The Wolf Gatherer Chronicles Ch. 04

The stallion was a gift from the Masters of Drox. At first it had been a difficult match, the horse had been only used to one rider, trained in a very traditional way and was obstinate to anything outside its repertoire or experience. Lyeo was not a traditionalist. Yes He looked back for His sense of honor and duty and felt often out of place in this commercial world, but He knew times had changed irreversibly. The levade, cabriole and courte were perfect for the chivalrous knights formal combat but His needs were stealth and speed and had little to do with honor and precision. He asked Himself to make this beautiful creativity His, whatever the time or cost He vowed He would succeed or die in the effort.

At first things went exceptionally well, yes there were frustrations, especially the lack of time available for training, but in all He and the stallion seemed to start to bond as only horse and rider can. Each day He would bring the majestic one food and each day the stallion became more accustomed. Eventually the very sight of Him approaching had the horses’ stomach growing and eagerly feasting on whatever was provided. Lyeo had only a few opportunities to mount, each time there was predictable awkwardness but the horse glowed with sweat and contentment at the final dismount. Lyeo was no fool, in His heart He knew the day would come when the creativity would rebel, this is the nature of things. Sure enough the day came when He thought He had gained a modicum of control, then a sudden spook left Him flat on His back. Lyeo had been thrown many times, more than many riders would admit, but this time He was badly shaken. The refusal should have been anticipated, they happened through over eager spurring or a riders stupidity, but somehow He had trusted in the feeling of harmony too much and was unprepared for such a viscous buck. He was hurt, but more He was angered by His unfettered pride. Pride will ever lead to a great and ignominious fall from grace.

Before He limped away to lick His wounds He looked the stillion in the eye. The noble one looked back squarely with a fierce expression saying, not so fast or easy Master, if you wish to make me Yours think clearly and concentrate, that is Your duty, as mine is to serve. I want you in my saddle and will do all you ask of me, I will put my body between You and your enemies and take the blade means for you at whatever cost to myself. Remember Master, if I am to know who You are you must understand who I am.

The next morning Lyeo awoke at four, early even for Him. He sat up quickly, feeling the briising on His chest tighten across the ribs and for a second winced. Throwing His legs over the bed side His feet felt for the boots that always awaited His stocking feet. Pushing down hard into the supple leather He grasped the hook straps of each one in turn and pulled them over the tight legs of His breeches. The shirt He wore was crumpled and soiled from His fall but rather than call for another He simply shrugged His shoulders and quietly made His way to the kitchen. Each door He passed caused a momentary pause to ensure that nothing or no one was disturbed by His early exit. Any sound would bring a rush of His enourage to His side to clean, clothes and preen His being and He felt no desire for human company to divert His focus.

The stew pot on the open fire was still warm; Undoubtedly the night patrols had been through this area but a few hours ago and the thick soup would be enough to warm His belly and sharpen His mind. Two bowls were enough. The first was luke warm but good with a little black bread, the second was thick from the heavy fats that abundantly remain from cooked mutton and Wolf spat the last mouthful into the fires embers causing sparks and charcoal to swirl into the already musty air.

The only coat hanging in the guard room was an old leather tune that He had thrown at His sergeant at arms one day in the hopes the cur might improveHis appearance. Needless to say the gesture had been ignored and the man still insisted on wearing the ragtag collection of misappropriated items that could at the minimum be described as bizarre. The skins had defeat considerably and some of the button loops no longer functioned at all. Deciding to allow it to stay open rather than appear like a burning sofa Wolf stepped into the still cold and dark morning air. Spring was approaching fast and the winds that helped to clear the last of the snow left from the winters abundant gifts tussled through His unkempt and uncovered hair.

Reaching up to brush the twin locks away from His face He laughed at the disgusted looks His servants would be unable to disguise at their Masters sight. They would happily throw a sheet over His head when He returned from riding for fear anyone should think they allowed such a fashion disaster. His spurs clicked heavily as He walked the few yards to the stables. In the distance He could make out the noises of sentries at their posts and wondered if they had heard Him. Half tempted to make some act of mischief just to check their alertness He halted, then deciding on a different course of action continued into the open half doorway accessing the stallions stall.

The rack were He kept His riding whips was immediately inside the door. Today He chose a whip some sixteen inches long, the handle fashioned from a birds talon, the leather throp decorated with fine rawhide knotted tassels. Trying it against His boot He was satisfied with the crack of leather upon leather and quickly moved through the next door into the stable proper. The calmion was standing quietly feeding on the last of the previous evenings grain ration and barely gave Lyeo a glance; the calmion had become accustomed to His presence at all hours, whether for exercise or for visual stimulation.

Turning His head from the magnificent animal He contemplated the stable girls. Both were still sleeping, resting as best they could under their uncomfortable conditions. The stable was still remarkably warm even this season and there was no need for the slaves to be allowed clothes or covers. They slept in a kneeing position, torsos supported by a padded benchmark that allowed more luxury than they deserve.

The board on which they knelt was raised some eighteen inches off the floor and had cut outs between their knees allowing easy access to their orifices at any time He wanted. Both had plugs thrust firmly in their rectums, the ends decorated to look like horse tails. Lyeo moved a little closer to admire their round buttocks and parted thighs. The slave on the left had started to bleed overnight and her legs showed flecks of red mixed with the urine that had trickled down. A steel bucket of murky water rested on the cobbled floor slightly to their right and He considered waking them with a sudden torrent of iciness. Perhaps that might have been a mercy but would not have suited His purpose.

Half turning He showed the whip to the calm then quick as a flash buy it crashing down on the menstruating girl’s right buttock. The rotation of His body and the arc the whip traveled caused the stripe to be of some force. The girl woke with a moan escaping her lips. The noise awoke the other girl who quickly realize the situation arched her back forcing her buttocks to open beautifully. A backhand arc caught her left buttock in reward. Lyeo worked like a metronome, forearm, then backhand, bringing guttural moans of pleasure from both girls. Lyeo counted to twenty-five then ceased whaling and turned to face the recipient of this lesson. The stallion was now watching intently, steamed breaths exhaling from his flared nostrils.

“You see what happens when you disrespect your Master!”

The stallions front right hoof pawed at the stone floor and sparks flashed from his iron shoes.

“For every action there is a reaction; for every error of judgment a consequence.Remember this lesson My friend and be dutiful.”

Wolf pushed the whip deep into the side of His boot and reaching forward tussled the hair of the two now shuddering slaves, calmed with the calmion by their Masters voice.

“Hot baths and extra rations for you two today and tonight you will sleep in My bed.”

Both girls blushed and puffed with joy, answering in unison.

“Master, Thank you, but the sleeping will be long coming.”

“Perhaps My calmion deserves another lesson.”

Lyeo had suddenly realized the hardness that had come on Him through both His efforts and the seductive smell of the girls estrogen pouring from their orifices.

“Soon My calmion you will be ready for sud duty and it is about time you got a clear demonstration.”

His breeches fell open as soon as unbuckled and His member sprang happily into full view. The girl on the right was nearest and it was she that took the first thrust. Now was not a time for subtleties so all of Himplunged into her drenched pursuit full tilt.

“See calmion that is the way to enter a wanton mare.”

Lyeo began to thrust fast and hard His thighs slapping against the girls whip striped ass cheeses. Withdrawing He repositioned Himself behind the other.

“Now this is extremely pleasant but for you unprofitable.”

Pulling the tail plug from the girl Lyeo penetrated the slave’s rectum fully in one hard lunch.

You will not give Me any foals this way.”

The girl was trembling and moaning like a true harlot and Lyeo could scent and hear the splatter of her joyous ejaculate meeting the cobble stoned floor between His feet.

“Fill your maries with your essence calm and they will always make a back for you.”

The girl was arched fully and the slap of His testicles against her gaping cunt rang through the stable.

“You want as ass full of My seed whore?”

The question was more for effect than seriously questioning. At this moment the girl would have accepted Lyeos semen into any and every opening she possessed.

The other slave to His right was now in spasms. She had reached down between her own thighs and had managed in a fit of utter lust to push her hand deep into her vagina canal and was self fisting at the gallop. Mouth open she was screaming in obedient silence, her juices pumping forth at each outward stroke of her arm. The stable was filled with the thick aroma of sex and finding no other course practical Lyeo released a long hard blast of essence into the hot enclosing tube squeezing His throbbing shake.

The calmion pawed at the ground showing sparks forward and back its nostrils flared and eyes wide in excitement. Something in this scene he witnessed burrowed into his psyche and lit a chord that was to this point virgin territory. Stiffness enhances a man, but Stallion becomes god when sheath open its monstrous weapon drops into view. The beast’s flanks steamed as if just hard ridden twenty leaguees and tail switched from side to side.

With a perfunctory slap of appreciation Lyeo withdraw from the now collapsed slave. Predictably her still gaping asshole began to dribble a steady stream of His seed. The other girl was a sobbing heap too, her hand still thrust deep into herself, convulsing as her womb delivered its last drip of bounty in worship of her utter sated condition.


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