The Sissy Mandate Ch. 01


This story is about non-consensual gay BDSM and forced transgenderism. It contains non-consensual slavery, abduction, forced drug consumption, forced sex, and highly offensive language in a fictional setting. If any of these concepts do not sit well with you, please read no further. I do not condone actual non-consensual sex, and these elements are used in a purely fictional erotic fantasy.


The year is 2093. The world’s population has shifted dragically. Men now make up approximately 82% of the population. Because of the dragistic lack of supply, women are highly desired. So highly desired, it is beginning to destabilize society. Criminal enterprise activity rises dragically as kidnapping and slavery rings have sprung up in every corner of the globe with aggregated violence coming in tow.

All over the world, it seemed to be the same issue: Women. Nations have never been more tense and the threat to an average women’s safety has gone up frighteningly in most countries where it wasn’t previously even a slight concern. In the current year, it was a regular risk for a woman to walk down a common street in broad daylight without a man to protect her. Top leaders from around the world met to discuss a solution.

You see, the decrease in female population count had not brought a logically retractive effect on popular culture. Femininity was more celebrated, desired, craved, and idolized than ever in history. It was a common occurrence to see a busy city street with only men occupying it. Women and femininity were highly sought rarities.

Naturally, there were an abundance of men actually craving to conquer femininity, as was the root of the world’s present issues. But the drastic population change brought with it all types of men. Different builds, different minds, different desires.

The doctors, psychologists, and behavioral scientists broke it down quite technically to the government officials,going into deep and lengthy explanations on instincts and genetics. The human chemistry and all that. Long story short, the plan was ultimately to introduce more feminine creativity to sit the over-bearing “alpha” males that society had become overridden with.

Cloning technology was still not readily to the point of stable and efficiently creating humans in test tubes. AI and Robotics had also taken a drastic social pause as the focus of those industries turned solely to war and defense in the recent decades.

As far more males were in existence, so too the homosexual count increased as well as the effect and strength of their movements. Plus, transgenderism was on the rise with the decline in women. Transgender drugs and HRT had received a fair amount of quality research and development as a result. The solution presented itself quite clearly albeit frank and perverted.

The scientists and doctors proposed targeting what they defined as “beta” males, or males that could be made easily subservient with only external physical conditioning, let alone a cocktail of feminine hormones forced into their system.

Being a matter of world stability, the governments went into agreement to share and utilize each other’s information agencies. It’s amazing how easy it was to find ideal candidates for such a concept once personal information privacy was completely disregarded. Traffic cameras and cell phones were tapped at a whim, people were unjustly stalked and monitored by government resources. A list of candidates in most well-developed countries grew quickly.

Some government officials took the decision harshly. Afterall the solution was still a brutally inhumane one that relied fundamentally on forced slavery and aggressive abductions of immediately unwilling candidates. There was an even further horrific plan being set in place that essentially legalized the manufacturing of male sex slaves.

But the alternative was to allow the powder keg that the world had become to keep burning until it finally explodes causing global societal collapse. For the good of the world and humankind, it had been thoroughly agreed that a properly researched selection of males must be forcibly altered into femininity.


Tommy moaned, opening his eyes slowly. Everything was fuzzy, his head was spinning. He was laying back-down on unfortunately cool metal, chilling his whole body. As his eyes focused, it took him a minute to realize he was wearing some type of hood or bag over his head. As he attempted to reach and move it, he was told promptly with a loud metallic clank that it was not his own lack of muscle preventing him from moving his arms.

Tight hinged police handcuffs dug into his wrists, expelling a pathetic whimper from Tommy as he fought them. His arms were fixed above his head and his hands were snuggled up with the fasting point built into the floor that the handscuffs attached to. He wobbled his hands, meagerly fondling the large padlock that sealed him to the floor.

He tried his feet finding his ankles to be, seemingly, in a similar type of bondage with the same type of cuffs.

“What the hell…” Tommy mumbled softly.

Tommy’s voice came out raspy, yet unfamiliarly soft. His throat and mouth were dry. Reality was still very slowly Creeping back to him. The last thing he remembered was heading home from his yoga class. He ran the situation he last remembered in his head over and over again as his mental faculties slowly returned. He remembered leaving the yoga studio and making it 5 of the 7 blocks home, but then, nothing. He found it impossible to match his last memories to his current prediction. No struggle, no handscuffs, no ankle cuffs, no cold metal floor, no bag over his head, no invisible force dragging him into this nightmare. Just total freedom to walk home where he had planned his favorite vegan meal and a nicewarm bath after his pleasant yoga session.

Tommy could feel the hood held in place around his head by something. Probably a chain, by the way it was making noise on the metal surface he laid on. He moved his head side to side a few times. That motion seemed to activate body nerves and he realized he was shirtless. The activation wave flowed through his nerves almost like shaking a limb enduring paresthesia. A few moments later Tommy was keen to the fact he was fully naked, except for some type of unusual weight on his small male genitalia.

Tommy began to squirm, testing his bondage out of concern. His ankles and wrists made practical rattles as he fought the just-too-tight cuffs locking him to his metal surroundings. He struggled for a few moments, jingling like some slutty battery-powered Christmas decoration.

A metal door slide open from somewhere in front of Tommy’s arms. Heavy boots climbed up a few steps, shaking the evidence vehicle that was Tommy’s impromptu prison cell. With the introduction of the new visceral sensings, the image of a package delivery truck came into his mind immediately. He remembered an ordinary interaction last week with a UPS delivery man and began to shiver at how he was in such an incredibly different situation now.

He was laying in the back-storage area of ​​such a vehicle with his legs pointing towards the back and his arms pointing up front. Stretched out on display like a sexy piece of taffy tugged on and ready to be devoured.

His captor’s boots stomped commandingly over to Tommy’s body, snapping him back to reality.

“Drugs wore off, ay, you little pathetic faggot?” A stern voice barked down at him as the boots came to an aggressive halt beside his body, causing him to reflex briefly.

Pathetic faggot? Tommy frozen, taken aback with the term he was just called. Sure, he did yoga and wasn’t the most muscular man, but he also wasn’t hooking up with guys or prancing around like a girl. He preferred to chemically remove his body hair because he viewed it as unnecessary and he only wore satin underwear because it was more comfortable. Surely, this was some horrid mistake.

“Uh-hm,” Tommy rasped out, squeaking roughly through the leather hood locked on him, “I think th-there i-is a mistake or s-somethin–“

He was abruptly cut off.

“Awww sounds like you could use some nice refreshing hot piss down that blowat you dumb whore. I could fuckin’ hose you down right now,” The captor grew, “But then I’d have to put up with the fuckin smell that’s not my thing. I’ll piss on a cute little sissy faggot though.”

It turned Tommy on being in the position he was in, though he certainly didn’t understand it. He felt a tingle in his cock and then realized what the weight on his genitalia was; a chatity cage. A metal one, too. Tommy had seen these before and even masturbated to the whole sissy concept on the one-off occasion. He had a really good idea as to what he was’wearing’ by how his glans pushed into the bars, giving him an idea through his hood-blocked vision. He never imagined what it would be like to actually wear one.

The captor looked on, watching Tommy’s configured genitals squirm in their sex jail, dripping precum.

“Oh my god you fucking slut, I talk about shooting piss down your throat and you start getting horny? Man, those girl drugs must really be something,” the captor barked.

The drugs were still cursing through Tommy, to his absolute horror, and he found himself enjoying those degrading things shouted down to him by this gruff man. His arms and legs stretched out like a delicious buffet of food. His manhood forced to plop itself proudly on top of his groin in ignorant bliss; the cherry on top. He found his hips swaying back and forth in their limited freedom. He witnessed, resigning to chemicals cursing through him.

The captor stuck a hand down his own pants, fondling his member at the sight before him. The welly bound, chemically hairless, adorably small and toned body, squirming in restricted sexual age, still half-dazed in a hormone injection that was rarely driving his new sexual desires. He particularly liked the look of Tommy’s meek manhood sealed away in the metal chatity prison; precum glistening under the truck’s harsh, sterile interior light. Tommy even had oddly wide hips for a male. He looked all the part of a delicious little sissy girl.

Tommy never had a sexual or even romantic partner in his 23 years of life, although he was bit of a kinky pervert. He masturbated daily and BDSM was his preference. Though always a girl as the submissive, never a guy. He had a few sex toys and had experimented with prostate orgasms but having only administratored them himself he could take them or leave them.

Tommy understood at his captor’s words, increasing his breathing as he replied meekly, “G-girl d-drugs?”

“That’s Right Guuuuurl.” Tommy’s captor chuckled slyly, his pants were undone now and he was struggling his dick over the empire bonded male.

“The government decided you’re a sissy little beta male, and in accordance with the global efforts, you’re one of many new candidates in a process to create a more feminine world. You’re really doing a great service to humankind, slut, you should be proud. You’re just like Neil Armstrong except instead of a successful astronaut you’re just a fucking pathetic cock sheath with your manhood locked away,” the captor continued to chuckle as he berated him, beating off.

Tommy preferred having this combatant of a conversationalist talk about using his throat as a urinal in comparison to what was just blurted at him. He began to whimper and choke up, still stuck on what he had just realized was the cause of why he likely couldn’t remember anything, Why he still didn’t have full control of his body, the cause of his pounding headache, and why his voice was bizarrely soft.

“G-g-g-girl d-drugs?” Tommy whimpered more intensely.

His captor mocked him, assaulting the last bastion of Tommy’s utterly helpless person, “Guh-guh-guh-guh hahahahahaha, you’re such a pathetic little slutty faggot. Jesus you’ll make a great girl.”

Tommy’s chatity cage swelled at the barrage. He was confused and turned on at the same time. He wondered what his verbal assaulter means by, ‘Make a great girl.’ But then he remembered the drugs.

Tommy sniffled and let out a few high-pitched whiles. His captor continued to jerk off over his body, making audible noises as he himself began to drip precum and lubricate himself with it. Tommy cried as his hips waggled beyond his control.

“Hormones, bitch. Don’t worry about it, nothing you or I can do to change what’s happening to you now anyway. Once you start this potential shit, there’s no going back. In fact, I can already see the form of your cute little female titles taking place.”

This was true, the HRT in the current year was absolutely no joke. Unbeknownst to Tommy, after only one dosage in combination with a few other subduing and testosterone-killing drugs, a couple of sexual amplifiers and growth hormones, his peptides had already started to puff in the all-too feminine way.

The captor orgasmed with a quick low groan, raining 4 hot heavy splunks down on Tommy’s mid-section.

Tommy squirmed as each hot load bombed him. He let out an involuntary girl while as the third one dripped down the length of his middle section.

The captor knelt down, rubbing his dribbling dick head on Tommy’s defeated open palms, wiping it dry. He finished with a confident hum.

“A present for the ride, slut, hang on to that,” The captor grew, standing up and tucking away his junk.

“Speaking of which, I Need to finish getting you to the facility. I was supposed to make another pick up here but uh…well the drugs and the poor fellow didn’t get along too well. Sounds like they were too intense for his fragile faggot body. Let’s just say I’m pretty confident you’re a good candidate.”

This man, who just used Tommy’s body as his own personal cum sock, continued his conversation as if nothing happened. Tommy’s penis swelled in its cage again. The drugs were making his forced submissiveness the ultimate sexual experience for him, but his consciousness fight for reality. Tommy began to tremble as he continued to break down in tears. The man’s cum had cooled on his body and started to chill him, and he could feel it sticky drying.

“I-I-I w-wanna go h-home,” Tommy cried pathetically.

The captor replied sharply, walking away towards the driver’s seat, “That’s where we’re going, you dumb slut. Your new home. Now keep a good grip on that present I gave you.”

The captor chuckled sitting down and looking for the key.

Tommy laid on the hard metal, not as though he had any other choice. He couldn’t drop the quickly adhering cum out of his locked down hands if he wanted to, which the drugs, he reasoned, made him want not to. He wasn’t even attempting to hide his crying now. Huffing and sniffling his nose, his cute teach belly quivering.

The fight of Tommy’s fight-or-flight instinct kicked in as soon as the truck engine started. The rough victory of the truck rattled his soul and reality must have slammed into him. Tommy squirmed as hard as his 5’10” 150lb stretched frame could. “NOOOO!! You can’t do this! I DON’T AGREE TO THIS! Let me go!! This is illegal! I have rights!!” Tommy shouted over and over again, the screams becoming more frantic and pathetic through his dried-up throat. The drugs had already started to lighten his voice.

The captor got up from the driver’s seat, truck in park with the engine idling, walking back to Tommy. He knelt down around Tommy’s head and unlocked the chain around the leather hood, removing it. Just as fast as the hood went off, a 5″ rubber penis gag went into Tommy’s rebelling mouth, effectively ending his vocal tantrum with a firm push.

“Your rights are to shut the fuck up and be delivered to a government facility, capeesh?” the captor barked, spitting a little.

Tommy squirmed as his mouth and tongue got acquainted with the immediate and unwelcome roommate. He let out a primary muffled cry as the gag was locked in place. He laid eyes on his captor who was wearing all black, including a balaclava. This guy did not look like a government worker. The only features Tommy could make on the man were his rigid eye sockets, steely eyes, and large firm lips. He could tell his captor was well built even through his uniform-like black clothes.

The forceful mysterious man revoking his speaking privileges fired up the submissive drugs remaining in his body and made his penis strain against its metal prison in confused excitement. Precum starting to drip on his chatity cage and down to his tightly locked balls. It trailed its way along his stretched, smooth taint and eventually cA small slipy stream could be traced back to the tip of his incarcerated penis.

The captor stood up, grabbing three items from a black duffel off to the side, and came back down to Tommy. The first was a tight leather blindfold, the kind that just barely covered the eyes, but wrapped very tightly around the wearer almost forcing the straw into the wearer’s eye sockets. It was applied, seemingly like everything else, all too tightly.

The captor moved down to Tommy’s abdomen, kneeing next to him. He rolled Tommy slightly on his side and poured a glob of anal lube on two fingers, moving to penetrate Tommy’s tight asshole. He rubbed Tommy’s freakishly smooth butt crack, scouting his fragile picker and applying the lube. He circled his finger around it a few times, Just barely poking the tip of his finger in.

“Is this your little fuck hole, girly?” The captor asked rhetorically, barely probing the tight muscle.

Tommy moaned submissively, embarrassed, turned on, and afraid. His body wanting one thing and his mind the opposite. This is the first time another person had put their hands on him with sexual intent, let alone specifically to raid his asshole. The drugs weren’t helping the already bizarre mixture of natural chemicals his brain was releasing from the experience.

The captor poured another glob of lube on his index and middle fingers and returned with a vigor straight for the price. He put his free hand on Tommy’s taught abdomen and slipped his two fingers into an eager, submitted, warm boy pussy. Tommy moaned uncontrollably girlishly around his muffling mouth-invader.

“You’re pretty lucky you hot slut, if I had 10 more minutes, I would fuck your slutty hole raw. You really are a fine specimen.”

Tommy while, pleaseningly. The strong foreign fleshy fingers felt so good inside of him. He could only imagine what this man’s fleshy dick would feel like, robbing him of his actual ass virginityand completely ruining any shred of his remaining manhood.

After finger fucking Tommy for a solid few minutes, holding him at his bondage’s maximum leniency painfully on his side, the captor ran a 2.5″ diameter, 5″ long buttplug into Tommy’s limber asshole. It was fairly uniform, only tapering at the very end to complete the necessary function of a buttplug. It slipped in with relative ease. His well-lubed and previously penetrated boy pussy swallowed it readily. Tommy moaned in ecstasy.

“Jesus, eat it right up you greedy fuckslut.”

The captor gave Tommy a loud smack across his ass, slapping the bottom of the plug, planning it firmly. Tommy jumped with a sharp yelp, and the man released him back from his side, allowing him to lay as his restraints would naturally force him.

“Hungry, dirty little slut. I bet it must be pretty hot for a slutty little girlish sissy like you to be spit-roasted by rubber, huh? I better not hear a god damn peep out of you for the restof the trip, other than those cute little girl moans and cries. And when we get to our destination and I have to rip those fun accessories out, you better thank the fuck out of me for treating you so nice.”


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