The Tail

I was kneeling on the floor by the front door, waiting patiently. All the chores for the day had been finished. The house was perfectly clean, no dishes left out, no floor un-swept. Everything was perfect. I had been a very good girl today, and I knew it, so I waited, kneeing and naked except for the permanent, steel collar around my neck. My collar was clipped to a leash, which I had tied to the handle of the Close door next to the front door. My long brown hair flowed down my back and my chest, almost touching my nipples, just the way he liked it. Everything was perfect as I waited for him to come home from work, but I was nervous.

I had a surprise for my Master. Nestled into my ass was a plug with a long brown fluffy tail attached. I had wrapped the custom made tail so it would rest next to my legs, partly Because I wanted my Master to see it when he opened the door, but mostly because I didn’t want it to get wet from the juices now dripping from my cunt. I hadn’t had anorgasm in weeks, and the way the plug filled me was making me throb and leak like crazy. My heart hammered as I watched the door. Time was starting to feel like it had slowed down and my resolve was starting to break.

The sound of tires in the drive way nearly made me panic, I wanted to pull the plug from my ass and hide it in the closet, but then Master would think I had been pleasing myself when I wasn’t suppose to, and the bottle of lube I had left out in the living room wouldn’t help me. The plug was also to large to just rip out, I would have to take my time taking it out or I would hurt myself, which would upset Master as well, because then he wouldn’t be able to use my ass for his pleasure, which he loved doing. I heard the car door shut and I took a deep breath and put my hands behind my back so my chest stood out, just the was Master liked. I heard the keys scrape into the lock and a moment later, my Master stepped in and shut the door behind him.

“There’s my good girl!” He said smiling as he made eye contact with me. I smiled and I felt my nipples harden in excitement, the moment of truth finally here.

“Welcome home, Master.” I said, my heart still racing, waiting for him to look down, and he did. He frowned. I almost failed, but I took a slow breath in and realized it wasn’t an angry frown, it was a curious one. I focused on breathing steadily as he stepped towards me and bent down. He touched the tail lightly, feeling the softness of the fur, letting it ticle his hand for a moment. Then he grasped it and gave it a little tug. I gasped. He looked at me and smiled a hungry and sadistic smile.

“Naughty little girl.” He whispered. I felt my face turn red and my nipples tingled a little. “Down.” he said and I leaned forward, letting my ass lift into the air as I rested my face on the ground. He moved the tail so it rested on my back and I felt my juices trail down my leg. “Looks like my little bitch is in heat.” He said as he slide afinger down my slit, I shuddered. “You’ve made quite a mess on the floor, I can’t have that.” He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled to turn me around, “Lick it up!” I whimpered, but obediently stuck out my tongue and lapped like a dog would.

“That’s better,” Master said petting my hair, “good girl.” My heart fluttered and I took another deep breath. Master stood then and took the Leash off the door and headed to the living room. I crawled behind him like I always did, but the tail was now swinging back and forth, tickling my legs, and the plug shifted with every move and I was breathing heavily by the time we reached the couch.

“Aw, it my little pup hot?” Master asked teasingly, “Wait here, I’ll get you some water.” He slipped the leash onto a little hook on the side table and went to the kitchen, returning a moment later with a full bowl.

“Here you go,” He placed it in font of me, “drink it all.” I led down and started lapping like a puppy, not one of the easiest things to do, but I did my best. Master moved my hair to one side so he could see my face better and then he sat on the couch and turned on the TV. “Don’t stop until you’re done, and clean up any mess you make.” I’m not sure how long it took me, but I managed to drink the entire bowl with only a few drops spilled, which I licked up dutifully before sitting up and looking at Master. He had Watched me finish and was smiling at me.

“Good girl!” He said taking hold of the lean again. “Would you like a treatment?”

“Yes, Master.” I said following the pull on my collar. He petted my head smiling, then undid his belt and pants and pulled out his cock, which was slowly stiffening. I leaned in and started licking his balls, helping his cock swell.

Once It was throbbing I licked up the underside until I reached the head and swirled my tongue over it. Master let out a pleasant sight and picked up a hair tie off the side table and pulled my hair into a pony tail to keep it out of the way. I slowly took him into my mouth and into my throat, waiting a moment to show him I had been practicing for him and to allow my saliva to build up to provide lubricant for when I picked up the pace. I repeated this a few times, slowly moving my mouth up and down his shake and teasing the head when I came up for air. This was my favorite part. Master like to tease me all the time, bringing me to the compromise of orgasm and stopping, letting me cool down just to do it again, and again, and again. He drove me crazy with need until I was going for release only to tell me no. This was my revenge, slowly teasing him until he couldn’t stand it and he grabbed my head and fucked my throat. He was getting close to that point, I watched him close his eyes and lean his head back and I took him as far into my throat as I could and held him There, when I started to pull back up for a breath this time, he grabbed my head pushing me back down and held me there. I was calm at first, but I was reaching my limit of holding my breath I could feel my throat threatening to gag. I started trying to pull away and his hand landed on my ass with a sharp slap and he grunted,


I choked, and drool spilled from my mouth as I struggled with my gag reflex, mentally becoming the water I had just drank to stay in my stomach. Just as my head began to spin from lack of oxygen Master pulled my pony tail up and I gasped for breath. A string of spit connect my mouth to his dick before it broke off and slide down my breasts.

“You better worry up or that delicious treatment will go in your ass instead of you mouth.” He grew before lowering my mouth back down. I picked up the pace then, bobbing my head up and down steadily increasing the speed as I went. “That’s better,” Master surprised, “fuck your throat, fast and deep.” His hand held my hair guiding me to the speed he wanted. “That’s, a good little slut!” He grunted and he took over, pulling my hair up and down and thrusting his hips so that each time I went down my nose would bury into him. My cunt throbbed and I could feel my wetness traveling down my thighs and dripping onto the floor, twitching when I realized would have to lick everything up.

Master grabbed my head with both his hands and slammed my face down, forcing his cock down my throat with brute force. He let out a moan as he held me there shooting his load, my treat, straight into my tummy. I moaned on his cock, my eyes closed and my cunt twitching more, letting more juice fall to the floor. He held my head there for a moment after his climax, then slowly lifted my head and stroked my cheek, still glistening with saliva.

“Good girl, go fetch a towel now.” Master said after catching his breath.

“Yes, Sir” I panted starting to get up, but a tug on the leash stopped me. Master Shook his head.

“Puppy’s walk on all fours,” he said, “And they don’t talk. That’s going to be a new rule, while you have the tail in you must crawland you may not speak, only bark, whimper, and moan.” he said flicking my nipple at the last word, causing me to do just that. “Now fetch a towel the right way.” He said unclasping the leash and swatting my butt. “And a clean pair of pants, I need to go back out.” He added as I crawled away.

“I need to run to the store.” Master said once we were cleaned up, he had changed his pants and I had licked up my mess, which had been a considerable amount more than the first time. He opened the side table drawer and pulled out two pad locks using one to fasten my collar and lean together. “Stay.” He ordered and picked up the bowl and returned with a larger bowl filled with water. He took hold of my leash again and led me towards the door and sat the bowl next to my waiting spot. Then he secured my leash to the door, using the pad lock to lock it in place. ” I don’t want my puppy to run off while I’m away, I just got her today.” He smiled at me, “I want this water gone by the time I get back, you better start now, I don’t know how long I will be out. Be a good girl.” Then he kissed my head and locked the door behind him.

I took his advice and started drinking the water. I wanted to pick it up and drink it, but I know if he asked when he got home I couldn’t lie to him, he always saw right though it, so I lapped until my tongue started to ache. Water dribbled on the floor and my pussy followed suit as it ached and begged to be touched.

I moaned into the bowl, trying to ignore my need, my hips swing side to side of their own according. The plug shifted with each swing making me moan again and the tail swung to a fro, tickling my lips, sending shifters down my spine. I sat up fast then, clenching my body and forcing my hips to stop. The tail continued for a moment and I had to hold my breath to stop the on coming orgasm. I had to stay like that for a while, waiting for the edge to fade away. I let my breath out slowly as my clip started to throb in disappointment.Reaching back, I pulled the tail up so it would fall down my back and stay away from my crying cunt. I didn’t want to have an accidental orgasm. That would mean chatity time for me, only to be unlocked for cleaning and edging, under strict bondage so I would be helpless to Masters torques. I have only experience this once before and it was torture! Normally I can touch myself almost whenever I want, giving myself some relief even if it’s only temporary, with occasional no touch days, but I was denied even that with the belt. He had locked me up for a month after I came without permission and by then end I was grinding on everything trying to get some sort of stimulation. My chattity ended when Master came home to find me bent over on the floor, crying and begging for it to be removed, swearing I would never orgasms Without his permission again. I have done everything in my power since to never go back into chatity.

After a few more steady breaths I continued to lap at the waterr, finishing it and cleaning up the mess. Then I lay my head on the floor, ass still in the air, I didn’t trust my body to fully lay down. I felt like a slight breeze would push me to the edge again and any movement I made only exacerbated the feeling.

Time went by. My clip stopped throbbing after while, settled into a dull ache and I laid down, wishing I could go sit on the couch. My ass was starting to get a little sore from the plug being in for so long. It wasn’t to painful yet, but I knew it wouldn’t be long before it was. I was uncomfortable and I was getting cranky. Why had Master locked me here? I wondered, pouting to myself. I thought the ‘I don’t want my new puppy to run away’ was cute at the time, but I was starting to feel the pressure of a full bladder and it didn’t seem so cute anymore. That’s when the realization hit me. He wanted my bladder full. He was puppy training me.

I grew nervous as the pressure in my lower belly grow. Time was not on my side and my mind raced with all of the scenes that could play out. Would I be able to hold it before he got back? If I peed would he rub my face in it, or would he make me lick it up, like he had the drainings from my cunt?

When I finally heard the car pull into the driveway I was on the verge of tears. The pressure of needing to pee was painful and the pain had started my clip throbbing again. I crawled to the end of my leash and pulled a little, creating tension, hoping Master would understand my urgency this way. I heard the keys and as the door opened I let out a high pitched wine. Master stepped in with both arms full of shopping bags and smiled.

“There’s my good girl!” I while again. His smile widened. “Aw, did my puppy miss me?” He sat his bags on the floor and petted my hair. I while again. “What’s wrong pup? Aren’t you happy to see your Master?” He was teasing me. I tried to make my whiles sound as urgent as I could, fast, short, and high pitch.

“Did I forget towalk you before I left?” He unlocked the lean from the close door and pulled me towards the front. “Lets go before you have an accident, you don’t want to have to clean that up!” My face flushed, but I couldn’t be shy, so I followed. It was dark and we had a privacy fence around our front patio, the only way someone would see is if they came up to the door, but the feel of the cool night air on my bare skin made me feel exposed to the world. Master led me to a corner with a little patch of grass, which felt soft and cool on my hands and knees. Once I was completely on the grass I spread my legs as wide as I could, Master held my tail up for me and I let go, suppressing a moan as the pressure eased. Master watched me and tugged on the leash when I had finished, leading me back into the house.

“I had to go buy some essentials.” Master said when we were back in the living room. “I wasn’t expecting to have a new puppy waiting for me at home.” He started pulling things from the bags.Squeaky toys came out first. He would squeak and toss each toy while saying “Fetch!” and I would run after then and bring them back with my mouth. Next, a dog brush, which he proceeded to brush my hair with and commented on how smooth it made my hair. After that he pulled out what looked like a patch of fake grass, but Master explained that puppies go outside to pee, but he doesn’t want the nice real grass to be harmed by constant urine, so this would be the replacement. Then came two dog bowls, one labeled ‘water’ and the other ‘food’ both with pictures of bones at the bottom.

“I haven’t decided if I’m going to have you only eating out of these bowl or just when you have the tail in, but I do want you only drinking this way until further notice.” Master said, I nodded that I understand. Last he showed me a big fluffy dog ​​bed.

“I’m going to eventually get you a cage, but until then I want you sitting on this to greet me when I get home. I also expect you to drink enoughh water before hand that when I get home you need to go and I will walk you, do you understand? You may speak”

“Yes, Master. May I still greet your with words?” He thought for a moment.

“Yes, but those three words are the only words you are allowed to speak without permission while the plug is in.” I nodded in understanding and he smiled and started petting my hair again. “You are so sexy with that tail, and you’ve been such a good girl today! Show me that pretty little pussy!” I shivered and turned around lowering my head to the ground and lifting my ass in the air and spreading my legs, my tail still falling down my back. His fingers barely touched my lips and I moaned as my clip throbbed. “My, you are sensitive! Have you had any accidents? You may speak.”

“No, Master!” I gasped, clinking my fists in an effort to keep my hips still.

“Good girl!” He said and he spread my lips. “I bet a single touch of a feather would set you off! I love seeing you like this, so needy and horny! I bet you’re just dying for an orgasm!”

“Please, M-” I was cut off as Masters hand slapped my ass hard. I cried out in pain.

“Puppies don’t speak without permission!” Master grew. I whimpersed and my hips bucked with need. I lost myself, all I could do was roll my hips and let out a noise that was something between a whimper and a moan. I could vaguely hear movement behind me but I didn’t care about it as I quivered. Suddenly I felt Master behind me, leaning over to whisper in my ear, “My poor slut pup, normally we lock bitches in a room by themselves while they are in heat, should I do that slut pup? Should I lock my little bitch in heat in the other room until it passes?” I cried out, tears welling up in my eyes. “I don’t think I could trust you by yourself, I’d have to lock that nice little chatity belt on you so you don’t play with this naughty little cunt of yours! Of course that would probably trap this plug in you too.” My whole body shook as Iwhimpered, then I let out a loud gasp as I felt his cock rest against my opening. “Do not cum without my permission, slut!” He said before slamming into me with one fast and hard motion. I screamed as I nearly reached the edge of an orgasm. He waited for a moment, letting me cool down before starting his rhythmic thrusting. My legs were shaking uncontrollably and I let out a loud, continuous moan, which grew louder and louder and his picked up speed.

“That’s a good fuck pup! Take your master’s cock deep in that moist little cunt!” He pounded harder and I could feel the edge build back up. “Scream for me bitch, ride that edge and scream for me.” I did, I screamed as I tried to hold the edge, but even as I held it I knew I wouldn’t be able to come back down. “Beg me!” Master grunted, gripping the tail and tugging, making me scream again. “Beg me for that orgasm you selfish little cunt! SPEAK!” He yelled, and I screamed.

“Please! Please Master, I need to cum, I can’t hold it anymore!”

“You better try harder or I’ll get the belt and lock that little cunt away!”

“OH! Master! Please let you’re selfish little bit cum!” I moan and screamed, “Please, Master! Your little bitch is in heat and needs to cum so bad!” I shuddered, I could feel the edge tipping and tears started streaming down my face. “Please, Master!” I started sobbing with my screams. “Master! Fuck your puppy and make her cum! PLEASE!”

He grabbed my hair and pulled me up, cupping each breast in his hands and pinching my nipples.

“Cum for your Master.” He whispered in my hear and I screamed as my edge fully tipped into a powerful orgasm, Master had to wrap his arms around me so he could keep fucking me. My first orgasm didn’t even finish before I felt a second building up fast.

“Cum, again!” I panted, I wasn’t going to be able to stop it, “Please, Master!”

“Cum!” he grew and I shuddered and screamed. “Don’t stop cuming.” He reached down with one hand and placeda finger on my clip. I came again, screaming my eyes rolled back and wave after wave of orgasms rushed over me. Master’s finger circled slowly bringing forth a level of pleasure I didn’t know existed. I felt him swell inside me and he led forward pinning me to the floor and let out a roar as he exploded into me. “Mine!” He grew into my ear, “Mine!” Everything faded.

I woke up in bed, the plug had been removed and my hair was wet and smelled of strawberries. I shivered and pulled the warmth of the blankets closer to me and I felt Master’s arms wrap around me.

“Awake my love?” he cooed, cuddling me. I tried to speak, but it just came out as some sort of whining sound. Master chuckled. “I hope you don’t mind, but I went ahead and bathed you while you were out, we both got a bit sticky, you made quite a mess!” I felt my face blush and he chuckled again and kissed my head. “Would you like to watch a movie with me? I also order pizza.” He nodded towards a box sitting on thebedside table.

I nodded and he grabbed the remote and turned the TV on and reached for the box, placing it on his lap over the covers. We hugged each other as we ate, I don’t think either of us realized we were as hungry as we were, and shared light little kisses whispering to each other how much we loved each other as the movie played. When the credits rolled we were a sleep in each others arms, the pizza box tossed to the floor. Everything was perfect.


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