My College Golf Coach

True story. Lesbian. First time. Older/younger. Romance.

This is a part of a story that I am working on writing down. If you like this one, I’ll post some more.

She was 32 years old at the time, nearly 13 years older me. She was 5’9” tall with an athletic build. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Sexy as hell. I found her completely irresistible from the very beginning, and I hoped she was a lesbian from the moment I met her, even though I hadn’t yet embedded my own sexuality. I couldn’t stop fantasizing about her for the longest time but never actually expected anything to happen between us. I was 5’5” and heavy, cute, but my body was lacking a bit in sex appeal. My freshman year I didn’t get to know Coach Sampson very well, but I thought about her every day over that summer and throughout the next school year. She was someone I just couldn’t get over, and I eventually came to the point where I knewthat I was in love with her.

The spring of my sophomore year finally gave me an “in” to my sexual fansies with Coach. I needed to talk to her about some personal issues, so I went into her office on Monday to chat with her. While in her office, I was struck by an overwhelming urge to be with her. I had no idea if she knew what was going on in my head as I sat there in her office just looking her up and down, trying not to get the chair wet from my dirty thoughts. I wanted to tell her that I would do anything she wanted… anything at all. I wanted to make her happy at any cost. I didn’t care if she took complete advantage of me or not, I just wanted HER! I wanted her to fuck me mercilessly! But I couldn’t really say any of that out loud, so I just sat there chit-chatting with her.

Eventually I got up the courage to say what was really on my mind. “Coach… don’t laugh at me or think this is stupid or crazy or anything, and please don’t get upset…” I paused briefly to regain my composition, then continued, “I have the biggest crush on you, and I have for a very long time. I think about you all the time. I lie awake thinking about you at night. You’re everything I want in my life right now, and I realize that this probably isn’t the smartest thing in the world to say, but I just had to be honest with you. And I believe that we should Follow our hearts, and this is what my heart is telling me to do. Sorry, Coach, but…”

She cut me off… “Angie, I’m flattered and everything, but you and I both know that I can’t be anything more than a coach to you at this point. I appreciate you telling me how you feel, but there’s nothing good that can come out of the situation. I’m sorry.”

She looked at me sweetly with those deep, dark, caring eyes, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. I was devastated! How could this have happened? She was supposed to declare her undying love for me! I refused to go down without a fight on this…

“Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don’t want to be with me,” I challenged.

She thought for a moment…

“If you don’t like me, Coach, I’ll never mention this again, I promise. But I know that you have these feelings for me, too, and it would be wrong to deny them any more. I love you, Coach!”

The last part brought a look of surprise to her face. I could see her wondering if I really meant what I said. “Does she really love me, seriously love me? How could she?” I knew she was pondering this in her head, so I continued.

“Yes, I love you. I hate that I love you, but I do, and I can’t deny it or ignore it any more,” I declared.

She still hadn’t responded, continuing to look a bit bewildered. I slowly scooted forward in my chair and reached my hand out to place it on her perfectly-shaped knee. I feel the warmth of her softskin, and I was in immediate ecstasy. Since the day we met over a year ago, I realized that I only actually touched her a couple times, and those were just to shake her hand. She didn’t like people touching her or invading her space. She was a very private person, just like me, which was just one of many things we had in common.

She saw the smile come across my face when I touched her and realized just how much I really did want her. She placed her hand on top of mine and then ran it gently up my arm and shoulder until it was resting on my right cheek. “Oh my god, yes!” I thought to myself. I finally got a response from her, and it was even better than the one I was hoping for. I didn’t know if she was just lonely or what, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to pass up perhaps the only opportunity I’d ever get to kiss her. I just went for it, nearly jumping out of my chair to touch her sweet lips to mine. I had never kissed a girl before… in fact, I had never kisseded anyone before. I was not disappointed! It was as though our lips were meant to be together, and neither of us seemed to want to release from our sensitive embrace.

I let go and took a small step back to catch my breath. I don’t think I had ever breathed heavier than I was at that point. In my excitement, I grabbed her arms and lifted her up out of her chair to get a better angle to kiss her. She enthusiastically slipped her wet tongue into my mouth, and I gently massaged it with mine until I thought I was going to exploit from sheer ecstasy. I started to work my way around the rest of her body, moving my mouth over to her right earlyobe for a quick nibble. I reached my hand up to cares her thighs as I slipped my tongue down to taste her slender neck. Mmmmm… she tasted so good! Her body felt so hot and eclecticing as I explored her with my hands. Her cent was overwhelming me as I continued to move my kisses down her body, and I feel myself getting wetter and wetter by the second.

She finally came out of the trace I had somehow put her in and realized what was happening. She pushed me away from her, and I moaned in despair as she took herself out of my loving grap.

“Angie… we can’t. No, we just can’t do this.”

“Why? Why can’t we? We’re both adults here, Coach.”

“That’s why, cuz I’m your coach, you even call me Coach, so how could I in good conscience do this? Coaches don’t kiss their players!”

I paused for a second to think of something clever to say… “If I call you Teri, then can we be together?” I looked up and smiled at her sheepishly, hoping that my comment was received positively.

“Ha… I wish it was that simple.”

“What complicates it?” I asked. “I wanna be with you, and you wanna be with me. Sure most people won’t like it, but we don’t have to let them know! I can keep a secret if you can.I’ve been doing it all my life. Almost my entire life IS a secret… And don’t tell me it’s unethical or anything like that, because you know that it’s not. It’s against school policy and the social norm, but it could be something amazing. Love is a beautiful thing! I love you so much and would do absolutely anything for you. I would never hurt you, Coach, sorry… Teri. I Just wanna be with you. I wanna hold you and be held by you, share with you things I never could anyone else. I’d rather spend just one moment holding you than live the rest of my life knowing that I was too scared to try.”

The silence in the room became deafening, as neither of us knew what else to say. I had poured out my heart to her, and she was now trying to process the whole idea of ​​us being together. “Please, just give this a chance,” I eventually whispered. “I know you’ll like it… I know you’ll love it, if you just give it a chance.”

I looked up at her again,but she was staring down at the floor. I almost started crying right then and there but managed to maintain my composition. Feeling defeated, I turned to leave, but suddenly felt her strong hand grab my arm to stop me. I wanted her to pull me into her, hold me there, and never let me go. But instead she told me to sit down, so I obeyed. I was always very obedient of my elders, especially my coaches, and I wanted her to Realize that I would always obey her every command.

“Ok, I’m going to be honest with you here… if the situation were different, I would definitely consider being with you, but it’s not. I’m your coach, and I can’t go crossing that line with you. When I got into this profession I told myself I would never be one of those coaches who has intimate relationships with their players. And before you and all this mess, I never even really considered it. Sure former players have had crushes on me, but I never saw any of them as anything except horny young girls who just wanted me because I was an authority figure to them. They never had real feelings for me like you do. And I never had feelings for them because there was just nothing we had in common, no bonding force. But you’re a real person that I would love to be with. I see into your heart and know that I want you in my life but also know that I just wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I gave into my temptation.”

“I understand that you’re torn here, Coach, but you’ve always told me to follow my heart. So I’m just gonna give you that same advice. You know that you want to be with me… the person. Forget that you’re my coach and just see me for who I am. I don’t really see you as my coach, but as the most wonderful person in the world who I want to be with no matter what. Turn off your brain for a second and listen to your heart. I promise you’ll be glad you did.”

That was it. I had given my last plea for her love. All I could do then was sit in that chair and hope that she made the right choice.

It felt like hours had gone by since either of us had last spoken. I thought about getting up to leave again and kissing her goodbye, nearly accepting my defeat. “At least I went out swinging,” I thought to myself.

She must have noticed my discontentment, as she said to me, “I’m sorry, this is just a lot for me to think about right now. I promise you I will think about it though. It would be impossible for me not to think about it. I have to go to teach a class. I’ll see you at practice tonight and we can talk more afterwards, ok?”

I thought for a second. I really didn’t want to make her late for her class, so I responded, “Yeah, ok. Please think about this. I love you, and I know you love me too. Ok, after practice we’ll talk. Bye, Coach,” and I walked out of her office.

It was only noon when I left Coach’s office, so that meansthat I had four hours before practice started to sit around wondering what she was going to say. Time moved so slowly I thought I was going to go crazy. I wanted her with such a deep desire it made me feel like I was going to explode if I couldn’t have her. I had never felt like this before about anyone, and the fact that I didn’t know how she was going to respond to it all made me even more on edge.

When I finally got to practice, I didn’t even have the courage to make eye contact with her. I just couldn’t stand the thought of her refusing me, so I didn’t speak to her until she came up to me in the middle of practice.

My whole body was shaking with nervousness, but I smiled as if nothing was bothering me and said, “Hi, how was class?” I always liked to ask her about the classes she taught and other seemingly small things to let her know that I cared about all aspects of her life.

“Oh, good, it was good…” I could tell she still didn’t know what to say to me.

“So… are we gonna talk after practice?” I asked.

“Yeah, I think we should,” she responded. “You just wanna come up to my office after practice?”

“Sure, I can do that.” My heart felt so heavy. I wanted to shout “I love you! Love me back!” loud enough for the whole world to hear, but I knew I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t really do anything at that point.

“Ok, well I’ll see you after practice then,” she said before walking away.

I wasn’t sure if I was sad to see her go or relieved that I had more time to think of something to say. At any rate, I was desperate for practice to be over ASAP.

I was still shaking with fear and excitement nearly an hour later when practice ended. I got back to campus and almost literally ran up to Coach’s office to talk to her. The door was locked when I got there, and I realized that I had stupidly beaten her back to campus and now had to wait outside her door until she arrived.

A few minutes later, I heard someone coming down the hall and was absolutely delighted to discover that it was Coach Sampson. She smiled at me with the same smile she always flashed my way as she unlocked the door.
I was scared out of my mind at what was going to happen next. My body was shaking so much that I was nearly convulsing. I wanted her so much then, and I knew that at least part of my tremors were due to my sexual desire.

We went in and sat down in our respective seats just as we had done several hours earlier. Again, the room was silent, nothing to be heard except our own heavy breathing from anticipation.

I could tell she was just as nervous as I was about the whole thing, so I decided that I would break the ice, getting straight to the point. “Have you decided anything?” I asked.

She looked at me withThose eyes that I had come to lust for and said, “I really don’t think I can do this. It’s not that I don’t want to, but we can’t always have what we want.”

“Fuck that!” I screamed.

“Angie!” she responded.

I almost never cursed, especially not dropping the “f bomb,” and that really took her off guard. But I thought that it got my message through, that my love for her was not the ordinary every-day kind of love. My love made me react in ways that neither of us were expecting.

“Sorry, Coach, but…” I didn’t know if I had another plea in me. “We CAN have this though, and it’s what we both want. Not only do we want it, but it would be good for us. I know you’re hesitant because you’re my coach and everything, but that shouldn’t stop two people who really love each other from being together.”

After I said that, I realized that I wasn’t actually positive that sheloved me. I knew she had feelings for me, but what if they weren’t really as strong as I hoped? Could I have been misjudging her feelings all along? “Oh shit, what have I done? I probably just ruined our relationship forever!” I thought to myself.

I decided to just leave the ball in her court, “I mean… Look, I love you, so now you know. I can’t make you do anything that you’re not comfortable doing, and I wouldn’t’ want to even if I could. I want you to want me, but I can’t make you… Just forget that any of this happened. The kiss between us earlier was amazing, and I’ll never forget it. In my mind, it was definitely worth Potentially destroying our relationship for just those few moments of bliss. Goodbye, Coach, I’ll see you at practice tomorrow.”

I got up to leave and made it to the door before she responded. “Angie…” That was all that she could get to come out of her mouth.

I noticed that she had stoodup, probably contemplating stopping me from leaving. She looked so sad and distraught. I just wanted to give her a big hug and tell her that everything was OK, but I thought it would be best to just leave her to figure things out.

“I know,” I replied, “See you tomorrow.”

I opened the door and began to walk out but decided to turn around and say something cute, “I’ll be thinking of you, my sweet.” I turned at her. She smiled, then I smiled back. I couldn’t help but smile when she smiled at me.

So I left, with every emotion running through my body. I was sad, yet happy. Angry, yet content. Horny, yet satisfied. Being around her made me feel good, and I was still riding that high, but I couldn’t get over my disappointment at what had just taken place.

I could tell she wanted me, but she had a lot more self control than I did. She was older and more experienced in life and knew very well how to maintainn her composure under pressure. She was so amazing!

It wasn’t really anything physical that attracted us to each other, but the mental and emotional. We both wanted the same thing… to be loved. I couldn’t just sit back and do nothing as the woman I loved was right there. I knew that I needed to show her that I loved her, take her, hold her, hug her, squeeze her, and never let her go. I needed her to be mine, and I would never be able to forgive myself if I didn’t at least try. But I would try more another day.

The next day at practice, things were a little awkward between me and Coach Sampson, but nothing really happened. We greeted each other and smiled, but no other words were spoken between us. Our team had a tournament the next day, and I was very anxious about spending a lot of time with Coach after what happened between us. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, about her, about what (if anything) was going to come of our conversation. The feelings I had when we kissed also kept coming back into my mind. I knew she wanted me, and I knew that she felt what I felt when our lips met. She practically told me to kiss her, and she didn’t stop me very quickly. “If she has those feelings for me, how on earth can she deny me?” I wondered.

I was in a much better mood the next few days at practice. She seemed happier around me too, so I thought to myself, “Maybe I didn’t completely screw up everything. Maybe everything will be ok.” Or maybe that was just wishful thinking.

A few words were spoken those days between me and the woman I loved, but the conversation stuck strictly to golf. The looks that we gave each other, however, were a different story. I kept looking at her and thinking how much I wanted her, and I noticed her looking right back when she thought I wouldn’t notice. I couldn’t help but smile at her, as she really did make me happy. Just being in her presence gave me joy.

We had a two-day tournament that weekend, so we were going to leave on Saturday, spend the night, then come back Sunday. From the time we left Saturday morning until we arrived at the hotel, neither me nor Coach mentioned or even hinted at anything from our conversation on Monday. But again, our body language made it apparent that we were still thinking about it.

I was sitting alone in the hotel room at around 8:30 p.m. while most of the other girls went swimming. I didn’t much care for swimming, and I enjoyed my private time, so I had no problem with relaxing by myself for a while.

The phone in the room rang. “Hello,” I answered.

“Hi Angie,” the unidentified voice responded, “Is anyone else there?”

I knew it was Coach Sampson, and I hoped so much that she wanted to see me. “No, I’m all alone. You?”

“Just me and my thoughts.”

“I see.” I paused for a second to see if she would say the words that I so desperately wanted to hear, then continued, “Any of those thoughts about me?”

“Haha, maybe a few.”

“Coach, would you like some company?” I asked exclusively.

“Hmmmm…” There was no response except for that sight.

“Can I take that as a yes?” I asked. “You probably wouldn’t have called me unless you wanted to see me, am I right?” I liked being up-front and honest with her. She hated b.s., and I did too.

I heard the sweet sound of her laughter as she responded, “Yes, I would love some company. It’s room 322.”

“Oh I know what room you’re in. Ok, I’ll be there in like two minutes. Bye.”

I hung up the phone and immediately throw my shoes on, checked myself in the mirror, grabbed the key, and walked quickly down the hallway and up the stairs to heroom. Coach Sampson’s room was on a completely different floor than the rest of the team’s rooms, so I figured that gave me a better chance of not being noticed.

“Hi,” I heard as Coach let me into her room. She had just taken a shower, and the whole room smelled clean and fresh. Her hair was still pretty wet, and it was down, which is something I wasn’t used to see. I got the sudden urge to run my fingers through it and take in a whiff of her flowing light brown locks. I wasn’t sure what her natural hair color was, but at that moment I thought that the way it was right then looked absolutely perfect.

“You look amazing,” I couldn’t help but tell her.

She smiled and thanked me for my compliment, then said, “You played really well today. You gonna do that again tomorrow?”

“Of course,” I responded, “Have you no faith in me?”

“Well yeah I have faith in you, just making sure you have faith in yourself.”

“Ok, well I’m definitely feeling it. It’s gonna be another good day tomorrow,” I promised her. “The real question is whether or not it’s gonna be a good night tonight,” I said as I moved closer to her.

She bit her lip for just a moment before she realized that I was watching her. It was obvious to me that she was just as excited as I was. I wanted her to make the first move, because I was so inexperienced in love and relationships. I had no clue what I was supposed to be doing, but so far it seemed to be working as I could see her wanting me more and more by the second. “Why won’t she just take me? I can see she Wants it. Why do I have to be the one to take charge?” I thought to myself, “God, Coach, just grab me and throw me onto the bed!”

She remained still. I had to get out of there and re-group. “What else can I do to make this woman want me?” I wondered.

“Mind if I use your bathroom?” I asked.

“Yeah, sure.”

“Ok, I’ll just be a second. Don’t miss me too much,” I said with a smile as I closed the bathroom door.

I throw some water on my face and tried to think of what to do next. “I just can’t win with you, can I, Coach?” I asked myself. “What am I doing wrong? Ok, think, Angie. No, don’t think. Just do it. Just follow your heart. You can’t go wrong when you follow your heart. Fuck her if she doesn’t like it. You know she’ll like it. Ok, let’s go!”

I let out a big breath and opened the door. Without thinking, I pulled her into me and kissed her so passwordately that it made a kiss in a romance movie seems like… well… total crap! It took her completely off guard, but she kissed me right back, so she obviously wasn’t too upset. I smelled the savory aroma of her hair as I held my body against hers. Mmmm… I wanted her so badly I could taste it.

She pushed me back after about ten seconds. “Oh great, now what’s wrong?” I wondered.

“Angie, wait, you can’t…” I could see her internally struggling with her emotions. “Oh fuck it!” she exclaimed as she pulled me back into her and kissed me so hard I thought my lower lip was going to bleed. I didn’t care though, the pain was a turn-on. I wanted her to take me and use me how she pleased.

I put my hand under her shirt to feel the warmth of her breast against my previous virgin hand. She moaned for a second in pleasure, then grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down onto the bed. I was getting so excited that I started to shake. She climbed onto me and shoved her luscious tongue into my mouth again. Apparently the last five days of sexual desire had served as very good foreplay, as both of us were extremely hot for each other. I wanted her. I wanted her so badly at that moment I nearly orgasmed when she started kissing my neck and shoulders.

“Mmmmm… oh yes! Ahhh!” I cried. “Oh my god, Coach, you’re so fucking amazing!”

She ran her hand up to my left breast and gave a gentle squeeze, then glided her hands down my chest and stomach to take off my shirt. I wouldn’t have let anyone else in the world do that. I wasn’t very proud of my body, but I would do anything for her.

She gave me a big smile as she revealed what was hiding under the shirt. She cupped both of my milky white breasts for a moment, then sat me up so that she could lift off my sports bra. I pulled off her shirt as well and almost lost it when I saw her humble, naked breasts.

She laid me back down on the bed and began working her sweet kisses down my neck and onto my chest. She slipped my right nipple into her mouth and began sucking lightly as she ran her hand down my outer thigh. Finished with that one, she glided her soft tongue over to my other breast and started licking it. She then moved her strong, powerful hands over to my inner thighs and stomach and began rubbing them intently.

Oh, I was in heaven! I had wanted this for so long, and it was finally happening.

I was almost too shocked to really do anything, so I just lied there for a while and let her have her way with me until she moved her hand onto my crotch and slid it up to undo my belt. At that moment, I realized that I wasn’t ready for her to see my virginity, so I grabbed her hand and placed it onto my breast. She didn’t seem to mind that I wasn’t ready, and she just continued to explore my upper body with her gentle hands and mouth.

The more she touched me, the wetter I got, and I suddenly got the insatiable urge to taste her sweet body. I was so nervous, and I didn’t really know what I was supposed to be doing, but I just went with my instinct.

I grabbed her tightly and pushed her off of meand onto the spot on the bed next to where I was just lying. I slid myself on top of her, feeling our exposed breasts rubb on each other as I moved up to suck on her juicy lips. Her body released a quick shiver of excitement as I inserted my soft tongue into her eager mouth. I moved my hands up her body and began rubbing her smooth, sexy stomach.

I could tell she was in a hurry for this to happen, and I didn’t want to give her the opportunity to back out, so I started moving faster. I shifted over and started licking and nibbling her left ear. I lovingly whispered, “Mmmm, you taste so good, baby. Oooo, I love you, I want you. I wanna taste you all over your sweet body.”

She responded with some quiet moans, and I could feel her excitement level increases at the thought of my mouth roaming across her body. I didn’t even know what I was saying, but it was working.

“Tell me you want me,” I requested. I slipped my hand down to her crotch and started rubbing her pussy through her shorts. “Oh yeah, tell me you want me to. Ahhh baby, I know you want me to lick your hot pussy, don’t you?” I put my hand down her shorts and instantly felt her wetness soaking through her panties as I touched her ultra-sensitive area. “Mmmm, that feel good, baby?” I asked as she let out a soft whimper, her hips starting to grind on my affectionate touch.

“Ahhh… oh Angie… yes, lick my pussy. Oooo, eat me out,” she insisted.

I didn’t give her a chance to change her mind and immediately pulled off her shorts and panties to expose her tender flesh. She may have wanted it bad, but I was certain that I wanted her worse! Pulling her legs apart, I took a moment to admire her exhaust pussy before working my mouth down to it. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen up to that point or since.

“So Beautiful!” I commented as I ran my fingers over her lust-worthy flesh.

She was completely shacked, just the way she was in my sexual fans. Really though I wouldn’t have cared at that point how much hair she had down there. I just wanted her. I wanted to make her cum harder than she ever had before. I forget at that moment about my lack of experience, instead just thinking about how much I loved her and wanted to please her.

I glided my hand over to massage her left inner tigh as I moved my mouth down to kiss her right one, tempting her and making her want my tongue on her pussy even more. Ahhh… she was so wet that I could taste her sugary juices on her legs. Her breathing became heavier, and her chest began rising and falling rapidly. Mmmm… I could smell her excitement, and it made me want her even more. She started to squirm against me as I got closer and closer to her sacred area. She couldn’t wait any longer. Enough foreplay, she was ready for it, and I was too!

“Oooo, fuck me, baby!” she screamed. “Put your mouth on me and make love to me!”

I willingly obeyed. I grabbed her pelvis and pulled her pussy to my mouth, then placed my tongue onto her throbbing clip. I began licking furiously back and forth… back and forth… back and forth, until I felt her hips jerking as she began to climax. I then moved my finger onto her clip to rub it gently while I slid my tongue down to her opening. I inserted my tongue and tasted her savory juices. I began moving my tongue in and out of her steaming pussy, as deep as I possibly could. Ohhh, her pussy tasted so good!

She held my head firmly in place against her as she started bucking wildly against my hungry mouth, pushing me deeper and deeper into her until I could barely breathe. She cried out in pleasure, “Ahhh!!! Yes, that’s it, just like that! Oooo, don’t stop! Fuck me, Angie! Yes, fuck me! Ahhh!” Hearing her scream for me made me almost as hot as she was.

She released her grip on me, and I saw her fingers clutch the sheets in ecstasy. I kept going ferociously into her, feeling her vaginal walls clenching against my tongue with each mind-numbing thrust. As her screams faded into soft moans, I slowed down my tongue movements and began licking all of her juices from her pussy. I licked her sweet body completely clean, as she eventually settled down after the intensity orgasm that had overtaken her body.

I exhausted deeply and kissed her pussy a few more times, then moved my hands and kisses up her body until I was staring directly into her affectionate eyes. She looked so satisfied, and I was too. She pulled my head down to her and slipped her tongue into my warm mouth as if it belonged there. After a couple minutes of sensitive kissing, I lifted myself up and slide down her body to rest my head on her silent breast. She wrapped her arms around me and held me tightly against her warm body. I was absolutely exhausted, but I couldn’t have been happier.

I was in utter disbelief at what had just taken place. “I just licked my golf coach’s pussy and brought her to an intense orgasm,” I thought to myself. “And it was absolutely amazing!”

As I lied there in her embrace, I wondered how long it had been since she had last been with someone, but I didn’t both to ask. “It probably hadn’t been for a while,” I silently decided, “not since she broke up with her last girlfriend nearly eight months ago. That’s probably why she was so ready for it.”

She was so pleased at that moment, though, that nothing else mattered. I was very proud of myself for making her cum so hard, especially since I had no previous sexual experience. I was pretty sure that she wasn’t able to tell that though. I seemed confident in what I was doing, and I definitely got a good result.

Our breathing finally steadied after resting on each other for a several minutes, and I moved over to lie next to her on the bed.

We just smiled at each other for a while before I asked, “How was that, baby?”

“Mmmmm… amazing!” she replied. “You’re really good at that.”

“Good, well I try… I just wasn’t sure, cuz I had never done that before. I could tell you liked it though,” I stated.

“Wow, you must be a natural! How long have you been wanting to do that to me, though?” she asked endearingly.

“Hmmmm…” I said as I counted it out, “Only about nine months now.”

“Well then no wonder you were so good,” she chuckled, “you’ve probably done it in your head a thousand times!”

I laughed and replied, “True, but the real thing was a hundred times better. Probably the only reason I was so good is because I love you so much. I so desperately wanted to give you everything you wanted. It was you who made it so good, not me.”

She smiled, looked deep into my eyes, and said, “I love you, too.”

“Yes! That’s what I wanted to hear!” I silently rejected.

I started kissing her lips again and again to tell her thanks for letting me know that she loves me. “I love you, I love you, I love you!” I exclaimed, “I don’t ever wanna leave your loving grap!”

We continued to lie together on the bed just smiling at each other in utter contentment, until someone rudely interrupted us.

“Hello?” Coach Sampson said as she answered the phone.

She looked at me, and I could see the nervousness sweep across her face. “Yeah, Angie’s up here in my room,” she calmly responded to the muffled voice on the phone.

I looked at the clock and noticed that I had been gone from my room for almost two hours. “Oh shit!” I thought to myself. “They’re gonna think something’s up. That’s ok, I’ll just tell them that me and Coach were just talking. That’s reasonable. She’s good to talk to.”

“No, don’t worry, she didn’t run away or anything,” I heard Coach says, chuckling a bit, “We were just chatting while you guys were swimming. I’ll let her know you’re back.”

“Whew, that could have been bad,” I thought.

“Ok, yep, bye,” my lover said as she hung up the phone.

There were a few seconds of uneasy silence before either of us moved. “Well, I guess I should probably get back to my room before anyone gets any ideas,” I said grudgingly as I picked up my shirt from the floor.

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” she said before pulling me in for another kiss. “Thanks for the company, sweetie.”

“Anytime… really, any time you want. I’m yours,” I told her sincely.

We finished dressing, and I went to the mirror to make sure I looked presentable before returning to my team. From behind, Coach put her loving arms around me and kissed my neck a few more times. I caught a glimpse of the two of us in the mirror and smiled. Her holding me… it looked so perfect, so beautiful, so natural. She then looked up into the mirror as well, and we stood there silently together admiring the view.

“I love you, Angie, and I’ll see you tomorrow,” she assured me while walking me to the door.

“I love you, too, Coach. Goodnight my love.”

“Goodnight, get some sleep so that you can kick ass tomorrow!” she commanded.

“Right, like I ever sleep,” I joked. “Bye.”

Our lips met one last time, and I walked out the door.



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