These have been licked by all ive sent them to im jst wondering bout odd girls
(sorry bout the spellin) ders more 2 cum if i get a good response
well i wud walk in n stand u up n start slowly kissin u wit one hand ond a back of ure head n da oder on da side of ure neck, wit da hand on a side of ure neck i wud slowly slide it down ure bac trilin my finger down ure spine until it reaches ure ass wen i wud grab ure ass n pull u into me so u can feel my cock, i wud den start slowly squeeze ure ass, den wit my oder hand i wud slowly trail it down ure neck to ure breast n slowly start 2 rubb my thumb ova da middle where da nipple is, i wud brake our kiss jst long enuf to get ure jumpa of, wen i wud den return 2 kissin u full on while my hand snakes up ure top 2 feel ure bra clad tits rubbin around the now hard nipple teasin ya 4 all its worth, i wud slide my hand round 2 da front of ure jeans n jst undo da button n fly 2 give me access while i gently cup n massage ure pussy. i wud den remove ure leaves top half bare apart form ure bra, i wud unclip ure bra n remove it den slowly start flickin ure nipple while we kiss n i slowly slide my hand into da front of ure panties, i wud start rubbin jst around ure clip but neva quite touchin, afterta i think i have teased u enuf i wud slowly kiss my way down my neck n across ure collarbone down 2 ure breast n start suckin on da nipple will flickin it with my tongue i wud den slowly slide first one finger into ure pussy n massagin ure g spot while i pusss down my palm 2 rub ure clip, i wud den slowly kiss across ure breasts n start givin da oder nipple da same treatment while i slide in a second finger 2 finish u of
i slowly ease ure pants down past ure voluptuous hips n down ure long slender legs leavevin u standin der jst in ure panties, i tenderly pull those down wit my teeth leaving u in nothing more dan ure birthday suit wit ure pussy positively drippin, i walk over 2 u n embrace u will kissin u deeply, i start 2 kiss down ure neck n 2 ure chest i slowly lick n kiss down across n around ure tits n den further down 2 ure bellybutton were i plant a big kiss n den continue down 2 ure drippin pussy, i start 2 tentativly kiss around ure pussy, i push u down onto ure bed n startin at one knee i tentativly kiss down ure thigh n jst around ure pussy neva quite touchin i den slowly kiss up ure oder side b4 divin in n slowly lickin rite from da bottom up2 da top b4 honin in on ure clip, i gently spread ure pussy lips 2 get a better view of my price, i gently blow on it makin ure whole body shiver with gentle pleasure, i rap my arms around u legs keepin dem wide open while i slowly lick around ure clip makin u groan n scream 4 me 2 stop teasin u, i eventually give into ure pleasures n i suck ure clip into my mouth n gently nip it between ure teeth makin u scream so load i tink ppl in oder cuntires hear, i start 2 flik ure clip wit my tongue while my whole mouth sucks da area around it, i slowly slide one finger den anoder into ure pussy n start 2 slowly move em in n out of ure pussy, u start screamin ure cumin n ure legs lock round my head almost deafening me 2 ure screams while ure pussy juice gushes all ova my face.
u decide u need 2 return da favour so u start 2 kiss me while one hand is in my hair n da oder is slowly unzippin my jeans n slidein a hand in to feel my rock hard dick in my boxers, u crouch down n undo my jeans n pull dem down along wit my boxers leave my dick at ure eye level n u simple stare at it b4 runnin ure hand up n down n gently teasin da precum on da end wit ure tongue n groanin as u taste it, u start 2 suck on da end jst like its a popsicle slowly swirlin ure tongue round da sensitive end n suckin oh so gently makin me groan n grab da bac of ure head, u get da message n start 2 slowly move up n down on my dick takein bout half of it into ure mouth n suckin as hard as ure can tryin 2 suck da cum rite out of my balls, u slowly start take more of my cock into my mouth until ure chin is touchin my balls n my cock is deep in ure throat n ure expertly massaging my throat muscles in attempt 2 get me, u start 2 slowly ease of my cock while one hand finds my balls n u start 2 slowly lick da underside of my cock while u fondle my balls, i tell u im about 2 cum n u go str8 bac 2 da end of my cock n suck like uve neve sucked b4, i cum stream after stream into ure mouth n its 2 much 4 u 2 handle n it starts 2 slowly slide down a sides of ure mouth lukin so sexy, u den open ure mouth n show ure cum before swallowin it all n collecting all of it dat leaked on ure fingers n so sexy lickin it of.
u suck me bac 2 hardness in no time n i gently bend u ova da tablen i simple star at ure beautiful arse feelingin myself sumhow get even ahrder dan b4, i line up my cock n grab hold of both hips n push into ure pussy feelingin a heat around my cock giftin me unbelievable pleasure, i start 2 slowly plow in n out of umakin u groan n reachback 2 fondle my balls while i plow into u, i start 2 gently squeeze ure ass while my dick is go in n out of ure heavenly pussy n one hand starts 2 gently slap ure ass makin u groan in a combination of pleasure n pain, i keep on slappin n ure arse starts 2 go read so i siwtch cheats 2 give u even more pleasure while ure cumin around my cock, i withdrawra my cock which makes u groan in a bad way n i turn u ova so ure on ure bac n den slide star8 bac in to ure pussy makin u groan in pleasure agen i lean in to 2 kiss u while my hands find ure tits n wit one hand i massage da whole tit n wit da oder i play wit da nipple of da oder tit flickin it n gentlely pullin on it gift u an interesting combo of one hand being rough but good n da oder bein gentle all da while my cock is plowin ure pussy like ders no tomorrow, u slowly slide ure hand down 2 ure clip n start 2 slowly rub u clip while da bac of ure knuckles keep on hittin my cock, i feel da cum boilin in my balls from daFeelin of ure pussy spasmin on my cock from da orgasms uve been aving, i tell u im about 2 cum 2 u jst pull me 2 u harder n tell me 2 cum in u, i shoot into ure hard fillin u up wit my cum, i pull out n collapse ond a table nxt 2 u, u trail a finer down 2 ure pussy n collect sum of our mixed cum on ure finger n put it 2 ure mouth makin u moan form da taste
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