The Weekend Experiment Ch. 01

Grace’s heart pounded furiously in her chest and a slick wet heat trickled down her parted thighs. Her breasts heaved up and down rapidly as she gulped in shadow shallow breaths. Her nipples peaked and pinched her newly acquired nipple rings sending a sweet sting of pain directly to her already soaked cunt. Jack would be home any minute and she was going to ask him the most important question in their relationship so far. She wasn’t sure if he was ready for this step, but she was and she needed to know if he could be the man she felt deep in her soul that he really was. She heard his truck pull up and the door slam. Her pulse increased even more and her pussy clinched. Grace knelt on the living room floor, naked except for a collar and cuffs. She was about to ask the man she loved to be her Top, her Dominant, to take her and use her as his sex slave for the entire weekend and she was terrified that he would say no.

Grace had met Jack about three years ago when she started at her current job. A lawyer, Grace was a naturally dominant, independent and confident woman; in her job and up until now, in the bedroom as well. Jack was the firm’s IT guy. Handsome and quiet, with brown hair and sparkling blue-gray eyes, Jack came to Grace’s office her first day to set up her computer. He worked quickly and confidently but said little as he sat at her desk hooking up cables, typing in code and installing various programs. Grace remember standing behind him as he worked, waiting for him to finish and staring, transfixed at the back of his head. She had the strongest, strangest urge to trail her fingers up the back of his neck. She was drawn to him in some powerful and primary way and it took all her willpower to keep her hands at her side.

Being involved in a serious relationship already, Grace promptly shoved the thought of her fingers tracing Jack’s tanned muscle flesh out of her mind and forget all about it. Or tried to. Within the year she had broken off herrelationship and had fallen, head over heals, into Jack’s arms. He was waiting for her. Though he hadn’t shown it, he had been just as transfixed with Grace the first time he saw her. He had also felt the inexplicable yet powerful connection between them and was sure they were meant to be together. From the moment he’d first seen her, he knew he had to have her. Her petite frame was little but muscle- all womanly curve and strength. He couldn’t help equating the lines of her body with the lines of a racing boat. Like the boat was built for speed, Grace’s body was built for sex- ripe, perky tits, thin wait, and a round ass that just begged to be spanked. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her.

Their relationship was almost immediately physically and emotionally intense. More so than either of them had ever experienced. Grace found herself quickly pulled under by devastating current of Jack’s ocean eyes. She felt like she had been hit by a tidal wave- dizzy, confused and highon adrenaline. She thought she had been in love before. She was wrong. She had never really given her whole self to anyone. Too strong and proud to need another person, her relationships had mostly been one-sided. The men she dated adored her, needed her, but she never needed them. She was always, invariably the one who left. With Jack all that changed and she was shaken to her core. She wanted him, needed him to feel whole and complete. The need to please him, to fulfill his desires was overpowering. Grace was in turmoil. She was unused to feeling out of control and being driven solely by her emotions rather than her analytical rational mind was something she didn’t much like. The only thing that got her through it was that she could see Jack felt the same way about her.

Like Grace, Jack was strong, confident and in control. He had a power about him that jumped off his skin like an electric current. People naturally followed him without questioning it or even realizing they were doing it. Also like Grace, Jack was usually the one in charge in relationships. Not that he was cold or heartless; in fact he was quite the opposite. Jack was very warm and giving- a caretaker by nature. But to some extent, both of them used these same techniques to keep the people they were involved with from getting too close. By focusing on the other person, giving them what they needed, both Jack and Grace allowed their significant others to rely on them while keeping their own independence, keeping themselves from needing anyone else. But this time, their carefully crafted defenses didn’t work. This time the connection between them was more powerful than either could control. This time, they were both helpfully, hopelessly in love.

However, once the initial shock over the intensity of their emotions wore off, Grace and Jack began to explore and reveal in their deep password relationship. They were both extremely sexual people and their appetites were well matched. They spent hours in bed, forgetting to eat, forgetting to drink, forgetting everything except the feeling of each other drenched in sweat pressed so closely together they felt sure they had melded into one. They also spent hours in between talking and sharing dreams, fansies and desires. Once, Grace mentioned to Jack that as a child she had come from being spanked. Her parents had never spanked her, she explained, but she had convinced one of her friends to play ‘House’ with her. Her friend was the mommy and she was the naughty little girl. She told Jack that she purposely misbehaved so that mommy would spank her. As soon as she confessed this embarrassing grade-school experience Grace saw Jack’s blue-gray eyes darken with lust. She wasn’t sure what he was thinking but it was immediately clear to Jack that there was something underneath Grace’s cool, confident, controlling exterior that he needed to uncover.

He began barraging her with questions: Had she ever had a lover spank her? Had she touched herself while she was being spanked by her friend? Had she did this more than once? Grace responded in the negative to the first two questions and the positive to the last, her cheeks flaming with shame. Jack thought she looked beyond beautiful with her pale cheeks stained red. He also thought her porcelain white bottom would look even better in that shade.

Slowly, carefully, Jack encouraged Grace to explore this side of herself. He loaned her The Story of O, introduced her to pornography, which, despite her sexual nature she’d never really watched, and bought her her first vibrator. He’d even helped her use it the first time. She was embarrassed and tenative about using it, especially in front of Jack. Never having used one before, she wasn’t quite sure what to do. Jack loved watching her masturbate and asked her to do it often. This time he wanted to watch her use her new toy. Naked she sat on the couch, wet and horny, but unsure. Jack looked at her for a minutee, feeling his cock start to swell as he stared at the beautiful creativity looking up at him like a deer in headlights.

Finally he took ball on her and sat down, pulling her back to his chest. Gently he parted her legs, put his hand over hers and guided the vibe towards her dripping cunt. Resting the toy on the outside of her swollen lips, he held her tight little body close against his chest. He could feel the sexual tension and embarrassment flowing off her and for some reason that aroused him even more. It had the same effect on Grace. The humiliation and shame she felt at being asked to use this toy in front of Jack just made her even hotter. She could tell it was turning Jack on as well- she could feel his hard cock throbbing against her ass. With his left hand he rolled her nipple and pinched hard, when she moaned and bucked her hips he pushed the vibe inside her. Grace arched her back and groaned. The new sensing filled her entire body with a warm humming need to come. Shequickly took over and was soon fucking herself violently with the toy. Jack sat there playing with her nipples and watched as she brought herself to her first vibrator induced climax. He loved to watch her play with herself, to watch her come. She was so beautiful, her face assigned into what almost looked like a grimace of pain, her red lips parted, panting, her entire body would convulse and squirm in the most deliciously exclusive way. He always had to fuck her after he watched this. Just seeing her come made Jack harder than he could ever remember being. He swore he could come just from watching her.

As their relationship grow, and Grace seemed receptive to new ideas, Jack decided it was time for her first spanking. He was nervous. Though his hands itched to mark the tender virgin flesh of her bottom and though his cock strained in his pants at the thought of whipping her, he was also worried about hurting her. He knew that sometimes reality didn’t live up to fantasy and hedidn’t want to ruin this for either of them. Just as Grace had never had an erotic spanking, Jack had never really administrator one either. Sure, he’d given the occasional swat on the upturned bottom of a girlfriend during sex, but this was different. He wasn’t sure how to proceed, but he really wanted to give Grace what he was sure she needed.

One night after work, Jack found his opportunity. The Two went out for dinner to a nearby restaurant. They had a wonderful evening, the food was good, the drinks were great and the conversation was stimulating as always. Grace teased Jack under the table the whole night and by the time he paid the check he was rock hard and aching to feel her tight little pussy clamped down around cock. On their way back, Jack remembered he needed to stop in the office for a minute and asked Grace to come with him- he didn’t want to leave her outside at night by herself. She followed him to his desk and waited patiently while he tinkered around on the compute for a few minutes.

The office was totally dark and with nobody around and the moonlight filtering through the windows the place had an almost soft romantic feel that was very uncharacteristic for the harsh modern building. She leaned casually over, resting her elbows on Jack’s desk, and gazed around at the pictures and posters plastered in his cubical. Jack stared at her. His cock still ached in his pants and as he looked at Grace bent over so provocatively, swinging her shapely hips and bottom right in his face, looking so exhaustively beautiful, so sexy, and so naughty, he had the sudden irresistible urge to spank her. The moment was right, he knew it and he wasn’t going to let this golden opportunity slip away. Quickly Jack stood and moved behind Grace. Grabbing her hair he twisted her head to the side and kissed her fiercely, possessing her mouth with his, forcing his hot tongue between her lips. Grace was caught off guard but quickly surrendered to his passwordate kiss andmelted into him. Suddenly, Jack pulled away and pushed her down hard into his desk. Her breasts were mashed against the hard surface, her hands played helplessly at her sides, her back arched and her ass propped provocatively up and out.

Grace gasped and was about to protest when Jack grew out, “Not a word. You are such dirty little slut, teasing me like that at dinner. You know what dirty little sluts like you deserve? Do you?”

He didn’t wait for Grace to answer, instead she heard the distinct metallic sound of his belt buckle coming undone and the swish of leather through his belt loops. Grace moaned and her pussy clenched involuntarily.

“That’s right.” Jack purred in her ear, “Dirty little sluts get a spanking. What do you think about that, Grace?”

Grace was speechless, rendered mute by the strength of her own desire. God how she wanted this!

Jack wrapped his fist in Grace’s long bronze colored hair and tugged. “Well, slut? Do you think you deservea spanking for being such a dirty whore at dinner tonight? Answer me!” He hissed.

“Yes!” Grace managed, “Yes, please!” Her face flushed red at admitting her shameful need.

Jack wasted no time, his cock was raging hard in his pants and Grace’s bottom was too gorgeous to ignore any longer. He quickly flipped up her skirt, yanked down her panties and landed the first singing blow with the belt. Grace felt a current of pain lash through her whole body, from her ass, to her head, to her toes, finally setting warmly in her hot wet cunt. She moaned at the pleasurable pain and involuntarily pushed her hips back, silently asking for more. Jack happily obliged. As the blows began to fall regularly, Grace began to hump the air, her pussy on fire, searching for some kind of release. She felt on the verge of coming and the torture was killing her. She knew Jack could see the evidence of her desire coating the insides of her thighs. She was soaking wet.

“You are such a whore.” Jack told her, “Look at you humping the air like a wanton slut! Your filter little cunt is soaked- I can see your juices dripping down your legs. Are you going to come? Do you want to come, bitch?”

Grace could only nod and groan. She was beyond speech at this point, beyond anything except that beautiful aching V between her legs.

“Touch yourself slut.” Jack Commanded, “I want to see you come while I spank you.”

Just hearing that almost made Grace come. Quickly her hand snaked between her legs and she began brutally rubbing her clip.

“You’d better tell me when you’re coming.” Jack warned her.

“Oh!” Grace moaned as she continued her assault on her swollen clip. “Going…going to…” she stammered.

“Already?” Jack asked as he landed another blow to her already cherry red ass. “You really are a dirty fucking whore, aren’t you? Coming from being spanked.”

And that was it. That truthful, embarrassing, wonderfully dirty observation pushed Grace over the edge and her body began to convulse violently. Quickly Jack landed one more strap across her tender bottom and then pulled out his aching cock. He plugged his raging dick into Grace’s clenching spasming cunt as her orgasm rolled over her. He grabbed her ass with both hands, feeling the heated flesh between his fingers and pounded into her ruthlessly, coming hard and filling her pussy just as the final tremors of her climax washed through her.

Shortly after this experience, Grace began suggesting things to Jack. For Valentine’s Day, she bought him a riding crop and tied it up with a bright red bow. She also bought a leather strap and a collar with nipple clamps and began to read BDSM stories voraciously. Grace would send Jack copies of the stories that really turned her on, highlighting different things she wanted to try or hoped he would do to her. Grace was cutely aware of how her submissive side was blossoming within the trusting caring bond of her relationship with Jack. AlThough this side of her was clearly nothing new- after all she had demonstrated these tendencies as a child- she had never acknowledged it, never acted on it, and so in a way it was still new to her. She was insecure and uncertain in this role.

She had always been strong and controlling and the fact that she that she wanted to submit to Jack confused her. She had never wanted to give up control to anyone before, especially not in bed. She was worried, too, that what had first drawn Jack to her, her fierce independent personality, would be lost in this exploration and he’d no longer want her. She tormented herself with these thoughts and tried desperately to understand, to reconcile her dominant professional personality with the submissive slut who was slowly emerging under Jack’s skilled hands. She tried to deny to herself and to Jack that this was what she wanted- tried to pretend this was just a game. But as they played, introduced the strap, the crop, bondage, and orgasm control, Grace discovered that she craved this submission, needed this sexual control more and more. It felt freeing to her in way- to give her sexuality to Jack. She had always been overly sexual and growing up a good Catholic girl, she had been forced to constantly keep her libido in check. By giving Jack the responsibility of controlling her sexually, she could finally relax. She could be a slut with him- his slut- Without guilt.

But at the same time she was enjoying the discovery of her own sexual secrets, she worried about Jack’s own discoveries. Though Jack played a good Top, he didn’t seem as into it as she was. She constantly sought reassurance from him that he wanted this too, that it was as satisfying for him as it was for her. He always said it was, but she still wasn’t sure. He did seem to enjoy their scenes- there was ample physical evidence of his arousal during their play time, but Grace was beginning to understand that she wanted more, needed more. She wanted to investigate just exactly how far her submissive streak ran and she wasn’t sure that Jack was ready to explore it with her. And that is where this weekend came in and that is why when Jack walked in the door, Grace was a nervous wreck.

She knew this was unconventional, the sub setting up the parameters of the relationship, but it was what she needed and she didn’t know any other way to go about it. She hoped that by presenting herself this way, in the most submissive and respectful manner possible, it would mitigate the sin of topping from the bottom. If Jack accepted her proposal, she would immediately beg forgiveness for her impudence, but secretly hoped it would still earn her a punishment. Her own traitorous thoughts caused a trickle of wetness to drip from her pussy and her thighs quivered.

‘God!’ She thought, ‘I’m such a whore-making myself wet with thoughts of being spanked and punished and used.’

She chided herself and tried to remember that this was the whole pointof her little weekend experiment- to stop thinking and asking why and to just accept and experience and enjoy. To stop tormenting herself and just find herself, with Jack, hopefully.

Jack trusted up the stone pathway to the house. It had been a very long day and he was exhausted both physically and emotionally. His clients were demanding and often rude and it took every ounce of self control he had not to give as good as he got. He needed a drink. Bad. A drink and maybe a mass. Grace gave wonderful sensitive massages. Of course usually all her hard work went right out the window as soon as he rolled over and saw her beautiful naked form straddling him. His mind wandered off into the soft hot depths of Grace’s body as he opened the door and throw down his bags in the mud room.

He was still daydreaming of gripping Grace’s shaped hips and forcing her up and down along his cock when he walked into the living room and stopped short. For a second he thought he had walked intoa wet dream. There in the middle of the room was Grace, kneeing in perfect submission, legs apart, hands behind her back, tits thrust up and out, eyes down. She was aroused, he could smell her scent thick in the air and his body responded instinctively. His cock swelled and throbbed in response to the silent invitation her body offered. Jack stood there taking in the sight of his beautiful little slut naked and kneeing before him. He didn’t even notice the drink she had poured for him sitting on the coffee table or the dozens of tiny tea lights she had placed around the room for ambience. All he saw was her, Grace, and she was glowing.

Finally, after a good three minutes of silence, of waiting for some kind of response from Jack, Grace dared to look up. When she saw the look on Jack’s face she grinned.

“Welcome home, darling. I poured you a drink.” She indicated the coffee table with her chin, still keeping her hands locked behind her back.

Jack blinked and then looked around. He wandered over to the coffee table and picked up the SoCo on the rocks then turned to again gaze at Grace’s nude form. He took a slow sip of the drink and then grinned back at Grace.


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