Donna waited for a response. She felt fairly certain that she was correct but under the circumstances she just couldn’t be sure. The delay, a few seconds that felt like minutes, increased her appreciation. Was she right? What was going to happen?
She felt his tongue gently licking at her nipple. A sense of relief came over her as a warm glow spread throughout her body. Her guess was right. She smiled. Everything else faded out as she experienced the joy of having her sensitive nipples pleasured. All that existed was the feeling of his wet mouth and saliva soaked fingers sucking and pinching at her taut nipples. She moaned. She wanted to speak, to tell him how good it felt but she couldn’t. Ten words. That was all she was allowed to say during this session. Obedience was paramount. Donna gritted her teeth to keep the words from escaping as the sound of her moans and labored breathing filled the room. The buzz in her brain continued even after he pulled away. He laid next to her, watching as she returned to reality.
As he pulled her lower lip down slightly with his finger, her mouth automatically opened. He delicately slide the cold soft pull between her expected lips. She swished it around in her mouth trying to discern its identity. Could she guess what was in her mouth? That was the game. The session was an exercise in sensing deprivation and accentuation.The black silk scarf covering her eyes prevented her from seeing the morsel. In addition, a set of heavy soundproof earmuffs deadened her sense of hearing. Her ability to taste and smell was on trial. The reward or penalty would occur in the realm of the greatly magnified sense of touch. And Donna was wide open for touch, lying naked spread eagled on the bed, wrists and ankles tied securely to the bedposts.
His mouth immediately went to her neck, an extremely sensitive and tender area. Donna swooned as her Dom kissed, licked, nibbled, and sucked, moving slowly back and forth from ear to ear. Her throat turned ruby red, contrasting beautifully with the surrounding lily white skin. Before finishing he pulled her hair lifting her head off the bed. Leaning forward he bit into the back of her neck, producing a simulateneous rush of sharp pain and intense pleasure. The ecstatic recipient squealed joyfully as this most susceptible area of her body was ravaged by his gnawing teeth. The effect was so strong that Donna felt an orgasm coming on. But he sensed it too and withdraw leaving her gasping on the edge of climax.
Next, a small capful of pure Vermont map syrup was carefully poured onto her waiting tongue. It was very sweet. At first Donna thought of molasses but it didn’t quite match. She moved her tongue back and forth sloshing the syrup over her taste buds trying very hard to match the taste with one stored in her memory. At last she came up with one.
“AAAARRRRGGGGHHH!!!” Donna grimaced and gnashed her teeth as she felt the block of ice sliding over her skin. It was all she could do to keep her scream from turning into words. As he slide the ice over her chest and stomach the helpless prisoner pulled vigorously at the ropes which held her. Her nipples became rock hard as he scraped the frozen block over them. Donna began to breath very heavily. Her skin was sensitive to cold. And he knew it. And she knew that he knew it. For a moment she thought of using the safeword but she resisted. It was important to her to experience what her Dominant gave her. She decided to endure, no matter what.
He felt her determination. The stakes were higher now. He glided the ice effortlessly over her upper body until stopping it at her armit. He pressed it in firmly moving it back and forth over the small ultra sensitive area. Donna’s body involuntarily jerked upward as the ropes were again stressed to the max. Strange moans, tainted with urgent pleading tones, escaped from her lips. Her teeth beganto chatter.
To lessen the tension he moved the ice to her lower body, running the shrinking block up and down her legs in rapid strokes. The intensity was reduced yet Donna began to quiver. Not only was the ice affecting her but she was terrified that he would ice her feet. She thought it was the one area she could not tolerate the cold on. She was greatly relieved when he pushed the block back up her legs without Touching her feet. But the relief was shortlived. The ice, which was now reduced to the size of a cube, was pressed against her clip. Donna groaned as she felt her swollen clip shrink in size. Finally, he stuck the remaining piece of ice deep into her pussy where her heat quickly melted it.
The bonded submissive took a deep breath. She had survived. Although the ice was torturous for her she felt a distinct sense of Exhilaration as she waited for the next sample.
A large piece of fruit was pushed forced into her mouth. As Donna bit into it her taste buds exploded with a ferocious reaction forcing her to shake her head vigorously side to side. There was no doubt as to the identity of the extremely sour fruit.
Holding the bottle up high over the bed, her Master let the warm fracture oil fall on her body like rain from above. From shoulders to feet the sandalwood scented liquid dripped onto her, flowing freely down her sides. When a sufficient amount had fallen he moved the lubricant in gentle circles around her skin being sure to cover every spot. He then began a fingertip massage. The pressure was so light at times that Donna barely felt the contact. The warmth of the oil contrasted magnificently with the lingering effects of the recently applied ice. Gradually he increased the pressure expertly massaging her body in the way that she loved. Donna cooed softly as his hands stroked and kneaded her flesh. Beneath the blindfold she she shed several hidden tears of joy and appreciation. After rubbing down her entirebody he stopped to prepare the next taste.
Squeezing his cock he pressed upward on the shake releasing a large drop of precum. Carefully placing it on his finger, he rubbed it on Donna’s waiting lips. Slurping it in with her tongue, she smiled as she gave her answer;
“Master’s cum.”
The Dom moved into position straddling his legs above his prostrate submissive. Leaning forward the tip of his erection touched Donna’s lips. As she opened them he gradually slip his swollen cock in. Rhythmically rocking his hips back and forth he slowly and gently fucked her eager mouth. Her successful lips pulled with a forceful draw on his backstrokes. Before withdrawing he drive his hard on deep into her throat burying his cock to the hilt. He held it there momentarily until he felt her gag reflex. He then pulled out fully.
As he was climbing off of her, Donna unexpectedly spoke;
He didn’t quite know what to do with this response. But as he thought about it, he saw that she was right. He started to laugh. She felt his laughter through the violences in the mattress. She started to giggle too. He looked at the plate on the table. He removed the small bottle of Tabasco sauce and put it aside. It would not be used in this session. “Cock” was number six. And as she was correct he had to come up with appropriate stimulation for her.
The riding crop had always been one of his favorite implements. It’s flexibility made it easy to use in a rapid fire motion. He now applied it between Donna’s widely spread legs. Slowly and gently at first, he tapped the black leather tip of the crop on his sub’s exposed clip. Progressively he increased the speed and hardness of the taps, eventually reaching a steady rhythm where the crop was beating on her pussy several times per second.
As the pounding continued Donna reached a state of tremendous arousal. Her partner watched for the telltale signs of her approaching climax. As her hands began to shakehe tossed the crop aside. Leaning down, he put his lips on her cliporis, sucking the throbbing membrane into his mouth. As his tongue caressed and swirled over her clip, Donna was launched into a bodywrenching orgasm. She screamed as she again strained the ropes. Her vagina convulsed sending out several streams of heated juices which wet her lover’s face and hair. He waited until her body was still before removing his mouth. He laid across her body for a few moments giving them both a chance to recover.
The next item selected from the plate was a piece of cherimoya, a fruit chosen purposefully for it’s obscurity. Dry, pulpy, and virtually tasteless, there was little chance that a correct answer would be given. And that was the intent. Her answer was spoken with great uncertainty.
Starting at the base of her neck, he lightly drew the tip of the Buck knife down the center of her chest to her public hairs. Donna held her breath for a moment adjusting herself towhat was happening. Although she enjoyed knifeplay, there was always a level of fear that crept over her as she felt the sharp blade touching her skin. Never had they played like this before with her being restrained and blindfolded. Her heart began to beat faster and small beads of perspiration appeared on her forehead. He touched her all over her body making her experience the razorlike sharpness of the hardened steel. She gasped loudly as he gently scraped the edge over her clip. Moving up he stabbed at her nipples with slight thrusts of the pointed tip of the blade. Donna felt a heated sensing. She was certain that she was cut, but she was not. For a finale he moved the knife to her neck. Donna laid perfectly still as he drew the blade back and forth in horizontal lines across her throat. This produced a delicious fear inside the helpless girl. For although terrified she adored what he was doing. She felt grateful for having a Dominant who understand her needs so well.
He looked at the plate. The three items left were relatively easy to guess. He had planned it that way. He wanted to be loving to her at the end. Therefore he was shocked when after sliding the chunk of strawberry between her lips, he heard;
Her favorite fruit! How could she not recognize her favorite fruit? He was stunned for a moment as her error forced him to change his plans. He Thought of a suitable torture for her.
Going to the end of the bed, he reached out and grabbed her left foot holding it still in a visionlike grip. Leaning over he began to lick her toes. The ticklish woman began to laugh uncontrollably. Without mercy he sucked on each digit taking it into his mouth where he nibbled and chewed the length of it. He ran his tongue all along the bottom of her foot increasing her frenzy. As he moved to her right foot he stepped up the process. He stopped licking and started biting. Hard. Donna began to scream and flail about in her limited capacity to do so. But he held her foot tightly in place. He bit very hard into the ball of her foot. Donna lost what little control she had left:
It was hard to know which one of them was more surprised by her screaming obscenities at him. She had disobeyed, breaking the rules of the session as he had laid them out. She was not suppossed to speak unless it was time to guess. As he finished with her feet, they both knew that repurcussions were coming.
Donna’s voice was a bare whisper as she announced the name of the easily discernable fruit. But it made no difference that she was right. Her outburst had caused her to forfeit any chances of a pleasant reward. She was resigned to the fact that a punishment was coming. But she also knew that sometimes his punishments were mind numbing trips to nirvana. She waited to see what was in store for her.
He slide the long and wide cucumber into her pussy. It took a bit of effort as the walls of her vagina were stretched to the max. When it was fully inserted he left it there. Donna adjusted to having the large vegetable inside her. The cold skin of the cuke was quickly warmed by the heat of her body.
From his cabinet he took out his favorite implement, the rope flogger. It was composed of 50 strands of black and white dyed rope When applied properly it carried a ferocious yet tolerable wallop. It was a “thudder” rather than a “stinger”. The impact was felt deep in the body rather than at the surface of the skin. Although it could cause blising, it did not leave welts or cuts.
He started the whipping at her feet. He wound up with the flogger pulling it from far back before swinging it forward to land on her defenseless body. Over and over he pounded it with all his strength onto her vulnerable skin, moving his aimpoint slowly up her body. As he reached her breasts he made a special effort to strike even harder. She felt the blood rushing to the surface of her tender breasts warming them in a way that she found very stimulating despite the bruising impact. Her boobs, and indeed her entire body, turned a shade of pink. Only when he reached her neck did he pause to take a short break. His body was soaked with sweat from the enormous energy he had spent flogging her over a hundred times. He needed to catch his breath before the finish.
Up to this point all the flogs had been across her body. He now positioned himself so that he might connect parallel to her pussy. The first shot made her gasp. Without any hesitation he commenced to pounding the rope onto her clip over and over. The vibrations spread deep inside her causing the walls of her pussy to contract and expand around the mammoth cucumber that was still lodged inside her. The stimulation was so great that Donna felt the waves of several powerful orgasms wrapping her body. Only when she became completely still did he stop the pounding.
While she was recovering quietly he pickedup a very thin light wooden paddle. He applied two vicious swats, one to each nipple. A white heat shot through her body like an electric current to her brain. The sudden sharp pain brought Donna back to life for the tenth and final taste.
It was fortunate that only one item was left on the tray as they were both near exhaustion. The Dom wiped a cool damp cloth across her body soothing her heated skin. He then raised a small plastic bottle to her lips squirting a small dose of liquid on them. Donna licked her lips and immediately recognized the taste.
He squirted more into her mouth. As her tongue came out to intercept the flow, the sweet syrup flowed down her chin and neck. Still he continued to squeeze the bottle. She closed her mouth momentarily then spurted out;
“Honey, honey……HONEY!”
She felt him laughing again as he continued to squirt the honey into her face. The golden syrup flowed onto her red hair. He moved his aim downward coverg her chest with the thick sticky fluid. Only when the flow stopped did he toss the bottle aside. Reaching again for the knife he cut the ropes which held her hands. He then pulled out the cucumber and easily inserted his cock into the greatly expanded opening. As he began to thrust he leaned down to kiss her. The two lovers shared the sweet taste of honey.
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