It had been months since I had seen Asia, her Mom had changed jobs moving across town to a more convenient condo. When I went to check the mail box the first thing I saw was a note from Asia. All it said was, Mom’s taking her old job back, see you in a few weeks, Your Asia. The thought of seeing her again warmed my body as well as my soul with excitement. Remembering the special times of coming close as we learned about life’s precious feelings. My feelings had changed little, hardy a day passed when I hadn’t felt sadness missing my sweet soul mate. Wondering if Asia had found another mate to fill her endless craving for affect. Only time would answer the ultimate questions and life went on with its responsibility as I waited wondering what would be.
Two weeks and I saw a moving van pull up to the vacant house next to mine knowing it must be delivering for Asia and her Mom. It had felt like a million years since I saw the familiariar furniture being carried into the house. I saw her Mom currying in and out of the house with the workmen but no sign of Asia as my heart sank in sadness. I had imagined her dashing over and diving into my arms covering my face with kisses happy to see me. I walked into the back yard day dreaming about the old times Asia and I had enjoyed in the yard relaxing around the pool. Maybe she didn’t want to see me just sending the note out of being polite to an old friend.
Hours passed as I readied for the night taking my usual hot bath putting on my robe to bore myself senseless over a movie before I went off to bed. I did my best not to think about the let down when Asia hadn’t been with her Mom the first time putting life back into the empty house. I sipped a drink relaxing back into the sofa as I felt my eyes getting heavy with sleep. There seemed no point in waiting up admitting I was procrastinating in hopes that Asia was still going to come running into my house with outstretched arms. A quick swallow of my drink and off down the hall to climb into bed for the night.
As I drifted into sleep I could hear a few cars on the street, even one that sounded like it stopped next door but no doors slamming so I passed it off as nothing falling into a deep sleep. Dreams of my sweet Asia danced in my head drifting into erotic sexual fans sending hot rushes of password over my sleeping body. I rolled onto my back under the blankets allowing room for my aching groin as my cock swelled with fullness. Images of Asia flashing over my minds eyes in all her glorious bountiful perfection.
My dreams became restless as I had feelings of disappoint in moving as if I had gotten tangled in the sheets somehow. Something was dreadfully wrong as I found myself struggling to move my arms my wrists and ankles felt a binding sensing that was painful. I couldn’t get up as my eyes darted open inpanic trying to see what was wrong in the dim light of the bedroom. I couldn’t see realizing a mask had been placed over my eyes forbidding any view of my pending doom at the hands of some phantom predator that had made me its prisoner. Fear consumed my flesh, beads of perspiration formed on my face as I struggled with a pointless effort to escape my tight bondage.
I lay panting thinking of some way to escape searching with my senses to analyze the things that occurred the room. A slight rustling sound as a human figure moved slowly around the bed studying my helpless body. The cent of lavender perfume teased at my senses as I felt the warmth of a human presence very close to my face. My mind anticipating pain as I lay at the mercy of some phantom that may very well take my life at any moment.
A warm hand stroked slowly over my chest hair gently toying, then I jumped in a twinge of pain as it pulled out several chest hairs. Notan extreme pain but certainly enough to arouse my intense anticipation of what was next on the phantoms agenda. I felt warm breath against my cheek as a finger traced over my lips pressing in. The taste of warm strawberry liquid filtered into my mouth from the probing finger as the breath became a soft kiss on my cheek. As I analyzed the strawberry coated finger my senses realized it was more than simply strawberry. There were definitely traces of sweet creamy female arousal blended into the sweet taste.
My mind went wild trying to comprehend what was going to happen in such a strange situation. It was pointless to struggle but I wasn’t prepared to die at the moment knowing with my history I was certainly going to be burning in hell as soon as I passed over the threshold from this life to the next. My senses eased dramatically when I could hear a familiar whisper, remember me handsome? I should have known, it was Asia, torturing me like she had learnedto do so well before. The sex games that she found so exciting that had always brought her sexuality to a fevered peak of burning arousal. So many times I had thought her teasing my lusting senses would give me heart failure as my cock ached to impale her luscious body on my huge throbbing cock.
This was different, she was in charge and I was little more than the pawn of her desires for whatever she had planned for her lustful satisfaction. She had done well with preparing me as I slept, I cold feel the cold steel of the picker chain around my neck. Knowing that at will she could pull the lean tight rendering me unconscious if she chose to. The tension of the leather strap tightly around the base of my cock that could be tensed so my orgasm was locked deep inside for when Asia wanted it free.
She had learned well the art of domination, the secrets that could inflict dramatic pain or arouse the flesh to highs of orgasm pleasure that exploded the human sexual emotion with dynamic climax. My mind filled with curiosity, did she want to express her affection to maximum perfection or was this the ultimate payback for me absence to satisfy her vanity. Whatever, I was surely going to find out before morning came, if she wasn’t her to send my soul to the hell it had earned by my former actions.
Asia climb over me, the warmth of her flesh touching mine was pure heaven, the cold brushing of the leather she had dawned felt evil against my flesh. I could feel the cold blade of the razor sharp knife sliding over my skin as Asia cut away all of my night clothes leaving me totally naked beneath her. Her hot breath flowed over my cock as she flicked her tongue over the head making it helpfully rise to full hardness. Asia nursed the tip between her lip taking a taste of the cum as it oozed up my shaft. She had me full of fertility, then I felt the leather strap tighten around my balls locking my cum within my groin. The pain was enormous causing my shaft to swell even more as my groin filled with more seed.
I felt Asia move up my body farther the heat between her legs rubbing over my belly as it moved up across my chest hair. Her bottom was almost to my chin as she tugged at the straw around my aching balls making me groan in agony. As the tension eased I could smell the sweet aroma of strawberry like I tasted on her finger blended with the musky scent of Asia’s creamy pussy. It didn’t make sense at first as she slide her panty covered crotch over my mouth pressing down so hard I couldn’t breath. Asia yanked at the straw, the pain made my jump driving my face hard into her crotch.
The fabric felt like thin plastic with a strong taste of strawberry then it dawned on me they were the edible kind that Asia had intended for my late night desert. I must have thought to long because Asia yanked the straw again morefirmly causing my face to dive back into her crotch as pain shot over my groin. The tension eased again as soon as my tongue began licking deeply at her panties softening the candy material. With the combination of her hot wetness and my saliva they quickly began melting in my mouth eating away the syrupy liquid.
As my tongue poked a hole a flood of trapped pussy cream flooded out into my mouth as I drank it down trying not to choke on the hot rush of juices. Asia relaxed on my face as she felt my tongue penetrate her pussy lips licking up her creamy juices as they flowed abundantly into my mouth. The panties melting rapidly as her heat and wetness increased dramatically. Asia began ridding my face pressing her full pussy lips over my mouth, her love bud rubbing over my nose in a state of high arousal. My lips sucked at her bud making her wiggle as she slide up more. Causing my tongue to slide down over her creamy slide to the sensitive area between pussy and anus making her squeal delightfully.
The new sensing of my tongue probing her candy coated anus made Asia tremble with excitement as my tongue teased her tiny opening making it flex accepting the tip of my tongue wiggling slightly inside her. Asia was growing hotter near her first orgasm as she rode back down for my tongue to dive deeply into her pussy licking deeply upward. Her bud was fully erect as I sucked it between my lips nuzzling with my tongue thrusting deeply inside her creamy pussy lips. Asia yanked the strap forcing her pussy down hard onto my face as the pain made me thrust upward sucking her bud deep my tongue selling farther inside. Asia screamed as her body quaked sending a river of creamy juices flooding over my face.
Maybe now she would ease the straw that felt so painfully tight around my cock and balls as she moved down my body coating me with her creamy flow. Then tightness remained as Asia began teasing mycock with her fingers, full pumping strokes that would normally send my cum flying into the air. My entire groin was in spasm trying to force the hot seed beyond the tight strap to no avail. Then her lips slide over the head sucking deeply bobbing up and down the full length as her soft tongue rod hard over the underside. It feel so good and the aching was becoming so very intense I thought my balls were going to explode.
That beautiful pussy soft and pink that I adored gave me tremendous pain knowing she would soon be impaling her perfect pussy on my incredibly engaged cock. I could only imagine how desperately I would need to cum when I feel her velvet folds sliding up and down my shake. Asia was positioning herself for penetration already rocking teasingly over my cock as she slowly lowered her gyrating bottom. Asia moaned softly as the head began moving over her soft pussy lips pressing into her creamy slit. Slowly the swollen head rippled over her pink folds slipping inside. Her soft folds wrapping tightly over the throbbing shaft as she began humping up and down.
Asia was becoming extremely hot her cream soaked my aching shake as I felt my cock head rippling deeper and deeper into her burning pussy. Asia stopped pulling off my shake making my cock bob wildly as she slipped a tight bead ring over its length to the base adding even more stimulation to her swollen love bud. Asia was back on me again moving my cock head rapidly over her pink folds dipping down farther with each gyrating humping motion. As her hands pulled at my chest hair Asia drive down with all her weight sending my cock head pumping to the bottom of her womb. The beads rolling over Asia’s bud sending her into a screaming orgasm. My groin quaking in pain desperately wanting to spurt a torrent of hot cum inside her.
Her bottom was bouncing off my legs faster and faster as Asia built to another thundering orgasm rapidly. The tension in my groin reaching excruciating pain as I begged Asia to release the straw that locked my hot seed inside. Her body was shaking franticly as she neared the peak of ecstasy her velvet pussy clenching firmly around the length of my cock. Like heavenly bliss I felt the straw fall away from my cock setting free the enormous pool of cum deep inside me. As Asia pressed into the bead ring entwining her pubic hair with mine she screamed in thundering ecstasy squirting hot cream over my cock. I groaned in sheer glory as firey rockets of cum blasted in quaking hot spurts up into Asia pulsing her full of my squirting cum.
She collapsed on my chest gasping to catch her breath her throaty whispers flowed softly, see how much I missed you baby?……………
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