The Training of a Young Submissive Ch. 23

known my doctor for a number of years and I trust him. So here I sit, finding myself lying to him.

“Your blood pressure is up a little bit, Sam. Any changes in your life that might account for that?”

“Umm, yeah. Work has been a bit stressful lately, Doctor.”

How would he have reacted if I would have said, “Actually, Doc, I’m fucking two young women less than half my age. I’d say that’s a significant change in my life. Wouldn’t you?”

“I’m sorry, Doctor. What did you say?” Pay attention Sam. Which head is thinking now?

“I said that I don’t think we need to prescribe any medicine yet, but I would like to check your blood pressure in another month,” the doctor replied. “You should also consider an exercise program. I already know you eat fairly healthy.”

I made a face. “Exercise program?”

“I think it would be a good idea. It’s something you can do on your own or you could consider a club.”

“So I can’t take meds to help control it?”

“So I can’t take meds to help control it?”

“>”Well, some drugs can cause erectile dysfunction. I could prescribe for that, but … “

“Never mind Doc. I’ll look into the exercise. A club might be a good idea.”

The doctor chuckled. “How is your love life, by the way?”

I simply smiled.

“Enough said,” he replied. “I’ll have my secretary schedule another appointment next month.”

“Thanks, Doctor.”

When I got home, Faith and Shannon were both waiting to hear that I was well and healthy. They both could not stop giggling when I told them some significant event in my life had caused my blood pressure to rise. But then Shannon stopped laughing and got serious.

“High blood pressure? That can be serious.”

“Relax. My doctor wants to check on me again next month. He wants me to start exercising. If it were more serious, he would have prescribed some blood pressure medicine.”

Faith was still giggling. “So we don’t give you enough exercise?”

I laughed. “Well come to think of it, if Iwas in better shape, I might not be so winded after fucking your brains out.”

All three of us laughed. “I’m going to look into some clubs to join. If I have to work out, I might as well enjoy it.”

“Maybe we could join too,” said Shannon.

Faith gave her a dirty look.

“Actually, Faith, it isn’t a bad habit to have,” I said. “Besides, it will be a good stress relief while you are taking classes and studying.”

Faith gave me a supervisory grin and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I can think of some stress relievers that are aloft more fun.”

I laughed and kissed her forehead. “I’m sure you can. We’ll talk about it after I’ve shopped around a little bit. Now I have some work to do. Why don’t you two go prepare supper?”

Faith was still giggling as she walked to the kitchen. Shannon stopped to kiss my cheek and followed her.

I sat down to work, but found my mind wandering. The past few weeks had been wonderful. The girls had both applied to school and were waiting to hear if they would be accepted. I had little doubt that they would. Their parents had been great too. They left a car for Faith and Shannon to use. It wasn’t a new model, but it wasn’t old enough to cause them maintenance headaches. Mrs. Dawson had also given the girls financial information to help them with that side of going to college. I was a little surprised by that, but it confirmed for me that both Mr. and Mrs. Dawson loved their daughters and were taking steps to care for them and prepare them for life away from mom and dad. They also seemed to approve of my guidance about school as well, which made me feel a little better about me. I was probably kidding myself. I knew they hated me, so there was no use in trying to pretend that they felt any differently.

The past few weeks had also been sexually excited. I wasn’t normally a guy who liked being with two women in the same bed, but the sex thus far had been mind blowing. And I was quItem exhausted afterwards. I suppose my doctor was right. I did need to be in better shape, for various reasons. I was beginning to think about what tonight’s activity would involve. I had decided to use the playroom. We had not used it for all three of us since that very first time for Shannon. I felt my cock getting hard and then remembered I had some work to complete by the end of the day.

Later in the Evening, after the kitchen was cleaned up and the girls were discussing what movie they might watch, I wasted no time in giving them something else to think about.

“Get out of your clothes, sluts,” I said.

I stifled a smile when I saw their surprise. “Yes, Master,” they said in unison.

I watched them get undressed and then said, “To the playroom. Now.”

Faith whimpered. Shannon bit her lip. They both went downstairs as I had commanded. After entering the playroom, they stood there, wondering what I had in mind. I grabbed Shannon by the hair and whispered inher ear, “Come with me.” I forced her to the sawhorse and suppressed my smile as Shannon moaned. As I pushed her over it, I whispered into her ear, “You’ve been waiting for me to stick you to this ever since you saw Faith bound to it, haven’t you?”

“Yes, Master, I have.” Shannon whimpered as she trembled.

I bound her ankles and then her wrists. I stood back and enjoyed the look of her vulnerability and how exposed she was. I ran my hand gently along her body and then smoked her as I turned to Faith. Faith bit her lip and I smiled at her. I reached my hand into her hair and held her as I kissed her deeply. As she started to wrap her arms around my neck, I pulled back and smiled.

“That’s not how this will proceed, slut.”

With my hand still holding her by the hair, I pulled her to the wall. I tied her wrists together and then pulled a rope down from the pulley above her and tied her wrists to it. I took the other end of the rope and pulled down from the pulley. It forced Faith to stand on her toes. I smiled again and pinched one of her nipples.

I moved tightly against her body and whispered, “As I recall, Shannon got to watch the last time we did this. Now it’s your turn.” I reached for a ball gag from the work bench and placed it in her mouth and strapped it around her head.

Then I went back to the work bench and picked up a butt plug and a of bottle baby oil. As I returned to Shannon, I spoke to her gently. “I will not hurt you, Shannon. You are not ready for that. I may spank you, but nothing beyond that.” As I spoke, I poured some baby oil down the crack of her ass. She whimpered and her ass began to squirm. Then I took the butt plug and twirled it in the crack of her ass to lubricate it. I spoke quietly, again. “But you do need to have your tight little ass hole trained, slut.” I gently probed her ass with the plug, Shannon continued to moan and whimper. Her ass moved up and down. I eventually slid it in with a small pop to confirm it was held in place. As soon as that happened, Shannon’s ass Shook a little harder. She pulled with her legs and arms and I responded by smacking her ass fairly hard with my hand.

I heard Faith moan, but ignored her. My attention was on Shannon. I stepped to the opposite side of the room from Faith, Shannon in between us, and removed my clothes. I walked back to Shannon. I moved to where her head was and grabbed a handful of her hair. “Open your mouth, slut.” Shannon said nothing, but immediately opened her mouth. She kept her eyes on me, already knowing that I required it of her. My cock was already hard. I slid my cock all the way to her throat and slowly fucked her mouth. Shannon fought through her gag reflex and tried to swallow the head of my cock with each gently thrust. I was pushing my cock in so deep, her nose was pressing against my lower belly. A tear flowed down her cheek as she continued to successfully fight off the gagging. I finally pulled my cock outof her mouth, a long string of her saliva hanging from the head of my cock to her lips.

“Good girl,” I said.

“Thank you, Master.” Shannon was trying to catch her breath.

I walked back to behind her and smacked her ass again. She groaned and wiggled it. I chuckled. “You are such a slut.” I slide my fingers down to her cunt. “And you’re already soaked.” I teased her with the head of my cock. She tried to force her ass back to force my penetration, but I wouldn’t allow it.

“Pleeease!” she moaned.

“Please, what?” I grew.

“Please, Master! Please fuck your slave.”

“Good girl.” And then with no further hesitation, I fully penetrated her, my hips resting against her ass. I knew this was still a strange feeling for her. Both her cunt and her ass were full. I rested inside her for a moment. I reached down and pressed the plug into her. I smiled as she groaned. And then I started to fuck her. Although she could not move much, she made every effort topush her ass back to me. I held her hips and began to thrust harder and harder. My cock was throbbing inside of her. She squeezed me with each thrust. I knew I would not last long, but I bit my lip to try holding off from climaxing too soon. I fucked her harder and faster, my cock pounding her cunt. I could feel my balls tingle. I was going to cum. And then without warning, Shannon’s body went rigid as she screamed out. She came hard and squeezed my cock even harder. I lost all control. My cock expanded and shot my warm cum deep inside of her.

After almost collapse on Shannon’s body, I pulled out of her. I needed to catch my breath. Damn! Doc was right. I needed to be in better shape. Of course, he couldn’t know about the beautiful young women in my life.

I turned to Faith. She had been moaning into her gag almost constantly as she watched Shannon and me. I didn’t have to slide my hand between her tights to feel how wet she was. But I did anyway. I coated my fingers withHer sexual juices and then licked each one of them. I kissed the tip of her nose. Her saliva was flowing down the corners of her mouth from the ball gag. I moved to the work bench and picked up nipple clamps that were attached by a small chain. I clipped them on her nipples and watched her face as she cried out through the gag. The chain hung from her nipples and I pulled it gently, causing her to cry out louder. I moved back to the work benchmark and picked up an ankle bracelet and attached it to right ankle. I pulled another rope down from a pulley and attached it to her ankle bracelet. When I pulled the other end of the rope, it forced her right leg up in the air. It left her standing on the toes of her left foot.

I was getting aroused again, but I still needed recovery time. So I knelt down and began to tease Faith’s cunt with my tongue. She moaned as I caressed her folds. I used my fingers to spread her lips and I pushed my tongue inside her. Faith’s body trembled as I exploredthe inside of her. I pushed my tongue as deep as I could, my nose pressed against her mound. Then I pulled back to suck on her clip. That was all it took. She climaxed. Her body shook as her muffled cries continued.

I stood up. I was hard again. I didn’t say a word to Faith. I took the chain, at its lowest point between the nipple clamps and pulled it to my mouth. I bit down on the chain to hold it firmly. It pulled Faith’s nipples and breasts upward and she cried out in pain. And then I slip my cock into her. I penetrated her fully and then slowly withdraw. Before getting much more than half way out of her, I thrust back in hard. I withdraw again and thrust harder still. I was moving slowly, but each thrust was with force. Each thrust caused my head to jerk, which in turn, caused the chain to jerk harder on her nipples. I watched her eyes. God! It was sensitive. I saw a mixture of her pain and her pleasure.

“You are beautiful, my love,” I whispered.

And then I began tofuck her furiously. All of the combined motions of my body, succeeded in pulling the chain between her nipples even harder. Her muffled screams were mixed with muffled moans. I wrapped my arms around her body as we fucked. Since I had cum once already, I knew that I faced the risk of collapse before I climaxed again. But I managed to find my second wind. Faith climaxed again, but I didn’t both to slow down. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t stop. I kept fucking her harder and faster, almost like an animal. My moans were mixed with panting. But through all of it, my eyes never left hers. Hers never left mine. She could not speak, but I know her well enough to see her eyes were begging me to fuck her harder. I could almost read her thoughts. ‘Cum inside your slut, my love.’ And then she climaxed again. She squeezed my cock so hard that it pushed me over the edge. I screamed as I came.

I had dropped the chain when I screamed. My head was resting on her shoulder. I was exhausted. I was working hard to gain control of my breathing. When I finally pulled away from Faith, my cock sliding out of her, I was still panting, but gaining my strength again. I loosened the ropes to allow Faith to stand on her feet, although a little unsteadily. I untied her wrists and then removed her gag. I thought she might collapse and I held her.

“Are you ok?” I asked.

“I’m going to be fine, Sam. But are you ok?” There was concern in her voice and in her eyes.

I grinned at her. “I guess I need to start working out sooner rather than later. And not just for my blood pressure.”

She giggled. “You’d better. I don’t want to give up the use of the playroom.”

I gave her a mock look of being stern with her. And then chuckled and pulled the chain again. And then I removed the nipple clamps.

Shannon had been quiet through all of this, but she had been able to watch. She was smoking and I scratched her ass again.

“Did you enjoy watching, slut?”

“Mmmmm,” wasall she said.

I laughed and bent down to until her. I helped her up from the saw horse. She was also a little unsteady, so I held her until she was able to stand and walk without help.

“Come on, you two. Up to the bath. I’ll bath you both.”

“I wish the bathtub was big enough for all three of us,” said Shannon with a giggle.

The next day, I went to a health club to check it out. It was clear to me that I needed to be in better shape if I wanted to continue the lifestyle I had chosen with two young and sexual women like Faith and Shannon. I had heard good things about the club I was going to. The membership fee was a bit more expensive than others, but it had so many perks and so many things to offer. The work out floor was huge. There were many cardio machines and There were also many weight lifting machines. There was a track around the entire work out floor. Each lap was a tenth of a mile. The locker room had a sauna, a steam room, and a spa. There was a lap pool, tennis courts, basketball courts, and more. I hadn’t even worked up a sweat and I was already sold. I was on one of the cardio machines, watching SportsCenter on the TV. I was actually enjoying the work out. Who knew?

I got to 30 minutes on the machine and then slowed down for another two minutes to cool down. I started to walk the track, thinking that Faith and Shannon might actually enjoy This place. At least I thought Shannon would. As I started my second lap on the track, I saw Emma. I started to wave to her until I realized she was occupied by two young men. Shit! The two young men happened to be the Harris brothers. It had been some time since I saw them try to man handle Faith. I walked straight towards Emma, ​​slowly forming an idea of ​​what I would do when I got to her. Jim, the larger of the two brothers, was not grabbing Emma, ​​but it was clear that he was not letting her get by. I could hear Jack’s laugh. He sounded like a fucking hyena.

When I got within a couple of yards from them, I spoke up. “Hi Emma. I’ve been looking for you. You promised to show me how some of these cardio machines worked.” As I talked, I walked right up to her and took her arm and walked off. If caught both Jim and Jack totally by surprise. They stood there and watched us walk off.

“God! Thank you, Sam!” said Emma.

“You should complain to the club about their behavior.” I said.

Emma was trembling. She held onto my arm tightly. “I would, but the general manager is their cousin.”

“Oh Christ! And I was thinking of joining.”

“Sam, don’t let them keep you from joining. This is the best club in the area. Besides, they don’t both me that often.”

“How often is that often, Emma?”

“Twice in the last three weeks.”

“That’s twice too often. Have you talked to the general manager at all?”

“No,” she admitted.

“Come on.”

“Where are we going?”

“We’re going to talk to him.”

We went to the front desk and asked for the general manager. When he came out, he was all smiles, but professional. He shook both of our hands and introduced himself. “How can I help you?” he asked.

“I’m interested in joining,” I said. “Emma is a friend of mine and is a member here.”

“Wonderful,” he said. “Any of our associates can help you with that.”

I said, “You don’t understand. I would love to join, but not when your two cousins ​​hassle your members. And they definitely don’t care for me.”

The general manager narrowed his eyes. “Wait a minute. You said your name was Sam. The same guy who took them both on when they were bothering your girl friend?”

“That would be me.” I stared back at him hard, not sure what he might be thinking. His reaction completely Surprised me.

He offered me his hand again, to shake it. “It is unfortunate at times, that you can’t choose your family. Jim and Jack are couple of idiots. If they are making my members uncomfortable in my club, I was not awareof it. I’m sure as hell going to see it doesn’t happen any longer. I truly hope you will still join.” He looked to Emma. “And I hope you will stay.”

He seemed completely since. I believed him. And I made my decision to join. I thanked him and told him that I would be happy to be a member of the health club.

Emma was feeling much better. We went up to the cafeteria to have a coffee. Or at least I had a coffee. Well, a decaf, anyway. Damn blood pressure! Emma had a smoothie.

She smiled at me and took my hand. “Thank you Sam. You always took care of me when we were together. I still regret asking you to release me.”

I smiled, but decided it was best to say very little about that subject.

“Did you know Sara was a member here?”

“Yes, she was the one who recommended this club. I’m surprised she didn’t mention that Jim and Jack were also members.”

“They don’t mess with her. And she pays them little attention. I think she intimidates them.”

I laughed as I pictured that.

“She also told me that you have a second slave in your house. Faith’s sister?”

I stopped to think. Sara and I had not talked much about Shannon.

Emma Shook me from my thoughts with a giggle. “She is a little upset with you that you haven’t at least gotten together with her for lunch.”

“Guilty as charged. I will call her today.”

Emma looked down at the table. “I don’t suppose you would consider a third slave in your stable.”

Damn! I didn’t see that coming. “Emma, ​​I’m flattered. But I’m not looking to make my life even more complicated than it already is. But always remember, you and I will always have something special. And you will always be my friend.”

She smiled. “I had to ask.”

We got up to leave and she kissed my cheek.

That night, Faith laid on one side of me, Shannon on the other. I had told them about the club. I had also told them about the Harris brothers and that Emma and I had talked to their cousin because of our concerns. They sensed there was more to the story and they managed to drag it all out of me. Faith rested her head on my shoulder, her face buried in my neck.

“When I met Emma, ​​I wanted to slap her for hurting you,” she said. “And then I realized if she had not asked for her release, I would not belong to you. And now I hear about you being there for her, protecting her. She is Not your slave, and yet you still watch over her.”


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