The Twelve Zenati Pt. 18

Authors note: Hello everyone. Please be aware that this is the third series in the world of the Twelve Tables. It is heavily set in the BDSM lifestyle of Dominant men and submissive women although that can and does vary from time to time the concept is constant.

I am, as always, grateful to David and Kate for being my second sets of eyes. I hope those of you who enjoy this series continue to do so. ~ellie.


“I know that you’re going to warn us not to contact Noah,” Genesis said, as most of the other men began to leave the room. “However, I have something else to propose, if you can ask Zanto to stay as well.”

Gideon gave his brother a strange look but said nothing as Xavier raised an eyebrow and called out to Zanto before he left the room. Orlando had already joined them for this more intimate discussion, and Genesis sat back, formulating what he wanted to say without coming across as stepping over any lines between right and wrong. Perhaps they would see it as doing the wrong thing for the right reasons.

“Okay.” Genesis scratched at his five o’clock shadow and pursued his lips. “It was Gideon’s decision, down in the emergency room, to remove Marcella’s personal belongings as well as her phone, which Vivienne had taken from her to cancel her date with the pilot,” he began. “We still have those belongings, and access to her apartment.”

“You can’t just search through her belongings as if she was criminal,” Gideon grumbled, started by what his brother was suggesting.

“No, but we do have cause, if you will just give me a minute to explain my thinking,” he said and looked meanningfully at Dominic, whom he knew was capable of judging his words wisely and deciding the fate of his suggestions.

“Alright,” Xavier said. “Tell us what you’re thinking.” His cousin hadn’t become an award-winning investigative journalist without excellent instincts for seeking out the truth, and exposing subterfuge.

“There is somehing more going on with Apollo than what we know. Both Marcella and Olivia refused to believe any notion that Apollo would try to harm her. They see him as a protector, a friend, almost a saviour of sorts. He had a relationship with Marcie almost a decade ago, but they have only been friends since. Olivia refers to him as a frog, not a prince. Nice but not…,” he searched for the right word.

“Not a knight in shining armour, there to sweep them off their feet.” Dominic finished his sentence for him. “So, the question is, why would he have come here claiming to be her fiancé?”

“Exactly. Apollo could have come as nothing more than Marcie’s friend to celebrate her birthday, and he would have been welcomed far more easily. Why insinuate that they were more than friends?” Genesis asked the small group. “We know that he went to Perth first, and was obviously told she was here, and possibly dating someone from our family.”

“Namely Noah. Which was why he was the one that Apollo made his announcement to and set off the chain of events that led to her accident,” Dominic added, seeing exactly where Genesis was going with this. “But why lie like that when he knew Marcella wouldn’t go along with it?”

“More of a question is who sent him and why? I mean, and just go with me on this…,” he paused, “Now we have discovered that, before coming here to identify and help Olivia, Marcella had divided herself from her family and the benefits that come with the name. She had to take those back to come here. What if, once she had retaken the name, her father expected to be able to exert family law over her, and she ignored his directive to claim that Olivia was a fraud and return immediately. What if he was unhappy that she had stayed and gotten involved with our family, instead of the one he had chosen for her for his own benefit? He could have sent Apollo with the express reason of bringing her home to force his will on her, which might have included an arrangedmarriage, possibly to Apollo, if he is to be believed, but I think there is more to the story. I just can’t put it all together yet.”

“Well, if that was the plan, they failed,” Orlando said, frowning.

“Or so we think, but even after Apollo and the Battaglia left, Marcella still disappeared. What if Apollo was just a scout, to see what was really going on with her up here?” Genesis said.

“Or, what was really going on between Noah and Marcella. She told her father that she was dating up here, so he wouldn’t push for her to return immediately and possibly allow her mother to visit to see Olivia.” Gideon added in what he knew of her story from Vivienne.

“Okay. So, logic tells us that Apollo, her father, or possibly some missing component of this story, has tried to call or text her in the last forty-eight hours. If we could access her phone, then we might be able to see if the threat was from Apollo alone or if he was acting under the influence of someone else,” Genesis said.

“We’d have cause,” Orlando agreed. “Someone attempted to kill her, then she disappeared from the hospital without a trace, and we only have Noah’s identification and assurance that she has been located. No one else sees more than a passing resemblance from the woman in that video,” he said, stretching the truth to fit their needs.

“We haven’t had any luck engaging the older sister or the mother,” Gideon admitted, adding to Genesis’s proposal, even though he knew that Vivienne was attempting to contact Jessa again.

“Where are her belongings now?” Xavier asked, still not sure about invading the woman’s privacy, but knowing that he couldn’t and didn’t want to disturb Noah to ask how he felt about an even bigger intrusion into Marcella’s life than she had already been subjected to by Vivienne’s report.

“I think that maybe we should reach out to Massimo, and maybe talk to Jessa’s husband if possible. He was on one of the investigative teams, and we don’t kNow what he knows about the family,” Dominic said thoughtfully. “My gut tells me that Jessa might be the key to working out the problem of Apollo. She might have better insight into his claims and his actions while he was here.”

“Alright, just the phone,” Xavier nodded. “Zanto, keep this on the down-low. Just the people in this little group need to know. We’ll see what we can find out through some subtle inquiries with both the Farnese and Gambaro tables.”

“I thought that Papa told us all to stand down for a day or two?” Zanto asked, considering what he was being asked to do and whether it was worth going against his father’s directive.

“I guess we could ask Zio Lucio, if you want to take off for a couple of days,” Xavier shrugged, as if it wasn’t his First choice, but letting him know that he would still go ahead with this idea if Zanto didn’t want to be involved in this investigation. They needed to follow up on this hypothesis, despite their father’s ordering themto stand down and rest for a few more days in order to allow Dominic to recover properly and start the radiation treatment he would need.

“So, you’re going to tell them what we are doing?” Zanto narrowed his eyes.

“Do you honestly think that we can keep anything from Papa?” Dominic laughed. “Who are you and what have to done with my little brother?”

“Standing down doesn’t mean ceasing to wonder and worry about the people we love. It just means stepping back and asking for help when it’s needed and letting them take most of the load. We both know that you can hack her phone faster and far better than Lucio, but he is not without skill. Hell, I could do it, given time,” Orlando said, without rancour. “Besides, you know that you are only going to keep working anyway over the next few days, now that you have CJ Donati’s phone number and a few of his programs to test out. You’re like a star-struck fanboy around him,” he teased.

“Yeah, alright. As long as you tell Papa, I’m in,” he conceded, hating that his older brothers continued to treat him like the baby of the family. “Get me the phone. It shouldn’t take long, but unless we find anything urgent, we all take tomorrow off.” His eyes flicked to Dominic who, aside from the strange small, bald circles carved into his hair around the circuitference of his head, looked as he always did.

“Alright, we could all use a day off, but send a report tonight, once you get into the phone,” Xavier said.

“I’ll go with you,” Orlando chuckled. “I’m more afraid of Emma coming back to find Dominic still sitting in here, rather than back in bed, than I am of Papa knowing that we are continuing to worry about Marcella.”

“That’s a good point. We should head off too, before our women think we’ve deserted them,” Gideon said, indicating himself and Genesis.

“Alright. I’ll email you later,” Zanto agreed. “Do you want a hand getting back to your room?”

“Yeah,” Dominic smiled, seeing the concernin Zanto’s eyes. Noah and Xavier had treated him as they always did, because they knew him and what he needed. His youngest brother, however, was obviously more concerned and upset about his health than he was letting on. “Thanks, Zan Man. I’d like that. You’re just the right height to lean on, like a crutch,” he teased with a chuckle, but wrapped his arm tightly around his brother’s shoulder and upper arm, as Zanto bent to help him up. Not letting go as they stood together, they began a slow slightly off-kilter walk back to his room, followed by Xavier and Orlando.

“We’ll catch you guys later. Call if anything urgent comes up, otherwise we’ll catch up after a day of rest,” Gideon said. They could all see that Dominic had pushed himself far too hard today, and They had no intention of making his convalescence any harder for him. He could also see that Genesis had turned Marcella into a riddle that needed to be solved, and that Xavier would find that an irresistible conundrum as well. “Leave it alone for a day, okay?” Gideon asked his brother, as they travelled down to the car park.

“Yeah, I know. It’s just that something isn’t right about the whole deal with Apollo, and I just can’t put my finger on it. I’ll give them a day if Zanto doesn’t come up with anything urgent. Besides, I have a very pretty girl waiting for me at home, and that in itself is an amazing thing that I plan to make the most of during our day off,” he grinned.

“Me too,” Gideon chuckled. “Me too.”


Dispite his words, Marcella had still felt the victory, in that she had managed to ruffle the cool, calm exterior of Noah. Sure, he had manhandled her in the worst way, or best way, depending on how she looked at it. Sex means little more to her than a means to an end. She wielded it as a weapon, a tool to be employed when she couldn’t find another way around an obstacle in her path. It was his mistake to think that he had won anything just because he was stronger andShe was the one who had gotten to him, not the other way around.

As they rode back to the casino in silence, however, she struggled to keep the less victorious thoughts at bay. From the first day, when she had met him at the airport, she had admired his tall, athletic physique. She would have had to be blind, deaf and dumb to ignore his sexual appeal. Then, and as they got to know Each other, she had begun to admire his easy county, the way he both delivered the tragic news about her sister in a truthful but supported way and treated her as an equal, not a fragile girl to be coddled. She had been drawn to him for his counsel and his humour, as well as physically. She had enjoyed flirting with him in those initial days in this city and his rejection of her further advances had stung, more than she wanted to admit. Why had he done that when it was obvious now that he felt the same attention?

Marcella turned her head to look at his profile as he drove. He obviously hadn’t shacked since early yesterday, and the stubble wasn’t so much stubble anymore, but rather a closely cropped bear. It suited him, she thought. Made him looks a bit more rugged and less clean-cut boy-next-door. His usually carefully-styled hair curled around his face, ears and collar and she could see how, just like her, he could disguise himself by just relaxing that professional persona. She had been attracted to him from the beginning, but now, she felt that pull to him even more strongly, and it confused her. She’d never had a problem dismissing men from her thoughts, before him, and her emotions went on a wild rollercoaster ride every time she let herself consider him in this way.

She noticed a small smile lift the corners of his mouth, as he noticed her watching him, and she turned away, looking out into the darkness of the night again. She squirmed slightly in her seat, hating to give him the satisfaction of knowing that she still feel his spanking, but unable to help the minor position change. She tried to push the thoughts that she was having about him from her mind again and concentrate on maintaining the upper hand in this little agreement of theirs. She had thought to tease him and break down his control, but she could see now that it was going to take more than just a little teasing. With the only weapon left at her disposal being herself, she wondered if she was prepared to seduce him fully and truly make him her bitch for the week or two that her plans would take to unfold.

They pulled into the valet parking, and Noah smiled at her as he adjusted himself before stepping from the car. ‘The bastard,’ she grumbled inwardly. She’d affected him just as much as he did her, and she would wipe that smile off his face soon enough. She had the upper hand now, and she had no qualms about using it to her favour. She considered her options quickly as they entered the foyer of the casino, a slider of a plan forming in her head as she caught sight of the concierge.

“You know,” she touched Noah’s arm, causing him to slow to hear her soft words. “Now that we’re engaged, we probably should get a bigger room, if we are going to share it.” She spoke with the almost semiconductor purr that she liked to use on the men she wanted to ensnare, then gave him a small knowing smile.

“If that’s what you want, Sweetheart,” he murmured, trying a different endearment for her and enjoying the fleeting look of distaste that crossed her face. He knew that she was still playing some sort of power game with him, but he was happy to go along with it and let her believe that she had the upper hand, for now. She was suggesting exactly what he wanted, so there was no loss in agreeing to this arrangement. He knew that he needed her to trust him and believe that she was in control if his plan was to work, and there would be plenty of time to disabuse her of that falsehood when it was his turn to be in control of theirfate. He took her hand in his and steered them towards the concierge.

“Valente,” Noah said by way of greeting, with a wide smile.

“Mr North,” Valente responded. “How may I be of service this evening?”

“We’ve made it official, so I was wondering if we could upgrade to a larger suite together.” He smiled widely and lifted the hand he clasped, showing off the glittering engagement ring.

“Congratulations to you both!” Valente said, mirroring Noah’s smile. “I’m sure that we can find something to accommodate you. If you’d like to ensure all your belongings are packed, I can have them moved, and new room keys provided. Perhaps once you have packed, you’d like to enjoy the facilities for a little while we move your belongings and prepare your room,” he suggested.

“Thank you. We will do that,” Noah grinned, and still holding Marcella’s hand, moved towards their current rooms. His belongings were still all packed and in the large duffel, so there was no need for him to visit his room. “Oh”, he said, turning back to the concierge. “There is some extra luggage in my car, if you wouldn’t mind bringing that up too, I would appreciate it.”

“Of course,” Valente nodded in agreement, and once again, Noah steered them further away from the desk.

“Oh God,” Marcella groaned, but it was more of a grumbled half-laugh.

“What?” Noah looked at her, quizzically.

“You know, if we really were engaged and about to marry, I would be Mrs North-West.” She laughed then, full and throaty, as if it was the most luxurious thing she had ever heard. Noah didn’t get the joke, she realized, as he furrowed his browser at her. “How can you not know that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West called their daughter North? Her name is North West!”

“I guess that I just don’t see the point of keeping up with the Kardashians,” he grimaced, surprised that she would care about that similarity in names, but she only laughed harder at his snide remark.

“I think thatI will go for a swim and cool off while they move our room for us,” Noah said, matter-of-factly, as they entered Marcella’s room.

“That’s probably a good idea,” she said, turning to find that he had disappeared from the room, but before she could take two steps to look for him, he reappeared in the doorway of the adjoining suite with a large duffle bag in his hand.

“Seriously?” she asked, not hiding the complaint in her voice that he had managed to book the room adjoining hers. He shrugged, but the playful smile did nothing to disguise his pleasure at her chagrin. “You just happen to have the room adjoining mine?”

“No, I specifically asked for it. I don’t leave much to chance, and I wasn’t sure how well you would take being discovered here,” Noah admitted, honestly. It had been His stipulation in the agreement. Honesty between them and no more secret bullshit and going it alone unprotected. He could hardly expect it of Marcella, if he wasn’t willing to follow therules as they were laid out.

“Whatever. We’re going to be in the same room from now on, anyway,” she said peevishly, taken aback by his direct honesty. “You can go change in there then, and I’ll change in the bathroom.”

“Why both? We’re engaged and about to start living together,” he chuckled and, grabbing the bottom of his shirt, began to lift it over his head.

Marcella stared at him speechlessly as he removed his shirt. She had known that he had a good physique under his tailored suits and the baggy casual clothes, but wow. ‘Was it too much to ask that he had uneven nipples or a small pot belly or something?’ she grumbled inwardly, and even though she wanted to, she couldn’t pull her eyes away from him, even when he looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Geez, warn a girl before you decide to let all that flab out, will you? Do a push-up once in a while, why don’t you?” She curled her lip in an attempt at a sneer, but his obvious pleasure at her disappoint finally broke the spell, and as he undid the button and zip on his pants, she turned away to retrieve her bikini, before storming into the bathroom and slamming the door. Two could play this game. His chuckles followed her into the small room.

“Why the fuck are you suddenly acting like an innocent schoolgirl with a crush?” Marcella grew at herself. “You are the one in control here!” Taking hold of her senses, and continuing to berate herself, she changed into her bikini and looked in the mirror. Yes, she was in control, and this should rattle him far more than he had rattle her. The fact that he had rattle her at all bothered her greatly. She’d been with greous men before. She’d been with the sun god Apollo and his chiselled features and overly-muscled torso. She was hardly a giggly girl prone to crushes and longing for a man, like a star-struck schoolgirl.

She reached for the door and changed her mind, as the image of his body flared back into life in her brain. His body was truly sculptured perfection. He was tall and lean, each muscle adding to his physics without being too big or bulging to distort his naturally beautiful shape and form. He even had the sculptured lines of muscle that disappeared, in a V formation, beneath the waistband of his pants. It wasn’t fair that she should want a man who didn’t want her in the same way. If she could just take him for a joyride, she was sure that she wouldn’t be as drawn to him as she had felt since he showed up here. She knew that she had been drawn to him from the beginning, but she chose to ignore that, in the face of today. She looked at the ring on her finger. It means less than the orgasm that he had given her in the car. It wasn’t real, none of this was real. It was all a game, a game that she was determined to win, despite her stumbles tonight.


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