Author’s note: I appreciate all the feedback I’ve gotten so far. Keep it coming. Click the “Leave feedback” link at the bottom of the story and send me a message if you have any CC, ideas, or just want to chat. I respond to everyone that leaves a return address.
Please bear with me as I get a feel for how long my documents translate into pages on here.
Rachel’s sleep was brief but deep. So deep that she did not hear the figure enter her cell and open her cage. It was not until the riding crop hit her that she was jarred from her slumber.
“Third time, 342. WAKE UP!” A woman’s voice shouted.
Rachel jolted awake, bumping her head on the bars of the cage in the process. She was a bit surprised by her surroundings but then remembered the previous night. A Feeling of disappointment mixed with excitement came over her. But mostly she was just tired.
The tug on her chain told her that it was time to get out of the cage. Sore and cramped, she wriggled out of the cage as best she could with her hands still cuffed.
Groggy and struggle to keep her eyes open, Rachel knelt in front of the cage and looked up at the woman. She was in her 40s or 50s with wavy black hair cut shoulder length and a face wrinkled from smoking. She wore a pair of flats over solid black stockings that disappeared up under a loose black skirt that ended just below her knees. A white blouse with the TSK logo embroidered on the chest was tucked into the skirt. In one hand, she held Rachel’s chain, the other hand was on her hip holding a riding crop. She also had a remote and walkie on her belt.
“All right, let’s go” She said with an annoyed tone, dropping Rachel’s chain. “On your feet. You got a long day of work ahead of you and you aren’t going to waste it here.”
The woman grabbed Rachel’s arm firmly and helped her to her feet. With her heels still on, Rachel stood 3 inches above the woman. She also noticed the drinker was already sitting by her ring on the floor.
“Sebastien said you got a little too excited last night. Had to sleep handcuffed” The woman said in her raspy voice.
Rachel nodded.
“Well let’s check on that”
The woman roughly fondled Rachel’s crotch, her long nails scraping the sensitive flesh as she worked.
“I think you’ll be alright” She said.
She moved behind Rachel and began fumbling with her keys, trying 3 before finding the one that released the padlock. Rachel’s relief was punctuated by the burning in her stiff shoulders as the movement was restored to them. She swung her arms in circles until the circuit returned and the burning subsided.
“We don’t have time for that. Go empty yourself. It’s almost your turn in the gym and you wasted enough time with that stunt in the cage.” She motioned towards the toilet with the crop.
“Your breakfast is on the floor.” She added, motioning to a steel dog bowl next to the drinker. “I’ll be back to take you to the gym.”
The woman walked out the door, slamming it behind her. Rachel wondered if there was a quiet way to close the door.
She hobbled over to the toilet, using the other cage to help balance her on her stiff legs. She was grateful to have use of her hands. As she sat down to relieve herself, she heard the buzzing of another cell door.
“You don’t have very long, the cunt they brought in last night decided to sleep in” She heard the woman saying sarcastically.
When she was finished, she reached around behind her and then remembered there was no toilet paper. She found the shower head and pulled it out. There was only a button on it, no controls for temperature. She felt around near the base of the hose and didn’t feel any knobs.
Hesitantly, she pointed the nozzle at her crotch and pushed the button. She yelped as the ice cold water hit her.
“Maybe it needs to warm up”, she thought. So she sprayed it into the toilet for several moments, checking periodically,but the temperature never changed. Shrugging, she finished cleaning herself. Not knowing how to dry herself, she wiped the excess water on the side of her hand and then Shook it onto the floor. She knelt down in front of the sink and rinsed her hands, but seeing no soap or towel, again Shook them off and rubbed the excess water on her thighs.
Looking in the mirror was the first time she had seen her collar. It was slightly thicker than her wrist and ankle cuffs. She touched it. It was smooth. There were engravings in it, but she couldn’t feel them. She held the ring. She could move it around slightly, but couldn’t tell how it folded in. A brass padlock held the ring to a thin grey chain that hung between her breasts. Her hair was still messy from sleeping. Her shoulder was bruised from falling. It was the most beautiful she had ever seen herself look. But she was hungry.
She crawled the short distance to her food bowl and inspected it’s contents. It looked like white jello. She looked for a spoon but didn’t see one, so she dipped 2 fingers into the substance. It had the consistency of slime and ran off of her fingers as she tried to scoop some out. She was starving though, and this is what there was to eat. She sampled the residue on her fingers and it was tasteless.
“Well, at least it’s not dog food” she thought, relieved that Evan had spared her one indignity. She picked up the bowl and tried to drink from it, but the slime ran down her face.
“Like a dog, it is” She conceded. She positioned herself on all fours over the bowl and began lapping it up. The texture was disgusting. Even though it had no flavor, it reminded Rachel of cold cum. She gagged several times as the substance oozed down her throat before she swallowed.
After struggle through the meal and licking the bowl clean, Rachel was still starving. She had no idea when her next meal would be. Disappointed, she looked at the drinker. In place of the penis, it was fitted with a pink object. When Rachel got up to look at it, she realized it was a replica vagina!
She inspected it to figure out where the contacts were. There were contacts up and down both labia, the fake cliporis was a contact, covered by a rubber hood, there were contacts inside the vagina that she would have to reach in deep with her tongue to reach. There were even a few inches of fake tights that had contacts.
“Well, I’m not a lesbian, but who knows what they’ll have me do here. At least I know my way around one of these” She laughed and began licking. She licked and licked, trying to find the combination that would start the water. She spread the lips and licked the deepest contacts inside. Nothing worked.
She went over to the sink and tried to get her head under the faucet, but it wouldn’t fit. She went back to the drinker and looked for an on switch on it, but only saw a panel with a keyhole. Then she saw the red wire with a clip hanging from the side.
“That’sit!” She said out loud, then quickly covered her mouth and looked around to see if anyone heard her. All she heard was clanging and chains jingling echoing down the hallway. She clipped the wire to her collar and went back to work on the fake pussy. After a moment she was rewarded with a slow trickle of water running down it. She lapped it up, sure to lick the different contacts as she did.
Satisfied with herself, she knelt next to the machine. Soon her exhaust took over and she nodded off.
“Slave 342, at the door” The woman’s voice started Rachel out of her nap. She looked around confused.
“342, stand by the door” The woman repeatedly annoyed. Rachel realized she was talking to her. She stood up and walked towards the barred door. Her chain ran out just shy of the red box. She saw a naked girl kneeing outside her door.
“Do you not know your name?” The woman asked.
“Huh?” Said Rachel.
“Your name. What is your slave registration number?”
“I don’t know ma’am”
“Well you should. That’s more important than your telephone number. I don’t know your whole number but the last 3 digits are 342, so that is your name by default until your owner gives you a new one.”
Rachel was shocked.
“Now turn around, hands behind your back”
Rachel compiled.
“See, Charlie, I told you this one is dumber than hell” The woman said as the buzzer for the door sounded. Rachel felt her locking her wrists together. She then fumbled with keys until finding the one to unlock the chain, dropping it on the floor when she finally did.
The woman led Rachel out into the hallway, almost tripping her on the steel plate. The girl sitting in the hallway was a petite blonde, Rachel’s age or possible younger. She had small breasts with erect nipples pointed slightly out to the sides on top of small areolas. Her hands cuffed behind her back. She wore a tall metal posture collar trimmed with rubber on the edges that had a chain connected to it that stretched at least 10 feet down the hallway in front of her. She stared straight ahead. At the far end of the chain stood a chubby man of medium height, wearing the khaki and polo uniform of the staff.
“That must be Charlie” Rachel thought.
Rachel was directed to knee in front of the blonde, and the woman picked up the chain and locked it at the point she sat to her collar.
‘UH!” Charlie barked. It sounded like an umpire calling a strike.
Instantly, the blonde started getting up. This pulled the chain up and indicated to Rachel that she needed to get up.
When they were both standing, Charlie paused and then barked “HUP HUP!”
The blonde stepped forward, right into the back of Rachel, and Rachel knew to walk forward. They marched down the hall, passing several occurred cells, until they reached the last cell before the elevator.
The blonde stopped instantly, the chain pulling on Rachels collar and stopping her. SheThen began to knee down, pulling the chain down with her. Rachel followed her lead.
“Slave 611, at the door” The woman called.
Chains jingled inside the cell and a woman appeared at the door, then turned around with her hands behind her back. The woman with the crop punched some numbers on her remote and then held the red button until the click and opened the door. She padlocked the slave’s hands and led her out to the coffle where she turned and knelt in front of Rachel.
She was in her late 30’s and chubby. Her breasts were large but sagged. Her face was pretty and she had beautiful red hair. She wore a full matching set of chrome rings on her neck, wrists, and ankles. Rachel had seen similar sets called eternity collars.
The woman padlocked her in front of Rachel, close enough for Rachel to feel the heat of her body sitting there. She went back to the door and looked in.
“Slave 610, at the door.”
Chains rattled and a man appeared. He was handcuffed and took his place in the coffle.
He appeared older than the redhead, stocky, but muscle. He had a military haircut and tattoos and a neatly trimmed bear. He wore a set of rings identified to the redhead’s and in place of the tall heels the women wore, he wore a pair of sandals that lacened up his calm, Roman style. The most striking thing to Rachel, though, was his shavaged pubic hair. Rachel had never seen a man completely shacked like that.
“UH!” Rachel scrambled to her feet.
“HUP HUP!” Rachel was pulled along by the coffle and started walking, concentrated on balancing in her heels and matching the speed of the line. It took a few steps to get into the rhythm of the march.
She began to panic, though, as Charlie led the line into the stairwell. Rachel still hadn’t mastered the slave heels and was certain she would fall down the stairs, taking the whole coffle with her. She was overjoyed as, when her turn to take the first stair arrived, the woman appeared beside her and firmly grabbed her upper arm to steady her.
With the woman holding her arm, the coffle, with Rachel in the middle, slowly made their way down the flights of stairs to the ground level, clicking and clanging and rattling the whole way down.
At the ground level, Rachel was surprised to see the stairs continued down. Samantha hadn’t mentioned anything about a basement. She wondered what was down There.
She couldn’t wonder too long, as the chain pulled her to the door and out into the hallway. The woman released her supportive grip as Rachel passed through the door.
Down the hallway they marched, past several closed doors. When they passed the glass wall to the pool Rachel saw a nude woman standing at attention holding a tray. Her wrists and ankles were both cuffed by short chains and a chain led down from her wrists to her ankles. Noone else appeared to be in the pool area.
“Eyes forward, 342” The woman ordered, and tapped Rachel’s buttock sharplywith her crop.
Rachel compiled immediately.
The next door they approached was the fitness center. Charlie led the coffle into the room.
“HO!” The coffle instantly stopped, except Rachel who, slow to react, crashed into the woman in front of her. She was rewarded with a firm swat on her thigh from the crop. Rachel and the blonde behind her were still in the hall. She knew better than to look around, so she focused on the messy red hair in front of her.
The line took 1 step forward, except Rachel who was again delayed in her reaction. The crop cracked on her thigh again and Rachel yelped.
“Slave 610, 198 pounds. OVER!” Charlie called out.
Rachel heard the sound of leather on skin and 610 cried out in pain.
Rachel was quicker to react and spared the crop. When the redhead in front of her stepped forward it was onto a scale.
“Slave 611, 128 pounds. Goal” He paused for a moment, almost to build anticipation.
Rachel was ready and stepped onto the scale.
“Slave 342, 137 pounds. Goal, 135 pounds”
Rachel didn’t know what that means.
Rachel quickly got off the scale before she was knocked off by the blonde. She tried to look around without being obvious. The room wasn’t very large. There were 4 treadmills, 2 stationary bikes, a few all-in-one machines and a weight benchmark. The wall to the hallway was glass, and the other 3 were completely mirrored. A few men in bathrobes stood drinking coffee, watching the slaves being brought in.
“Trixie, 114 pounds. Goal, 110 pounds.”
The line took another step forward, this time with Rachel in sync. The chain pulled down in front of and behind her, and Rachel realized it was time to knee.
Starting with the man, they were each unlocked from the coffle and led to a treadmill. When it came to be Rachel’s turn she was taken to an empty treadmill and her collar locked to a short chain hanging fromthe control panel. Her hands were unlocked and the woman started the belt at a slow walk. She pulled a keycard out of the display and it went blank. Rachel was obligated to start walking. She was grateful to have her hands free and used the sides of the treadmill to hold herself up.
She watched in the mirror as Trixie was attached to her own treadmill next to Rachel and was shocked to see her treadmill set to a running speed. The blonde immediately started running, seemingly unhindered by her high heels.
On the other side, the redhead and the man were also running on their treadmills. 610’s modest cock swung side to side hyponotically as he ran.
Rachel felt a light tap of the crop on her ass.
“Hands down” The woman said. “Training wheels have to come off eventually.”
Rachel knew she would have to learn to walk in the heels, and judging by her neighbors, running would be next. She obediently dropped her arms and allowed them to sway by her side. The woman continued to pace behind the treadmills, offering corrections with the crop to the 4 slaves.
Rachel began to lose herself in her thoughts. The previous night, her future, her relationship with Evan, Samantha, how long would she be here? Her daydream was interrupted by a hand squeeze her buttock. Instinctively she went to push it away but she remembered where she was before making that mistake. Instead, she allowed the hand to continue as she kept walking.
In the mirror, she saw that it was one of the robed men that had watched the weight in. His robe was now open and he was struggling his erect cock with his free hand. His hand slide between her legs and he pressed painfully against her anus with his thumb. When Rachel’s tight butthole proved too difficult to probe, he moved on to the redhead. His hand worked between her legs for several moments before he grabbed one of her bouncing breasts and squeezed it. 611 continued running as if nothing was happening.
He then movedto 610 and spanked his buttocks several times before returning to 611 to spank her. Returning to Rachel, he stood behind her with his hard cock pressed against her as he fondled her breasts for several minutes. She followed the lead of the others and continued her walk as if nothing was happening. When he finished with her, he stepped back, leaving her with several hard slapses on the ass as well.
Rachel watched as he Spoke to the woman handler and pointed at Trixie. The woman nodded and used the keycard to stop Trixie’s treadmill. Her collar was unlocked from the chain and she obediently knelt before the man. He motioned for her to turn around and she stood up and bent over with her back to him, using the treadmill for support. He pushed his cock in her and began thrusting. Trixie started rocking her hips in sync, and soon their moans drowned out the whirring of the treadmill motors.
Rachel tried not to look, but it was too excited to ignore. She felt a wetness growing inher loins again. She checked on 610 and 611 and they were both watching in the mirror as well, 610 fully erect.
By now the man had a handful of Trixie’s hair and had her head pulled back as far as the posture collar would allow. Rachel stole a glance and made eye contact with the lucky girl.
Without warning, he pulled out. Trixie’s moans turned to whimpers. Forcefully, he spun her around and she obediently dropped to her knees and took his cock in her mouth and started bobbing her head with vigor. The man again grabbed a handful of her hair and used it to force her head up and down on his member.
“This girl sucks dick like a champion” Rachel thought. She wondered if it was Trixie’s owner, or just a member using the “amenities”.
Meanwhile, Charlie removed 610 from his treadmill and locked him to one of the all-in-one machines. Charlie set the pin on the weights and 610 started doing butterfly presses.
Suddenly, Trixie’s partner pulled out again and spurts of wHit liquid shot all over her face and chest. She waited for him to finish and then licked him clean. Satisfied, the man tied his robe over his softening penis and left.
Trixie was returned to her treadmill with the semen still covering her and resumed her workout. Charlie offered each of the slaves drinks from a water bottle and Rachel gladly accepted.
Rachel’s calves were on fire by now from walking unsupported in the wobbly heels. Each new step required more effort than the last and her vision began to blur. She focused on the mirror and her own sweaty face and chest. She watched as a bead of sweat emerged from under her collar and ran down her chest, joining other rivers and forming a single trail that ran between her breasts. Her dark nipples stood proud atop her rounded flesh. She delighted in seeing them jiggle with every step and started to feel pride in her naked body.
She was convinced her legs were going to give out from under her when the woman stopped hermachine. Rachel grabbed the sides and supported herself briefly as the woman moved around behind her and she had to again surrender the use of her hands. She was led to the chain on the floor, where Trixie was already connected to the opposite end. The cum on her chest had mostly slid to her stomach, and what was left on her face was drying. Rachel knelt in front of her and the chain was locked to her collar.
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