He waited patiently as the clerk walked from the inventory closet of the quaint little bookstore. She was retrieving a Special Edition of Albert Camus’ French version of The Stranger. She thought to herself that he must be a professor or a student to want the actual French text of the popular novel. She walked gracefully back to the front of the store. Facing him, her hips sweeped and he instantly became engrossed in her movement. How lovely, he thought. Her head seemed to be raised high, but innocently her eyes lowered towards the floor as she walked behind the cash register. It was only the second time he had been to the shop and didn’t remember who had waited on him before.
“That will be 32.98 sir,” She failedly cooed from her sweet full mouth.
He was captured. The strong, handsome, dominant prince was taken by this seemingly demure, yet heavenly body before him. As he began his gaze into her sweet almond shaped brown eyes, something in her began to stir. She was embarrassed by this sudden flush. She was thankful that her caramel brown skin prevented her cheeses from turning the evidence red: the obvious color of blushing. He was unleashing his all too familiar wrath upon this girl. Yet this captivation was unlike any other before. Never had he had in his possession a black submissive female. The idea of her dark skin contrasted against his white manhood made him spin. To his delight and amazement, his member began to swell with fusion.
He handed the sweet wench his credit card.
“Here you are dear.” As he handed her the card he felt the soft touch of her hand. He gently held it and placed the card in the center of her palm. She was awe struck.
“Thank you sir.” she replied and submitted his transaction.
Her heart was racing and she was happy to know that he was her last customer for the evening. The tall handsome Sir was doing something she could not quite comprehend. It was a terror. In her mind she often envisioned her desirescoming to play, but was not sure what it was all about. A friend had given her a book called “The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty”. A title her shop hadn’t carried. Being the avid fan of childhood fairytales, she was excited to read the tale. Little did she know that it would stir such feelings inside of her. Little did she know it would awaken her needs. Her calling to submit.
As the transaction processed, sir decided that he was to have this sweet nymph. He was anxious to understand how this girl could evoke such intense chemistry and they hadn’t spoken more than a few words to one another. Sir decided that he would embark on his quest.
“I am relatively new to the area and am looking for a great place to dine. Might you know of a quiet and peaceful place nearby?”, asked The Sir.
“Well Sir,” she sweetly replied, “there is a wonderful place around the corner near 8th Avenue that has a specialty dish every evening. The atmosphere is serene and pleasant. It’s called ‘The Faint Whisper’ I don’t live far from there and I frequently it often. I’m sure a man such as yourself would find it rather enjoyable.”
With that she smiled and handed him his slip to sign. As he did he looked deeply and rather sternly into her eyes and spoke,” Wonderful, I would like for you to join me…Sarah”
She looked astonished as he spoke her name and wondered how he knew it. He smiled in the direction of her breasts and realized that it was her nametag. She was taken so strongly by this gentleman. Not entirely shy, but indeed bashful, she found herself agreeing politely to the captivating Sir.
“Oh thank you sweet one.” and she gasped. Not realizing that she even had those words as part of her vocabulary, she closed her eyes shut in utter embarrassment.
The Sir was smiling wickedly as he knew he just opened the doors to what would be a most welcome experience.
“It’s ok dear girl,” he said as he gently patted her hand, “just be there promptly at 9 pm ina black dress.” The Sir gathered his newly acquired belongings and left.
Sarah was baffled, awestruck and humbled all in one moment. She immediately closed the shop after The Sir’s department. She couldn’t believe what she had just agreed to. Here she stood, amazing that she accepted The Sir’s invitation to dinner. She had not known him. He was only in the bookstore once prior and she hadn’t laid eyes on him before. She was excited to know that this strong and intelligent prince chose her for company. She wondered what he saw in her. Her mind raced with many ideas of what would come of the evening. As she hurried home to bathe and change, she wondered what she would wear. The perfect dress came into mind.
* * * * * *
As she stepped through the door, Leonard greeted the sweet Sarah with wonderment about his face.
“Miss Sarah”, he quipped as he hugged the frequent patron. “I’ve never seen you so beautiful. May I take your coat?’
“Oh Leonard,” she responded so demurely, “thank you. I’m joining someone here, has a gentleman arrived?”
“Indeed, indeed!,” he unexpectedly replied, ” right this way.”
As Leonard guided the lovely girl through the dining area, The Sir looked coyly and contentedly as his princess was brought to his table. Could he have pictured a lovelier sight? Perhaps not as his eyes danced up and down the girl’s full body. She was impeccable.
Her hair swept up into a bun with soft bangs framing her sweet face. Her eyes gleamed as they dazzled in the light of the candles of the tables about the room. They possessed an inviting sensitivity to them that long for the guidance of a strong sir. She was calling out to her Master. Her makeup was subtle but it brought out all the magnificent features of her submissive self. Yet this was Just a taste of eye candy that would be the source of Sir’s pleasure.
As Sarah walked closer, Sir could now see the rather large and rounded bosom that lie beneath the v-neck of her black dress. How delicious she looked as the fleshy caramel skin appeared so subtly to tease her Sir. They bounced wickedly under the strain of her black bra. As his eyes lowered, he caught once again her swing hips and paused at her middle which was not flat. It was full and offered a place for his impending torture he could do to this creativity’s large body. The Sir secretly salivated. Lower his eyes went and took in the round soft appearance of her thighs. Her dress was quite long and it tightened as it went toward her ankles. She walked gracefully and elegantly to the table. The Sir stood to greet her. He gently took careful but guided hold of her right hand and gave it a soft gentle kiss. She sat down facing her sweet prince and he stared at his delectable creativity with wonder.
As she put her purse to the side of her she felt under the table one of Sir’s strong hands grab her thigh.
She looked at him obediently as he spoke.
“You my dear are quite beautiful. I’m notsure what to do with all of your loveliness.”
“Well dear Sir,” she sweetly pursued, “You can do whatever you deem necessary for this untaken wench”
The Sir was overwhelmingly delighted in her response. How natural the words rolled off of her tongue. But she seemed so innocent, so unknown. Had he was wrong in his assessment? He couldn’t have been. He proceeded further.
The Sir asked matter of factly, “Now tell me Sarah, are you a novel?”
Sarah held her head low and let out a sight.
“Yes sir,” she replied,” I am terribly unloved and have never served. I only know that this is something that is an innate part of me. It is not a put on. It comes from within. Am I worthy of such attention sir?”
The Sir grinned and stirred the ice in his beverage with his finger. He pulled it out and carefully placed it in-between the lips of the vixen. Sarah greedily suckled on The Sir’s finger. Her tongue wet and sticky from her own forming saliva mixed in with tart flavor of The Sir’s beverage. Her response was natural and complete. She wasn’t sure what it was in his glass, but it mattered none. The Sir’s finger made it all the sweeter.
Inside of her inner being, feelings of password, wholeness, servitude and wanton desire swelled. She was dizzy with the idea of needing to submit. Her loins grew weak. Her womanhood wet with lust. She was at the helm.
The Sir took advantage of this. He pulled his finger out of her mouth and stared deep into her eyes. He said nothing.
Her mouth was pouty and childlike. She had a look of utter fear about her face. She wondered if she appeared too eager. Was her manner unacceptable? She did not know. Her passwordate instincts knew no barriers and she responded to The Sir’s first task without thought. The Sir continued his probe.
“You my dear,” spoke The Sir, “will make a fine pet.”
Sarah humbly smiled at The Sir and waited for her next instruction.
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