Every year now for quite some time our group throws a Halloween party, in the past it was supervised by our parents, but now that we are in the graduating class of 99 we were hoping to have a bit more leeway and just as luck would have it, my parents were off on a business trip for several days. We are not into drugs, but we do like to party, and a few of us do get into the brew. At our place we have a fairly large recreation room that joins our back patio and we have the normal two-car garage that enters from the kitchen, so I had the space to create a fairly decent atmosphere. The only thing I was told was to make sure that the Police did not have to be called, and that the TV and stereo system were to be moved from the rec-room so they would not be broken. My friends and I decided that we were going to decorate the outside of the house to scare the be Jesus out of all the little types who would be coming for trick and treat and my girl friend along with some of the other!
girls were to be left with the task of decorating the inside for the party.
Now we began to plan this about a month before the given date, storing all the necessary stuff in the garage, and all we had to do for the outside was to pull it out and set it up. The weather was nice and warm and the girls were really taking advantage of the late summer sun, they sure as heck did not have much on, we guys keep trying to concentrate of our decorations while toning our voyeuristic habits, grabbing a good peek at the girls as they bent over or climbed the short ladder while they put up the party decorations. We also had to keep busy at our daily chores and of course our classes. As things evolved Joyce and I got to talking about sex with more than one partner, I mean we had been going out now for a long time and had gotten into the fun and games of discovering what we liked and how to satisfy our desires without getting caught. Joyce was really into most things that I suggestested, especially if there was a chance of getting seen or even a chance of getting cau! ght. I mean we had experimented with many different ideas, but up until now had been pretty well by ourselves. Joyce just came out of the blue with this thinking of sex with more than partner. I did not dissuade her from talking about it, the more she talked about her fantasy, the more aggressive and daring she became. All this talk gave me a great idea for our party so I sought out a few good friends asking them if they would like to participate, telling them that things could not get out of control and if any one got too nasty or too far from the line I would put an end to the activity immediately.
In the garage, I fixed up and old picnic table, cutting the legs down at one end so the table slopped, and then I covered it with foam and a dark sheet. No one knew exactly what I was doing this for, but they figured that it was part of the decorations for Halloween night. As we were fixing the lights and sound system to make the whole outside as scary as possible, I managed to fix the lights in the garage so that I could control them separately. Joyce asked me to accompany her to the custom rental agency so that we could get something really good, this was perfect because then I could make certain that she was dressed for my plan to come off real well. At first she wanted us to go as Tarzan and Jane, these were two Very skimpy outfits for sure and if we just wore the outfit without the benefit of some of our underclothing, there would have been lots of both of us showing and that is not quite what I had in mind.
The Tarzan outfit was fine for me, but I was more interested getting Joyce dressed up as little Red Riding Hood; after all I had my reasons. With much cajoling and feigning reasons of beauty and loveliness I managed to get her to accept the Red Riding outfit. I went back to the rental office later and purchased the outfit rather that renting it,as I had no intention of returning it at least not in the condition that it was in. Following this purchase, I boldly went to Victoria’s Secret and purchased some matching red undergarments for Joyce, as I knew she had none in this colour. Saturday morning I got up early and began to set things in action, I had one heck of a time keeping my cock out of my way it kept poking up and out in anticipation of the night’s events. By the afternoon however it had settled back to it’s normal position as we all laboured to set things up.
Joyce returned home to change and was back about 7PM just before the little kiddies would be ringing the bell for trick and treat, our party was set to begin around 10PM when all the trick and treating would be over. When she arrived she looked beautiful in her costume, the red cloak flowing over the thin white blouse, falling down just above the short red skirt, I was beginning to wonder if I should not have chosen the big bad wolf's costume, but what the heck here I was Tarzan, my loincloth securely tied to stay up.
I gave Joyce the little package I had purchased at Victoria’s and told it might be better if she tried them on, before every one else began arrive so off to my bedroom she went. It was planned that Eric, Jim, Gord and Tom who were working the outside Hawley effects would give the impression of leaving once things died down, most expressly letting Joyce know that they were on their way. They of course would be back a bit later to enjoy the party. Let me tell you once Joyce had come back from changing, I got one hell of a wet kiss, She even managed to snake her fingers up under my loin clothes and squeeze, so I assumed that she really appreciated the undies I had bought. I knew for a fact I was going to appreciate them later that evening.
Things began rolling along and we greeted our party guests, making them feel at home, serving the chips and dips and some blood red punch that we had prepared. I did not let Joyce know that I had already prepared a second bowl of punch so when the first one ran low, I asked her if she would go get a another bottle of wine cooler from the garage to make more. As soon as she left the kitchen, I put the second bowl out, and quickly got myself over to the door leading to the garage where I could follow Joyce’s movements. She had to make it to the Other side of the garage where the fridge is and in doing so this took her far away from the light switches. Before she got to her destination, the lights in the garage went out, placing her in complete darkness, not even the streetlights shone through the windows as we had done a great job of decorating for Halloween. I heard her gasp, something like “Oh Shit!” then stop dead for a moment trying hard to let her eyes become accustomed ! to the darkness, probably hoping she could grope her way out of the garage somehow. This was all the time that was needed,my four friends came out of their hiding places and joining hands circling Joyce in the middle of them.
Joyce started forward only to be met with a barrier, she must have reached out to touch and as she found herself with company, she cried out loud ” NO! No! “, Let me go “. By this time I arrived taking my place in the circulation arms, we had planned things very carefully, the guys were all using my aftershave and were all dressed in Tarzan costumes. We wanted to try our best to confuse the bespangles out of Joyce and as she began to whimper a bit the effect was taking its toll. As I controlled the music and lights, I increased the sound a bit, we had rigged the song ” Little Red Riding Hood” to play just what we wanted and it really sounded great, as we all softly began repeating the chorus as a chant. I moved into the circle with Joyce, I did not want her to panic too much, she would know at least that I was There, and it was not dangerous. I took her in my arms, pushing her arms behind her back, where I attached them together with Velcro, and then I took her hood and pull! ed it over her head, covering much of her face. I whispered that it was time to enjoy and maybe her fantasy might take place, kissing her, I moved myself back into the circulation arms, leaving Eric to move into the middle with her.
It was Eric’s job to take her blouse off; he began to hold her tight, swinging to the music and our chanting voices. As he nuzzled closely to her, my aftershave must have reached her nostril’s as we definitely heard Joyce cry out ” Dougie!! “. I took the occasion to increase the light in the garage, (we had put those bulbs that shine black, and turn everything purple) giving them a ghostly brightness as they moved to the music. Eric pulled at Joyce’s blouse popping the buttons as her ripped her covering, exposing her heaving breasts now held back by the new bra that she had put on, her creamy wHit flesh shone in the light, the cups were cut low on purpose, exposing her nipples, which we could see were now sticking straight out. Eric untied and retied her arms as he pulled the remnants of her blouse from her body, spinning her around for us all to see, he then moved back into the circulation arms leaving as Tom to take his place at Joyce’s side.
Tom danced around Joyce touching her, but not allowing her to get close, to feel him, as he swirled her around and around, the read cloak fluttered in the air, making it look like Joyce was floating in her movements. Tom, then proceeded to unzip the short skit, pulling on it and sending it flying over our heads into the dimly light garage some where out of sight. Once this was accomplished he spun Joyce in a large circular movement, the Red cloak floating much higher than before, exposing the whole of Joyce as she now moved in her brand new underwear. She must have caught on by now as she began to move with the motions of Tom, rather than having him force the direction of the flow. Whether or not she was able to determine that it was another person than me doing the striping, I never found out, but we had gone to the trouble to try and make us all appear to be the same person. As to me I was getting real horny by now, and I image the others were about in the same predicamen! t, the loincloth was getting tight as my dick hardened and pushed out.
Gord followed Tom, and his first action being in the centre was to lick those protruding nipples and had appeared to increase in size, Joyce was beginning to gruve. As the bra was the strawless type, Gord managed to unhook it completely and let it fly, Joyce’s, two beautiful frames dropped into our sight, unencumbered, unprotected, exposed in the shining black light, exposed in all their glory to our straining eyes. As These guys had wanted to get into Joyce’s pants for a long time, and perhaps were a bit jealous of my good fortune,Gord took his sweet time, moulding those big tits in his hand, licking at the nipples, causing Joyce to moan more than once, we began to wonder if Gord had forgotten the object of the event itself. As he passed Jim while we circled, Jim broke the arm lock to poke at him. Once Gord had realized that he had taken a bit more time than planned, he released his grip on Joyce and backed away, allowing Jimmy to take his place and complete the project.! Mind you he could not help taking the opportunity to squeeze at Joyce’s breasts either, but I cannot really blow him. Jim moved around back of Joyce, placing his hands on her bare stomach, and running his hands up and under her breasts, cupping each beautiful frame which he squeezed, then he ran his hand down toward her cunt, rubbing all over her dainty thong panties, no doubt pushing hard at her vulva as he went about his task. He must have created a fairly good sensing as we could see Joyce move her lower body into his hands, and tryto buck. Jimmy placing his hand on each hip pulled the little tie strings loosening the thong from Joyce’s warm body. He grabbed the at the front as it flapped forward and pulled it up, pulling so that the back strap slipped up and through Joyce’s cunt. With a final jerk Jimmy withdraw the material from her crack and twirled it overhead letting it also fly in to the darkness. Joyce was now naked under her cloak, exposed and unprotected to! our roving eyes. I just about shot my load as the thong emerged from her crack, and I dare say I was not alone. Again it as my turn to fall into the centre, however Jimmy, being as wise as he was, took the liberty of slipping his both hands down between Joyce’s legs, and I am certain he popped some fingers in to her cunt for as I moved to replace him I got a good whiff of Joyce’s sexy aroma, she was leaking juices, she was ready.
I released her arms, letting her get a hold on me, letting her find out it was me and not some one else, I was trying to create the idea that it might have been me all along, hoping to intensify the suspension and at the same time trying hard to let her know that it was all right. Closing the light back down, I moved the hood from her face and kissed her long and hard, she responded in kind and rubbed her naked body against my groin, I knew then that she was excited and wanted more. I motioned for the guys to break the circle, which once done allowed me to direct Joyce towards the picnic table I had reconstructed. As I pushed her back down on the table I reassure her that all was right and that she should relax and enjoy. I eased her arms up and over her head, placing each writs in the hands of the guys, who immediately Velcroed them, spread wide to the table fixture. I was then given a black sleeping mask, which I applied to Joyce’s eyes, taking her once again into the deep !
Darkness of the night. Joyce was now spread before us, her body heaving, her perfume permeating throughout the air, as her warm body lay attached to the table. I dropped my loincloth and moved the head of my dick to her now wet cunt entrance. As I prepared to plough my rock hard cock home, the guys dropped their lions clothes protection also, taking up positions on either side of Joyce, two of them began to suckle at her firm young breasts while the other two planted their hard rock appendages one in each of Her tied down hands. We all went to work, we were so excited, having this beauty at our disposal, that it did not take much for us to blow our loads, I came as never before, shooting my girl as full with hot cum as I could, Tom leaked all over Joyce’s hand while Eric’s load shot straight out all over the floor. Gord and Jimmy were busy their mouth full of tit and no doubt their hands working their own meat.
Once I have completed my fucking task , I pulled my limp cock from Joyce’s innards, bringing with it a release of cum., love juices and the delicate arc of a young woman’s orgasm. Preparing to change places with Gord, I cautioned him about the use of condoms, of which I had brought sufficient quantity. He immediately went down on Joyce, snaking out his long tongue, he went cleaning what ever was left dripping from her love hole. Jimmy, the lightest of the group climbed up on the table and straddled Joyce, placing his pole between her tits and stroke like a mad man. Eric and Tom backed away from Joyce’s hands, and just stood back to watch. I eased up the light a bit so that we could really see what we were getting into and went to get a damp clothes to wipe her hands while at the same time checking out the party inside to make sure nothing was getting out of control. By the time I got back Tom was pounding away at Joyce, and Eric had managed to get his cock up and into her !
mouth, Joyce appeared to have joined the foray as she was sucking ardently on the long piece of dick. Jimmy was now standing at the end of the table, Joyce was fondling his balls struggling with the rhythm of the music, man the only thing I had not thought of was a video camera.
Joyce was moaning and groaning, coming more often that she had had the occasion to experience in our one on one sexual adventures. Her cries were of pleasure, you could hear her saying , ” Fuck me, Fuck me, Fuck me Ohhhhhh! Fuck me……………!!! By the time we all had come inside Joyce, I was ready to have another go at it and took my place at her now sopping went love hole, I slipped in easily, and sloshed Around pounding as hard as I could. My mind was in a frenzy, I just kept on pounding, pounding the meat laid out in front of me, almost as though I had forgotten who it was, I was more concerned about self-satisfaction and then I blew, filling the condom so full that it leaked back on the my balls, never had I come like this, man was it fabulous. We managed each of us to get a second run at the hot cunt laid out on the table, biding our turn having our balls massed, or sucking on these now very sensitive tits, with their nipples ready to burst.
Then it came to an end, none of us could get it up to continue, were in fact petered out, cum dry, and drained of energy. We left Joyce, spread, leaking, and heaving as she came down from her peaking, her breathing was in great big sights, she was gulping as much oxygen as she could her body shaking from use. I however was not entirely finished, I was not going to loose a golden opportunity slip by, while I had not planned for this at the beginning, I knew as we continued along that I could not afford not to attempt to satisfy a wish of mine. I asked the guys to bear with me and help me turn Joyce over face down on the table, fixing her once again in the Velcro strapping. Then I told them to enjoy the show, as I spread he ass checks wide exposing her little brown hole to the cool night air. I told them that while this was Not part of the deal, they were certainly welcome to stay and watch, while I scooped up her leaking love juices and lubricated her ass crack, taking care to!
slip my finger into her pumper hole. As I forced my finger in through the tight anus ring, Joyce jumped considerably, however as I slowly pressed on and began to frig her virgin hole, her body began to move backwards pushing at the finger, forcing it further into her chocolate passage. I was engrossed in my work, my dick responded nicely, growing back to its hardened state of reading, Joyce began to moan, a long low moan, one that I had not heard from her at all, her lower body movements quickly, it was though she was humping the table. I positioned my self between her spread legs and after aiming the end of my torpedo; I pulled out my finger and replaced it with the head of my dick. The little picker hole expanded and I slipped in, Joyce let out a howl, a bloody-blue howl, it was fortunate that the music was able to cover the sound. I reachd around to her clip and flicked it between my finger and thumb, creating an increased flow of juice, which I scooped up and rub!
bed all over my dick. I pushed further into Joyce, it was now or never, never would there be another opportunity, never would there be another concentrated audience like we had . As I slipped further in, I was able to pull back a bit with out coming complete out, and the extra juices I had coated my dick with made things slippery, after a few more stokes, Joyce reacted differently, she began to push back, in unison with my stokes, as she increased the speed of movement, her howls, became grunts and moans, more reminiscent with cries of pleasure that we know when we were having regular sex. Now as I was bugging her I could feel the pull of her muscles on my cock as it advanced down that virgin back cute. With the guys egging us on I picked up the tempo, I could feel the pressure building in my balls, I was once again ready to attain my goal and blowmy load. Quickening my stokes I could feel Joyce meeting my every movement, not only was I getting some where I appeared to h! ave being bringing her along with me, right up to the point I boiled over shooting hot cum, exploding into the vast annals of her secret most space, the deep back hole. As I cried out, reaching my own optimum point, Joyce let out a cry equally to or better than mine, a cry of ” Oh!! Christ I’m Coming, I’m coming, don’t stop, and don’t stop!” We were at it in such unison that the table began to move on the floor. Then Joyce collapsed, she just went limp, leaving me with my pole stuck in her rump, pulsating as the rest of the cum spurted out. Her muscles relaxed and my dick plopped from her ass hole, dripping cum all over and down on to her pussy . I just stood there dumb founded, never before had I had an experience like this. I motioned for the guys to unattach her wrists and legs and then vamoose from the garage.
ITurned the lights up so that they could recall the other Halloween costumes they were going to wear and they scrambled back to the party, leaving us alone in our wonderment. I turned Joyce over, and crawled on top of her, kissing her body as I moved upward. Once I reached her mouth, I dimmed the lights again and pulled the mask from her eyes. Kissing her face all over I kept telling her how much I loved her, how much she was loved, how wonderful she had been, asking her if that was her fantasy that she had been telling me about. She responded in kind with kisses hugging me tightly, repeating that she was ok with all of this. We must have been half an hour just holding one another, coming down from a long trip, and relaxing in the comfort of one another’s carcasses. As we stood, Joyce remarked that most of her costumes was Missing, I told her that it did not matter much as most of the party guests had probably left, and that she looked beautiful, all she had to do wa!
s tie the cords of her cloak together and she would be more than covered. I pulled my loincloth back on and beat my chest like Tarzan, as we stepped into the rec room, our recovery in hand. There were however more people than I had even expected who were still dancing. There was some tell tales signs that a bit of sexual frolicking had occurred in our absence, a pair of panties and a bra not from the same set were lying beside the couch, but other than that everything appeared to be in order.
Joyce was familiar, so I left her with the group and went to fix her a plate, I could just imagine how ravenous she might be, we had been at it for over 3 hours, non stop. As I came back, most of the girls and guys, having had the time of their life, bid up adieu and slowly exited, bringing the party to a close. Joyce finished her plate and slipped off to clean up a bit. I sat contemplating the events of the evening a glow flowing from me like a bright light. When Joyce came back she said she wanted to dance, as she had not had much of a chance up until this point. She told me that since we were alone, and she had been the major event of the evening, she wanted me to be naked, and she would keep the cloak. Well that was no problem for me and I dropped the loin clothes immediately .
We put on some slow music and taking each other in our arms proceed to cling to one another as we made the dance motions. Joyce’s cloak was arranged in such a way that our nakedness was touching as we moved to the music. I was in dreamland, this was a new idea, naked dancing, I would have to remember that for the next party. With my head on her shoulder, nuzzling at her neck, absorbing the delicate aroma of her perfume , I closed my eyes and let my self-flow. Little did I realize that Joyce had untied the string of her cloak letting it fall from her body, uncovering herself to the same nakedness as myself? Suddenly, I felt an intense warmth surrounding me, breaking myselfFrom a dreaming stupor, I opened my eyes and I realized that I was now in a big huddle . There was Joyce, Tom, Eric, Jimmy and Gord everyone was as naked as the day they were born, we were all hunted together moving in tune with the music. Joyce began to laugh at my startled look, she went on to tell me !
that after coming back out of the garage, she was curious to know how many had participated in the group sex event and who they were, so after a little investigation while I was in the kitchen making her plate, she found the guys who were involved and asked them if they would do a turn for her, something that none of them could refuse.
They had snuck back in while she was babying me into my stupper, and at her signal had stripped and come into the huddle as planned. She said she would have preferred to have been able to see in the garage, but had understood that we wanted to create more suspension and now she wanted to see what she was doing, so she asked them to line up and she began stroking their semi hard cocks, once she had her four boys sticking straight out she proceeded to blow each in his turn, sucking down their exploiting cum as quickly as she could. She then asked each of them, as she spread her self wide on the couch, to give her a good night kiss, or lick if they desired and then to bugger off and leave her with her main man, me.
Needless to say that we both fell asleep on the couch, in the rec room, both bare ass naked, waking Sunday late in the afternoon, stiff and sore from our night’s activities. We showed and spent the afternoon cleaning the house in the buff, arranging ourselves just in time for the arrival of my parents.
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