The Vassal Academy Ch. 04

Part 04: The Medic

In the morning Diane was tired by Jeannette who then led her to the shows. She was put on a toilet with the cuffs still on. Diane emptied everything, and then had to stand there while Jeannette wiped her. Humiliation didn’t begin to describe how she felt. Then she stood while Jeannette washed her, and then while Jeannette brushed her hair and teeth.

She was allowed to feed herself, by bending down she could get a spoon full of eggs and lift it to her mouth. Then she went to Ballet class and was on time.

“All right slave, you can’t do this properly if you’re wearing those managers, so I’m taking them off for the duration of the class. Any nonsense from you and I’ll chain you up hand and foot in one of the slave rooms.” Mistress Rebecca had said harshly.

Diane tried hard, and was rewarded by only being struck a few times for minor corrections. She was taught Slave Cunt position one. Which was on her back, with her legs pulled up andout of the way. She was taught Slave cunt position two, on all four’s with her back arched to give Master access to her “hungry little cunt.”

Her menacles were placed upon her and she was told that class was finished, go to the office, and see what chores needed to be done.

Master Devon’s office door was closed and Jeannette, wearing a print summer dress was filing some papers that were on her desk. She looked up and smiled. “Diane, I know, it’s hard. Believe me I know.”

Jeannette had suffered in the Manacles to get an idea of ​​what the other slaves would experience.

“This is really humiliating.” Diane said and then asked. “What chores are there for me to do?”

“Go upstairs and just go over the sleep training area.” Jeannette began.

Devon’s door opened and he walked out with Cathy and David.

“Ah Diane, I see you’re here. Go upstairs and start to clean the slave sleeping area.” Devon said.

Diane hung her head. David was gaping at her and Cathy’s eyes had nearly popped out of her head. “Yes Master.” Her humiliation was intense, incredible. Unendurable. Tears leaked from her eye and she felt as if the world was watching her.

“What’s with the cuffs?” Cathy asked. Cathy was scared, what if they made her walk around nude wearing cuffs like that? What if David thought this was great fun and made her stay like that for a long time.

“She’s being punished. She was caught masturbating. She’s learning it’s Masters cunt, not hers, not anymore.” Devon said presenting the documents to David.

Cathy smiled, enjoying the utter humiliation of Diane. David was still in shock to see this, and wasn’t enjoying her humiliation, yet. Diane wanted to die. It would be infinitely less painful that this.

“Slave, go About your chores. Run a dust-mop down the hallway on the slave sleeping level.” Devon said.

“Yes Master.” Diane said and turning rushed from the administration area.

Jeannette was hot on her heels. Shecould see her friend shattering, and she had to stop her before she did something wrong, like quit. In the central area Jeannette stopped her and said. “Diane, wait for me. I wanted to make sure you were headed towards the slave sleeping area.”

“If I’m staying.” Diane said, her eyes were fixed on the end of the hallway upstairs that went to the Staff Quarters. She had some clothes in her room, she could leave and forget this place. She suddenly sobbed and turned to Jeannette with tears on her face. “I feel so fucking humiliated.”

“Don’t.” Jeannette said and took her arm escorting her up the stairs.

“What? How do I not feel humiliated? Jeannette, do you have any idea what they’re thinking right now?” Diane asked astounded.

“I don’t care, you shouldn’t either.” Jeannette.

“How do I not care? Then realizing that Jeannette hadn’t asked permission to leave she said. “Oh shit, you’re not supposed to be here.”

“Well if I get in trouble, it means I lose clothes,” Jeannette shrugged. “It’s not your cunt, it’s masters, you gave it to him, you gave him everything remember?”

“I know David and Cathy, how is it I’m always being humiliated around him?” Diane asked.

“You shouldn’t feel humiliated.” Jeannette began turning into the sleeping hall. “You should feel sorry for using Master’s cunt. You should feel sad you’re being punished. You should feel happy that Master believes you’ll make a good slave, and has taken you on to stay here with us. You should not feel upset or humiliated if anyone else thinks anything about you. Master’s opinion is the only one that matters.”

“Jeannette, I know them.”

“It doesn’t matter. You’re not a slave for them, you’re a slave for us. You’re not with them, you’re with us.” Jeannette said. “You’re a slave, here with us. We think you’re pretty great, and we think you’re going to make a great slave. That’s the only opinion you should care about.”

Diane looked to her hopefully. “You thnk I’m going to be a good slave?”

“No, I think you’re going to make a great slave.” Jeannette said. “Now, go ahead and start on the floor and see what needs to be done after your class this afternoon. We have a lot to do here Diane, and you’ve got to help me, so we can get you through phase one, and we can have playtime after our chores are done.”

“Playtime?” Diane asked.

“Yeah, no one told you, but house slaves out of phase two can play with qualified house slaves, which is me. If our chores are done.” Jeannette said. “Phase three slaves can make love with equals, other slaves in phase three, or with other qualified slaves. Also the Masters will begin to call you into their beds, and that means you’re going to have a lot of love. I’m anxious to see your technique, it’s not that often that I get to be on the receiving end of a talented lover.”

Diane felt a rush run through her and she groaned. “Now you’ve gone and made me horny again.”

Jeannette smiled. “Then try harder in Ballet, and in Oral arts, and we can go play.”

“Jeannette on another issue. I need to shake my legs. The stubble’s coming out and that means my bags from my car. Unless you want to loan me your stuff.”

Jeannette nodded. “I’ve got you down for a washing tomorrow. We would shake you, but frankly, this hurts more, and works better. Besides, I don’t shake. I’ve had all my hair removed permanently.”

“Didn’t that hurt?”

“For a couple days, it’s like a bad sunburn. Then you don’t have any more razor stubble, or hot wax, or anything ever again. That’s awesome.”

“OK, guess that covers things. Now I guess I better get to work. Slave’s duty and all that sort of thing. Thanks again.” Diane said.

Jeannette smiled and left. Diane started to work on the cleaning detail.

Jeannette returned to the office just as Devon was taking David to the Slave Dining facility. She fell in with the group and noticed Devon’s unhappy expression at her absence.She lowered her head. Devon decided that some discipline was in order.

“Jeannette, you had some duty that took you out of the office?” Devon asked after excusing himself to the clients.

“No Master, I escorted Diane to the cleaning detail.” Jeannette said.

“I didn’t instruct that, did someone else?” Devon asked knowing the answer.

“No Master.” Jeannette said.

“Twenty lashes, and no clothes.” Devon said.

Jeannette took the dress off and then carried it until she was able to leave it somewhere.

On the training floor, Devon showed them the Ballet room and while he was there decided that this was a good time for the punishment. “Jeannette, fetch a cane and we’ll get your punishment over with.”

Jeannette got the largest cane and gave it to Master Devon and then turned and put her hands behind her head. Devon stripped her ass and the backs of her legs. Welts began to rise, and they glowed an angry pink.

Jeannette was sobbing silently withTears running down her cheeks. When she was done and Master’s anger abated she turned and knelt before him and said. “Master, thank you for punishing me.”

“You’re forgiven now Slave Jeannette, take the cane and return it.” Devon said.

Diane was cleaning the bathroom when she heard the voices on the floor. Devon was showing David and Cathy, who looked most unhappy Diane noticed, the sleeping rooms.

“So you can see David, that the room has just enough to sleep with. We don’t take the futon, they can’t lose that. They can be chained up, but never away from the futon. Slaves are ours to care for. We’re responsible for their welfare.” Devon said. “On this floor is also the live testing rooms, and the sleep training rooms.”

“OK, Sleep training, you’ve mentioned that, but what is it?” David asked.

“Allow me to show you.” Devon said and walked down the aisle as he explained. “The cage is electrified, low voltage, just enough to shock them if they touch the top orthe sides. A bit more than you’d get from a static electricity shock in the winter.”

“Why would you do that?” Cathy asked.

“A slave is honored to sleep with Master from time to time. If they are permitted to sleep with Master, then they should lay quietly, not toss and turn, and not disturb the Master.” Devon said seriously.

David smiled at this and glanced at Cathy. It was obvious she disturbed them when they slept together. Cathy bit her lip and looked in the room. Devon continued. “As you can see, the cage is large enough, and there are different sizes of course, to lay in. Once the top is closed, it’s lights out. Then you sleep in the cage. If you move, you get shocked. It’s only fair, since your moving around would probably disturb your Master. If you snore, or talk in your sleep, anything above the slightest whisper would set off the audio sensors, which trigger an alarm, a series of rapid beeps. Those tend to startle you awake, which causes you to touch the cage, and you get shocked.”

Cathy wasn’t happy about the cage, and she showed it. Downstairs they went and Diane resisted an urge to follow.

Jeannette had been keeping between Diane and the group, masking her from David and Cathy. Following Devon downstairs she waved a hand at Diane to get back to work.

Diane grinned sheepishly, having already noticed that Jeannette was nude, and striped. Clear evidence of her being punished again.

“So David, anything you’d like to see again? Or perhaps have explained in a little more detail?” Devon asked politely.

“I’d love to see the oral arts training room a little better.” David said. Cathy stared daggers at him through narrowed eyes.

Once again in Oral Arts, Devon began to explain the sensors and feedback. “I’m afraid this works better with a demonstration. Jeannette is fully qualified on all the stations. Pick one for her to demonstrate on.”

David walked along the wall and stopped before the largest male unit. “I presume this is the most advanced male training unit?”

“Yes it is. Station number twelve. You can’t graduate without mastering that station.” Devon said.

“Would she be willing to show us the way it works?” David asked.

“Jeannette, review, number twelve.” Devon said simply.

Jeannette walked to the station and knelt before it. She tapped the screen and saw the station was ready. She began to suck and kiss the plastic cock.

“Now, the sensors are placed along the shake. This unit has the thickest plastic skin, and requires more pressure to activate those sensors.” Devon explained. “There are also sensors which pick up victory. The term hummer comes to mind. There are sensors placed shallow on the unit, to test the sequence and the swirling.”

David nodded and watched Jeannette get feedback Correct and then saw her shift position and then bury it in her throat in one move. He blinked when he saw her throat swell and accept the plastic cock. Green lights showed she had done it the way the computer wanted. “Good lord.” He said under his breath.

“Jeannette’s one of the best I’ve ever seen.” Devon said. “There aren’t many who can surpass her, and that includes the society where this type of training was the norm.

“Devon, this society you’ve mentioned, the one that trained all of you. Why aren’t you with them anymore?” Cathy asked.

Devon smiled and purposely ignored the obvious request. Why don’t you go back wherever it is you came from. “That society still exists, but we had a great deal of influence from the outside, and when we decided it was time for us to leave that group, to retire from it if you will, we organized the best trainers, and in my opinion the best slave, to set up this facility, to share our knowledge with the rest of the world.”

David chuckled. “For a fee of course.”

“Of course. David. I’ll admit it, money motivates the hell out of me.” Devon said.

Devon then brought Cathy downto the smaller units. “This is station four, you must pass the first four to be considered qualified at basic oral arts.”

Devon was interrupted by the arrival of Thomas. “Oh, Devon. Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt. I’ve got a class in a couple minutes.”

“Yes, Diane is about ready for phase two oral arts right?” Devon asked.

“Yeah, she’s passed Basic, but we’re still in review until Ballet is done.” Thomas said.

David spoke up then saying. “I think we can safely brush past the basics with Cathy. She’s quite talented at this particular task.”

Cathy smiled in appreciation of the prayer. She had been impressed when Jeannette had deep throated the monster cock at the end.

“Certainly, as I said, we tailor the program to the needs of the student.” Devon said. “All she would have to do is breeze through the first four, and we’ll work on the more advanced phase two stations if you like.”

“Cathy, would you be willing to demonstrate on one of them?” Thomas asked.

Cathy was not willing. She didn’t want to do this, she didn’t want to be at this school and she didn’t want to suck a plastic cock. “Uh, if David wishes.”

“Please, so we can get past this discussion of the basics.” David said proudly.

Devon stepped forward and tapped the screen bringing the program online. “OK, all you have to do is follow the on screen prompts. When You do something right, the green lights flash and the screen changes to show a different technique.”

Cathy glanced at Jeannette who had just said. “Task Complete master.” Jesus, she had finished that monster in a few minutes. Cathy knelt at the plastic cock and began to put her mouth on it. She moved her head down it, drawing the six inch cock into her mouth.

Almost immediately the screen started to flash “More pressure.” She sucked harder on the cock in an attempt and the screen changed. “Use tongue to push against roof of mouth.”

Cathy was already humiliated. She tried and the screen changed. “Wrap tongue around shake as you push.”

Devon was speaking. “It takes a couple times to get used to. This is actually quite normal.”

Cathy drew back and the screen changed again. Now the God Damn thing was telling her to get back to work. “Shit.”

“Don’t get discouraged. Relax, and remember that this is just a training tool, it’s a device to allow you to practice pleasure your Master. You’re a slave, you’re supposed to love Master with every fiber of your being. The idea of ​​disappointing him or her, would be painful.” Thomas said. “Now, slide your tongue along the underside as you go down the shake, and shift your head slightly, and allow it to run across the roof of your mouth.”

Devon turned and saw Diane arrive. “Diane, please start on station seven today.”

“Yes Master.” Diane said and went to her duties. Jeannette came to help her learn while Thomas was working with the potential client.

“OK, this is harder than three, because you’re supposed to be better now.” Jeannette said. Kneeling next to Diane she leaned close and began to whisper instructions into Diane’s ear. Softly to keep from interrupting Cathy and David.

Diane began working on the cunt and got a few green lights in a few minutes. Jeannette was right, this was harder, the touches were too hard at first, then too soft.

Devon leaned close to speak softly in David’s ear. “As you can see, the pressure of the touches come into play at station five. Now, there you’re supposed to get tickling touches, gentle swirls, and a hundred other little nuances that make it better for the receiver.”

David was watching both, first his girlfriend failing without the help of the instructor Thomas to get the fucking station, and then the bitch Diane who couldn’t suck for shit with him Tickle the more advanced female unit. This was fucking humiliating.

Jeannette was talking to Diane and smiling wickedly. She knew her voice couldn’t be heard by theothers. “When you learn station seven, we’ll have to try it out. I’m qualified on every station, and am not often on the receiving end, I’m looking forward to that treatment. Of course, when I do you with every trick I know, you’re going to melt into the mattress.”

Diane had forgotten about the others in the room, all she could hear was Jeannette talking dirty to her, and her mind had made this plastic cunt into Jeannette’s. She could see herself doing this for real, and really loving it. She put additional password into the actions, and the computer began to respond faster as she got the actions right. She stopped and stared at the screen Task Complete was glowing proudly.

“I did it, on my first try.” Diane said in awe.

“You did it, on your first try Slave Diane.” Jeannette said proudly.

Cathy was now staring at Diane in horror. They had to be lying. She couldn’t be better than she was. Not on her first try. She followed Thomas with her eyes and he went and put a black check mark on station seven next to Diane’s name. Number eight was blank, just as number seven had been.

“Diane, good job. You’ve pleased us very much. Please go with Jeannette and finish the upstairs.” Devon said. He knew what Jeannette had done. She had just uploaded the pressure on David, who was looking like he had brought a mangy mutt to the dog show. Devon had sent them way to keep from humiliating David any more.

“Devon, was that a set up?” David asked.

“David, look at that board. It showed that she was not past number six. Technically she isn’t supposed to be at five yet. She hasn’t passed Ballet. However I sent her there because she’s supposed to be training here in oral arts, and we’re trying to get Cathy past it so she could be at five if she enrolled.” Devon said. “I’ve only had Diane for ten days, you know her skill level when I got her, doesn’t that prove that our techniques are excellent?”

Cathy was sitting on the floor now feeling very angry. She was not happy about this. It took great effort to keep her mouth shut right now, she wanted to scream and shout.

“David, give me a minute to talk to Cathy, and then we’ll go back to the office. In fact, Thomas, please escort David to the office and get him a drink before he thinks we’re playing some game with him all right?”

“OK Please come with me sir.” Thomas said. “I know where he keeps the blue label.”

David seemed mollified and walked out. Devon squatted down and said softly. “Here’s what I’m going to do for your Cathy. I’m going to tell David that we can’t take you for another week minimum. I’ll tell him it’s set up time for students, don’t worry about it. That gives you time to talk him out of it.”

“You don’t want me here?” Cathy asked doubtfully.

“Cathy, you’ve got a small submissive streak. However you’re a manipulative little slut. You use the Submission to wrap him around your finger. You’re topping from the bottom, telling him what to do todominate you, and you’re scared. You’re afraid right now, and with good reason. We’ve seen through you, and you’re afraid that if we train you, you’ll actually be doing things you don’t want to, like truly submitting.” Devon said staring into her eyes. “We can’t be manipulated, if you tried to do it with Rebecca in Ballet, she’d beat you to black and blue.”


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