My Little Gypsy

This is a true adult story, names are fictitious for obvious reasons, a story worthy of sharing with those of a sensitive nature. Maybe even a few that have had that one special experience in life that can never be duplicated.

Several years ago when in business for myself I was in the process of doing interviews for new employees. Life was not going well at all for me, working often over a hundred hours a week. Dealing with a greedy cheating wife when I did have time to go home, always wishing I had stayed at work when I was told about the wife’s escapades.

Interviews were going slow, the job was specialized so it was difficult to find anyone with proper qualifications. Even with the good pay that I offered few met the criteria that was necessary for what I had to require. I had recently added a new partner to the firm, quickly realizing that I had made a very poor choice. His ideas had little to do with making thebusiness successful, designing ideas to spin off into his own direction stealing my ideas. Luckily he didn’t have the talent or the desire to achieve success independently.

I had gotten to the point where I did the interviews without doing much more than faking being serious about them because after a multiitude none came close to being acceptable. I decided maybe a few part times with a desire to learn the ropes at an entry level would be my only answer to the warm body shortage so I could get some desperately needed rest.

Most applicants were women with some practical experience but their family responsibilities limited their availability, a big handicap for my needs. The first interview started well, a nice looking well dressed woman in her twentyties that did a lot of flirting. She made it a point to say she wouldn’t mind staying nights on the job, that didn’t sound bad, availability was important. It also gave me ahard on, not such a good thing for business. After learning she had two young sons that were going to create a lot of limits to her freedom I decided that she would be more happy working in an easier environment with less responsibility to work.

The second interview was a younger girl fresh out of school, also very pretty with a great body. She seemed very immature, making a lot of references to her bad relationship with her boy friend and a lot of personal issues that had very little to do with job qualifications. I offered an interview and not a therapy session for her life crisis’s. The decision maker was when my new partner was obviously working on talking her into bed with no concern for work. There were a lot more priority things than his getting his Dick wet at the businesses expense.

I hired one part timer, partly from destination, partly to patronize a stock holder, his daughter would be training a few days a week. She was a cute little thing, not the brightest star in the sky that’s for sure. She had more failed relationships than she could count and as soon as I hired her she was calling or dropping by to see me a dozen times every day. Always flirting and being sexually suggestive with body language and her wardrobe. She told me several times how much she was looking forward to doing some overnights with me for training. Well, the thought crossed my mind a few times to have her come in for a night shift but my common sense said it would be a big mistake so I didn’t. No doubt what so ever before morning I’d be fucking her brains out and I was technically married at least on paper. Doing her once would make her become like a second skin that would need to be surprisingly removed for sure.

I had about given up hope of finding an honestly dedicated employee. My last interview for the day was running late at arrival, that was a definite minus on the intraview before it started. There didn’t seem to be any point in doing more than going throw the motions, then just doing it all myself until I reached burn out then hope for a miracle. At the last minute before I was ready to leave for the day a van came flying in the drive. Out jumped a woman dressed in a very proper body accenting suit with brief case in hand.

She actually even looked professional, enough so that I forgot she was almost thirty minutes late. I couldn’t take me eyes off her or her off me, some unseen magnetism or fascination made an unusual connection. She was married, in the process of dividend, an artist among other talents. Rather than sit and talk I thought it was more practical to walk around the work site while I interviewed her. She had all the qualifications as well as the availability with a willingness to start immediately. June had totally captured my attention and was working on taking my heart as well. She was tremendousously beautiful with a body that men would gladly die for unconditionally.

She started on the job the next night training, her strange husband called frequently to discuss business matters with her while she was at work. That wasn’t a problem although I felt odd when I took the call and transferred it to her, maybe a twinge of jealousy was toying in my head. My so called wife was only around for more party money and to complain about me not doing enough for her while she drained the bank account. The normal evening work routine included having dinner, usually just a call out for Pizza or a Sub sandwich nothing special. June liked to cook so I gave her free reign over the evening meal. It was unbelievable, seafood by candle light with a bottle of fine Wine. This was better than any date I had ever been on with a more beautiful woman than I had ever been out with.

I was beginning to wonder when I was going to wake up fromThis really nice dream world that was developing. My conduct remained gentlemanly always but my mind was sure thinking overtime. The relationship with a new employee was ten times more rewarding than being home with my wife. For the first time in my whole life I felt strangely happy any time I was working with June, no matter what the task was.

Around the third week of June’s hire I received a phone call, there had been a tragic accident in my immediate family. A hit a run accident involving a very young relative that I had been very close to. I was devastated, the combination of my uncaring wife, the accident and the stress of work created a temporary but extremely intense depression. No one was available to cover the work load and I wasn’t in any state to carry out my duties. Finally I got in contact with Jane at her home, explained my plight to her without going into detail. I thought she had hung up not interested in covering for me at workfor a few days.

I went into my small office turned the lights down low and meditated until I began to cry in total loss for what to do about anything that was going to hell in my life. I was lost inside myself, not hearing a vehicle pull in the drive. Suddenly the front door slammed open bringing me back to reality. I did my best to wipe the tears from my eyes and put on the usual mask of fortune when June burst into the office. Her look was total concern, her eyes searching for answers to why I was feeling so negative. In my desire to appear strong I said, I would be fine but I need time alone to think. Jane didn’t seem to believe my cop out but she didn’t push the issue.

Our building was on two levels so her private space was on the upper level and I usually worked in my small office and slept on the cot that I stored in the closet. I told June I was going to my home for a while to check on the wife, she wasn't pleased with my decision saying that I was in no mental condition to drive. I assured her it was a short drive and I would be very careful. When I got to my house there was no sign of anyone around, when I went in the house was a total mess. A not on the kitchen table calling me a number of four letter names saying that the wife was gone to her friends to stay permanently. I knew who her friend was, unknown to her, he was a real looser but I didn’t have time or care enough under the present circumstances to waste my time chasing her around while she was fucking half the men in the state.

Back to work I went, at least I felt like I belonged there and it was actually a better stimulus to my mental state at the moment. It was getting late so June made me eat a little even without an appetite, she was very persuasive. June wasn’t pushing for information but I did tell her about the wife’s new escapade, there had been a death in the familythat I really wasn’t up to talking about at the moment. I new I couldn’t sleep but it was a must that I try to at least rest some, at the time my salvation was meditation with a lot of Yoga. It gave me enough relief to keep going with a small amount of actual sleep time. I could hear June upstairs rearranger furniture, then the bath running while she played a little music. A good time for me to sit on the cot against the wall and do some deep meditation.

It worked well for a while getting lost in total mental numbness, then the tears began to flow again, there was just to much inner pain to keep it all locked inside. Alone in the office where no one was watching I could sob slowly letting the raging emotions out. It must have been near eleven at night when June came down to check on me. The office was dark with only a Novena candle burning, my Yoga position had been held so long I couldn’t feel much of my body. June came over and sat on the cot beside me not saying a word, only looking at me with her beautiful big brown eyes. Her slightly curly long dark hair still damp from her bath. She was wearing a knee length purple night gown that was very sheer but proper looking. I had on my usual sweat pants and shirt with the front unbuttoned.

June had a bottle of Nivea oil with her telling me she was going to give me a mass to relax me so I could go to sleep. I declared her kind offer saying, I was fine, thanking her for the kind offer. Know wasn’t what she wanted to hear and I was in no mental condition to argue the point with her. I finally accepted figuring it would be a quick mass, then she would go back to her private space on the upper level of the house. June had me take my shirt off and lay flat on my belly, she definitely know what she was doing when it came to massage. Scalp to fingerprint tips gently pulling the tightness out of my body, my shoulders and back were soothed in a hEavenly fashion. It feels so good just laying there with her talented hands lulling me into a near sleep state. My mind completely void of the negative, filling itself with comforting relief and peace.

June was working magical things with her hands, if a massage was meant to last forever she was the one to be giving it. So sensitive it felt like she was absorbing the pain and sadness from my every muscle, swallowing up every negative emotion. June had me roll over so she could work on my front, from my scalp and face out over my arms and finger tips. Down over my chest to the sensitive muscles in my belly, June face got very close to mine, when I opened my eyes she was looking deep like they were searching my inner soul exploring my feelings.

I just lay there fascinated by her beautiful eyes, womanly certainly, yet with some strange innocent or desire like a nymph or a true Gypsy lady. Some attention that I couldn’t understand or even attempt to explain. Some overwhelming urge possessed me when her face again came close to mine. My head raised up slightly as I looked deep in her eyes searching for something I didn’t understand and my lips met hers with a soft clinging kiss. Immediately I pulled away realizing what I had done, apologizing for my improper advance. June said, it’s OK, she was getting dividendd and she had not have been in the same bed with her husband in a long time. Adding that my wife certainly was not acting like one especially in my time of need, only think about her own selfish desires.

June kissed me this time much more passwordately as I willingly return her kiss deeply. Her face was Angelic, her eyes sparkling like diamonds or a night sky filled with twinkling stars. June returned to massaging my belly a lot lower now, soon she was unbuttoning the front of my jogging pants running her fingers over my pubic hair. My arousal was fillingmy cock to solid erection, June’s hair was brushing over my belly softly as her tongue began swirling over my pulsing cock head. it had been months since I had found time for sex, my wife was about as responsive as a blow up doll and her brand of oral sex was less stimulating than a hand job. June was totally different in every way physically and emotionally.

June was actually making love to my cock in the most sensitive passwordate way humanly possible. Her mouth sliding down over the shake so soft and warm as her tongue gently teased out precum swirled it around in her mouth as she drank it down with pleasure. I didn’t want to cum in her mouth quickly, making her time loving me so sweetly had to last longer if it was at all posable. I told her she didn’t need to do that but she said I want to, I like doing it and you have such a nice big cock. I started kissing June with a new found password that sent hot waves of desire over my body.

Nearly on top of her my kisses drank deeply from her lips as hers returned the growing password eagerly. Before I relaxed my hips were against hers pressing my hardness against her public shaft rocking against her. With each push her hips came up to meet mine growing in intensity. Her body heat increasing as rapidly as mine, our breaths and hearts racing together. I rolled off slightly as we kissed massaging her breasts, Then kissing, sucking her nipples gently through her night gown. When my hand slipped in her panties June was gently pumping my cock, her pubic hair felt like silk beneath my fingers. Her mound the softest creamy smooth flesh I had ever touched, my fingers trembled with desire as I touched her pussy. Such engorged perfection as they felt her hot puffy lips, her slit bubblering with slippery desire.

I wanted desperately to be inside her feeling what could only be like a reborn virgin as my cock pleasured in filling herbeautiful body with all of my burning password. I whispered in June’s ear, do you want to make love? She said, yes, but please be gentle it’s been so long since I made love? I assured her I would be very gentle, do everything in my power to please her. First I had to taste her, gently I slid my tongue over her slit as her body trembled making her pussy juices flow faster. Her love button poking out softly as my tongue licked it swirling around drinking her flowing silky juices.

It was time to have her, let her have all of me unconditionally for as long as we could make it last. When my cock touched her pussy lips my cum wanted to start exploiting out of me, but I couldn’t allow it to yet. June was ready for me, the head slipped easily within her slippery love tunnel, her soft muscles rippled over my shake as I slowly pushed it to the hilt inside her. As I began to rock into her June met my motions perfectly with hers, way inside then slowlyout as her muscles tensed rippling so softly clinging to my cock. June said, your amazing, you hit my “G” spot every time, that’s never happened before. We were so wet humping slowly absorbing every delicious beautiful feeling deep into our souls.

June tightened many times on my cock as her orgasm’s rushed from her body, finally I thrust hard holding her so very tight as my hot Cum spilled in squirting jolts inside her womb, then June had another huge orgasm sending hot juices flooding over my cock. When I awoke June was still warped tightly in my arms sleeping like a baby with my cock locked tightly inside her pussy. As my cock began to swell again June awoke giving me a sweet love kiss saying, I didn’t think making love could ever be so good. Her hips began to rock into me to begin our new day with a new rush of silky love…………


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