The Whore's Whore

“You know what we are?” asked Alexis, taking a drag on her cigarette and leaving red lipstick on the filter. “We’re high class whores. That’s all we are.”

“I don’t think so,” remarked Michelle. She hated these little meetings with the chairman’s wife. Hated this conversation. She wanted to disagree, yet she didn’t very well want to say anything that would offend Alexis.

“Really?” Alexis looked over the tops of her dark sunglasses. Her hair was platinum gray, and perfectly coffed. She swirled a wine glass filled halfway with dark red Merlot. “Where do you work Michelle?”

“I stay at home,” Michelle said. “Michael makes more than enough for us.”

“You stay at home,” Alexis drawn. “Taking care of Michael.”

“It’s not like that,” Michelle said defensively.

“And you keep yourself pretty for him,” Alexis said. “Do you get dressed up in your little thrillies and go down on him?”

Michelle could feel her cheeses warm as the remark struck home. She hadyes. Many times. But it wasn’t the way Alexis made it sound. Even the magazines she read suggested it. Besides. “I don’t get paid for sex. I just try to keep it interesting.”

“You don’t have to get defensive,” Alexis said. “I’ve been in your shoes honey. When Harold first made CEO, I was thrilled knowing what sort of lifestyle I would be living. But Honey, I was terrified at the same time. I knew there were strumpets lined up to get at my Harold. God, the things I did to keep him interested. But let me tell you a secret, don’t give it all at once…you got to dole it out a little at a time.”

Michelle shifted in her seat. The conversation had taken a turn for the uncomfortable and then made a hard left into Getthehellouttahereville. She shared stuff like this with her Girlfriends, but this woman was married to her husband’s boss.

Alexis took another drag on her cigarette, letting it escape her mouth and inhaled it back through her nose. “Have you let him have your assyet?” she asked.

Michelle’s cheats burned a brighter shade of crisis. Her hand flying to her chest. “No!” she gasped. But forbidden images filled her mind. On her hands and knees. Being taken. It was a turn on, but she had always been avoid after hearing some of her girls talk about it negatively.

“Come Michelle,” Alexis said. “It’s just us girls. Don’t tell me he hasn’t tried. Not even once? I don’t believe it.”

The forbidden images took form into memories. It had happened. Many times. She had always moved away and told Michael he was in the wrong spot. But there were candle lights, he must have been able to see. To feel the difference.

“Maybe not,” Alexis patted the younger woman’s hand. “I keep forgetting Michael is only a vice-president. Sometimes I wish Harold was only a vice-president. Why it was ten years ago that his secretary was trying steel him away from me. Only she didn’t know that I was giving Harold everything he needed … even my ass. Igave him whatever he wanted…well, except for one thing. And she couldn’t give it to him by herself either.”

Michelle listened closely. Lately, she had begun to worry about Jacklyn, Michael’s new secretary. The young girl was entirely too attractive for her to be comfortable.

“Well Harold told her he wanted to watch her with me,” Alexis said. “And he told me the same thing. You can imagine my surprise. I had never even thought of another woman in that fashion. You can imagine my prediction. If I said no. His secretary would have been willing to go through it with someone else. Then I would have been out of the picture. And she would have had him all to herself. It was then that I realized what I really was. Just a high-class whore.

I was terrified. But that night I had an epiphany. I told him I would do it, but there was one condition. I was his wife. I wasn’t some mere secretary piece of ass. We weren’t equals. She would do what I said. I was the top banana. It wasmy way or no way.”

Harold agreed and I thought that would be the end of it. Surely his secretary wouldn’t submit herself to me in such a fashion. But to my surprise, she agreed. The little bitch called my bluff. Well, if that was what she wanted, I was determined to give it to her. Give her enough to say when. So I bought some new clothes. Black leather and high heels. I even went to a sex shop. Honey, you would be surprised what they have. I told a woman there what the deal was and she sold me a bundle of stuff. All kinds of goodies – paddles and crops and dildos. As I drive home. I have to admit it, the thought of using this stuff – of using it on another woman. God, I was creaming my panties.”

Michelle couldn’t believe this admission. This old woman was a pervert. Wait until she told Michael.

“So, that night, I got all dressed up. Black high heels. Garters. Stockings. A leather corset. I had a few glasses of wine, then I lit a cigarette. Harold come over later withhis pretty little secretary. She was a pretty little thing. Blonde. Big boobs. Nice ass. She tossed her pretty hair and tried to kiss me.

I could tell she was used to get her way. I pinched her luscious lips between my fingers and told her I wasn’t interested in her like that. Told her she wasn’t my equal. Just a secretary slut. I blew smoke in her face. I could tell she didn’t like it, but she didn’t say anything. Then, I told her I was going to use her the way she was meant to be used. Like a little whore. She seemed to like that part, I could tell by the way her cheeks colored and her nostrils dilated. Then I ordered her out of her little thrillies. Made her put on a little whose dress instead. Oh and four inch pumps. Watched as she began to tremble. Then I gave her the collar. It was the collar that did it. She wouldn’t put it on. I even spanked her ass. Put her over my knee like a little child and blistered that perfect ass. I demanded that she put the collar on, but she wouldn’t – not even to stop the spanking. Said she couldn’t do it and ran out.

So disappointing. Harold never gave me another secretary. Honey, I think most of the things men fantasize about women doing, they are really deep down afraid the women might actually come to enjoy it. And I can see why…. late at night, I often think about that night. Think about that pretty girl. Wonder what could have happened.”

Alexis eyes clouded as she revealed in her fantasy. Michelle was desperately thinking of an excuse to give the older woman so she could leave. This was bad. Real bad. She had learned too much. There could be repercussions. Alexis would certainly not want this revealed …. to anyone. Not unless she were seeking a dividend and just didn’t care any.

“You are probably wondering why I’m telling you all this?” Alexis asked.

“Not really.” Michelle lied. “I suspect you are just putting me on.”

“I’m not putting you on Honey,” Alexis said, taking another drag and exhaling in Michelle’s direction. “You’ve heard there is some downsizing going on?”

“Yes.” Michelle began to grow very afraid. Michael had been very worried lately about his job security. But this could help. Maybe she could use Alexis’s admission to help Michael keep his job.

“I heard Harold says they were going to let Michael go.” Alexis said, dashing the young woman’s hopes.

Michelle blinked back tears. Godddamnit. MBAs were a dime a dozen these days. Everyone was cutting back. Worse, they had an adjustable rate mortgage that kept going up every year. What would they do?

Alexis moved to the seat next to Michelle and patted her hand and hugged her. Then her hand moved to the younger woman’s knee.

“It’s okay honey. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. You see, there is a solution.” The hand traveled further. It was now on the younger woman’s bare thigh.

Michelle desperately wanted to grab the hand and stop its progress, but her brain told her to wait. At least hear her out. Alexis exhausted her cigarette smoke again – not bothering to turn her head. Michelle didn’t say anything…just turned her head to the side.

“You see,” Alexis said her hand traveling even higher, now up to a goosebump covered mid-thigh. “I have some sway with my husband. A lot of sway. The question is….do you want to keep your way of life?”

The hand had traveled up her skirt was now at her panties. Touching her intimately through the thin material. Groping her as if she was property. How had this happened? It was all Michael’s fault. If only he had been a better executive. Done a better job. Worked harder. Smarter. Played less golf…goddamnit. It wasn’t fair.

“Yes.” Michelle’s bow shaped mouth trembled. She wanted to keep her way of life.

“Then tell me what you are.” Alexis purred. Her fingers openly explored the delicate receipts beneath the younger woman’s silky panties.

“A high -” Michelle gasped in reaction to the finger that slipped beneath her panties and into her sensitive folds. “A high class whore.”

“My high class whore.” Alexis corrected her fingers driving her point home. “Now tell me what you are once more.”

“I’m your high class whore.”

“You’re goddamn right.” Alexis said. “Now it’s time to prove it. Follow me.”

Alexis got up from the table and walked to the restroom, the younger woman following obediently behind. Once inside Alexis turned the lock and began taking items out of a plastic shopping bag she brought along.

“You haven’t been putting it out for your husband have you whore?” Alexis said. “Been having it kind of easy hmmmm? Well, that’s about to change. I intend on getting good value for my money. Let’s see what I own. Show me your cunt.”

“Please,” Michelle begged. “Don’t do this.”

“You don’t have to do anything honey,” Alexis said. “It’s not like you are going to end up at the homeless shelter. But, you might have to get a job checking people out at Wal-Mart. And I don’t think you would like that very much. Standing on your feet all day. Dealing with irate customers. So whore, show me what I’m paying for, or get the fuck to Wal-Mart.”

Just thinking of giving up her charge cards. Having to get up and go to work every day. It wasn’t the kind of life she had grown used to. She reached beneath her stylish skirt and wriggled out of her panties, then stepped out of them.

“I knew what you were,” Alexis nodded knew very. “Now show it to me.”

Michelle blushed furiously, then took the hem of her skirt between trembling fingers and raised it meekly. Displaying herself.

“Show me the inside.”

It takes a woman to know another’s most innermost private fears and Alexis certainly knew Michelle’s. But, there was no help for it. Michelle, moved a hand down and spread her lips. Baring her most hidden places for this horrible woman.

“You’re wet.” Alexis said. “And you have a pretty cunt. But I don’tthink I can see it very well though can I?”

Michelle was puzzled. She was displaying every pink fold and even her swelling pearl. It was humiliating. It was something she hadn’t even done for her husband. It was then she saw the items Alexis was taking out of her bag. Dear Lord! She couldn’t mean to…

A razor, shaving cream, and a pair of electric clippers were put on the counter. Alexis handed her the clippers.

“You know what to do honey.” Alexis said. “Put one foot on the sink and get to it.”

“Please…” Michelle begged.

Alexis reached over and unlocked the door. “I think you need a little something to spur you along and stop you from lolligagging. Better worry before someone comes in.”

Jesus! She couldn’t even contemplate someone coming in and catching her in such a position. She quickly put on foot on the sink and shifted her hips forward. She took the clippers and turned them on. Dear Lord, here it goes. And then she did it. She ran it throughher curly down protection, leaving a nearly bare swat in it’s wake. Worse, the clippers vibrated. It was turning her on. Making it hard to stand on her shaky legs. She took another swipe, and then another – she was halfway bald now. It was too late to stop at this point, she had to finish the job. What would she tell her husband? I shaken for you….I guess. Jesus!

And then the unimaginable happened. There was Alexis her phone in hand, snapping away.

“No!” Michelle gasped, grabbing for the camera with one hand and covering up with the other.

“It’s too late for modesty little whore,” Alexis said. “I’m going to get full value. I’ll look at these pictures whenever I want to relive this moment.”

But Michelle didn’t want to relive this moment. It was the worse moment of her life. What if those pictures came back to haunt her.

“Hurry,” Alexis said. “These pictures are just for me. But who knows who could come in.”

She had no choice. She lowered her handand took the clippers. Michelle made one last pass. It was finally over. Her curls lay in a pile at her feet.

Then Alexis handed her the shaving cream. “It’s all got to come off. I want that cunt smooth as a baby’s bottom.”

After squirting the cream in her hand, she proceeded to coat her sex with the foam. Then Alexis handed her the razor.

Oh God, here it goes. Then she proceeded to shake.

“Be quick, but don’t cut anything,” Alexis said. “I want my cunt nice and pretty.”

The shaving was slower going. Her bare sex, so newly shaken was displayed in the mirror in front of her. She couldn’t help but look at her image….it wasn’t the image of a successful woman…it was the image of a whore. Worse, she could feel herself becoming more and more turned on. Wet. Ripe. Engorged.

“Look at that,” Alexis said, moving in close and snapping another picture. “You love it don’t you whore. Look how big that pretty clip is getting.”

Michelle wanted to deny it,but her fruit was visible ripe. And then the worse possible thing happened. The door pushed open. A stunned woman looked at the display in front of her and gasped. Michelle gave a cry. Oh God! She hid her cunt behind her hand, but it was little use. She had been seen.

“It’s occupied honey,” Alexis said, shooing the young woman off, then locking the door behind her.

“Hurry up and finish Before she tells someone,” Alexis warned Michelle.

Michelle made the last few shakes until she was totally denuded. She did it quickly and efficiently. She wanted to get it done and get out of here.

“Let me feel,” Alexis said. “Make sure you did a good job.”

Taking a damp paper towel she removed the last of the shaving cream from Michelle and enjoyed the silky feeling of naked wet flesh. Soon a soft moan escaped Michelle’s throat. Starting low in her throat – almost purring, as she reacted to the cares of her smooth sex.

“That’s nice, that’s real nice,” Alexis said.”And this is the way I expect you to be the next time we meet. Freshly hide. All over. No panties. No bra, unless it is a pushup. I don’t want anything in my way. Now get off the one you are wearing.”

Michelle reached inside her shirt, unhooked the strap and took the bra out of her sleep.

“That’s a good girl,” Alexis said. “Toss it in the trash, you won’t be needing it Anymore today.”

Michelle tossed it in the trash, while Alexis took out a small knife. “Remember what I said. I want you available to me.” She brought the knife near Michelle’s large chest causing the younger woman to cringe and gasp in fear.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you honey,” Alexis said, putting the small blade beneath a button which promptly popped off causing Michelle’s bus line to expand outwards. “As a matter of fact, we are very nearly there.”

Another button was removed, and then another. With nothing in the way she reached into the young woman’s blouse and fondled her breast, then tweaking her nipple until Michelle’s knees grew weak.

“You have beautiful tits. Nice and full. I thought they were fake at first. It’s a shame to keep these beauty hidden…that’s going to change now. I want them close at hand,” Alexis said. “You might make your husband work for it, but I want everything I’m paying for right there waiting for me whenever I want it.”

Alexis took hold of the hem of the younger woman’s short designer skirt, then took the knife blade and centered it on the short slit that ran tastefully up to her thigh. There was an audible rip as the fabric slit was extended higher and higher until it reached her upper thigh and then her hip. Alexis stuck her hand in the newly expanded slit and had immediate access to the younger woman’s newly denuded steamy hot sex. With little ceremony she promptly worked two fingers up the willing tunnel and kissed the young woman passwordately on the lips.

“I wish I had some high heeled pumps to put you in honey,” Alexis said, her digits working in and out the younger woman’s hot velvet box. “I would have brought some,but I didn’t know your size. But next time I want you in your tallest pair.”

Alexis pulled the young woman forward using the fingers she had buried in her sex, then reached her other hand into the slit on the skirt, this one going around back and caressing her well-shaped bottom. The older woman’s hand moved over Michelle’s ivory bottom, exploring it…manhandling it. “Nothing like a pair of heels to push this hot ass out and up, where I can touch it.”

“Or spank it.” Then she pulled back and struck the younger woman beneath her bottom swell. Then did it again. All while her other hand casually fingered her over and over again. The young housewife could hardly stand caught on the precipice between pain and pleasure.

“And you may be stringing that hunky little husband of yours along honey,” Alexis continued, once again caresing the young housewife’s bottom, but this time her fingers took another journey, between those smooth round cheeses and to the tightly clenched hole found therein.

“But I intend to have me some of this hot fine ass I’m paying for.” Her index finger pushed up, Michelle tried to clench, to keep from being invaded. But Alexis’s digit was determined, worming, wiggling, opening up territory that even Michelle’s husband had been denied.

“Please….” Michelle begged, sounding more like please yes than please no. She risked looking up in the mirror. One of her breasts had fallen free from her blouse….her nipples rock hard. Cheeks flushed. Dark mascara ran from the corners of her eyes. Her plump lower lip caught between perfect white teeth. Her hips were moving in and out … in and out. At first moving away as the finger protected her rear, but later, moving against it. Pumping. Moving in perfect time to the fingers working her from the front and back. Then just as she began to really get into it, began moaning, pushing harder against them, the fingers were pulled free leaving her feeling both horny and empty.

“There’s only one thing missing.” Alexis said and then she brought the final item out of her pocket book. A pink collar. It had rhinestones on the front, a heart shaped diamond pendant hanging from it, as well as a small silver bell. “You have to knee down for this part honey.”

Her body shaking and trembling as she did so, Michelle knelt down on her knees to the cold restroom floor.

“Pull your hair out of the way,” Alexis said.

Michelle took her long hair and held it free, then closed her eyes.

“Open those pretty blue eyes sugar,” Alexis said. “I want you to see this part. Once this collar goes on, we’re not equal any honey – I mean not that we were to begin with. But you know what I mean. You’ll belong to me. You won’t be a high class whore any honey, you’ll be a whore’s whore.”

Alexis held the pink collar to the young woman’s red lips. Michelle instinctively knew to kiss it. Then it was fastened around her neck. Kneeling, Michelle watched as the older woman rucked her skirt up. Beneath it she was wearing black stocking and garters. No panties. Her triangle of salt and peppered curls were matted with signs of obvious arousal.


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