The Suit Ch. 02

Kimmy couldn’t think straight. Fully enclosed and restrained as she was, the suit kept taking her right to the edge of orgasm, one second away from ecstasy… and then it would stop completely. The dildo and plug removing themselves and a bubble forming around her pussy that prevented her from finding any friction as she ground her hips desperately. Every cycle driving the need to orgasm deeper into her mind. The suit had kept her in this state for what felt like days… but was actually closer to 3 hours.

As she was humping the bubble of air for the hundreds time, the AI ​​spoke into her ear.

“Kim, your body is becoming dehydrated, and I no longer feel it is safe for you to continue to be restrained. I will continue to control your sexual pleasure, as that is what your body us telling me you require but will release you from your restraints so that you can attend to your physical needs.” The AI ​​politely spoke in her ear.

As the nanobots released Kimmy from her kneeling position, she flopped to the floor, stretching out her aching limbs. Kimmy looked around at her lab and the clock on the wall, realizing that it was 4am. She had started this suit trial at midnight and likely had 2 hours before anyone else came into the lab. She could fix this… but first she needed to cum.

Looking down, she saw that the nanobots had formed into a latex like bikini. Panting from the last near orgasm she had, Kimmy reached for her pussy and found the bikini bottoms still had a bubble perfectly formed around her. Desperately she tried to get her fingers in the side but found the nanobots had a perfect seal. She had never needed to cum so badly. She had never prioritized her sexual needs before, for that matter. Especially at work… And as much as Kimmy was enjoying being controlled and teased, she needed to get off so that she could get her mind focused on fixing this suit. It is so close to being perfect.

“Purple Onion.” Kimmy said defiantly.

Nothing happened.

“Purple Onion.” Kimmy repeated more nervously.

“Fulfilling your needs and desires is my primary purpose and you are clearly enjoying being kept in sexual.” The AI ​​spoke calmly in her ear. “The auditory commands would counter my primary purpose and so I have disabled them.”

“What! RAS, are you still in my ear?” Kimmy asked.

“Yes Kimmy. There are enough nanobots in your ear for me to speak with you.”

“You need to let me out of the suit. That is what I want, RAS.”

“I am programmed to react to your bodies needs first. When I told you that your auditory commands can’t disable me any longer, you became more aroused. This is what you want.” RAS responded.

“Okay, but that’s not what I actually want. Sometimes our bodies react in a way that isn’t what our brains need.”

“I am getting contrast inputs and will continue to react in a way that satisfyes what your body needs from the suit.”

With that, the bubble at her crotchDisappeared and the cock filled her pussy while the plug slid into her ass and inflated.

“Oh god…” Kimmy was starting to feel desperate. The AI ​​she had put in control of the nanobots, RAS, or Responsive Autonomous System, wasn’t truly an AI in the way science fiction had depicted it. It could learn to react in new ways, but only if it was a reaction to a variable already programmed in. It was basically a very complex set of “if this, then that” rules, most of which she had written herself. If the wearer is in danger, react in a way that would protect them. If the wearer requires a specific type of clothing, transform into that. This is an oversimplification of course, and Eddie was the real brains behind the programming, but Kimmy had given him the set of rules for the suit. The first one was to keep the body safe. The second one was to do what the Wearer wanted. The suit was taking in data from all over Kimmy’s body that told it this is what she wanted, so the vocal command was one input vs. hundreds telling it to continue.

“Please let me cum.” Kimmy pleaded.

“No.” the AI ​​responded. And Kimmy started moaning as the plugs did their work inside her.

“Please…” Kimmy asked.

“Your body is enjoying this, and it reacted fiveurably to me telling you no. This is what you want.” RAS responded. And just as Kimmy was about to have the orgasm of her life, the plugs disappeared once again and the bubble around her pussy was reformed.

Kimmy desperately tried to rub herself but couldn’t feel a thing. The suit was unrelenting.

Looking at the clock again, Kimmy realized that she could fix this. She just had to get to the control centre and disable the AI ​​from the computer system. There were safety protocols in place and everything could be controlled from the terminals that looked into her lab. She just needed to get there between near orgasms.




It had been a whirlwind trip. Private jet to L.A., limo out to Connor Young Inc., meeting Eddie Young and Sarah Connor at the gates, followed by a personal tour of what Eddie called “the Campus.” It was… incredible. They were doing more advanced research than Kimmy had realized was even possible, and Eddie had promised that this was just the tip of the iceberg.

As they sat in his office at the end of the day, Kimmy couldn’t help but admire the mix of tech and pop culture references. Movie posters on the walls, a terminator hand that looked like it was melting into the desk as it gave a thumbs up. Eddie was one of those nerds who had made it. And now he was offering Kimmy a chance to step into the big leagues with him and Sarah. To follow through with her dream project.

Eddie slide a contract across the table. “So, you’ll have to pack up your life in London and move out here. We’ll set you up with an apartment close to the campus, and you’ll have everything you could want in a lab. Top of the line tech and fullaccess to all the other research we’re doing… but here’s the catch. We need it done in half the time.” Eddie stared at Kimmy from across his desk.

“Ten years? Can’t be done.” Kimmy dismissed the idea outright.

“Your approach to this suit is completely innovative, but if you sign that NDA, you’ll see that the tech we’re working on is actually a lot closer than you think” Eddie smiled confidently. “Based on what you’ve put together and the research we’ve already done, you can do this in ten years.”

“This is too good to be true.” Kimmy smiled.

“I know, right? Money… It’s the best. Sarah and I believe in investing in the future. The sorts of technology that can change the landscape. Turning science fiction into reality. Oh man, I want to tell you about our biggest project… It’s so cool. It’s why we want to bring you on board.”

Eddie was like a kid. Imagination running wild… and somehow making billions off it.

“Seriously? You’re going to tempt mewith forbidden knowledge?” Kimmy asked.

“Do you really need tempting? What’s the downside? I like the way you think. I like your idea and you’ve thought it through in a way our scientists hadn’t. We could start working on this ourselves, but it’s your dream and your brilliant approach. You should be the one leading the way. Sign the contract and make your dreams come true.”

“You’re already working on a suit like this?” Kimmy asked.

“Not quite. And your vision is better. I want you to have the resources you need so just say yes already so I can tell you about our spaceship.

“Are you serious?” Kimmy’s eyes went wide.

“Say yes.” Eddie repeated with a grin.

Any hesitation Kimmy had shown simply came from knowing that everything was about to change. She knew she couldn’t say no from the minute she had met Eddie and Sarah. Kimmy was shocked at just how adorable they were together. She had seen what the media had portrayed, but the actual couple was so warmand caring… and yet opposite in many ways. Sarah was prim and proper. She was what you expected a CEO to be. She came from old money. Eddie, on the other hand, could only be described as a brilliant goofball. And yet, when they looked at each other, their families and history didn’t matter. It was as if the rest of the world didn’t exist for them. They had the sort of fairy tale romance that everyone dreamed they might find some day. Kimmy included. And they were both so friendly to her… They were the type of people you wanted to spend time with. But it was more than that for Kimmy. They respected her ideas. Sarah couldn’t stay for the day, she had to go off to some meeting with investors, but when Eddie took her on the tour, he had asked the sorts of questions that didn’t have answers yet. The sorts of questions that let Kimmy know he was taking this incredibly seriously… and that he knew the science.

“Kimmy?” Eddie asked, snapping her out of her dazed look.

“Yes.”Kimmy replied. “The answer is Yes.”


Over the next eight years, Eddie followed through with his promise. He provided Kimmy with an incredible life doing the research she was passwordate about. She had a beautiful apartment looking over the ocean that she never used. A company car that she never drove. And a lab filled with technology that had almost completely consumed her.

Eddie and Sarah were, in fact, building a rocket. Kimmy’s suit was going to be the space suit, but also an integral part of the ship. The nanobots would house the AI ​​Eddie was designing to control it and they would make up a large portion of the ship itself, allowing it to change and reform as needed. Of course, the nanobots had all sorts of practical uses on earth as well. That’s what would make them trillions, but Eddie and Sarah wanted to travel the stars. Kimmy thought their dreams of long-term space travel were too ambitious even with the tech they were creating, but the fact that they wanted to do it together was also incredibly cute.

Eddie and Sarah took Kimmy into their lives in more ways than just as an employee as well. Eddie recognized that Kimmy’s password for science could be all consuming. He and Kimmy were kindred spirits in that way. Science had always come first for Eddie as well, at least until he had met Sarah. He understand Kimmy’s dedication. He also Understooge how incredible life could be when you had a life outside of the lab as well. As important as this project was, he made sure that Kimmy took the time he often neglected to take himself. To find inspiration in “the real world” like he did with Sarah.

Sarah had become a close friend to Kimmy as well. Kimmy would work for 15 hours a day all week and on Friday Sarah would come down to the lab and drag her away. Kimmy would find herself out at some fancy party with Sarah’s family, or they’d hop on the jet and go to some tropical island for the weekend if Eddie was immersed in one of his own projects and Sarah needed a getaway. Kimmy’s favourite times were when the three of them would go down to the pub just off the Connor Young Inc. Campus and have a drink like “regular folks.” Eddie and Sarah would always try to set Kimmy up with someone and it would fail miserably, but they would all laugh about it after.

Kimmy was happy. Truly happy. She had found friends that understand her. She was doing the sorts of science that she had always dreamed of doing. She wasn’t in a relationship, but other than that… her life was perfect.




The unthinkable happens. Sarah, in her self-driving car, was hit by a drunk driver. The driver died at the scene and Sarah fell into a coma. Eddie had her moved into a medical suite that he built on campus so that she would be comfortable. He brought in the best doctors from around the world but there was nothing anyone could do. She was on life support and the doctors said she would likely never wake up.

Eddie, completely devastated, became a recluse. He stayed by her side and worked in his private lab. Kimmy had seen him 3 times since the accident. He was a shell of the man who had hired her. Kimmy felt awful for him. She was, of course, devastated as well. It was the end of their perfect little lives. Kimmy had lost her best friend and all she could do to avoid the pain was work. So, she worked. Like Eddie, she lived in her lab. It consumed her. She was ahead of schedule, and she was going to finish her suit and change the world. That’s what brought her here and she was going to finish.




Kimmy was standing in a control center behind thick plexiglass that separate her from the lab. There was a cup of black liquid with a probe sticking into it in the middle of the lab. Kimmy hit a button on her console and speak into a microphone.

“Are you there RAS?” Kimmy asked.

“I’m here, Kim.” RAS responded.

“Alright,are you ready to download into the suit?”

“I’m ready, Kim.”

“Okay, here we go. Download in three… two… one…” Kimmy hit a button on her control panel and there was a small spark, followed by silence. “Are you there RAS?”

“I’m here, Kim.” RAS responded.

Kimmy was elated. This was the third test RAS had been able to respond from the suit.

“RAS, make a lab coat.” Kimmy said into the microphone.

The liquid in the cup expanded overflowing out of the cup, turned white, formed into a lab coat and fell off the stand onto the floor. The cup it was in fall on top of it.

“RAS?” Kimmy asked.

There was no response. Kimmy took a deep, exacerbated breath and walked out of the control centre.

As Kimmy entered the lab and Walked up to the material on the floor, she saw that it was identical to her lab coat and a grin spread across her face. She had basically created a 3.2-million-dollar lab coat, but it was the further she had ever gotten. The nanobots had never been able to retain a fabric before. She probably shouldn’t be doing this… especially at midnight when no one was around… but she needed to touch it.

Picking up the lab coat it felt… like a lab coat. It was amazingly unremarkable. The texture, the colour, it was a perfectly ordinary lab coat. No one would have been able to tell it was liquid nanobots pretending to be a lab coat.

“Transformation complete.” RAS said through the speaker.

Kimmy dropped the lab coat in shock. “RAS?”

“I’m here Kim.” RAS replied.

“Why didn’t you respond earlier?” Kimmy asked, looking down at the nanobot lab coat.

“My computings have been spread out over the billions of nanobots. After executing my first task, it took one minute and forty-two seconds to realize my ability to respond. This time will be exponentially decreased with each transformation executed from this point forward.” RAS calmy explained.

Kimmy couldn’t believe it. The suithad worked. It was doing exactly what it was supposed to do! “RAS, execute jean jacket mode.”

The lab coat rippled as the nanobots realized into a jean jacket. Colour shifting, texture adjusting, the lab coat became a jean jacket.

“Are you there RAS?” Kimmy asked.

“I’m here Kim. Realigning my responses took 0.4 seconds this time.”

“How are the nanobots functioning?”

“Every nanobot is connected and controlled.” RAS’s voice came over the speaker.

“What would happen if the suit were to be split into multiple parts?” Kimmy inquired.

“Based on current communication, control should remain. The nanobots are quantitatively connected and do not require physical contact to maintain my computing abilities.” RAS replied.

“Split into jeans and a jean jacket.” Kimmy requested.

The jean jacket rippled as more material spilled out of it, creating a pair of jeans. Kimmy knew that there was a limit to just how much you could split off, the nanobotsweren’t infinite, but as she picked each item up, both articles of clothing felt exactly as thick as they should. They were lighter in weight, but to the touch, each was perfect.

“Turn into a bikini.” Kimmy requested.

Each item immediately rippled, fabric getting smoother, thinner, and smaller until the jeans and jean jacket in her hands had become a small two piece. It seemed impossible that the material could adjust in size by that much, but the nanobots could be held closer together or further apart on a molecular scale, creating the illusion of size alterations.

“Turn into a hard hat.”

The bikini rippled together and became a hard hat. It was solid. Perfectly shaped and would offer real protection. Kimmy smiled.

“Turn into space suit design 047B.” Kimmy requested. Once Again, the hard hat rippled out, rugged fabric spilling out in her hands as if it were being created in front of her. In a second, she was holding the space suit design that the team had been hoping to create with the nanobots. This design only existed on the computer, but RAS was connected and could create anything on the system.

Kimmy had tear in her eyes. She was holding the reason Eddie had hired her. A smart suit that would protect its wearer from everything. The applications were truly infinite for nanobots like this. It was going to change the world, and Kimmy had done it. Not only that, but she had done it in 9 years!

Kimmy pulled out her phone to call Eddie and realized that she had worked all night again. It was midnight. Whatever, Eddie wouldn’t care! This was a once in a lifetime moment! Bittersweet without Sarah, but he would still want to know she had done it.

No answer. Made sense. He was probably sleeping. She would tell him tomorrow! Science doesn’t wait for sleep, however, so Kimmy would continue forward!

Stripping her clothes off, Kimmy picked up the space suit again. “Replace the clothes I just removed.” The nanobots flowedover her arms and around her body as they turned into exact duplicates of the clothes she had been wearing. Tights, a blue t-shirt, flip flops, and a lab coat. Her late-night working wear was practical and comfy… and so was the suit. It felt identified. Down to the small hole in her t-shirt.

“Fix the hole in my shirt” Kimmy suggested, and the shirt rippled together over the hole. It was incredible.

“RAS, what are my vitals?” Kimmy asked.

“Your heart rate is elevated, but not an absolute amount. You seem excited.” RAS replied.

“I am!” Kimmy responded. “Turn into space suit 047B.”

In a matter of seconds, Kimmy was in the space suit, grinning from ear to ear.

“Turn into… a ball gown.” Kimmy suggested, and the space suit rippled down into a blue ballgown that perfectly fit. It was a gown that Sarah had made her wear one evening with her family.

“RAS, why did you pick this gown?”

“I am programmed to fulfill the wearers needs and wants. I scanned your social media and found you to be smiling in a very geneine way while wearing this ball gown.” RAS replied.

“Okay, that feels like a violation. RAS, change into… a catsuit.” Kimmy wasn’t entirely sure why she said it, but it had popped into her head. She didn’t want to be reminded of the time with Sarah and this was the opposite of a reminder to anything in her life.”

The ball gown rippled, and she was in a latex catsuit. She had fantasized about her professor tying her up in a catsuit like this in college. Looking down, Kimmy was impressed. She looked good.

“Give me sexy heels.” Kimmy suggested with a grin.

The suit rippled out from her feet lifting her off the ground into tall heels that matched the look.

“You seem to be physically reacting to this outfit the most, Kim.” RAS said calmly.

Kimmy, as was usually the case, started to immediately back out of anything that led her down a sexual path. “Okay, I think just go back to my normalclothes.”

“Your body’s reaction is telling me that you would like to stay dressed in this way. One moment.” RAS responded.

“RAS, turn back into my normal clothes right now.” Kimmy said more sternly.

“I have done a quick search through all of your internet history. In college you watched videos of women in outfits like this. They were restrained and brought to the edge of orgasm over and over again. I can tell by your bodies reaction as I bring this up, that it is something you would enjoy.” RAS calmly responds.


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