This is basically an erotic love story and of course all characters are over 21. It will definitely start out as a love story and continue to build with fiery password. Please vote often (fives are most welcome) and of course please leave constructive comments. I love hearing from you and love your ideas for the continuation of this story or ides for new stories.
Chapter 11
For the next week, they had a very fortunate matching of schedules. With both of them working the day shift, they had evens devoted to each other. Unfortunately, Joe had a few late nights with the problems in the wastewater escalating. The water chemistry seemed to fluctuate wildly from day to day, which made it very hard to treat. Joe and everyone cut back on treatment and instead opted for small steps to try to equalize the treatments.
The problem with treating the incoming chemistry was that the fluctuation appeared to be only moments in time. In other words, theyseemed to be getting large slugs of bad water, but everything else seemed fine. Therefore, when they treated the water based on the large slugs of water, they overcompensated for everything else. So, the wild gyrations in chemistry were mostly due to over treatment of water.
Joe was at least glad they were doing something, but to be honest, this slow methodology was driving him crazy. Joe also used his managerial position to try to get Jessa some of the better, dancing jobs. He knew Lisa’s talents were wasted on many of the eye candy jobs that they had given her, and he wanted better for her. At the same time, it irked him to see the love of his life sitting virtually naked in men’s las trying to hawk drinks or other services. While she was certainly better than that, she was also his woman and his to look after and protect.
It was unusual for someone from the engineering staff to even talk with people in the entertainment staff. Joe had already made friends there and usedThey to Lisa’s advantage. It finally took some convincing, but he thought he made some headway when he finally noticed some dark-haired, shorter dancers in the club. Still it wasn’t Jessa, but at least they were finally valuing some diversity in looks.
Fortunately, he had Jessa at home, and their relationship seemed to get better every day. On the home front, they found they both had very eclectic tastes in food, music, movies, and books. While there were inevitable exceptions, they mostly like everything each other had or wanted to do.
When it came to the sexual side of their relationship, it was off the charts. Both Joe and Jessa were very physical in their expressions of love, and when they weren’t making love they were touching, kissing, or hugging. Jessa really means what she said earlier, she really did want Joe to tame her. She would purposely be obstinate or tease him unmercifully with that incredible body of hers, and if he didn’t take control of her, she would keep doing it until he did. Jessa had a strong will, but she only wanted to give herself to someone worthy of the fight and her gift.
For Jessa it was almost a battle of wills, while she wanted Joe to tame her and force her to give in, she would make him earn it. Jessa thought of herself as the most popular girl in a caveman clan. She knew ultimately, she would have to submit to the strongest man, but she would test him first. She had to make him prove, he is worthy of her gifts. She wouldn’t give in until she was totally overwhelmed and couldn’t take any more.
Fortunately for both of them, Joe was very perceptive and picked up very quickly when to push and what her limits were. He found various methods for controlling her, from orgasm denial, intense stimulation, or even sometimes continue unrelenting orgasms. However, each time he could perceptively see when she had reached her limit, and when she was once again ready to submit to him. Those were the moments when theyr love wove their hearts and souls together; the moments when only they existed.
Joe learned how to strip her emotions bare till all she had left was her password and love for Joe. He found new and creative ways to bring her to the edge until she was screaming and begging, lost in the hurricane of conflicting emotions. Many times, her spoiled, sassy, and independent side would make her hold out and fight him. In the Next instant, she begged for more needing to feel him take her. She trembled under his dominant love, and even in the same sentence alternatively pleading to stop and begging for more, with her heart laid open for his feasting.
Joe could see the pride, and adoration in her eyes as she gave her heart and her body to him. Likewise, Jessa could see the stubborn pride and loving tenderness as he stripped her rebelliousness from her. No one had ever loved her like this, with this dedication and this intensity. His loving intensity took her breath away. It was beyond herwildest dreams, and she knew, despite her sassy streak, she was meant for him.
One of her favorite ways to entire him was to ask him to critice a new dance routine. Generally, she would start off with one of her mundane dance routines and would quickly change it into a cock hardening, strip tease followed by a lap dance. When she reached this stage, he would typically restrain her sometimes with handscuffs, other times he would tie her to the bed. In extreme cases, he would tie her in a back bend over his credenza. Since the credenza was open underneath, he would lay her on the top and tie her arms and legs together underneath the credenza. In effect, he was tying her in a backwards circle with the credenza holding her up.
Once she was restrained, he could tease, tantalize, or torture her to his heart’s content. Joe Found during these sessions that Jessa really wanted more extreme restraints. She wanted to feel the stretch and the pull and know that she could not get away.In a confession later, she told him the tighter she’s bound the more sensitive her skin is to his touch. She craves his hard, intense touch, desperate for him to push her harder and higher than she’s ever been.
She loves what he does to her and the more extreme the better. She hungers for his control, for the way he claims her like a caveman would take his mate, forceful and primary. His eyes always showed his soft and loving heart, but his voracious hunger made her tremble with desire. Every part of her needed and yearned for him. She couldn’t eat or breathe without him, but she was still compelled to test him. She tested him over and over until he forcedly took her and made her pay for her petulance.
Once he had her restrained, he would use various methods to teach her a lesson. Sometimes it was a paddle or crop to give her sharp jolts to various parts of her body. Other times it was a Mink glove or feathers to tease and tantalize. Sometimes he would use vibrators or other toys to keep her on the edge. However, the real torture was keeping her on the edge of orgasm until she promised to be good. Sometimes he would even do the reverse and keep her cumming until she promised to be a good slave.
Joe felt like the sessions were getting longer, and it was as if she was testing him for something. One time she was teasing him so unmercifully that he tied her over the credenza and teased her until she begged and pleaded for him to let her cum. Once she begged and pleaded, Joe walked away and sat down, but every few minutes he would get up and tease her clip just long enough to get her back on the edge. Then he would go sit down again. He kept this up for over an hour.
Her pleasure kept on until she suddenly broke down into heartbreaking sobs with tears flooding her eyes. Joe knew something had happened, and quickly he undid her bonds. As soon as he did, she scrambled off the credenza, knelt at his feet, wrapping her arms around his legs as she crieduncontrollably. In among the sobs, she would beg for Joe not to throw her out and to give her another chance.
Joe realized he had ignored something in her, something deep and painful. He sat on the floor pulling her into his lap, and as he held her, he started to give her soothing cares on her face and back. He tilted her head towards his and looked into those stricken, watery eyes as he whispered, “I’m not going to throw you out my love. Even when you make me angry or push your limits too far, I will always care for you. Look at me. Look into my eyes and understand how I feel about you, Jessa. I will always cherish you. Even when you make me angry and upset me, I will still love you.”
She grabbed on to him and clung to him like a leech with her face buried against his chest. She began crying anew until her tears ran down his chest and clung to his downy, chest hair. As he continued to hold her, he would cares her in soothing strokes and soft words until he could hear her whispering between sobs.
“I didn’t know. I didn’t know someone could love me like that. I didn’t know how much you really love me. No one has ever loved ME … not like that. They always wanted my body, but never me. You’re the only one that wants ME!”
He cradled her in his arms as he stood up and carried her to the bed. He placed her on the bed and lay down next to her, hovering over her looking into her eyes. He held himself over her with one arm and with the other arm; he continued to stroke her face, brushing her tears away. As he was looking at her, he realized the truth of what she had said on the day they committed themselves to each other. She knew her fear would drive her to test him, even if she was not intentionally doing it. She was afraid that his love for her was not as deep or committed as hers was. She was afraid that all it would take was for her to get him angry, and he would throw her out.
Joe didn’t think she had intentionally tried to do anyof this, but the opposite of love is fear. Her fear of not being loved made her test his love and resolve. He knew she had been deeply damaged by her ex-husband, but he was only beginning to realize just how damaged. The damage might go back even further than her husband to other boyfriends. She feels like all she has to do is make someone angry then they will leave her, so her fear of rejection made her test him.
This was what she said back after their first date. That she would test him. Joe felt his heart aching for her and was now determined more than ever to love her with everything he has. He’s going to heal her from all the damage the other men in her life have created, and he’s going to show her that he loves her enough to fight for her.
That night she cried herself to sleep in his arms and she clung to him with a Desperation had never seen before. Neither of them slept very well that night and every time Joe moved, he felt her grip tightened on him possessessively. Jessa was truly afraid that she had driven him away.
In the early morning hours, Joe lay beside her and started softly kissing her entire face inch by inch until her tears stopped. When she finally looked into his eyes and whispered with all the heartfelt compassion that he had, “Jessa, you brought love back into my life. I am crazy in love with you and I’m not going to throw you out. I’m not going to punish you for any of this, but understand this, you can’t drive me away, because I love you. This may have been enough for others to throw you out, but that just proved they didn’t really love you.”
Jessa looked at him with heartbreak still in her eyes and softly said, “So will you make love to me again.”
Now he understand, by not making love to her after she said she would be good, she thought he was so mad he would throw her out. Wow, either her ex-husband or some boyfriend had really done a job on her. For them sex was weapon, not an act of love. They apparently usedsex is a brutal punishment for some perceived wrong. Maybe they denied her love and rousing sex as a retribution for something, but the end result was a torturous life for his Jessa.
Joe suddenly realized just how fragile Jessa’s heart really is. To all the men before she had just been a plaything for them to toy with and her body an impersonal doll on which to heap abuse. So now he know no matter what their games entailed and how wild they got, he had to end everything with an achievement of his love. He had to let her know just how much he loved her and he had to show it by demonstrating her just how much he cherished everything she is. He could never again walk away from her without letting her know how much he loved her.
Joe continued to lavish kisses all over her face until his lips finally slide over her jaw nibbling on her ear as he finally responded. “Yes, my love I’m going to make love to you right now. I’m going to let you know just how much I truly love you.”
Joe continued kissing down her neck over her shoulders and arms taking his time with loving and passwordate kisses. He left trails of erotic fire every place his lips went leaving Jessa basking in his steamy and arousing kisses. He kissed over her shoulders, arms, ribs and all around her breasts until her nipples throbbed with the suffering anguish of neglect. Jessa arched her back, thrusting her nipples towards his mouth in a silent plea to end his torturous avoidance of her explosive breast flesh.
He continued to tease her as his kisses went over the bottom of her breasts, over her ribs and down her belly driving her mad with need. Her whimpers and pleasures seem to be falling on deaf ears until he suddenly kissed one of her nipples. With his tongue he lightly toyed with her nipple, only making the torturous ache that much worse. Jessa arched her back even further trying to force him to maul her nipple and end the ache by electrifying her nipple with the white-hot jolts of password.
Joe only switched to the other nipple, continuing to lightly torment her sensitive and inflamed flesh. Jessa whimpered and squirmed trying to get him to take her offers and let her feel the scorching fury that she knew was coming. Her pleasures and offerings seem to be falling on deaf ears until suddenly he engulfed her nipple in his mouth. Jessa gave a little shriek as a firey heat burst in her nipple and rippled through Her body. Joe’s mouth suddenly seemed ravenous as he attacked her offered body. He hungrily switched to the other nipple and fanned the simmering heat in her belly into a bonfire. Jessa’s pleading squirms turned into a blething, twisting exploration of bliss crashing through her body.
Joe’s hunger seemed to consume him as he quickly nibbled down her belly, crawling between her legs and nibbling on her womanly folds. As his tongue separated her lips he caressed the pink swollen tissue hidden by her lips. Jessa began to gasp with her chest heaving in exerciseas her whole world centered on what his tongue was doing to her. Joe felt her hips lifting off the bed and knew she was reaching for her orgasm. He pulled his mouth away just long enough to say, “You may not cum until I tell you. Do you understand my slave?”
Between her gasping and halting breaths Jessa grap out, “Oh yes my Master, oh yes, I understand.”
Joe returned to her slick, swollen, womanly flesh as he continued to tease and nibble all around her clip, but never touching it. Joe knew Jessa wanted him to tame her, tease and tantalize her to the point of madness. He settled between her tights with his arms holding her steady as his mouth teasingly nibbled with only small breaths or touches on her clip. He rapidly took her to the edge with her body fighting his arms and emrithing in excruciating ecstasy. He kept her in sight off her erotic rapture and very soon she was once again begging for him to let her cum.
As he fought the emrithing of her hips, Joe saw her head thrashing back and forth. Her arms were flailing, almost spastic with her hands clawing at the sheets. She seemed to fight for every breath as the fire inside of her seemed to rob her lungs of the ability to breathe. Jessa whimpered, moaned and between heaving breaths wheezed her pleasures, beseeching him to let her cum.
“Please, oh Master please … Please let me cum … I’ll be good … Please Master … Let me.”
This was exactly what Jessa wanted and this was the only man who ever took her there. She had lost the ability to think, only feel incredibly excruciating rapture that only Joe had ever allowed her to achieve. She fought to be the good slave and obey her Master’s commands, while her body craved the ultimate release just out of her reach. She felt the beauty of his love, the age of his control and the wild liberating salvation that would be hers when he allowed her to cum. His love had delivered her to a joyful age that healed her shattered heart.
Joe wrapped one arm around her wait and with the other slide his fingers inside her. As his mouth greedily teased her, his fingers slide in and out of her caresing her G-Spot. Joe could see she was losing her grip and despite her attempts to hold on, she was slipping over the edge into an orgasm. He knew now was not the time to punish her for cumming without permission so he gave her the command she had been waiting for.
“Cum my pet, cum.”
Those words were all she needed as thousands of fireworks exploded inside her all at once. Her body arched in a tight bow and for several seconds she forgot to breathe. Her body stayed taut as the tightly stretched bow, as the bliss seemed to control her body. Jessa experienced the kind of Nirvana that only Joe could give her. Then he sucked her clip into his mouth, never letting up, as her orgasms ripped through her with the speed and explosiveness of an artillery barrier.
Jessa couldn’t breathe, see, or think, with her body flailing outof control with each new exploration. With what little breath she had, Jessa screamed her love for the only man that could do this to her. She had reached her limit and eagerly sacrificed her body to the man that mastered her heart and body.
Joe continued to suck and nibble on her overly sensitive clip creating waves of excruciating rapture. As her orgasms continued Joe’s mouth began to tire and he rapidly kissed his way up her perspiration soaked skin. Her eyes popped open wide as she felt his cock nudging between her nether lips. Her mouth spasmed open and closed in a silent plea, but her meaning was clear … “Take me.”
His engaged cock slide into her, she once again felt that magnificent stretch as he filled her to over flowing. He continued to take her from orgasm to orgasm with her mind and body shattering in magnificent bliss. Jessa was floating in a sea of unrelenting fireworks, unable to catch her breath, while her heart was filled to overflowing with his love.
His cock slammed against her cervix sending her body into a new round of spastic exultation. Joe saw her eyes fluttering as her eyes rolled to the back of her head as a world-class orgasm ripped her body apart. Joe felt himself clamped inside her as every muscle in her body constricted, celebrating her bliss. Jessa’s body continued to vibrate in magnificent rapture until her unending orgasm took its toll and she Fainted.
Joe was still sharpid, buried inside the woman he loved, as her body slumped back to the bed. He still hadn’t cum, but that was not important now, Jessa was. Joe pulled out of her and lay down next to Jessa pulling her back against his chest. He pulled the sheets over them and wrapped her tightly in his arms. He held her protectedly in his arms as he fell asleep.
Later that night he Ike with the feel of Jessa’s shuttering breaths. She had not moved and was still tightly trapped inside his embrace, but he could tell she was crying again. His hand caressed up her belly to her face where he could feel the wetness of her tears. He moved back so she could lie on her back and he could look into her face. Through her watery eyes he could see her heart and soul stripped bare, showing him all love she felt. Her love was giving everything she had and it was complete and total. Joe looked into her eyes and felt the awesome responsibility of this gift.
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