Camping Beach Companion (part 1)

Hot summer days rolled by nearing vacation as Hank planned what he wanted to do. He had lived alone for a while since his former mate ran of with the garbage man. he had gotten over the heart ache feeling now that she was she belonged, out with the trash. Hank wasn’t thrilled about spending the time alone enjoying the beach and lazy days of sailing with the wind. He also thought it would be really nice to dip his Willie into some nice hot little filly. It had been a while since he feasted on any delicious creamy feminine flesh.

He put the word out that he was open for some companionship of the right kind if it fit his specifications. A day later Tanya showed up eager to renew their occasional bed sharing ritual for a vacation. No go, she had to work during the time Hank was going and he had no intention of postponing it to fit her schedule. She was a bit upset but that would pass quickly with her flighty life style.

That afternoon Hank sat on the deck day dreaming, a familiar voice brought him back to reality. It was Tanya’s sister Jenny, apparently Tanya had told her about the vacation he had planned. Jenny asked if she could join him for the 10 days he would be at the lake. Hank was lost for words, Jenny was younger than Tanya, maybe 18 at the most. Hank said what would your Mother say? Jenny said, I asked her and she said she didn’t care because she knows your a nice guy. Hank swallowed hard, Jenny was a doll and nice guy or not 10 days alone with her? He thought a while, thinking he could find a way to get her sister there also for a couple days to drain off his sexual energy to keep him from drooling all over Jenny.

Wishful thinking isn’t very dependable, Hank told Jenny sure we can have some fun do some tanning, sailing, enjoy the beauty of the islands. He told her they would be packed and ready to roll on Friday morning if she was at his place ready and raring to go. Hank was having second thoughts already, Jenny was one sweet little package. Not a big girl at all, built with a lovely face, narrow waist, large breasts for her body size and her hips were like a cradle that he knew surrounding a really sweet pussy.

Hank forgot the concern figuring she may not show up on time anyway and he would have to be body shopping for a little action after he got there alone. Come Friday morning Hank was packed and ready, just as he was about to leave there came Jenny up the sidewalk with luggage in hand. he helped her put her things in the van and they headed off. Jenny crranking the stereo up loud enough to wake the dead, she lay back in the seat relaxing to the tunes as Hank drive towards the lake an hour away.

Hank had to look her over real well as he drove, dam she was hot, she had that tender melt in your mouth body that shouted sexuality waiting to be tapped. Hank pulled into the park, located theircamp site and they unloaded the van to get everything set up for their stay. Hank asked her what she wanted to do first? Swim was the first choice so they dawned their suits, grabbed a towel and walked down to the beach.

Hank had his simple black trunks on, Jenny had a 2 piece that fit her body tighter than a surgeons glove. Hank just kept saying to him self over and over, God is she built nice. In the water he do hope the chill would put a damper on his blossoming erection. It helped a little until Jenny wanted to play water games, the beach was virtually deserted this time of day and she was wanting him to do the diving between the legs things as well as pick her up and toss her in the air so she could splash down. Make a basket with his hands for her to swim through was her first desire, Hank thought that should be innocent enough but he was very wrong.

Every time she went through she made it a point to rub her hard nipples all over his arms, then wiggle her sweet ass right in his face. Diving between the legs was another adventure in the crystal clear water. As she dove under her body rubbed the whole length of his cock very intimidatingly. When he dove under hers she was smaller he had to really dive to get under without rubbing her pussy abundantly. He tried it face up, that was a mistake, he opened his eyes to love gap land. Worse than that his whole face rubbed against her pussy and he dam near dropped when he tried to lick her on the way through.

Hank was ready to have a sexual nervous brake down by the time they went back to camp. He had his swollen cock bent back between his legs held tightly by his trunk liner so Jenny wouldn’t notice his burning hard on. When they got back to camp Jenny volunteered to make up their beds for the night so it wouldn’t need to be done later and they could enjoy the camp fire. Hank went in the cabin to see how she was doing, she was diligently zipping their 2 sleeping bags together to make 1 big one.

Hank nearly had heart failure when he saw that, he said why are you hooking them together Jenny? She just looked up and grinned saying, you don’t think I’m going to sleep alone for 10 days do you Hank? He mumbled a bit, saying, but that’s pretty close together and you know I’m only human? Jenny added, lets make that, not sleep alone or have sex for 10 days Hank, do you understand now? Hank said well if you like I like I certainly won’t tell you to leave Jenny.

Jenny made sure no one was around then lifted her top off giving Hank a title site seeing trip that he thought was spectacular. Then Jenny said, Tanya told me you like to fuck and suck and eat pussy like a champion, she also said you got one nice big cock and if its good enough for her I want some of it too. Hank said we got no problems Jenny, your one hot honey and I love your treasures like a pirate. They spent he afternoon sailing, then walking on the beach getting better aquatinted. Frequently hank looked at his watch wishing it was closer to bed time…………(continued)


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