Little Blossom Comes To Visit(1 of 2)

It was four in the morning when the phone rang waking me from a sound sleep. Trying to oriented myself I stumbled to the phone picking it up to answer. I recognized my sister Ann’s voice, sounding in a panic, Jon is real sick, can you take care of Blossom for a few days? So I can stay with him at the hospital, sure I said, sis you know I will help out thetas what family’s for. Luckily his illness was common and time would make him fit as a fiddle again. I couldn’t believe it, Blossom coming for a visit, I hadn’t seen her since she was about five years old.

I’d never had children of my own yet, the girl friends were all dud’s and I had adjusted well to being single, with an occasional wild fuck to take the edge off the big faller. I dashed to the bus stop at nine in the morning, now finally almost awake and coherent. I paced nervously, the bus was late, but finally I saw it coming down the hill to the bus stop. When the door opened I watched as one young lady got off, where was little Blossom? Then it dawned on me that little Blossom wasn’t as little any more after six years of growing up.

That brown haired brown eyed little beauty that had just steeped off the bus was my niece Blossom. Well, her given name is, Heidi Lee, Blossom is a bit more informal and a lot less tacky. I ran over to Blossom and introduced myself in case she didn’t remember me, as I started to say, hi Blossom jumped right into my arm’s with the warmest Bear hug. Saying, Uncle Ted, it’s been so long, I missed you so much and Mom sends her love. Blossom gave me a sweet juicy kiss, I wasn’t sure that was very appropriate right on the lips but it was delicious. I had to lick my lips a few times analyzing her Cherry lip gloss.

I ushered Blossom over to the car and opened the door for her, telling her to be sure to buckle up. Then I got in to begin the drive home, we talked all the way with the radio covering the background mood. Blossom had really filled out in six years, right on the verge of becoming a young lady, we talked about family and some of the fun things we did when she was smaller and we all lived in the same town. She was aware that her Dad’s illness wasn’t life threatening, so she didn’t need to worry about him. She could consider her visit more like a vacation than an emergency, so we could make a fun time out of Blossom’s visit.

I put a great deal of time into looking Blossom all over to see how much she had grown since our last visit. Very apparent that our little Blossom had definitely begun to blowsom, her legs were beautiful, long and smooth, shaped like a budding young model. Her bottom a perfect sexy bubble, her thin te shirt no longer hiding her rapidly developing breasts. Taught nipples that poked out like little pencil erasures that had to be fantasticaldelicious.

Blossom bounced around in her seat on the bumpy road that led to my small farm house. She smelled super sweet with some scent that resembled orange flowers, with another scent that teased at my senses for a while as I tried to decide what it was. Then it dawned on me I could smell her slight sexual scent, must be she was or had been a little aroused recently on the bus or when we said our first hello. After an hour of pounding the highway, we pulled in the drive way and up to the garage door. I went around and opened Blossom’s door, as she slip out I couldn’t help but see her short dress ride up over her powder blue panties. Oh God, she had a delicious full public shaft, with little wisdom of dark fuzz outlined against her panties.

I had to look away quickly before she realized I was starting to drool and my cock was about ready to give her a salute. I mean she was my little niece Blossom, very cruel to get a hard on for my sisters daughter. I opened the van side door and got out Blossom’s luggage, carrying it into the house and setting it by the coat room. I gave Blossom a quick tour of the house, showing her where her room was and all the other little necessity’s. Then I carried her bags up to her room for when she was ready to unpack.

We went to the kitchen and made a few sandwiches for lunch with a pitcher of ice tea. Took it to the living room and sat down to relax while we had a bit to eat, the stereo supplied some easy listening music while we ate and chatted a bit about life in general. Blossom said she was doing well in school, had a lot of girl friends and they spent most of their time talking about the dumb boys at her school. Blossom said she was wishing she had a boy friend but the ones she knew were just to immature, more interest in video games and sports than having a relationship. I assured Blossom that the right guy would come along witha little patience.

I sat on the sofa, Blossom in my recliner as we ate, she pushed the recliner back and up went her feet, very comfortable chair I loved it for watching movies and falling asleep in the evening. Only catch with Blossom sitting in it, when we talked I was looking right up under her dress at her panty covered honey pot. Blossom did a lot of wiggling uncomfortable, it made me wonder if she knew I was able to see her panty covered pussy and it was getting her a little hot thinking about it. Blossom finished eating, then asked if she could take a shower in the down stairs bath. I said, of coache, make herself at home.

Blossom got a change of clothes from her luck and went into the bath and turned on the shower. I had forgotten to tell her to lock the door because it was off balance and always managed to drift open a foot or so, I was alone most of the time so I never bothered to lock it. Blossom was singing away in the shower, I had to smile at her vocalizing. I paced a little nervously waiting to decide what to do to entertain Blossom and make her stay enjoyable. Thoughtlessly I walked by the bath a few times glancing in the partially open door, there wasn’t much steam on the glass with the door open a little to let the humidity out. Blossom’s body was very visible in the glass, even with the distortion her pubic hair and round ass were Very apparent. Her breasts jutted out with the dark brown nipples and aureoles enhanced by the distortion of the glass.

I had to slap myself for standing there obsessing about Blossom, thinking about a lot of things besides her being my niece, or my sister daughter. I thought I was going to need to run upstairs and choke the chicken to get my hard on to take a break. Blossom came out of the shower and back into the living room, dressed with some more very sexy and revealing clothes. Her hair wrapped in a towel as it drunkso she wouldn’t drip on the carpet. Blossom said she wanted to go up and unpack, would I mind helping her so it wouldn’t take long and we could get on with making it a fun day. I gladly said, certainly honey, we can chat while I help you get settled in.

When I followed Blossom up the stairs it was immediately obvious she hadn’t put on any panties yet, her short skirt did nothing to hide her lovely treasures. The sweetest bubble ass and a perfect puffy soft Camel Toe right in front of my nose. The only choice was to try to figure out if cock was harder then my tongue as that beautiful ass wiggled its way up the long stair case. I had a gut feeling Blossom knew what she was revealing to me and it was very tempting if I had enough back bone to tell her that her ass was incredible but she was torturing her Uncle in a most cruel way.

We made it to Blossom’s room and started putting her things away, while I wasActually wishing we were still on the stair case so I could adore that sweet ass of my niece’s a bit longer. While I was helping her Blossom made it a point to keep bumping her bottom into me, seemingly accidentally, but I figured more likely a flirt or tease was it’s intention. This was getting very hard to deal with, Blossom was beginning to purposely bump against my cock, it wasn’t getting any softer that’s for sure. When she bent over to get things out of her bags there was nothing but delicious ass right in my face. Her top was so loose that her breasts were virtually falling out of it and Blossom kept checking to be sure I wasn’t missing any of her show.

I had to say something as tactfully as possible to save more embarrassment, the next time she bounced her ass against my hard on I put my hands on her shoulders and looked her strait in the eyes saying, Blossom honey, you are incredibly lovely for sure,but your teasing is driving me crazy sweetie. I am only human so please take it easy on your Uncle, OK baby cakes? She didn’t blush like I had anticipated or back away, she moved up even closer so her body was pressing tightly against mine. Looking very seriously in my eyes and said, honestly Uncle, wouldn’t you like to have just a little bit of this? Then she squeezed my cock and went back to unpacking, shock was the understatement of the year, I nearly creamed my jeans right there and then. Blossom certainly didn’t even have any on, I excused myself and went int the bathroom.

Closed the door and started choking the chicken desperately seeking some changes in my mind set. I was almost ready to frost the cake when I could hear Blossom right behind me giggling hysterically, my cock went numb in my hand. Blossom said, sure looks like you want some to me Uncle. Some that will feel a lot better than your rough old hand any time that’s for sure.I was at a total loss for words or what to do, my cock had given away my vanity, Blossom wasn’t teasing because she was trying to coat me into bringing her to church that’s for sure.

I must have looked really stupid standing there, I hadn’t even had sense enough to put my cock back in my pants yet. Blossom walked over close, looked deeply into my dumbfounded eye’s then down to my half hard cock. She moved a little closer, looking questioningly into my eye’s, then I felt her hand wrap around my shake and gently start pumping. When she feel it getting harder in her hand she began to smile delightedly, pumping it much faster. It wasn’t long when my muscles tightened intensely and I let out a big sight and filled her hand with hot cum, some squirted on her dress most shot all over her legs. Blossom scooped a bit off her legs and licked her fingers as she smiled at me teasing, then she gave me a soft gentle kiss and dashed back out tounpack the rest of her things.

After I got adjusted with my cock back in my shorts, I went out to assist if it was possible. Blossom didn’t say much only, Uncle, didn’t that feel a lot better than your hand? I didn’t say anything, she was right, but she certainly already knew that. There was some serious thinking to do now, Blossom was here for a few weeks, if it was this intensity now what was it going to be like in a day or two? I was just human sooner or later I’d have a weak moment, or go sleep walking into her bed room in the middle of the night looking for a midnight snack that was likely in her panties, if she had any on.

The thought crossed my mind that if I did some teasing and flirting maybe Blossom would back off a little, it was worth a try, didn’t seem like any alternative that made sense other than fighting fire with fire. So off to helping Blossom acting like nothing had happened in the bathroomm earlier. I let her bump her pretty little ass on my cock all she wanted, even bumped her a few times when it started getting hard again. Got her against the dresser once and teased her with a little dry humping from the back.

Did my best to run my hands over her bare ass every chance I got and give her plenty of squeezes. Cupped her breasts a couple times while I teased her hard nipples inside her top. Seemed like she was getting pretty worked up with the pay back and maybe she was gong to back off a bit. When she quickly turned around shoving me flat on my back on the bed, as I started to get up Blossom jumped on me and sat right smack on my face. I couldn’t breath, my face was smoothed with soaking wet pussy that smelled like sweet cherry blossom’s. Took a while to regain my senses, realizing that Blossom had rubbed motion lotion all over her pussy while I was in the bathroom adjusting myself.

Darned if she hadn't planned the whole thing ahead of time, wasn’t long before I was breathing again, with my mouth full of the sweetest pussy I’d ever eaten. Blossom’s orgasm’s were running down the sides of my face and neck and I had a good inch of her swollen clip clinched between my lips with my tongue drive up inside her as she humped it insanely. Blossom loved it when I flicked her anus a lot then dove my tongue back into her pussy, she must have cum at least a dozen times before she finally got off my face.

My turn to say, Blossom honey? Wasn’t that a lot better than your hand or teasing? She just grunted as she started jacking my cock back to its hard state……(to Continue)



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