When Sebastian walked into the living room, he was astounded. Hope was sitting there with a cake, and six beautiful women.
“Hello, darling” Hope said, giggling “Happy birthday.” Hope’s boobs heaved in her little striped top. Sebastian grinned. This was great, and today he was a real guy, not Hope’s little slave boy. It was his birthday…and look at all the girls!
Sebastian didn’t have any male friends, really. Hope didn’t allow Sebastian to play poker with his friends, or go golfing anymore.
In general, when Sebastian was at home, he was kept in the furnace room in the basement, when there were no chores to do, and Hope didn’t want to be bothered.
But today was Sebastian’s 40th birthday, and things were going to be different!
“Hi, Sebastian” said Verena, and Sebastian smiled at Hope’s close friend, who he’d always had the hots for. Verena had long curly dark hair, unlike Hope’s short bob, and she paraded her breasts around in tight T-shirts.
“Here are Carrie, Lauren, Ilene, and Audrey.” The ladies smiled at Sebastian, who looked absolutely abashed.
Oh, God, Sebastian thought. What if Hope decided to make me strip naked, as that’s my status as her slave? Surely not tonight…
As if Hope had read Sebastian’s mind, she said it. “Take off your clothes, Sebastian…you know the rules.” Sebastian looked at Hope pleadingly. “B-but your friends are here. And I don’t want Audrey telling people in the office that I-“
Hope’s eyes steeled. “I don’t want to have a scene on your birthday, dear.”
“A scene” could be anything, and Sebastian feared Hope’s fearsome authority. He took off his clothes as Verena, Carrie, Lauren, Ilene and Audrey watched. “Jesus, you have him well trained” Ilene observed.
“Now, here is your first present, darling…from Verena.” Sebastian opened up a fuchsia body stocking. “You have to be kidding” Sebastian said without thinking, and Hope gave him a warning look. “Put it on.” Hope said,and her voice was cold.
“Don’t worry, it’ll fit, Sebastian” said Verena cheerfully. “It’s a tranny special.” Sebastian flushed as he pushed his gut into the humiliating body stocking.
“That’s a nice one, I recognize it from catalogues.” Audrey said casually. “A Plus Size Queen Fishnet Body stocking with Open Crotch, yes it’s very nice.”
Once Sebastian had the body stocking on, Hope smiled. “Now I want you to dance for us.” As Sebastian looked dumbfounded, Ilene turned on the stereo, playing Aerosmith’s “You Shook Me All Night Long.”
“Now Dance!” Hope whacked Sebastian on the shoulder, and fearful she might take out her whip, he began bouncing around.
“She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean, she was the best damn woman that I had ever seen”
As Sebastian lumbered about, making exaggerated motions, Hope’s mouth narrowed, and she went into the other room and came out with her cane.
WHACK! The rattan bounced off Sebastian’s left leg and he began dancing just a little faster in his fishnet body stocking and the women cheered and clapped.
“She had the sightless eyes, telling me no lies, knockin’ me out with those American thighs, taking more than her share, had me fighting for air, she told me to come but I was already there, cause the walls started shaking…”
“Faster, faster you fat pig!” Hope screamed and the cane hit both of Sebastian’s plump thighs, and he began spinning around. He’d always loved Aerosmith in high school, but perhaps he’d had enough of them now.
Finally the song was switched off, and Sebastian shivered in the middle of the room, covered as he was in welts from the cane.
“This is my present” Audrey said shyly.. “I didn’t know what to get you, I thought of a fishing pole, but Hope said this would be more useful as you aren’t allowed out on weekends.”
Sebastian blushed hotly and opened the next present. Oh, God, a Scourge. A medieval flatellant scourge. “Don’t worry, honey” Hope said with a smile. “I donated to the price for little Audrey, it’s expensive.”
“Jesus, what are those little spikes on the ends?” Carrie asked. “They look dangerous.”
Hope smiled. “I want Sebastian to have a meaningful birthday spanking. As Sebastian looked at her in horror, Hope walked up and took the Scourge out of his hands.
“Strip off the body stocking and get on your knees, dearest” Hope said matter-of actually. “Y-you aren’t going to let that thing touch me are you?”
Hope kicked Sebastian in the balls, and he keeled over. SPLASH! Hope replaced Sebastian to this world with a dozen from a vase. “Now will you take off that silly body stocking like a good boy?”
Sebastian got on his knees and ripped off the body stocking bitterly. “Well that’s a nice way to treat my birthday present” said Verena mournfully.
Hope swung the Scourge and it slammed against Sebastian’s buttocks, the spikes clawing his thighs. “Now we’ll do forty for your fortiethbirthday!”
But Sebastian was a ball of pain after seventeen lashes, and the girls had to stop.
As Sebastian reflected on the evening, he was getting more and more excited…he hoped he could cum…but it didn’t look good.
Finally, Hope looked at Sebastian fondly. “Now comes the big treat…do you want to make love to some of the girls here?”
Sebastian gasped. “Yes, of course! That’s wonderful.”
Hope grinned. “Well, you have to make love to whichever girl you choose, dear. And Verena isn’t interested.”
Sebastian laughed casually. “Of course I’ll make love I won’t change my mind!”
Sebastian pointed to Audrey, a beehive blonde. “Can you go first?” This was so exciting. Hope routinely cheated on Sebastian, but he had never really had the opportunity to be with anyone else.
“Sure, buddy” came Audrey’s suddenly masculine voice. Audrey pulled up her dress and pulled down her panties. Sebastian gasped. Audrey had a big penis!
“Wait, he’s atransvestite?” Sebastian asked, shocked. “I don’t think I’m up for it”
Hope moved in with the scourge, and Sebastian curried to Audrey’s penis, and took it in his mouth and began sucking. Audrey grabbed Sebastian’s ears and began skull-fucking him with vigor.
“I think the party will conclude” Hope said, “With Sebastian’s final present, from me…a ten inch dildo. Those of you who are men, and there are three—can do Sebastian with your dicks, and the rest of us will use the dildo…and then after that, if Sebastian’s good, he can jerk off onto his birthday cake…maybe!”
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