I women up the next day in a great mood, ready to play some golf, and of course see the woman I loved. Long story short, I played really well for the second straight day and took home Medalist honors for the tournament. For the non-golfers out there, that means that I got first place. In addition to me playing extremely well and breaking the school record, my team also won the event, so everyone was happy. Up to that point in my life, it was the best weekend I had ever had!
During the van ride home, I was secretly admiring my new lover while she was driving. I kept glancing up into the rear-view mirror to catch quick glimpses of her face, smiling into the mirror in hopes that she would notice. I started wiggling around in my seat as I thought about what had happened the last night, and I got excited for what I anticipated Sunday night would have in store. I couldn’t wait to get back to campus so I could be with Coach Sampson again. I pictured her walking up tome, checking to make sure that no one was around, then inviting me over to her house for some “company.”
When we finally got back, I made eye contact with Coach, and she silently called me over to her.
“Hey sweetie,” I said to her with a big smile. I looked around to make sure no one would be able to hear our conversation.
“Hi. Don’t you have homework or something you need to do tonight?” she asked, giving me the impression that she didn’t want to be with me that night.
Slightly perturbed, “No, actually I don’t,” I lied, “Why? Do u want me to have homework to do?”
“Well I just don’t want you to get behind on your schoolwork.”
“Right…” I was at a loss for words. Earlier that day, Coach had said that she wanted to see me after we got back to the school. I wondered what had changed in the last few hours. “I want you tonight, baby,” I said openly.
“Shhh… Angie!”
“What? No one can hear us, what’s the big deal? You didn’t mind hearing that last night,” I replied.
She looked uneasy for a moment, then responded, “Well that was last night… it’s different now.”
I began to get very worried. I couldn’t believe what she was saying to me. “How can you want me so much one night and tell me you love me, then completely shut me down the next night?” I asked her.
“I know,” she began to explain, “I’m sorry. Last night was a mistake. I never should have allowed it.”
“A mistake? What? Are you fucking kidding me? Are you mis-remembering what happened or something, ‘cause from where I was lying, it was certainly no mistake!” I protested. “Do you just tell everyone who fucks you that you love them?”
I turned away from her so that she wouldn’t see me fighting back my tears.
“Honey,” I heard her say. “Look, I can’t really comfort you right now ‘cause someone will see. Come on, don’t be like that. You should have known that this could’t turn into a real relationship no matter how much we love each other.”
I turned back to face her. My sadness from moments before had turned into downright rage. I began to speak, but the assistant coach walked up to us. “Great job today, Angie,” he said to me.
“Thanks. I gotta get back to my dorm now, got lots of homework to do. See you Tuesday,” I said as I walked away.
I sat in my dorm room watching TV for the rest of the night… not doing my homework, just to spite Coach Sampson. I looked at my cell phone and so desperately wanted to call her, but I didn’t. I wasn’t going to play her games. Well, not on that night anyway. I felt weak and lonely without her, but I still did not succumb.
I didn’t talk to her for the next few days, not even at practice. I wanted her to want me so badly that she would actually take the first step for once, instead of making me do it. Oh I so desperately wanted her though. “Maybe she’ll just call me up when she gets really lonely,” I thought hopefully. “Yeah, I can deal with that. Who needs a real relationship, anyway?” I knew I was fooling myself. I needed something real with her. Before she told that me she loved me I could have accepted just random play, but that comment changed everything. Our love for each other was so pure. I kept remembering how perfect we looked when we were standing together in the hotel room staring into the mirror. I would have done anything to get back to that moment. “Oh god, I miss you, Coach!” I actually said out loud one night, but no one was around to hear.
I got back to campus after golf practice later that week and turned on the TV, fully ready to begin my excitingFriday night sitting in my dorm room by myself watching some crappy shows until it was time to go to bed.
The dorm room phone rang unexpectedly at about 8:00 p.m. I hoped it was Coach Sampson but realized that it almost certainly wouldn’t be.
“Hello,” I answered.
“Hi, is Angie there?” The voice sounded very familiar, but I couldn’t yet be sure it was her.
“Yep, this is Angie,” I responded.
“Hey, it’s Coach Sampson,” said the voice on the phone.
Shocked and of course jubilant, I asked, “Hey, what’s up? Did you miss me or something? Can’t go even a few hours without hearing my voice?” I was so excited. It felt like I hadn’t spoken to her in years, but it had really only been a few days.
“Haha, yeah that’s it,” she replied, “So what are you up to tonight?”
“Oh, the usual, going out, partying, getting drunk, snorting coke, having wild orgies,” I teased, “And yourself?”
“Well I thought about doing that, but I’m getting kinda old, so instead I’m just sitting here in my house playing with the dogs.”
“Hmmmm… would you want some company? Maybe some human company?” I asked hopefully.
“Well I don’t know, you seem to have your night pretty well planned out,” she playedfully replied. “And I wouldn’t want to keep you from it.”
I laughed and said, “Well I’m pretty sure that I can cancel my plans… for you. You want me to come over to your house? I don’t know how to get there.”
She gave me directions, and I told her I’d be there in a half hour or so.
I hung up the phone and got ridiculously excited about seeing her. I ran around the room for a couple minutes trying to get my head straight. I couldn’t believe that she asked me to come to her house! “God, she must be lonely,” I thought. “Or maybe this is it. Maybe she really wants to start something!” To be honest, I really didn’t care which it was. Of course I wanted to have a relationship with her, but I was so desperate at that point that I’d take her any way I could get her.
I rang the doorbell and heard her dogs began to bark at the stranger on the front porch. “Duke, Lincoln, shut up!” she yelled from inside the house, “Stop barking! It’s only Angie, she’s allowed to be here.”
She opened the door. “Sorry, I should have told you not to ring the doorbell. They go crazy when you do that.”
“Right, I should have know, silly dogs,” I replied as I walked in. Mmmm, her house smelled just like she did, and I took in a deep breath of it’s sweet scent.
The dogs immediately came rushing to greet me, but I didn’t mind. I really liked dogs, and anything that Coach Sampson caredabout as much as she cared about those dogs, I cared about, too. “Hey buddy,” I said, bending over to pet one, “what’s your name?”
“That’s Lincoln, and this little guy…” Coach replied as she reached down to pick up the smaller dog, “is Duke.”
“Awww, they’re cute! I love doggies,” I commented.
She smiled at me approvedly. “Yeah, but they can be a handful.” Duke was a Yorkshire Terrier, and Lincoln was some kind of Labrador mix. Something about seeing Coach with a small dog in her arms made me chuckle. She didn’t seem to be the type who would like little dogs, but he was her baby.
“So you gonna give me the tour?” I asked, hoping she would soon lead me to her bedroom.
“Sure.” She began showing me around the house, but I wasn’t really paying attention to it. My focus was on her. I was getting more and more aroused by the second, just from admiring her in her sexy jeans and slightly hurt-out T-shirt and catching whiffs of her perfume as she moved around me.
We finally made it up the stairs and into her bedroom. The smell was even stronger in there, and I wondered if she had just sprayed herself with her perfume for me before I arrived. The thought sent a warm shiver through my body. “Mmmm… I love the way your house smells,” I told her. “It smells like you.”
“Thanks, honey, that’s sweet.” I could tell that she truly did appreciate the comment.
I sat down on the bed and tested its firmness. “Nice. You’ve got a really nice bed here, Coach. I’m gonna have to come over for a slumber party sometimes.” She could see my excitement increase as she smiled down at me. I reached out and grabbed her hands and pulled her closer to me. She wrapped her warm arms around my back and held me tightly as if I would try to escape. Running away was the last thingon my mind! “Hhhh, I love it when you hold me, Coach,” I whispered into her chest. We stayed just like that in our embrace for at least ten minutes, feeling the love between us manifest itself into our bodies.
She eventually released me and went over to her dresser and put on some music. “I’ll be right back, sweetie,” she assured me before walking out the door.
I laid back on her bed, making myself more comfortable. I reached my hand down and gently rubbed it against my pussy, which I discovered was already soaking wet. I then moved my hands up to my rock hard nipples and tweaked them a bit to release my sexual tension. I loved squeeze my nipples! I preferred that over fingering myself any day. I liked the pain. I knew that was messed up, but I couldn’t change What I liked.
I heard the sound of her approaching footsteps, and I laid back to admire the sexy figure walking into the room. Duke had followed her in, so she grabbed him, put him outside her room, and closed the door. I smiled at her endearingly as she turned towards me. My desire for her was becoming more intense. “Come over here,” I requested, motioning her over to the bed. She climbed onto me and tasted my expected lips before opening her mouth for me to insert my delicate tongue. I could feel her submitting to me as I ran my hands up and down her body. I pulled off her shirt before gently rolling her onto her back. Then I laid myself down on her and offered her my tongue to suck on while I continued exploring her impassioned body with my hands.
I unhooked her bra, freeing her small, yet sufficient breasts before taking off my own shirt and bra. I bent down and started licking her hardened nipple, around and around her areola. I could hear her moans of pleasure getting louder as I took the whole thing into my mouth and started sucking. Not wanting her other nipple to feel left out, I began rubbing it very lightly with my fingers.
Her whole body was ultra-sensitive to my touch, and I loved it! She told and moaned no matter where I put my hands or mouth, and it was getting me so hot.
She began to try to take over, grabbing my arms and wrapping her legs around me as if she wanted me to submit to her. “No, no, honey,” I said while pulling her arms and legs off of me, ignoring her grunts of disapproval. “I’m going to fuck you, and you’re gonna like it.” I overpowered her struggles and pinned her down to the bed.
She was a very strong woman, and holding her down began to be quite a chore for me, but my burning desire to fuck her couldn’t be quenched. The more she fought me, the more I wanted her. “No, Angie! Ahhh… you can’t!” she pleaded, but not really telling me to stop. She looked up at me passwordately, obviously enjoying the great force I was using on her. The struggled died down as she gave into her body’s desires.
I put my mouth on her neck and started licking and sucking furiously while my hands roamed farther south. “Ohhhh… Ohhhhh yeah, baby.” Her moans were becoming louder and more frequently as her arousal steadily increased with my touch. I moved my hand onto her crotch, and she gasped in approval. “Mmmm…” she responded as my hand continued rubbing her pussy through her jeans.
I sat up on her and grazed my hands down the sides of her body until I got to the belt that had been supporting her jeans. I thought that belts were so sexy for some reason. I bent down and began moving my loving kisses downward from her neck to just below her belly button, before thoroughly licking the area directly above her belt buckle. I moved my hands down to unloose the buckle, then slowly unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. Lifting her slightly up off the bed, I pulled the jeans down off of her hips and tossed them aside. “You are so fucking sexy,” I told her at the sight of her nearly naked body before me. She witnessed in appreciation.
I had her eating out of my hands. This amazingly beautiful woman that I had loved for so long was lying there in front of me again, eagerly waiting for me to lick and fuck her pussy. I felt like the luckyiest girl in the world.
“Ohhh!” she told as I began kissing her inner thigh. I worked my mouth down from there all the way to her feet before moving back up again, kissing and licking all the way. Then I went over to her other leg and did the same thing. I could feel her panties getting completely soaked as I gently rubbed her pussy through the thin clothes. I then began kissing and sucking on her panties, tasting her sweet juices and adding to their wetness.
I wanted to feel her tongue against mine and have her taste herself on my lips, so I moved up to kiss her. She opened up and happily accepted my gentle tongue into her mouth, rolling her own around mine. I rEach down and continued playing with her pussy, this time moving her panties over to the side so I could actually feel her fiery region. She began bucking and riding my hand fervently as she was getting closer and closer to orgasm. “Ohhh, fuck me!” she commanded, moving her hand onto my head and trying to force me downward.
“You want me to fuck you?” I asked, fighting off her advance. It was my game, and I wanted to have complete control over her.
“Uh huh. Ohhhhhhhhhh… Yes fuck me!”
“I want you to beg me for it, baby. Come on, beg for me to fuck you!” I loved making her beg for it.
“Ahhhhh! Oh please fuck me, Angie! Ahhh, god, please!” She nearly began panting she wanted it so badly. “Pleeeeaaaaaassssseeee!”
Satisfied with the response, I pulled off her panties and moved my mouth down to eat her pussy. Mmmm… the smell of her juices really turned me on,and I plunged into her steaming hot region. I began licking and sucking her pussy lips relentlessly, causing her to scream and moan even louder than before. Then I moved onto her clip and rubbed my tongue on it gently, altering from sucking to licking, then back again, over and over.
She couldn’t take much more. I placed my fingers on her slit and began running them around her opening. I inserted one finger, and she let out a big scream. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, god!” I moved that finger in and out repeatedly before adding a second finger to the mix. My fingers glided in and out of her as her hips began gyrating on the bed. “Ohhhh, fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum!” she cried. I increased the intensity of my finger-fucking while continuing to lick her aching clip. I could feel her body tensing up, clenching my fingers with each thrust. She thrashed about wildly on the bed, pulling my fingers farther and farther into her. “Mmmm… Mmmm… Ohhh… Oooo god, yes! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” she bellowed as the orgasm ripped through her body. “Ohhh YEEEESSSSS! Yes… yes… yes…” she trailed off as she was finishing. “Oh yes, baby, I love you! Oooo, you fuck me so good!”
She continued to gasp and moan for a while as I began cleaning her up with my tongue. Once she stopped thrusting, I pulled out my fingers and licked her pussy clean. Then she watched as I licked her sweet sex juices off of my fingers, not wanting to waste a single drop of her heavenly cum.
I slid up to kiss her, our naked bodies rubbing gently against each other. She glided her tongue into my mouth, thankful for the excellent fuck I had just given her. I moved back down and collapsed my head onto her stomach and closed my eyes for some much-needed rest.
“I love you, baby,” I told her with a sight.
“I love you, too,” she replied satisfied while putting her arms around me to hold me against her. "I love you, too.”
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