It is a Saturday. The day has started as usual, with exercises, though today as there are no workers in the offices Tatarina was sparred a fucking at the end of the session. She was returned to her cell where she sat and read. She was now allowed reading material, all of it erotic. Still it was a vast improvement on sitting staring up at the small square of sky or the wall opposite her cell.
Tea was served and she just settled down for the evening, when a guard opened her door, she stood immediately and waited for the usual fondling and abuse, however this evening she was simply led from her cell, on a lean of course and taken through the near empty building. Finally she was led into a room which took her completely by surprise as there were racks upon racks of clothes. Along one side of the room were several mirrors and makeup stations. She was led to one of these and made to sit. Two women approached and looked her up and down.
“She will do nicely, fine facial lines, perfect. She does dance doesn’t she? Well wench do you dance, I believe you are being given lessons even here at the institute, is that right?”
“Yes Mam, I can dance and we have been taught all the dances of the Guff.
“Excellent, you will do well then.”
Tatarina had no idea what she was talking about, and what was all this about dancing?
The women moved Tatarina’s face to the left and right with her hand on her jaw.
Tatarina stood and removed her top and apron, blushing as she was not used to stripping in front of women. The women looked her naked body up and down.
“Very nice, she has nice tits, don’t you think Isada.”
“Very nice, the women fondled and squeezed her tits and tweaked her nipples.”
Tatarina lowered her head to avoid looking at the women, were they lesbians? She had heard the building held a few of these women.
“I think we should leave them exposed, or do you think a light covering.”
“Oh exposed theyare too fine to hide. I will see what I can find.”
With which she disappeared into the racks of clothes.
Tatarina sat wondering what on earth was going on, who were these ladies and just what were they up. The woman beside her picked up a brush and over the next 15 minutes applied different make ups and rouges until she was satisfied with the results. Tatarina stared at the mirror for looking back at her was a strikingly beautiful girl, she had never imagined she could be made to look so fine.
“There, that’s better.”
“Come along Bissa, we do not have all night.
“Coming. I think I have just the right dress.”
The other women returned with a midnight blue gown hung over her arm and a short pale blue cape.
“Here look at these they are just what we need.”
Tatarina was amazed, what was going on that needed here to be made up so well and to be dressed in this fine dress. It was obviously made of silk.
“Come along you, don’t dawdle, stand up.”
Tatarina looked around for some underwear, but there was none as far as she could see. The women open the back of the dress and made Tatarina step into it, slowly she raised it up her body until it was just below her breasts and then started to zip it up. To Tatarina shock there was nothing to cover her breasts. The gown stopped below them thus emphasizing her assets, the cincher just rising to separate her globes. The skirt was slit up the side starting just below her breasts making it clear to whoever saw her from the side that she was not wearing any panties, as when she moved the two halves separated revealing a line of flesh unbroken by any other material, from the floor to her armits.
But of course the shock was her breasts, was this it then, and where was she going dressed like this.
One of the ladies reached onto the bench and Taking some light rouge clapped one of Tatarina’s breasts and painted the nipples just a little, emphasizing them even more. Then there came another shock. One of the ladies picked up what Tatarina thought was a pair of earrings. She stood in front of her and gently but firmly pulled her nipples, one by one until the attention forced them to erect. She then took the small pendent and placed a loop over the erect nipples and closed it, trapping the flesh. She repeated it with the other, and in the mirror Tatarina was dismayed to see the two large pearls dangling from her breasts.
A blue soft leather chase replaced the usual one she wore, though she noted the number 69 still dangled from the item.
She was handed the cape and she draped this over her shoulders. It was short, very short, just long enough to cover her nipples. The base of her breasts was clearly visible under the hem. Of course the pearls also swung feely Below the cape, making it obvious to any observer that they must be fixed to Tatarina’s nipples.
A pair of fine shoes made up the image and she was complete, well save for a few missing items, like panties and bras, but that seemed to be it.
“Right she’s ready! Let’s go.”
The leash was replaced onto the choker, and Tatarina was pulled towards the door.
Go, but where, Tatarina feared the worse. All this must mean somewhere she was going to be placed on display again. She was hurried along corridors she had never gone down before. A car was waiting as they exited a side entrance to the building. She was bustled into the back, exposing the full length of her leg as she got in. The light was on and the driver looked at her as she settled smiling as he noted the pearls on the half moons of her breasts.
The journey was not long, but as they drove the women explained to Tatarina that she would be required to dance with men for the night, she was to be a free partner, until she was picked up at the end of the night. She would soon realize what was going on, there were service area in the corners of the ballroom.was forbidden to leave the room on any account, and on risk of severe punishment. She would also do as she was told. She was to drink only cordial, and was not allowed to eat anything. There were matrons there to direct when necessary. Did she understand? Tatarina said she thought she did, she was to be a dance partner for men during the night.
They stopped outside of the Astasia Ballroom, which had found a new lease of life under the Guff. Men were congregating outside as Tatarina was led from the car. She caught a few glances as she stood in full view, the wind catching her skirt and exposing her long legs. The walked up the steps and into the seventeen foyer. There were lots of men chatting, but no women she noted.
“After we go through that door, you are to do exactly what the Compeer tells you, do you understand? Failure to do this will result in very severe punishment do you really understand 69? And remember no chattering, only talk if directly addressed.”
“Yes Mam.”
The two women led Tatarina by her lean towards the large entrance doors. Several of the men they passed gave her very admiring glances, she was even pointed out. The ballroom doors which were opened by a man in uniform. As she entered the ballroom itself she was overwhelmed. The sumptuousness of the decor was amazing. The room was warmly lit by chandeliers everywhere. Along One side were tables around which men sat drinking and chatting. On the stage was an orchestra under spotlights. The dance area at present was empty and as she looked around she noted at the back of the hall were several girls, and it was towards these that she was being led. Part of the back of the hall was concealed behind a temporary partition, where other girls were emerging.
“Hello Bissa, Isada, how are you and what do we have here, I did not realize the Serfs had so many serviceable women.”
“Oh they need a lot of work, but they can be very passable.”
“That gown is lovely; please get the wench to take off the cape. Oh very nice, those tits will get the men frisky, and I do like the pearls, beautiful how they hang so well from her nipples.”
Tatarina blushed under the women’s gaze, but more so as she was now semi-naked in this room with so many others around. The other girls were all in a similar state of undress, with their breasts also revealed by their costumes. There were over thirty girls standing their heads bowed as they awaited their instructions. Tatarina suddenly concluded that these women must also be from punishment centers around the town and country. They were all very attractive, though Tatarina’s breasts were just slightly bigger than the others. All were generally endowed, no flat chests here.
As the minutes ticked away she had the chance to look around the room. There were several men standing at a bar around one end, whilst the rest sat at the tables. They were all in black and in the subdue lighting around the edge of the room all looked alike. There were about 100 all together, but at no tables did she see any women. At that moment the band started and stimulated the men to leave the bar and make towards the tables, carrying their drinks with them.
“Gentlemen, your attention please.”
Tatarina looked up at the stage where a compeer had suddenly appeared and was talking into a microphone.
“Welcome to the Astasia, where we hope to stimulate you and hopefully satisfied you.”
There were cheers and catcalls from the men.
“For those who have not been to our Tops or Tails night, let me take a moment to explain. The evening is divided into two parts. We will begin in a minute with some of our favorite tunes and dances. The girls are here to entertain you, as dancing partners, whilst later when we are more lucky and eager, we will truly begin our Tops or Tails part of the evening, so bare with me, or rather with our lovely girls….”
More chefs and catcalls.
“Whohave been provided for us tonight by our wonderful ministry of correction, and I hope you will enjoy helping them to find their true place in our society. But enough of that, let us begin by bringing the girls into the light, come along girls, no need to be shy.”
The girls were pushed and shooed onto the dance floor by the matrons. Tatarina was horrified to be exposed like this under the spot lights. The Other girls mingled together.
“Lovely, come along girls form a line here under the stage, that’s right turn around and let our honored guests see you.”
Tatarina shuffled around until at last the girls formed a line under the stage, standing facing the audience. From the back of the room several spotlights lit and slowly swept along the line of semi-naked girls. All the while the competitor kept up a Banter referring to the exposed and highlighted assets of the girls. There were jokes about keeping abreast of the times and exposing the sins of the flesh. There were of course chefs and laughter from the men as the humiliation continued. Tatarina thought the spotlight lingered longer over her than the other girls, but this could have been her imagination.
“Lovely, and what an evening we have in front of you. Now for those who have not been to one of our famous Tops and Tails nights, let me take a minute to explain and whilst I’m doing that the girls will form a line and walk around so you can appreciate them all the more from close up., though I hope you will get even closer by the end of the night! Madame if you would like to start the promenade. Now gentlemen you all have a number which I will call, when it is time for you to join your partner. Have no fear the night is young and there will be plenty of time for you to enjoy several of our wonderful girls. And don’t forget we run these evening once every week, so if you feel the need, or need to feel!”
The men laughed and cheered at this joke.
“Please come along again.”
Tatarina followed around the room after the girl in front for what else could she do, she knew that to be severely punished could be very bad, so here she was parading her breasts to the gaze of the men around the room. Finally the girls finished walking around the tables and returned to the front.
“Right ladies take the girls onto the floor for the first dance, which tonight will be the Gallops, and gentlemen if numbers 1 to 30 will join the ladies, we will start.”
There was a lot of movement and the girls formed a line and stood awaiting their partners. The men now approached and stood opposite the girls at arms length. Tatarina’s partner’s eyes were firmly glued to her breasts and the dangling pearls. She took a moment to examine the men, who were all ages and builds. They were all dressed in dinner jackets and looked very smart. Her partner was an older man with a moustache. The dance consistent of creating two lines facing each other, this forming a corridor. At certain timesin the music, the end couple would turn into the corridor and skip down the length of it, when they reached the end the next couple and so it went on. Tatarina waited her time watching as the girls skipped down the line their breasts bouncing about on their chest. She started and every male eye watched her as her large tits jiggled about uncontrollably as she skipped down the line. The men whooped and cheered as each of the girls performed her dance. The pearls flicked and flipped about at the end of her nipples as she danced. Every move made the pearls tug gently on her nipples. When the dancers faced each other during the dance the man’s eyes roved over her breasts, occasionally rising to smile at her face.
As Tatarina danced around the floor she was met time and time again by the image of the other girls bouncing breasts as they too performed in front of the men.
Finally the dance stopped and the next set of men took the place of the first. This time it was skip and hop, another dance requiring the girls jumped gay about, not that Tatarina felt gay, though she still heard the words of warning from the matron, and knew what it means to be punished. Again the girls breasts bounced and moved to and fro on their chest as unsupported they seemed to have a life of their own. This time the men seemed a little braver than the first and at every opportunity touched Tatarina’s breasts, squeezed and fondling them. Once more the dance ended, by now Tatarina’s nipples were beginning to become tender to the touch as the loop tightened with their further erection.
“And now a slight change of pace, the Waltz of the Wolves.”
Tatarina’s partner took her into his arms and pressed his body against her crushing her breasts to his chest. She could feel the bump of his erection against her tigh as he moved. His hand Behind her slide under the dress and found the bare skin of her back. It stroked her nakedness under the dress sliding down to finish on her buttocks where it squeezed her cheats for the rest of the dance. This dance was also repeated with the men fondling her naked buttocks as they clasped her closely.
“And now gentlemen the Silver Spoon waltz.”
Tatarina dreaded this one as she knew what would occur. In this dance the Gentlemen stands behind the Lady and in the correct waltz grabs her by the waist as they dance like spoons. Of course in this dance her breasts are the focus of the grabbing, as around the room the men take the opportunity to care the ladies breasts as they dance. This partner seemed to take delight in tugging at the pearl pendants, making them even tenderer as the dance wore on. Tatarina could see the other girls being abused in the same way, though she was the only one with nipple jewelry.
One after another, dance followed dance, as the girls were forced to jump, or skip or hop about or be gropeed at close hand. Tatarina spend one very uncomfortable dance with her partners first finger insertted up her arsehole for the entire dance. On one reverse dance her cunt was fingered and invaded for the duration, leaving her clip swollen and sensitive after the man’s attention.
The clocked ticked on and Tatarina seemed to have danced forever. For the last two hours, the girls had been subject to every type of digital invasion and abuse during the dances. When would it stop? Tatarina was dry and thirsty, here nipples almost on fire from the abuse they had received, the tight loops cutting into her swollen flesh.
“Well isn’t this lovely Gentleman, though I am sure by now you are getting well ready for the second part of the evenings entertainment.”
There were cheers from the men as they clapped and chanted.
“In order for the girls to be prepared and the men to get ready we will have a short intervention where snacks will be served. So gentlemen fill your glasses, for “Tops and Tails” is next on the agenda.”
The band put down its instruments and the compeer left the stage. The girls were herded back to the back of the room to the area behind the partition.
“Right come along, we’ve not much time, you, come on pay attention or you will feel the whip!”
Tatarina stood looking at the matrons not daring to talk.
“Now listen, you will all strip, but keep your shoes on. Well what are you waiting for strip and place your clothes on the table over There!”
Tatarina’s heart sunk, stripped and then what? She did as she was told as the other girls striped off and soon she stood naked hearing the sound of the men on the other side of the screen. Surely she was going to be given something to wear?
“For your entry you will be dressed for the Peacocks dance. As that will be the first event after the break. So queue up by Matron Bissa who will start the Dressing. Whilst you’re waiting place this chain around your wait.”
With which she directed one of her helpers to walk around giving the girls the thin golden chain,which had a small clip attached to it.
Tatarina surprised, at least they would have something on, as she was getting nervous standing here in the nude. She fixed the chain around her waist. Her hopes were not long lived as she was picked to be the first to “get dressed”.
“Here you come here. Yes you.”
Tatarina was pushed forward and saw in the matron’s hand a cluster of peacock’s feathers. She imagined she was going to be dressed as she had seen girls in the corners.
“Turn round girl face away that’s right, now bend over and touch your toes.”
Tatarina did as she was told, though reluctant to expose herself like this, before she knew what was going on the matron place her hand on her hip and inserted a thick plug into her anus. Tatarina squeaked as the object was pushed home and tried to rise.
“Stay there girl or there will be trouble.”
The matron voice and hand stopped her. The plug slide in until it finally stopped and because of its shape stayedfirmly up her arse.
“Stand up.”
Tatarina stood and discovered the peacock feathers were attached to the plug and rose like a fan up her back. The centre of the feathers was clipped to the waist band which stopped them flopping over. She was pushed away as the next girl was forced to humiliate herself. As she walked away feeling the fatigue of the plug in her arsehole. I wiggled about as the feathers moved with her movement. Was this all she was to wear?
One by one the girls were fitted with the obscene device until at last they all stood naked, their breasts and public region free for the eyes of the men to perve over. Like beautiful birds, whose feathers rose behind them.
“Listen, the compeer will lead into your entry, and the band will play, you are to follow Bissa and finish in a line in front of the stage, do you understand? Good. Now quickly grab something to drink, there’s some water over there.”
She pointed to a table with several small bottles standing on it. She as did the other girls drinking deeply as they were all pared from the dancing.
“Come along now!”
Tatarina dreaded the next moment to be exposed obscenely like this to all these men with this obscenity stick up her backside was almost more than she could bare, but knowing the consequence of refusal, knew she had to comply.
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