The Twins

Mary-Jane and Fiona were identical twins, they had fought for years to be more independent from each other, but something kept bringing them back to together. They used to use this to play tricks on their early boyfriends, seeing if they would notice they were out with the other twin, but this seemed wrong. They kept feeling unfulfilled by their relationships until one day Mary-Jane was introduced to bondage. She liked the feeling of being restrained; it awakened something deep with in her.

She talked to Fiona about the idea. Fiona tried it out, but her boyfriend would rather she tie him up, this seemed wrong to her. When he finally agreed to try it on her, Fiona also felt the awakening of something deep inside. Her need to submit!

It was not long before Mary-Jane and Fiona split from their boyfriends, and so they decided to look into the world of BDSM. Having read much they decided to join a website, not separately but as a single profile.

They spend several monthss talking to a number of Doms, and a few Dommes, but it was not until they talked to Master Mark that something fell into place. It was not long before they were talking on the phone and arranging to meet.

It was on this first meeting that they fell under his spell. He was kind and generous, yet he was stern and they had little doubt he could keep them in line, if need be. All the time his voice and his eyes held them, They burned into their souls and brought their need to submit from a small idea, until it consumed them.

It was on their third meeting that Master Mark collared Mary-Jane and Fiona. They were so happy at this, they felt owned, and they felt like another part of the puzzle of their lives had fallen into place. Things continued like this, one or both girls spending the weekends at his house, living as his slaves, and then one day it happened. He asked both girls to be his 24/7 slaves. He warned them that this would be a big step and he would have very high experimentctations of both of them. They accepted and when they went home, after that weekend, they made the arrangements to leave their lives behind.

The day finally arrived and the two girls packed everything they owned (soon to be the property of their master, but that seemed like a natural state to them) into their cars and they headed to their Masters house. When they arrived he helped them unpack all the boxes and cases into the living room. Once everything was inside and the door closed things began.

Both girls were ordered to strip, and as they did, their Master sat down in his chair and watched. The girls were very much identified, the only real difference between them was the colour of their collars and Mary-Jane had slightly longer hair. But clothes wise they both wore the same size and often swapped. They knelt across the room from their Master, he smiled and took a large bag from behind his seat and placed it on the coffee table. From it he took some paperwork and handeda copy to each of the girls.

“I want you to read this very carefully and then, if you agree to sign it. Otherwise you may take your things and leave” He said.

The girls looked at each other, they were under his spell, and they knew they could never leave; they had made that choice already. They read the paper work, there were two documents. The first was a slave contract, giving themselves to Their master for life. OK this was not legally binding, but they wished it was and they both signed. The second was however very serious and legally binding. It was a power of attorney form; however they both trusted their master with their life and both signed. They handed the documents back to their Master, which he signed, and put the documents into a document wallet.

“Good, now that you are officially my slaves, it is time for you to learn the way things are going to work.” He announced, both girls looking at him transfixed. “I am going to break down your individuality, you have already given me what you own, and I am going to use it to reinforce my aim. Is that understand?”

“Yes Master” the both replied nervously.

“Good” He smiled back at them, “First off, we will cut down on what you have given me, so it is more suited to a single slave. Place all of your clothes into this bag”

Both girls took what they had been wearing and put them into the bag on the coffee table. They then opened the suitcases, which held their clothes and emptied them into the one large bag. They saw some numbers appear in the side of the coffee table, it turned out that the table had a built in scale!

“Right” the Master said, picking up the bag and emptying it onto the floor. Then he placed the empty bag back onto the table. “You can keep up to half of that weight of clothing. Sort Through and give me a pile to keep and a pile for the charity shop. I will check when I get back, in the meantime, I am going to sort out something, and decide which of your carsI will keep.”

“Yes Master” they said.

“Oh and I need your documentation I asked for”

Mary-Jane handed the Master one of the boxes, he opened it, and it was full of hanging files with all of the girls documentation neatly filed away. He found the forms for the cars, both had been filled out and just needed his signature before they could be sent off and the cars registered in his name.

“Good Girls” He smiled “I will be back soon”

“Thank you Master” they smiled back.

The Master also took the file with the Power of Attorney forms, the keys to the cars, and both girls pursuits and left. Taking his own car he headed into town.

The girls sorted and re-sorted the clothes, until they had two piles, and checked the weights until they had settled on What to keep. They were real shop-a-holics and had many things. Some that had two of, so they decided to get rid of duplicates. Some they ended up flipping a coaster as to which to keep. They had just finishedWhen the master got back.

First he went through the piles, most he left as was, all he removed were some trousers and jeans to the charity pile. They would not need many of those now anyway, and some corsets and costumes were now to be kept. The stuff to be got rid of was put in black sacks, while the items to be kept were put into the bag.

“You can iron those later” He said.

They then went Through the other boxes of things, setting aside duplicates, things he had already, and any toiletries, plus a large number of shoes. These were also put into back sacks, which would be thrown out, or given to charity.

The Master then returned one purse. “This you will share, it will have your new bank card, when it arrives, along with IDs for both of you and all other necessary documentation. I need not tell you, that the bank card will only be used with my express permission.” He informed them. “Also, you will have one set of keys.” He placed a set of keys next to the purse “However, you will not be allowed to leave with both keys and purse. You may take one each if you both go out.”

“Yes Master” they replied, going through in their heads, how this might work.

“I have decided to keep what was Mary-Jane’s car, this will be available for you to use with permission. I have decided on this one as it is slightly newer, smaller and Cheaper to run. Much more appropriate as a slave’s runabout.” He continued.

“Yes Master” they both replied, “Thank you Master.” Mary-Jane continued smiling, she liked getting one over on her sister. Fiona was slightly disappointed, but she understood the Master’s reasons.

The Master then explained the full house rules, these included, that if one slave was to commit a translation, it would be the other who would be punished. As well as all the standard rules slaves were expected to live by. He then took them on a tour of the house, it was already familiar to them, but there were a couple of interesting modRequirements he had made.

Firstly, in the dining room, one of the chairs had been modified. Its seat had been replaced with a slightly larger one with two pads, and they were told to sit on it. Then their touching arms were placed behind the back of the other slave, and cuffed to the frame of the chair. The Master explained that when they were at the table, they would be eating this way, they would have one plate and one Knife a fork between them, and they would have to lean how to assist each other, so that they could eat. When they were not eating at the table they would have a single bowl to share.

They went through the rest of the house and got to the attic room, which would be the salves room. It was small and sparsely furnished for one slave, a wardrobe, and chest of draws that doubled as a dressing table which had make-up and toiletries set already on it. Again a typical set for one person, a small bedside cupboard and a small single bed. On the other side of the roomwas a sink, shower and toilet. Again they noticed toiletries, for one, set out ready for them. On the floor, about one third of the way from the bed to the toilet, was a ring on the floor, and through that loop was a chain. Also, sitting on the bed, were two chatity belts. The Master told the girls to put them on. Once they did, he locked them and took the keys.

They then went downstairs. The Master ordered the girls to Take items to various places about the house. Mary-Jane did exactly as she was told, however Fiona was a little resistant. Once all of the objects were put away, the Master told both girls to come to him. He told Fiona how he was a little disappointed in her performance. He told Fiona to get to work ironing the clothes, and putting them away in their new room, while he took Mary-Jane to the basement playroom.

Once there, the Master tied Mary-Jane to a spanking bench and placed a number of impact toys in front of her. He took his time, judging the look in her eye. as each implementation was placed in front of her, and he then chose one that caused her to squirm, but not in abject terror, a nice rattan cane.

He placed a ball-gag in Mary-Jane’s mouth, and then after blindfolding her, he removed her chatity belt. He picked up the cane and moved round to her backside.

“You are going to take a dozen for Fiona’s attitude”

“Yes Master” was the muffled reply.

“Ask for the first, and then count them”

“Please Master, teach me this lesson”


“One Master, please can I have another”


“Two Master…”

It continued until number 12, when all Mary-Jane could say was “Twelve Master” before number 13 landed, “The Bakers dozen!” Mary-Jane thought to herself, “He would.”

The Master untied Mary-Jane, took off the blindfold and gag. She looked at herself in a mirror, her ass was bright red and criss-crossed with welts. It hurt like hell, but she was a pain slut and loved it! Then he satHer down with a glass of water, and told her when she was ready, to go upstairs and cook dinner. He put her chatity belt back on her, before leaving.

When Mary-Jane went upstairs, she saw Fiona still busy ironing the clothes, and looking exhausted. Mary-Jane went into the kitchen and cooked a curry. By the time it was finished, Fiona had ironed all the clothes, taken them into their room, and put them away.

They all sat at the table, in the dining room. The Master locked the girls hands into the chair, then asked the girls to dish up. They did, making some mess, Master first and then their own. It was good curry and they all enjoyed it, however, they made even more mess trying to eat. They would be punished for that later, but for now the Master wanted to relax and they all sat in the living room for a While.

He told both girls to pleasure him and they did the best job they could, by giving a double blowjob. They were good, and he was soon hard and ready to cum. He let go in Mary-Jane’s mouth, as reward for her good work today. She played with it, in her mouth, for a while before swallowing.

It was now getting late and the Master told the girls to wait for him in their room. They headed upstairs and knelt by the bed, waiting for him. When he arrived he sent Fiona to clean her teeth and wash her face. While she did that, the Master took off Mary-Jane’s belt and rubbed Some cream into the welts in her ass, before inserting a dildo into her pussy, and putting the belt back on.

Mary-Jane then went to clean up, while Fiona had a dildo placed in her pussy, before being locked up again. Mary-Jane asked permission to use the toilet, which the Master let her do. He tied one end of the chain to Fiona’s collar. When Mary-Jane returned he attached the other end of the chain to Mary-Jane’s collar. Both girls lay unfortunately on the single bed; the master tucked them in and kissed them both good night, and left the room.

Later Fiona got up totry to use the toilet, however the chain would not let her, it was too short! Then it dawned on her, this was another thing they were going to have to cooperate on, part of there breaking down of their individuality. She walked over to the bed and gently shook Mary-Jane.

“Can you help me sis?” Fiona asked.



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