The Trade Show

Justine accompanyies her Mistress, Jasmine, to a Trade Show as her assistant. Though Justine tries her best to please her Mistress, Jasmine’s high standards may prove to be more than Justine can meet.

This story can stand on its own, but reading “Justine and Jasmine: First Meeting” will provide a little more insight into the two main characters.

And thank you for taking the time to read my work.


Justine and Jasmine at the Trade Show

1 – Wake Up Call

Justine awoke to the harsh sound of the hotel room telephone. She rose up on one elbow and reached out to pick up the receiver before it could ring again.

“Hello,” she said by reflex, though she knew it was only the wake-up call from the hotel’s automated system.

“Hello. This is your wake up call,” the recorded voice said. “The time is…six…o’clock…AM. If you would like to repeat this call in 5 minutes please press…”

Before the cheerful recorded voice could finish, Justine carefully replaced the receiver in its cradle. She lay on her back for a few seconds, then turned onto her side and moved close to her Mistress, Jasmine, as she lay on her side. Justine lightly cared the dark skin of Jasmine’s back until she felt Jasmine begin to stir, then she snuggled close and reached around the Indian woman’s body and softly stroked her breasts, smiling to herself as she felt the nipples stiffen under her fingers. Jasmine rolled onto her back and lifted her hands over her head. Justine moved her pale white hand slowly down Jasmine’s firm flat stomach to her bare mound, hesitated just a moment, then rested a finger on Jasmine’s clip. Jasmine moaned and shifted her legs as her dark eyes opened to stare into Justine’s blue eyes.

“Mmmm, that’s nice pet,” Jasmine said softly.

“Mistress,” Justine said. “It’s six o’clock. Time for us to get ready for the vendor room.”

Jasmine surprised. “Yes, I know, pet. Perhaps we’ll continue this tonight.” She turned her head and kissed Justine softly on the lips. She slip out of bed and took a key from the drawer of the nightstand on her side of the queen sized bed that she and Justine shared. She was nude and Justine watched her large breasts sway as she moved. Jasmine pulled the covers off of Justine and unlocked the leather cuffs on her ankles.

“Now, pet,” Jasmine said. “Get the shower started.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Justine replied. She got out of the bed and padded on bare feet to the bathroom and switched on the light. As she saw herself in the mirror she stopped and stared at her nude reflection. At forty-three years old she was still attractive. She stood five feet and six inches tall, and was slim with small, 34A breasts. Her hips were a little wide by fashion model standards but still did not detract from her appearance. She reached up and pulled a strand of her hair. The night before they left for Atlanta for the trade show, Jasmine had taken Justine to a salon and had her brown hair dyed a pale blonde color. Justine was still jarred by her new look. So much so that she didn’t notice Jasmine walk up behind her until she felt the sharp sting of Jasmine’s hand on her ass.

“You may admire your new look on your own time, pet. Now start the shower.”

Justine rubbed her butt as she stepped to the shower. She reached past the Plastic curve and started the water, holding her hand under it until it reached the temperature that Jasmine preferred. A little too hot for Justine, but her comfort was not important.

“Mistress,” Justine said over her shoulder. “The shower is ready for you.”

As Jasmine stepped carefully into the shower Justine coveredly admired the Indian woman’s body. She was a couple of inches taller than Justine with long hair the color of anthracite that fell in waves to below her shoulders. Her 36C breasts were tipped with small aureoles and pert nipples. She was otherwise slim with welltoned musculature. Justine followed her into the shower and pulled the curve closed. Jasmine moaned as the hot water splashed over her back and ran down her dark skin. She turned around slowly under the stream, stopping when she faced Justine. Justine took a white washcloth and held it under the water until it was soaked, then took one of the tiny soap bars and worked up a later in the clothes. She began to gently wash her Mistress, Carefully doing her face and neck, then her shoulders. Jasmine turned her head to rinse the soap from her face then lifted her arms up lacing her fingers onto top of her head. Justine gazed for a second at the dark nipples and aureoles of Jasmine’s breasts as the water dripped from them. Then she slowly rubbed the wash clothes over them.

“Pet,” Jasmine said. “That cheap clothes is just too rough. You may use your hands. But be quick about it. I don’t have time for you to arouse yourself with my body.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Justine replied. She rubbed the soap vigorously in her hands and continued to bathe her Mistress. She was, however, unable to resist, as she knelt on the tiles of the shower stall, spending a little extra time on Jasmine’s labia. This earned her a quick slap to the to the top of her head and she finished Jasmine’s legs and feet more efficiently. She was just as efficient as she washed and rinsed Jasmine’s ebony hair.

When she finished bathing Jasmine, Justine stood and turned off the water, took a towel from the rack and, bearing in mind the quality of the wash clothes, gently blotted the water from Jasmine’s body. Jasmine stepped from the shower and stood before the bathroom mirror. Justine dried herself quickly, stepped out of the shower, wrapped her towel around her and walked into the sitting area of ​​the suite and returned with a chair which she held for Jasmine to sit in before the mirror.

“Thank you, pet,” Jasmine said. “Now, show me that the money I paid for your cosmetology training was well spent.”

“Yes, Mistress,”

As Justine turned to leave the bathroom to get her costumes case, Jasmine took hold of the towel and pulled it away from Justine’s body leaving the older woman naked and shivering.

“Pet,” Jasmine said. “Please do not try my patience today.”

“I…I’m sorry, Mistress.”

Justine retrieved her case from the closet, returned to the bathroom and began her work on Jasmine.

Later, after Justine had finished applying Jasmine’s makeup and dressed her in a conservative business suit, Jasmine turned and admired herself in the full length mirror. Satisfied she turned to Justine where she knelt on the floor.

“Now pet,” Jasmine began. “I am going down to a breakfast meeting with a prospective client for Father’s firm. You will meet me at the door to the vendor display room at eight o’clock. Do not be late.”

“Yes Mistress,” Justine said. “Um, Mistress, may I go down for breakfast in the restaurant after I get dressed?”

Jasmine laughed, then said, “Why, my pet, would you even ask such a thing?” Justine brightened, then her spirits fell as Jasmine opened her suitcase and took out a plastic dog food dish and a can of Slim-Fast. She opened the can and poured its contents into the bowl, then tossed the empty can into the trash. “This should hold you until lunch.”

Justine, her lower lip trembling, looked up at Jasmine and asked, “Mistress…I…I thought you were pleased with your make-up and hair. I tried, really I did, to please…”

Jasmine cut in. “Oh you did quite well as far as my appearance goes. But you know that you attempted to be intimate with me in the shower without permission.”

“Mistress, no, really I didn’t mean to…”

“Pet,” snapped Jasmine. “Unless you want to use your new make up skills to cover my hand print on your face. You will be quiet and enjoy your breakfast.”

In a soft voice Justine said, “Yes, Mistress. Thank You.”

Jasmine leaned down and reached out herhand toward Justine. Justine flinched back fearing that Jasmine means to slap her despite what she had said. However, Jasmine softly caresed Justine’s cheating and said, “You should be grateful, pet. I also have a can of dog food in my suitcase, so do try to be a good pet for a change.” Jasmine picked up her messenger sized bag, slung the straw over her shoulder, then looked down at Justine. “Now, I Want to see you begin your breakfast before I leave.”

Justine crawled the short distance to the dish, lowered her face and began to lap up the thick, sweet liquid. Jasmine smiled, turned and left the room.

2 – The Vendor Room

Justine stood outside the vendor room door at eight fifty-five. Her blonde hair was pulled back and held by a wide barrette at the back of her neck. She wore a pale gray pencil skirt and matching blazer over a white camisole. From her should hung a messenger bag that matched the one that Jasmine carried when she left their room. Justine had the blazer buttoned to try to hide the fact that she wore no bra. Not that her tiny breasts would attract much attention. But her nipples were noticeable even when she was calm. She knew that she looked good in the clothes but also knew that she looked shabby when she stood next to Jasmine in her expensive Italian suits. Jasmine walked up to the door to the vendor area, held out her vendor badge to the security guard and walked in without acknowledging Justine’s presence. Justine quickly held up her own badge and rushed through the door to catch up with Jasmine and walk beside her.

As they walked around the huge room, Jasmine occasionally stopped and spoke to the people working the booths. When she did so she handed any fliers or other promotional material she received to Justine to carry in her bag. Eventually they came to the booth for the consulting company that Jasmine’s father owned and for which Jasmine worked as a lawyer. Jasmine often went to trade shows for the company to oversee the booth and to meet with and enter prospective clients as well as certain long time customers. She had brought Justine along as her personal assistant to this show as she was certain she would prove quite useful during some of the after-hours activities the company had planned.

The booth was medium sized relative to those of the other companies presenting at the show. However, it had the advantage of being at the end of a row and so could be approached from two sides instead of one. Justine stood by as Jasmine greeted the staffers who would work in the booth during the duration of the trade show. There were five women and one man. Justine assumed that three of the women were Indian, as they had features and coloring similar to Jasmine’s. As Jasmine and the other Indian woman spoke together, Justine looked around the booth. Of the other two women, one was a white women with black hair, the other was far east Asian, perhaps Japanese, though Justine was not sure. These two women were arranging the furniture and company materials brought to distribute to prospective customers. The man was white, probably in his early thirties, sitting at and typing on a laptop PC on a table in front of him. He was sitting on the edge of his chair and appeared to be intensely focused on what he was doing. Justine stepped over to the table where he was working.

“Hi, I’m Justine.” She said. She noticed that the Asian woman looked in her direction, then went back to work. “I’m, well, I’m here as Mis, I mean, Jasmine’s assistant.”

The man looked up at Justine and said something that she didn’t understand. It sounded familiar but she had no idea what the man had just said. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t quite catch what that.”

The man leaned forward slightly and looked at the Indian women who appeared to be intently listening to something Jasmine was saying.

The man leaned close to Justine and whispered. “I said hello. Don’t you understand Hindi?”

“No,” replied Justine. “Jasmine keeps telling me that I will learn it soon. But at the moment I only know a word or two.”

“If you are an,” he hesitated then went on. “An assistant, then no doubt you will become fluent,” the man said and turned back to the PC.

“Well,” Justine said. “I suppose we will be working together while we’re here.” She waited for a response. When none came, she held out her hand and continued, “Like I said, I’m Justine…”

The man again looked again toward the four Indian women. “I’m, I’m Roger. Rog for short.” He gave a short bitter laugh. He heard a giggle from the Asian woman and glanced in her direction. She was smiling and holding up one finger, slowly moving it from side to side. Roger went pale and said, “Now, please.” He turned his focus back to the PC screen. “I, I really need to get some work done and I shouldn’t be…” Before he could finish what he was going to say, one of the Indian women who had walked up unnoticed behind him, scrcatching his back with her long red fingerprintnails. Roger straightened up and looked quickly over his shoulder. His face paled again. Justine, started, looked from him to the Indian woman as she stroked Roger’s back. While her fingers were on Roger, her eyes were on Justine and she was not smiling.

“Do you not see that Rog is working?” the woman asked Justine.

‘Well, I,” Justine began. Before she could continue she heard Jasmine’s voice.

“Yes, Justine. Why are you bothering Rog? Have you forgotten what you job is while you are with me?”

“No, Mis, Jasmine. I…”

Jasmine held up her hand in front of Justine and snapped “Be quiet, Justine.” She took Justine by the arm, and pulled her away from Roger and the other woman. Justine heard the woman Speaking in sharp tones to Roger who responded in a manner that Justine, though she didn’t understand the words, was all too familiar with. As they joined the remaining two women Justine could have sworn that she heard theAsian woman laughing.

3 – The Staff Meeting

By the end of the day, Justine was exhausted. She had been on her feet continuously, with only a short bathroom break, from the time she had met Jasmine that morning until the vendor room closed at 5:30 PM. She had only a small sandwich and water for lunch and Jasmine had not allowed her to sit while she ate. The rest of the time she had run errands for Jasmine or stood by her side handing out promotional materials to the visitors to the booth. When she and Jasmine returned to their suite it took all of her will-power not to head straight to the bedroom and collapse on the bed. Instead, she walked behind Jasmine and, when Jasmine sat in one of the comfortable side chairs, lifted one of Jasmine’s feet, removed her shoe and began to massage her foot. Jasmine leaned her head back and closed her eyes. When Justine finished massaging both of Jasmine’s feet she sat back on her ankles and looked up at Jasmine to see what Jasmine would have her do next.

“Pet, I have called a meeting before dinner to discuss the behavior of you and Rog this afternoon. I am afraid it may not be pleasant for either of you.”

“But…but Mistress,” Justine began. “Really, I didn’t mean to cause a problem for him. I…”

“That is quite enough, pet.” Jasmine interrupted. “What you mean to do means nothing as regards to what you did.”

“I’m sorry. Really, please, I’m sorry.”

“It is not me that you have to apologize to, pet. And an apology is not sufficient as you will soon see.”

Realizing that anything else that she said would only get into deeper trouble, Justine closed her eyes and bowed her head. Jasmine got up and stretched then leaned forward, grabbed a handful of Justine’s hair and pulled her to her feet.

“Take off all of your clothes, pet. Hang them neatly in the closet”

“Yes, Mistress.”

After Justine was naked and again kneeing Jasmine took a steel choke collar and placed it around Justine’s neck. To the free ring she attached a leash chain that hung between Justine’s small breasts. Justine accepted this treatment without comment.

“When the rest of the staff arrives,” Jasmine said. “You will open the door and hold it until everyone enters and you will then knee here.” She indicated a spot in the center of the free space in the room.

“Shouldn’t I get dressed before then?” Justine asked.

“I will tell you when to get dressed.” Jasmine replied. And with that she returned to her chair and began to flip through a magazine she had brought with her from home. About 15 minutes later there was a knock on the door. Without being told, Justine stood and walked to the door. She opened it and held it as the other Indian women and their assistants filed in. Justine blushed and tried to cover her crotch. After the group was in the suite, Justine closed the door, turned the security lock and took her position on the floor. She was still blushing and closed her eyes and bowed her head. The Indian women seated themselves in the chairs. Except for Roger, their assistants stood behind their Mistresses. Roger stood in front of Justine.

Roger’s Mistress spoke. “Rog, remove all of your clothes.”

Without hesitation Roger took off his clothes, folding and stacking them on a coffee table in front of the sofa. He returned to his position in front of Justine. Justine looked up to see his penis dangling before her face. She closed her eyes again.

“Justine, I know how you feel about having sex with men,” Jasmine said. “So your punishment is to perform a blow job on Rog.”

Justine looked horror strugglen, alternatively looking at Jasmine and Roger’s limp cock.

“Mistress, please,” Justine began. “I’m sorry.” She looked up at Roger. “Roger, I’m so sorry.”

Jasmine surprised. “Justine, nothing you can say will make up for what happened today. Now, begin. And while you are sucking Roger, he will receive his punishment. Ten cane strokees on his ass. It will be interesting to see how the two of you endure this.”

Justine reached out and took Roger’s cock in her hand. She slowly began to lick the tip, then around the head. As she did the cock began to stiffen and grow in her hand. It was bigger than she first thought and she had to strain to open her lips wide enough when she took the head into her mouth. Suddenly she heard a swishing sound followed by a loud whacking sound. Roger grunted and thrust his hip forward forcing his cock into Justine’s mouth. Startled and gasping, Justine pulled her head back and released Roger’s erect cock.

“Keep her in position, Rog.” Justine heard Jasmine says.

Roger said nothing but took Justine’s head in his hands and pulled her back onto his cock. When the next cane blow landed he again thrust his hips Forward forcing his cock all the way to the back of Justine’s throat. As she began to gag he pulled back but keep his cock between her lips. Justine began to panic and tried to pull away but Roger held her too tight for her to move even a millionmeter. The cane strokes came faster and on the fifth one Roger didn’t pull his hips back. Justine gagged and felt the contents of her stomach begin to rise. She went into full panic and managed to break free from Roger’s grip. She jumped to her feet and stumbled and staggered to the bathroom with her hand over her mouth. She fell to her knees before the toilet and throw up what little she had in her stomach. Before she could get to her feet, a hand was placed on the back of her head and pushed her face into the toilet. The smell of her voice made her nauseous again and her stomach heavened.

“Rog,” a voice said. “Since she couldn’t manage your cock in her mouth, you may put it into her ass.”

Justine screamed and thrashed but other hands joined the first and held her in position. Every time she inhaled to cry out she smelled the void and her stomach rebelled again. She felt something warm and wet wipedover her asshole. Then Justine felt what must have been the head of Roger cock pressed hard against the tight opening.

“Nooooo…arrgahackk!” She cried between heavens.

She barely heard the swish of the cane before Roger slammed his cock against her hole. The head slipped in and Jasmine opened her mouth wide in a silent scream. Roger did not pull out and with the next stroke drive in deeper.


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