was a dark brown rather than black like Ali’s but hurt just as long. She chose not to accentuate Her features with the use of make-up or hairstyling; she had instead embedded the punk look of her friends. She wore the baggy clothes and boots and onlyate vegetables in protest of inhumane treatment of animals, etc. He knelt by the side of her bed and said her name in a whisper. No response. He said it again, slightly louder. No response. He tried again, slightly louder still. This time a muscle moved in her cheek. He’d found the threshold of her subconscious mind. While people slept, their minds were still working away. One part was generating dreams, one part was handling all the automatic functions of the body like breathing, digestion, the beating of the heart. And one part was listening to the sounds of the environment. It was to this part that Dr. Yadav spoke.
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