Mistress led us out of the hall way into a reception room. Like the hallway, this was decorated in a very ornate, victorian, style, with heavy draws on the windows, and low lighting, giving an ominous air. She brought us to a halt next to a dark wood table, on which stood an exhaustive statute of a chained and naked female slave, next to a couple of ball gags. Dropping the dog leads, she picked up one of the bags and fastened it into Louise’s mouth, pulling the straw tight around her head. I saw her eyes widen as the black rubber ball was pulled into her mouth, spreading her jaw are baring the whites of the teeth.
Mistress stepped behind me and forced my mouth wide as the gag was pulled in. Although we had experimented with clothes gags in our fumbling tie and tease sessions at home, I had never used anything like this before, and I was pretty sure that Louise hadn’t either. I felt my mouth start to moisten, and as I looked over at Louise I could see drool starting to drip from her mouth onto her bare breasts.
Nodding with satisfaction, Mistress picked up the dog leads and pulled across the room towards one of the door. Opening it, she lead us into a large candle-lit oak panelled sitting room. The room was floored in oak, and a fire burning in the large marble grate, the warm glow picking out the large white rug in front of it, The people in the room relaxed on a couple of large overstuffed sofas with drinks in their hands, and mellow jazz played in the background. If it wasn’t for the fact that there were two practically naked people standing in the room, handcuffed and collared at the end of a dog lead, then it could have been any suburban dinner party.
We were lead over towards a large well built man, who reclined on one of the sofas sofa, one arm draped proprietorially round a young woman who lean against him, her hand gently caresing his chest under his jacket.. He was dressed in a well cut and expensive looking suit, and he rose to his feet, gently pushing the young woman away. She was dressed in an equally expensive looking cocktail dress, the tell tale points of her breasts giving away that she was naked underneath. Her platinum hair was cut in a short spiky style, exposing a small locked collar that encircled her neck.
He approached us and started at us, one after the other. He gently ran his hand down Louise’s face, smiling at her before turning to me. His hand dropped to my aged cock and gave it a playful tap as he smiled again. Turning to the Mistress he laughed, “What a lovely pair? This is going to be a great weekend.”
The other sofa contained another couple. Like the Master, the man was wearing an expensive suit, while the woman wore similar tight leather to the Mistress, favoring a short mini skirt above her long boots. They rose to join the Master, and inspected us in silence. We stood before them gagged, like exhibits in an auction.
The three of them returned to their seats and continuedto star at us. I was wondering what was going to happen next, when I felt Mistress drop Louise’s lead and pull me over to the corner. Quietly she whispered in my ear.
“I am going to unclip your lead in a moment. There is a drinks tray on the bar in the corner, and more supplies under the counter. You are going to be our waiter for the evening, so make sure that our guests have everything they need. Go to the bar, pick up the tray, and stand there waiting. Do not move until you are summoned. If anyone wants anything, they will beckon you and tell what they need. As soon as you have served, return to your station, understanding?”
She had been adjusting my cuffs while she talked and my hands were now in front of me, the chain giving another slack to be able to hold a tray and pour drinks. Nodding my understanding, I picked up the slider tray and stand with it in my hand behind the bar, looking at the guests in front of me.
Louise remained by the fire, where the Mistress had left her to join the Master on the couch. The young woman remained sitting between them, with the Mistress gently twirling her hair in her hands. She whispered into her ear, who then pushed herself off the couch and padded over to Louise. I realized that she was barefoot, her floor length gown slit to the thigh, wafting around her as she moved.
The woman stood in front of Louise and shrugged out of the gown, which fell to the floor around her. She was naked underneath, save for a small white satin thong that clung to where and disappeared between her flawless pert buttocks., her body slim and willowy with small breasts that constructed with Louise’s fuller globes. Padding round behind she undid Louises’s gag and I saw her work her jaw to work off the inevitable stiffness. Returning back in front, the girl moved up against Louise, their breasts rubbing together, as she pulled her head towards her and kissed her full and deep on the lips. Louise’s hands were still tied behind her, but she returned the kiss with enthusiasm, and pushed in towards the girl, their breasts mashing together. The Mistress came up behind Louise and undid the connecting chain, and she grasped the girl by her hair, as the continued to snog furiously.
The girl grasped Louise’s hand and led her to the rug beside the fire, and then pulled her to the ground, gently laying hers on her back. She slid to Louise’s feet and started gently licking them, slowly moving up her legs. Reaching the top of her legs, she reached forward and nuzzled Louise’s thong with her nose, pushing the cotton into her, before lapping at the material with her tongue. Louise lay there with her ears closed, a dreamy smile on her face while the woman pleasured her. One of her hands stroked the woman’s head, while the other gently rubbed her own nipples.
Grasping the waist band of the panties with her teeth, the woman started to crawl backwards, tugging at the soft cotton. I watched as the damp material pulld free from Louise’s pussy and buttocks and started to slip down her legs. As the feet came free, the woman stood, her trophy dangling from her mouth.
The guests had been watching in silence as Louise was pleasured and undressed, the room deathly quite apart from the background jazz, and the crackling of the fire. I had stood stock still throughout, as Louise enjoyed what I was sure was her first taste of lesbian sex. The Mistress undid my gag as woman walked over to me, her trophy still in her teeth. Picking them up, she grasped my jaw with one hand, and as my mouth opened, pushed the damp material inside. I could taste Louise, the cotton was soaked with her juices, and I suspected that if looked closely enough, I would see wetness trickling down her legs.
The guests had continued watching in silence. Mistress had returned to the Master and lay against him, her hand rubbing at his lap. The other two lay back on their own couch, each of them fondling themselves. The woman had her hand inside her top as she pulled at her nipples, while the lesbian show unfolded in front of them.
No one seemed interested in drinks, so I stood in silence as the girl returned to the rug and slid down to lie own top of Louise. They kissed again, before she crawled backwards to return to her position between Louise’s legs, and lowered her head to taste her again. Louise grabbed the girl’s head with both hands and pushed her closer to her, her head thrown back as her orgasm started to build. I could only watch as I spotted the tell tale signs of her approaching climax, and then she suddenly shuddered and lay back on the floor, her hand’s still holding the girl between her legs. The girl lifted her head, and crawled up Louise’s body, lying down her in her arms as they snuggled together on the rug.
The silence was broken by the Master applauding. This was the signal for everyone to break out of their individual forever, and suddenly they were all calling for drinks. Iserved them as quickly as possible, replenishing wine, whisky and gin tonics as the order were shouted at me. While I rushed to serve them, the two women laid entwined on the floor, gently struggling each other, until the Mistress clapped her hands.
“Nice show ladies, now I think its time for round two. Get the cards.”
The young girl got to her feet, and grabbing her discarded dress, slipped out of the room. The Mistress waved at Louise to come to her. Louise got to her feet, and walked to stand in front of the Mistress, swinging slightly on her feet, still recovering from her orgasm. Mistress clicked her fingers and pointed to the floor, and Louise knelt down, her eyes looking up art the Mistress, who gently stroked her hair, as if she was a domestic pet.
“We are going to play a game now,” she said, in a voice that was almost gentle. “It’s our own special variation of Higher and Lower, with you as the price.”
The young girl returned, wearing her dress again, carrying a pack of cards, a dice, and an egg timer. She pulled a low table in front of the two couples, and laid the cards face down in the classic ‘Higher and Lower’ pattern.
She turned the first card, a Three, and then looked at the other lady who call “Higher.” She turned the next car, a Two. The lady had lost so her go passed to the man. “Higher,” he repeated and so the game continued for a few minutes, passing the turn each time someone guessed correctly. The winner was the man, who picked up the dice and throw it. It landed on a four. The two couples looked expectedly at the kneeing girl who picked up a laminated card and placed it on the table.
1 – Snog
2 – Blow
3 – Fuck
4 – Spank
5 – Flog
6 – Substitute
The man beamed and sat forward on the couch. The Mistress nudged Louise with her foot, who looked bewildered. The Mistress sent.
“It’s quite straight forward. He has won so he throws the dice to see what his price will be. He’s thrown a Four, its ‘Spanking’, so he gets to spank you. We turn the egg timer when he starts and he keeps going until it stops, which is about a minute. It’s really very straightforward.”
Louise crawled over to the man who grabbed her hair and pulled him across his lap. He turned to the girl and raised his hand expected. She turned the egg timer, and placing it on the table shouted, “Go!”
His hand slammed down on to Louise’s exposed ass and I heard her cry out, her buttocks instantly reddening from the impact. His hand rose and fall again, and she cried again. His hand continued to rise and fall, while the sand trickled through the egg timer, punctuated by Louise’s repeated cries, which turned to whimpers as he went on.
The minute passed and as the final grains of sand fall, the girl lifted the egg timer, and the other guests shouted “Stop!” Louise lay across the man’s lap, her long hair falling over her face, and her shoulders heaving. He pulled at her hair andlifted her head as tears ran down her face. She had probably never been beating before, I certainly had never done anything like with her. He pushed her away and she sank to the floor. Nudged by his foot, she crawled back to knee in front of the Mistress, ignored by the others who looked expectedly as the girl read the cards.
The cards were dealt again and the second round of the game was played out, this time other woman won. She punched the air in excitement and throw the dice, a One. She looked slightly disappointed but stretched out her arm and beckoned to Louise who crawled across to her. Pulling her up onto her lap the woman grabbed her her and held her head still, waiting for the girl. The egg timer was inverted and slammed on the table. As the grains started to trickle through, the woman pulled Louise’s head towards her, and started to energeticly snog her. This was not like the delicate lesbian encounter with the girl earlier, this was an angry exchange as the woman eat her face savagely. Although the rules I saw Louise lift her hands to try and push the woman away. She pulled Louise’s face back and gave her a vicious smack around the face, before pulling her back to her, and carrying on the viscous snog. As the egg timer finished, she pulled her head back, and with a thrust of her hand pushed Louise away, to drop to the floor. Louise crawled back to the Mistress, her head hung low.
The game continued. The next price was a ‘Blow’, and it was won by the Master. He lifted his hips and unbuttoned his trousers, pulling them down a few inches, along with the shorts underneath. A large penis flopped out, already semi-erect. Grinning evilly, he grabbed Louise’s head and held her as she stared in horror at the monster in front of her. I didn’t know how she was going to cope with This. She had given me blow jobs often, but that was gently lying in our bed, with her in complete control, and on my much more modest cock. I had no doubt how brutal he was going to be with her.
The Mistress leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “Keep that mouth wide open. Just one tooth mark, and that spanking will seem like a picnic.”
I saw Louise’s jaw tighten as she opened her mouth wide. The timer fell, and the Master pushed her head down, impaling his cock straight into her throat. UP and down he pulled her head, ruthlessly face-fucking Louise, who started gagging almost immediately. I watched the egg timer, willing the grains to run through quicker as I watched my wife’s head being impaled on her monster cock. She kept cought, and tears were streaming from her eyes as the pounding continued. Suddenly the sand ran out and he thrust her away. She lay collapsed on the floor, snot running down her nose as she retched on the floor.
The two couples paid her no notice, they were only interested the next round. I sam the Mistress drop a tissue to her while the cards were dealt, and Louise dabbed at her eyes and mouth, trying to clean herself up before the next onslaught.
The game continued. Flogging turned out to be not as bad as spanking, the whip being multi tailed with wide rubber straps that made a lot of noise, but inflicted no lasting pain or marks. Whenever a Three was thrown, the Master would call out, “Throw again,” so Louise remained un-penetrated. As the plays continued, most of the guests got to try most of the combinations with Louise. The Mistress was an enthusiastic spanker, and the other man turned out to have an equally impressive cock as the Master. When the other woman throw a two, she excitedly pulled Louise towards her and, pulling up her own skirt, eagerly thrust Louise’s face against her, where she won against her until the minute was up.
The meaning of ‘Reverse’ was made clear when the first six was thrown, by the Mistress. She explained that when this happened, then Louise would be the one to administrator what ever was chosen to the dealer, the woman kneeing soon the floor.She chose ‘Snog’, and the pair eagerly crawled towards each other, Louise grabbing the blonde’s head, and enthusiastically French kissing her until the timer ran out. The second six was run by the other woman and she announced, “Spank,” a cruel smile playing across her face.
Louise turned to the Mistress with a quizzical look on her face. “Sit on the table,” she instructed, ” and put her over Your lap.” Louise got up from her knees and sat on the table, facing the fire. The young woman rose, and lifting her dress, lay across Louise’s lap, her buttocks raised, bisected only by the string of her thong. The Mistress inverted the timer and banged it on the desk. Louise lifted her hand and started striving the woman, and first timing, but then with increasing hardness. I could see her eyes sparkle as she continued, and she told when the timer ran out, releasing her hold on the woman who slide off her lap. The girl glared at Louise as she rubbed her glowing buttons, before adjusting her dress and returning to her dealer’s position.
The fire had burned low as the players played their final hand, the final winner being the man, who throw a two. Claiming his blow job, Louise wa her knees gagging as he held her hair tightly and pumped himself in and out of her mouth, coming as the timer finished. Pulling out of her mouth, his sperm erupted over her face, and she sank back on her heels, dribbling cum onto her breasts. She looked exhausted after having been used all night. I was tired from just standing and serving, but she had been passed back and formatted between the guests who had all used her several times.
The couple looked at their watches and stood to leave, a normal end to an evening of drinks with friends, apart from the naked cum splattered woman lying on the floor and the near naked butler. Rising to his feet, the Master led them out of the room, and I could hear the murmur of their voices as they said their goodbyes in the hallway. The Mistress took Louise’s hand and led her gently from the room, leaving just myself and the woman.
She picked up the things from the table, and then left through another door, becoming me to follow. Picking up the empty glasses, I followed her out into the kitchen, where she silently pointed towards the dishwasher, where I put the glasses. Following her wordless directions, I returned to the sitting room and tidied the bar and seats. She pointed out some cum splashes on the wooden floor which I cleaned up, and then, when the room was finished, returned to the kitchen. She fetched a dog lead from the wall, and clipping me to it, led me into the hallway and into a small clock room under the stairs. Unclipping the lead she put the lid down on the toilet, and sat on its facing me. With a hand on her lips to signify silence she reached and released my cock-cage, using a key which hung around her neck.
She then speak for the first time, her voice low and gentle.
“While you are here, and the cage is removed, the Scene is suspended. I’m going to clean you now and then, before I put it on, I can answer any questions you may have.”
My main question was who was she, and what role did she have ion the household. Also, what was happening to Louise while I was down here?
“Whilst I wear this collar, I am known as Pet, and I belong to the Master and Mistress. Like you and your wife, they demand instant obedience, and I have top follow their wishes without question. I have my own rooms within the house, and when the collar is removed, and I am out of the Scene, I am their friend and lodger., but as soon as the collar is put on, I am their slave. I have my own life as well outside this house, but the two worlds are completely separate.”
“Your wife is being looked after by the Mistress at now, and she will be getting her ready for bed. You will see her soon, and in fact you will be in the same room as her tonight, but you won.t be together. Like you, the Mistress will have checked that she is okay, but also like you, she has had the opportunity to use her safe word and not done so.”
“I’m going to leave you for a moment to use the toilet, and I would advise you to do so, because it will be a while until can do so again. When I come back in, I will put your cage back in, and then we will be back in the Scene.”
I told her that was fine, I was quite happy to carry on, and she left me alone for a few moment. When she returned, she put some more lubricant on my cock, and then locked it back into the cage, replacing the key on the chain around her neck.
Wordlessly now, she re-attached the dog lead and led me out into the hallway and then up stairs to a landing, where we turned into a bedroom, which contained a very large bed, and in the corner a large dog cage. I had guessed where I would be spending the night as soon as I saw it, and as she led me over, I noticed that it was specially constructed with solid black metal bars,and a rubber floor, on which lay a blanket. Unclipping my lead, Pet rushed me into the cage, with my head towards the door which she shut and locked. The cage was big enough to lie down in and I could just stretch out to my full length. It was not quite high enough to sit up in, but if I raised myself up, I could just about see on top of the door.
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