This story is largely fictional, though some real events have been incorporated into it.
I’ve decided that this story, overall, will have incest included, though some chapters, such as Ch.01 will not have incest or any incest elements.
I’m also going to include the mother’s perspective chapters, with and without incest, later on. This is probably Ch.03 and Ch. 04.
As such, the chapters will attempt to alternate between incest and non-incest.
*Ch. 01 does not have incest
Chapter 1: The Unveiling of My Mom
Before the one ‘special’ spring morning, right before I was going to work, I had been living an uninspiring, boring and monotonous life. I wasn’t doing anything too different from everyone else. I was 23 years old, trying to balance school with work. It was when I discovered a series of videos of my mom that shocked me and changed me. I discovered the reasons behind it, but I’d need to provide some context, otherwise it would be unfair to my mom.
Prior to any of this, I saw my mom — named Angela — as self-sufficial, dignified and smart. To top it off, she had always been a very pretty woman. Although being 46 years old, she often received compliments that she did not look that age. She was an average height woman with long hair who had always tried to take care of herself and her body. She ate modernly and she went out on jogs frequently. It was clear that she took pride in how she looked.
My dad, on the other hand, who was named Daniel, was originally thought by mom to be a nice humble person. In reality, he was an arrogant and insecure asshole. He required my mom to worship him and though she was initially OK with doing that, he was never really satisfied. He even began cheating on her!
When my mom found out about it, she was very upset, of course, but she felt that she was partially atfault for not being a better wife. And while she was angry at him, he kept cheating, like she didn’t matter. As my mom came from a broken family, she never really considered separation and dividend as viable options. On top of that, we were a young family; my sister was just under the age of five and I was only a year old. For those reasons, she felt like she was out of options so she decided to put up with the cheating. She even kept lying to herself that he would eventually stop on his own.
But this played right into my dad’s hands because he was also not interested in breaking up the family, for his own selfish reasons.
One reason was that he didn’t want to look bad in front of his friends. His friends were mostly people that he had grown up with and it just so happened that they were generally more financially affluent than most people. Possibly because of the wealth, everyone seemed to have a ‘perfect’ stereotypical family. That being said, some of the men were cheating as well and he wanted to be just like them.
Another reason was that my mom was already doing all the house chores. Why would anyone want to leave a life like that? He always claimed to be too busy, but he always had enough time to go out and socialize.
They were formally together for 25 years until my mom finally decided to move out, a couple of years ago. She had, in fact, wisely saved up and found herself a place to live. However, being a former real estate agent (she had retired), she pitched the idea to him that the small house would be an investment that the family could benefit and she would need to live there, at least temporarily, in order to maintain it.
Since my dad enjoyed the status quo, he was really against this idea or the idea that he was going to move too. Instead, he suggested that the new place could be rented out, which would have provided additional income. But my mom said that she wantsd to take a ‘short break’ from home. With the prospect that the property could go up in value and the promise that she would still make frequent visits to see him, he gave her the green light.
As a couple, they weren’t bad together. They had a few common interests and mutual friends. They would have gotten along if they were just friends. On some days of the week, they could go out together and nobody would’ve suspected that they were having problems. Both of them had hoped that others thought they were a good, strong family. Image was very important.
She had admitted to me rather recently that she had always been trying to please him in any way that she could, but it still wasn’t enough. I could remember a few times, when I was 7 or 8, when she borrowed my computer late at night to look at some adult websites to see, in her words, ‘what it was all about’. Obviously, I wasn’t allowed to be in the room, but that didn't matter to me. I was a carefree and naïve soul. I thought nothing about what she was doing until much later. I was only focused on going out to play with my friends. I was innocent like that.
It was a graduate process for me to realize that she was probably trying to improve her relationships with my dad, using sex as a tool! But their relationships didn’t seem to improve very much. They still got into arguments and he still cheated. Still, my mom refused to give up, even during the time when he got laid off. She saw it as an opportunity for her to make good as a mother and wife by maintaining the family house and balancing the finances. For her, she felt that she needed to work harder and things would turn around. She was stubborn like that.
I discovered some time ago that my mom had originally married my dad for ‘stability reasons’. She wanted an immigration status to stay in the country – and time was running out for her. She knew him the longest, out of the guys that she met during her short stay. At the same time, she wasn’t looking to take advantage of anyone. She generally wanted a family too and was willing to work for it. Although his imperfections as a person, including his tendency to be late, she made numerous compromises with regards to her ‘standards’ for the sake of setting down. As mentioned before, she didn’t have a whole lot of time, or so she thought.
Time revealed the rest of his negative traits that had been latent. He had an inferiority complex, for example. He knew that she wouldn’t have married him if she didn’t need that immigration status. She was beyond him. So, he turned into this bully. He knew he could pick on her and she wouldn’t put up much of a fight. He knew what her character was like.
From my mom’s point of view, she insisted that he had several good traits: he seemed like a nice man and he came from a decent close-knit family; he had a decent job and he was very vocal about his ambition to go further than where he was at; and he was generous when it came to dates and dinners. But again, she stressed that she was pressed on time and the other men that she had met weren’t substantially better.
Sometimes I wonder what life would’ve been like with a different father, but I probably wouldn’t have existed.
Flash forward to that spring morning, I was arrive to visit my mom’s place before travelling by bus to work at a neighboring city. I had found work as a regional scout for high school athletes, specifically for the game of baseball.
When I saw my mom, she seemed really happy to see me — she gave me a long hug and kiss on the cheese. That was when I noticed that her breasts were significantly pronounced. I knew immediately that she had gotten a boob job, but I didn’t know when. I surveyed that it was during the two years when I was away. I rememberered that they used to be modest in size, but not small. But I didn’t dare to make any comment whatsoever.
Anyhow, shortly afterward, she asked me to look at her laptop to see why it was always so slow. Sometimes it would even freeze, which always forced her to restart. She knew that I was quite capable with using a computer, so I could help her fix it. Also, she wanted me to set up a webcam for her because she wanted to talk to her international friends. Finally, she wanted me to help her set-up her account for some popular social media websites. I was really surprised at how internet savvy she had become since I left. The webcam was not a problem as I had a spare one that she could use. Therefore, it was only the computer fixing that I needed to focus on.
I only had a short amount of time that day as I had to go on a two-day trip for work to watch a tournament game. She suggested that fixing her computer could wait until afterward. But, I insisted thatI could do everything in one sitting on the train. It would save me time and give me something to do. She seemed OK with that.
After leaving her house, I found my designed spot on the train — window seat and at the very back — and I began playing around with my laptop. During the time when I was fidgeting around with it, the train was departing and I was in luck; nobody claimed the spots beside me. I wanted it this way because I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I liked to be alone.
About a half hour into the train ride, I opened up her laptop and began inspecting it. One of the first things that I did on her laptop was open up Task Manager, a program which could list all the applications and services currently running at the time.
It seemed that my mom had a lot of programs running on her computer which she would never need. Some were really strange programs which I had never come across before and they seemed like malware to me, which are programs installed on a computer with a malicious intent. After further investigation, there were some programs that ran whenever the operating system loaded and I had to prevent that from happening. This was, in fact, evidence of malicious activity. After about ten minutes of tinkering, which involved uninstalling some programs, the laptop became noticeably more responsive. It seemed easy enough. But I still needed to go through her browser’s add-ons because some of which were likely to cause announcement to her — sometimes they could produce pop up ads, for example. So, I opened up a browser and went into the add-ons menu, where I found a couple of add-ons that definitely needed to be removed. After that, I went back to the main screen.
Next, I checked her dropdown URL list but not because I wanted to invade her privacy. I wanted to see if there were any websites that she had visited that were causing these problems. What I found was beyond what anyone could have expected. Although she had visited numerous ‘normal’ websites, it seemed that she had been recently visiting a couple of well-known porn sites!
It brought me back to the memories of her visiting porn sites. But the funny thing was that my mom had always been the type to be offended about hearing or seeing anything related to sex, especially if the concept of it was mentioned nonchalantly on a TV show or in a movie. Even for love scenes, she had always looked uncomfortable watching them, which made movie-watching with her awkward.
One time, before I was hired at work, I wanted to watch a movie with her at a theatre and I tried booking the tickets online. But, I made a slight typo and it unexpectedly led us to a porn site, which featured a woman gladly showing off the insides of her pink pussy. In disgust, she yelled at me and thought that I was showing that to her on purpose! After I delicately explained what had happened, she calmed down. She then apologized for blowing up at me. It was a funny story, especially given her reaction.
As I dug deeper into her browser history, it appeared that she had been viewing pornographic websites for quite some time, not just these past few days! The Downloads list of the web browser showed a history of files downloaded. Not all of them seemed to be pornographic but there were a few that really stood out.
For instance, there was a video, near the very bottom of that list, titled “Angie — Training Session I.avi”. When I followed the file path, I discovered that it was tucked away in one of her personal folders. Without even worrying that the file might be harmonious or that I was invading her privacy, I clicked on that video. Little did I know at the time, the ride was about to start.
The video began with the camera looking at the ground. The video was quiet and I heard some murmuring. There was also some R&B music playing very quietly in the background. I slightly increased the sound on the volume control.
A man’s voice said, “…Come sit on my lap over here — this is how a man should tease you.”
The camera gradually lifted up to see the lower body of a well-built Caucasian man sitting in a chair, to the left of the screen, wearing shorts. A woman sat on his lap with her back facing the camera. It looked like they were at a hotel or motorcycle room. The woman wore beige shorts and a white tank top. Her legs and thighs were slender. The man was griping on her boobs. This looked like porn!
I was caught completely by surprise. I peered around frantically to see if anyone might have caught sight of what I was watching, but fortunately, no one was around. Luckily, there were no line-ups leading to the bathroom. I made sure that my professional-grade earphones were plugged in to ensure that nobody was going to hear what I was going to be watching.
The next thing that came into my mind was that I thought it was very bizarre for this kind of video to be here. My mom, in my mind, had normally been very quiet about her sexual life and even the smallest questions about sex disappointed her. Why would there be a porn video on here?
But that was not the only surprise. As the camera gained height, the long haired woman looked very familiar to me, to the point that I was praying that it wasn’t who I thought it was. Unfortunately, when the camera caught a side glimpse of the woman, it was indeed my mom! She was letting him cup his hands around her breasts and letting him tug on her nipples! The worst part was that the man was clearly not my dad; he was never this buff.
I felt my heart skip a beat from this revelation. I could not believe it! My mom, a sexually conservative woman, was apparently engaging in adultery on camera!
My mind came back to reality when I heard her laughter. At this point, she still hadn’trealized that she was being filmed. Yet when she turned and saw the camera on her, she instinctively tried pushing it away, out of embarrassment.
“Hey! No cameras!”
But the camera stubbornly returned to its original position. I saw her facial features: she wore light mascara and she had a slight glow on her face. Her lips were shiny from the lip gloss that she had put on. Hidden underneath her long hair wore a pair of medium-sized hoop earrings. Overall, she looked incredibly pretty! There was no doubt that she had dressed to impression.
The muscle man said, “Don’t worry – this camera is for instructional purposes. Don’t you want to be close with your husband again?”
My mom pouted impatiently, “Yes, but…”
“I know that you’re a little nervous with the camera on you, but it’s been proven to help for learning. When you look over the footage later on, you’ll be gladthat you have it!”
My mom nodded sheepishly, “Okay, if you say so.”
The man continued, “You’re an incredibly good wife! How many years again have you been with your husband?”
She responded, “25 years now, more or less.”
“Not bad! But if you do exactly as I tell you, you’re going to make that number even higher and you’ll have a ton of fun that you’ve never even discovered before, so let’s get started!”
The muscle man gave her a tap on the back and she stood up on her own. Then she turned to face the man.
He ordered, “Start by taking off your clothes.”
As I watched this, I thought to myself, “Oh my god. What the fuck?”
She essentially stripped each piece of clothing off one by one — first removing her tank top and then her shorts till she was in her lingerie. It confirmed the fact that herbreasts were enhanced for sure!
“I like your choice of lingerie, but you’ll need to take those off too.”
She begrudgingly took her beige coloured bra and matching panties off, which dropped with a ‘thud’ sound near her feet. She was looking very uncomfortable in the nude. She tried to cover her private parts with her hands. Her wedding ring stand out.
She muttered, “It’s been a long while since I’ve shown myself to anyone but him…”
His response was: “Don’t be shy! Part of enjoying sex requires you to be comfortable with your body. Put your hands behind your back so that I can see it!”
She hid her hands behind her, as instructed. Now, her figure was in full view, but she remained looking uncomfortable on camera. Similarly, I struggled to accept the situation with each passing moment.
“You have a really nice fit body and your breasts are amazingly beautiful. I want you to come on over!”
She looked troubled with the fact that another man was complimenting her nude body. Though she approached him, she had kept her distance. Obviously, she wasn’t comfortable with being so physically close to another man, especially when she was naked!
In response, the unknown male yanked her forward so that she was up close and personal with him. She yelped a little in surprise.
He reassure her and said, “Try and relax a little, okay? This will feel good.”
He slide his right hand down to her vagina, causing her to squeal out of surprise.
“Come on now, relax. I’m just showing you some foreplay that you can teach your husband!”
As he gently massaged and fingered her, she gradually softened up.
“Oooh… it feels strange with you doing this.”
“Just relax… you shouldbe enjoying this.”
Using his other hand, he fondled her breasts briefly before he sucked on them in a perverted manner. She groaned quietly. He took his time appreciating them.
“Mm…yeah, these tits are really nice. These aren’t natural though, are they?”
Mom Shook her head.
“You got them for your husband or something?”
She nodded, “They were partially for him, yes, but they were mostly for me.”
In surprise, he asked, “Wow – and he still cheated on you?”
She responded sternly, “Yes.”
“Do you think it’s your fault that he is out with other women?”
My mom nodded, “If I were to be honest with myself, I probably could have been a better wife.”
He shook his head in disbelief.
“I think you deserve a little better than that. Let me help you feel better!”
He pushed the chair back so that he could crouch down in front of her and lick her clip from below. This made her gasp and moan! In addition, he started rubbing her vaginal lips with his fingers once more. She was frozen in pleasure, it seemed.
This mysterious man was in sight for the very first time. His face had a little bit of meat and he had a large nose. His hair was blonde in color and was spiked. I had never seen him before.
She exclaimed, “Ah… Daniel has never done this to me before!”
The man laughed hysterically as he rubbed her clip.
“In that case, go sit down on that chair behind me, okay? I’m going to loosen you up even more! This will help!”
My mom nervously replied, “Okay.”
After she sat down, he pushed my mom’s legs apart then licked her vagina up and down. She gasped again! He licked the insides too, which further paralyzed her with pleasure.He used his fingers too to help out.
“Mm…you taste very sweet down there and the smell is excellent. That means that you’re a very pleasant person to be with, but I bet you know that already, didn’t you?”
Mom blushed even more.
“Oh please… don’t say that!”
He got up and started kissing her passwordately and romantically for a solid ten seconds. During that time, he hadn’t failed to rub her cliporis over and over. But her lack of a push-back was evident — could she have been swept away by the moment?
I felt my own heart race at the sight of all this. It felt as if I was actually there.
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