I’m putting this is in the BDSM section, so if you want ice cold dehumanization and extreme humiliation you only need to hit back to browser through hundreds of stories about that kind of thing. If you’re looking for a romance flavoured with frequent missteps, D/S, and lots of light BDSM (gradually getting a little bit heavier as the chapters go on), then get yourself some snacks or a cold drink, sit back and relax. This is the story for you.
Also I wrote this to appeal to both men and women, so both characters get nearly equal first person POV time, and I think you’ll find them both seem fun and identifyable.
The young Asian woman was silent as she gazed out the airplane’s plastic window at the spraying city of neon, technological lights that lay twinkling in the desert below us. I quietly leaned over my seat and peered past her. Just a few miles away, I could see the hotels and casinos of the Strip, tall and modern and garishly beautiful. Las Vegas was the only city I had ever visited that looked more alive at night than during the day.
“Impressed, Saki? Don’t be. It’s the tackiest city on Earth.”
Saki looked over her shoulder at me with an amused little half-smile.
“Oh is that so? And what makes you so sure of that Will, when we both know you haven’t visited every city in the world yet?” She pushed me lightly on my shoulder, and I sat back down in my seat with my usual shit-eating grin plastered across my face.
I cuffed her lightly on side of her head, “Don’t get smart with me, young lady.”
She stuck out at her tongue, and made an en-garde gesture with her plastic fork, “Explain yourself then sir, lest I be forced to chastise you for Your footish lies!”
I laughed and held up my hands in defeat.
“Well, here’s how I see it. Las Vegas has almost no culture of its own, so it just imports ideas from other places, and fucks them up super badly. Just wait until you seeCaesar’s Palace. It’s this big casino on the Strip that’s literally done in the style of ancient Rome. Statues, fountains, little buss of the Emperors. It’s so stupid it’s kind of charming.”
Saki had dropped her guard, so I plucked the fork from her fingers, and put it in the seat pocket in front of me. “Oh come on, that was too easy. You’re such an amateur.”
Saki leaned back in her seat and rolled her eyes at me, as if the fork was suddenly of no more interest to her than all of the possible new boyfriends I’d teasingly pointed out for her over the course of the flight. “You’re kidding about that Caesar’s Palace place, right?”
“You don’t believe me?”
Saki laughed. “No I do, but it just sounds so ridiculous.” She glanced out the window one more time before sliding it shut. “I guess you have to take me there to prove it.”
I ruffled her hair because I knew it would annoy her. “It’s a deal.”
The PA system on the airplane soon booted up with a chime, and a flight attendant announced that we were beginning descent into the Las Vegas area, and that they were coming down the aisle to collect garbage, and if we would please return our seat tables to their upright and locked position and stay in our seats they would be much obliged.
I glanced at my watch. It was 5:30. That means we were right on time. The sun would rise in a few hours. I’d slept yesterday afternoon, but Saki had taken a short nap on the plane. It hadn’t really been necessary for us to take overnight flight to Las Vegas from Toronto but I’d wanted a day to spend hitting the Strip before the reunion got me down.
Saki returned her seat table to its upright and locked position, and drained her little plastic cup of Sprite, handing it to me. “When is your family reunion again?”
I handed the cup off to a flight attendant who was coming down the aisle with an open garbage bag. “It’s tomorrow at three, and I don’t want to be there a second earlier.”
Sakiwas looking at me with a concerned expression. “You really hate them, huh?” I sawed in exasperation and nodded. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?”
“I’m sure.” I flashed her a quick smile.
“Okay,” Saki shrugged. She didn’t like to probe. “I suppose you can at least be grateful your grandparents are paying for this flight and the hotel and stuff.”
I let out a breath, “No. I owe them fuck all. Think of it like a business transaction. I’m doing them a favour by coming down, and they’re doing me a favour by paying for it. “
She hit me, but it was half-hearted, “Oh come on. That’s disrespectful.”
I had to give it to her, she didn’t know how funny she sounded. I suppose I hadn’t told her how or why they were so fucking rich. It wasn’t something you bragged about.
I suppose it might seem strange that I was traveling with a friend to a city she had never visited for an event she wasn’t going to attend, so to briefly explain, my grandmother hadarranged for all the family to fly down to Vegas for a family reunion at her expense, and I, being the slick son of a bitch that I was, had told her I had been planning on spending the break with my girlfriend Tammy, and I wouldn’t come if she could’t come as well. I’d ended up conning her out of a room at a nice hotel on the Strip and two business class tickets. Then to nobody’s surprise but my own apparently, I’d broken up with Tammy three days later, and I’d decided that rather than letting my extra ticket go to waste, I’d go ahead and offer it to Saki, my best friend from high school, whom I hadn’t seen since Christmas.
There was a bump as the plane got lower and it was buffeted by the wind. Saki looked at me excitedly, “Wow! Did you feel that? It went crazy there for a second!”
I laughed at her enthusiasm. “I felt it, yeah, the same as I’ve felt every other bump, twist, and gut-wrenching falling this plane has gone through over the past four hours.”
Saki frowned atme, “Oh sorry Columbus, I forgot you’re such a jaded traveller.” I have to say she sounded just a little bit more sarcastic than apologetic. I was in no way a travel expert, but when I was a kid, I’d used to fly from Toronto to Las Vegas every Christmas to visit my grandparents who had big house in a local gated community.
Eventually we descended into the Airport. The plane connected with the tarmac after a few partial thuds, and came rolling to a stop a few minutes later. We unbuckled our seatbelts and got our carry-on luckage from the overhead compartment. Thanks to our excellent seats, we ended up being two of the first people off the plane.
We didn’t have to go through Customs here because the because the United States and Canada were still friendly enough that we’d been able to do it Because back in Toronto before take-off, which was a plus in my opinion. Luckily we hadn’t been stopped.
I led Saki through the terminal down to the road. Even here, there were people using slot machines in separate, cordoned off sections of the Airport. The way Las Vegas seemed to embrace its own image as the gambling capital of the world had always fascinated me. Every mall, every corner shop, every grocery store, even some of the fancy restaurants had their own slot machines, and almost always enough people to use them.
There was a taxi already waiting for us in the parking lot outside the Airport. The driver was a nice Swedish guy with a really thick accent and bulging muscles who took all our bags to the back in one trip. I wondered to myself why a Swede was working a minimum wage job in Las Vegas, but when I decided to ask him, his response was vague and lead me to believe he wasn’t welcome by the government in his home country.
I talked with Saki for the rest of the ride. More than anything, she was fascinated by the palm trees that seemed to grow every few metres by the side of the road.
“They really aren’t that unusual, you know. From what I’ve seen, they grow them all over the southern United States.” She looked at me and scratched her nose unconsciously, and I know her well enough to know that means she wanted to hear more.
I rubbed the back of my neck, trying to think of anything I could add.
“There isn’t much else to say. They aren’t coconut trees or anything…Did you know in Hawaii they have to hire people to keep coconut trees trimmed because otherwise a ripe coconut can fall off like a bowling ball and crack someone’s head wide open?”
“No,” Saki shook her head, “I’ve never been outside Canada before.”
“Not even to Japan? I thought you had family down there.”
Saki looked at me for a minute, perhaps a little hurt. “No, I thought I already told you this. I almost went When we were kids, but when my mother told her parents she probably wasn’t ever going to move back to Tokyo, they called the whole thing off.”
I hit myself upside the head as the memory came to me.
“Oh rightt, that summer.” When we’d been kids, Saki had spent every summer playing video games with me on my N64 at my house until I went to Vegas. Once when I was nine, she’d told me two weeks in advance that she wouldn’t be able to come over again that year, but then abruptly showed up anyway. “I can’t believe I forget.”
A weak smile touched the corners of Saki’s lips as she stared out the window, “That’s okay, it’s totally understandable. It was a long time ago. Hey look, a mirage!”
I turned around to see what she was pointing at. “Oh yeah, that.”
In the summer, patches of Las Vegas sometimes get so hot that the air shimmers, kind of like when a kid presses his finger down on an LCD display and the screen goes all warped and colorful. That’s What Saki was seeing now. In the outdoor malls, they sometimes have steel poles that look a lot like street lights and spray mist into the air, which enhances the illusion wherever the little roaming droplets of water happento touch. When I was a little kid, I used to love standing underneath the polls and basking in the sun.
When we arrived at the Casino and stepped out into the street, the heat hit us like a stifling polyester blanket had been suddenly tossed over our heads, and practically ripping our luckgage out of the trunk, we sprinted for the sliding glass doors like lunatics.
I’d never stayed in a Casino before, so I was kind of excited to see what kind of accommodation we would be getting as I checked in at the front desk. I’d seen the price my grandmother was paying for just three nights in this place, so I expected the room to be damned nice. I have to admit I was far from disappointed. It was pretty damned nice.
It had a nice balcony with an excellent view of the Strip and the busy street outside, but was completely soundproof. The bathroom was ultra-modern and very well equipped, with a shower and a jacuzzi. There were two beds with a clean white blankets, two greenleather chairs sitting on opposite sides of a low, glass table. It was decorated with bright modern art, and had a high definition television mounted on the wall. The air conditioning was turned a couple of degrees too high, but it was nothing to complain about. It smelled clean and invigorating. There was a pre-stocked mini-fridge in the corner, and Saki went and got herself a Sprite and a nice ice cold beer for me. I grinned at her as she set it down.
“You know my tastes too well.”
It was almost noon by now, and we sat there in a comfortable silence as we sipped at our drinks and Saki turned on her laptop and went through her emails in the slightly too chilly room. Her clothes were damp with sweat, and her pink t-shirt clung to her small breasts like a sponge as she stood up and stretched her arms above her head with a sight.
“Is it OK if I go take a shower now? It’s super hot out there.”
I waived my hand, “Sure thing. You don’t need to ask my permission.”
I waived my hand, “Sure thing. You don’t need to ask my permission.”
I waived my hand, “Sure thing. You don’t need to ask my permission.”
I took another gulp of my beer as she disappeared into the wash room, and I heard the sound of the shower curve being drawn, followed by the sound of pounding water I set the beer on the glass table, lacened my hands behind my head and looked around.
The clock on the wall said it was now 11:42, which means we had roughly an hour to kill before I wanted to go out. I gazed at Saki’s laptop on the table. It was still logged in.
Ever since we’d been kids, Saki had never let anyone touch or watch her on her computer. I’d once been on a school trip with her and there’d been nothing to do but watch YouTube videos, but even then Saki had acted like at any given moment, a monster was going to randomly pop out of the screen and hand me all her secrets… I’d always wondered if she was just a little bit strange, or if she actually had something to hide.
I glanced at the bathroom door. The shower was still running hard. I picked up the laptop and turned it around, bringing the screen to life with a brush of my finger.
There was a GIF of a little girl dressed as a cupcake running in circles across the screen. I minimized Google Chrome and scanned her desktop. I was not surprised to find that she had organized everything into little folders. There was a Games folder, a School folder, a Pictures 2012 folder, a Pictures 2013 folder, all kinds of folders.
One that caught my eye was a labeled Writing, so I double clicked it.
I raised an eyebrow as the folder opened up into even more folders, this time getting a little more specific. They were fiction, non-fiction, essays, fan fiction, but far and away the most intriguing was labelled erotic fiction. I went in without hesitation.
It opened up into a series of Microsoft Word Documents. They were titled things like, ‘girl is tied up and punished by her master’, ‘girl is rapided by stranger in the park’, and ‘cheating girlfriend is brutally punished’. What the hell? I’d been curious,but now I was agog. I clicked on the first document and I think my jaw dropped a few inches.
The girl stood naked on the cold stone floor, ropes wrapped around her arms, legs, and breasts, keeping her held in place as she squirmed and shivered in the dim light of the basement, blindfolded, sweating, whimpering. Around her neck there was a collar, which was tied by a thin silver chain to wall. Her loose black hair hung alone over her breasts.
Her master stood behind her, a thin black whip in his hand, gazing as her with dispatchate eyes. He put a hand on her shoulder, and forced her to her knees before him. She kissed his hand, groaning, on the verge of tears, “Master please. I’m sorry.”
I had to admit I was kind of blown away. Had Saki wrote this herself? Was this the kind of thing she fantasized about? I’m not proud of it, but I’ll admit that I watch porn like every other guy in the world, and I’ve checked out my fair share of BDSM in my time,but I had never had so much of an inkling of a desire to write it down. This was new to me.
Her master told in disappointed, “Your chance to apologize is over. Perhaps you should have thought of the consequences before you refused to answer my queries earlier this day, foolish girl. Plead as hard as you like, I won’t forgive your insolence.”
The girl tried to bargain with him once more. “But master, please, I was in class and-” the girl screamed as the whip bit her back, and a red welt erupted on her pale skin.
“Don’t talk back to me,” her master grew, “Speak again without permission, and I’ll double the number of lashes you’re about to receive.”
The girl gasped in despair, but fell silent.
She was so ashamed. She knew she should have replied to those texts. This was what she deserved. This was what needed to happen to make things up to her Master.
Because she was his property, not his equal. Shefelt tears stream down her face.
I stopped reading as I heard the shower go off, and the curve being pulled back. I glanced down between my legs, and realized I had an erection pressing out against my pants. Oh fuck. I put the computer aside, and stood up. I would walk it off.
It was an unfortunate turn of events that Saki left the bathroom looking hot as hell, her small slender body put on lovely display by rather wet t-shirt she was wearing. I flopped down on my bed and pulled my legs up to shield my boss from view. Damn it.
She reached into her suitcase and pulled out a comb and her make-up.
“Forgot this,” she grabbed her hair like a rope and started to run the comb through it, “I wouldn’t want to get a really bad hair day while I’m in Las Vegas, would I?”
“Oh huh,” I said, still thinking about what I’d read on her computer. I’d dated so many girls over the years that I was pretty much deaf to hair care talk by now.
Time passed, and she went back to her bed and flicked on the TV. She turned it to Nickelodeon. We didn’t have Nickelodeon in Canada, so their shows mostly just went on YTV which even as a grown adult, Saki still really liked for some reason. I didn’t really get it, but maybe it was nostalgia or maybe she didn’t like things that felt too serious.
About half an hour into a one hour special of a cartoon about the adventures of magical bald kid with a blue arrow painted on his forehead, Saki was still watching the TV contentedly. I saw and looked at the clock. It was getting on in the day.
“So hey, you feel like ordering room service?”
She crossed her legs, “Sure, what are you thinking?”
“I saw an Indian joint on our way upstairs, they had a sign that said they did delivery to the Casino hotel. You up for that?” I already had the phone in hand at this point.
“Yeah, sounds good.”
“Anything in particular you want me to order?”
“Mm mm.” Saki shook her head absent-mindedly, eyes trained on the screen. The little boy had transformed himself into a giant Godzilla-like water monster and was destroying a fleet of battle ships. I rolled my eyes as I dialled the number.
“Hey there. Yeah, I’d like to order some room service please; I’m in room 307. Oh yeah, uh, right you deliver from the Gala Tandoori place right? Yep OK. I’ll have some, hmm, Some sag paneer, some aloo gobi, uh, I guess some dal, and some baingan bharta. Also some plain rice and two naans please. Let’s say medium hot for the lot? Cool that’s fine. Uh, I’ll be paying with cash I think. Thanks man, yeah just send it up now.”
I hung up the phone, glancing at Saki out of the corner of my eye. It took about twenty minutes for the food to arrive, and when it did, one of the naans was missing. The man apologized to me, said it was a busy night and he’d be right back.
I took the tray of what he had he brought into the room. Saki was still transfixed on the screen, and had begun to pick at a tiny scab on her left elbow. She cried out in protest as I picked up the remote and turned the TV off. “I was watching that!”
“No you weren’t, your show ended two minutes ago. I’m not stupid.” I set the tray down on the glass table. “Don’t be such a couch potato. Come eat lunch with me.”
I spooned out equal portions of the curry onto the two plates, and she came to get hers. After surveying for a moment, she looked up at me in mock disgust. “How could you not have ordered Butter Chicken? What are you, some kind of uncultured swine?”
I laughed, and shot back at her without thinking. “Perhaps you should have thought of the consequences before you refused to answer my queries earlier this day, foolish girl!”
And then I realized in horror what I’d just said.
For a moment, a confused Saki gazed at me as if I had just spoken to her in fluent Latin Then her eyes darted to her laptop sitting on the bed, and her hands went to her mouth as her cheeks turned whiter than paper and the blood drained out of her face.
When she spoke next, her voice was deathly quiet. “You went on my computer.”
“I-” I began, but she was already running towards the bathroom.
“Saki wait,” I leave after her, but she reached the room a second before me, and slammed the door shut behind her with a bang that shook the hotel’s walls.
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