The Shopkeeper

I knew I had no business being in this part of town so late at night, but I needed a costume for a gig I was doing the next night. The girl who was supposed to be dancing went into labor, so my agency called me. I had never danced professionally, in fact, I was not supposed to debut for another couple of weeks. They directed me to this shop in what appeared to be the most run down part of town, but they spoke so highly of this place, so, here I was.

FAISAL’S, read the sign above the door. I stepped inside the dimly lit store, listening to a bell chime.The walls were burgundy. A beautiful, guitar melody with someone singing in Arabic pumped from the speakers. There was a long glass counter along one wall. Behind it were beautiful coin belts, sequined veils, gloves, zills, candles, anything you could think of that a belly Dancer or someone looking to create a Middle Eastern theme party might need. Costumes hung in circular racks around the room. A thick velvet curtain with goldtrim hung in the back of the store.

I began looking at the costume sets when I heard,

“Can I help you?”

“Yes, I…” my breath caught in my throat. I was expecting the shopkeeper to be some uptight Arabic man with a beer belly and horrible breath, but the man who stood before me was tall and handsome. His broad shoulders filled out his shirt nicely. I could see the biceps bulging at the sleeps. He wore dark jeans and a belt with a beautiful gold buckle. His eyes were a beautiful brown. His olive colored skin looked smooth and tanned. He had nice straight hair that was cut shorter in the back and was slightly longer in the front. A thin bear and mustache covered the lower half of his handsome face.

“Are you Faisal?” I asked timingly.

“Faisal is my father. I am Amir.” He spoke with a slight accent. “Whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?”

“Jamilah,” I gave him my stage name.

“Jamilah,” he repeated. “Such appropriate name.”


“It means beautiful in Arabic. Surely you know that when you choose it.” He winked. “You are a belly dancer, no?”

“Yes. I um…I am making my debut a little early, tomorrow night, in fact. I need something to wear.”

“Yes, I can help you with that. We need to find something to flatter your skin and figure. Come, let me measure you.”

He led me to a set of mirrors in the back, a three way mirror surrounded by a step platform. He helped me up, pulled out a measuring tape and said,

“Raise your arms.”

I compiled. He pulled the tape around my breasts. I thought I felt his thumb brush my nipple, but I dismissed it. Next, he measured my wait and my hips.

“How tall are you?” he asked.

“I’m five feet four inches.” He frowned. “Oh, I’m sorry, about a hundred and sixty three centimeters.”

“Thank you. I have never gotten used to the American system of measurement,” he said as he flipped through the rows of costumes. “Now, because of your beautiful cinnamon colored skin, I suggest warm colors.” He throw about three outfits over his arm.

“Come, you must try these on. I need to see if there are any adjustments to be made.”

He guided me to the back of the store and pulled the curve aside. I saw a dingy but clean bathroom and a room with a light and a mirror. I assumed that was the dressing room. Amir turned on the light for me.

“Here. Let me see you in each one of them.”


I went in and shut the door. Damn, he was so handsome! I blushed as I undressed. The first outfit was red, the second one yellow, and the third was a beautiful coral color. For some reason, I felt drawn to the coral. The bra was a solid satin with gold coins sewn in circular patterns around the cups. Gold chains dangled from the band. The skirt had a full panel in the back and one in the front that covered me, but allowed my legs full access to the outside. The bra fit beautifully. I feel a twinge of butterflies in my stomach as I exited the dressing room. Amir stood with the measuring tape around his neck, waiting.


He turned. When he saw me, it took him a second to breathe.

“You are living up to your name, my dear. There are a few accessories to go with this costume. Come to the three-way mirror.”

He stood me in the mirror. He fitted a beautiful coin necklace around my neck. He smelled very nice, like burning wood.

“Do you use a veil when you dance?”


He brought out a large matching veil trimmed in gold sequins and handed it to me.

“I need you to dance for me so I can see how the outfit moves.”


“Don’t be shy, Jamilah. You will be in front of an audience tomorrow, no? There is no one here but you and me. Please, we do not want anything falling during your performance.”

He had a point. I spread the veil behind me and I began to move slowly to the song pumping from the speakers. I began to sway and shift myhips in a circle. I moved the veil in front of my face as I started to undulate. I slowly tightened up the undulation until only my belly was rolling. I moved the veil aside so he could see. I was getting into the music, and I noticed that the store was taking on a sweet scent.

“I hope you do not mind that I am burning incident,” he said. He stared at my belly.

“Not at all,” I said. I was teasing him, and he knew it. He shifted his weight back and forth. He began to rub his face.

“You…are…a very sexy dancer. You move very well for a beginner. You have a natural talent.”

“Thank you.” I stopped dancing.

“Why did you stop?”

“You want me to keep dancing?”

“I like the way you move.” He came closer to me. “Please, you must know that you are an attractive woman. I did not see a ring on your finger. You do not belong to anyone?”

“No. No husband, no boyfriend…” why was I feeling a little bit like I had been drinking?

“You have one of the most beautiful bellies I have ever seen on a dancing girl. There are so many things I would like to do with this belly, and with you, my beautiful American princess.”


Amir stepped onto the platform. I felt him slide his arms around me.


He caught me in his arms as I failed.

“Jamilah, awaken my dear.”

Darkness engulfed me. As I became more aware of my surroundings, I tried to move. My wrists were tied together! They hit something solid, like a pole or pillar. More rope kept my ankles together. I shifted and felt a tight rope around my waist, just above my navel.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmm!” Something soft filled the space of my mouth and made normal speech impossible. As I wriggled my jaw, something sticky and thick lay across my lips. I could not explore the thing in my mouth even if I wanted to. My tongue was pushed against the hard roof of my mouth by that object so I could not use it to free my mouth. I smelled the strangeIncense and hear the haunting Arabic music.

“Do not be afraid my dear. You are in my apartment above the shop.”

“Mmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm!

Mmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm!”

“I am sorry that I must keep you gagged my dear, but we cannot have you screaming, especially once I began giving you mind blowing orgasms.”

What? Was he crazy? Was he some kind of freak?

“That incident, I am used to it, but it can be quite potential if you are not used to the scent.”

“Mmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm!” I wriggled as much as I could, but the ropes did not give me much leeway to move.

“Do not worry, my sweet American princess. You will enjoy yourself once you let go and let this happen naturally. As I said downstairs, you have a magnificent sexy belly.” Amir ran his fingers across the rope holding my waist captive. I felt something warm and wet on my navel, was it his tongue? My belly quivered under his touch.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!”

“I cannot understand you, Jamilah. You are frightened, but also turned on.”

What? No! I can’t be turned on! You drugged me and tied me up! Let me go! I told him all of this, but of course, he could not understand me. Amir slowly lifted my bra. My breasts protruded forward. My nipples hardened in the cool air.

“Your breasts are perfect.” He began to lick one nipple while fingering the other. No! Stop it! What are you doing? Untie me!

“Shh, shh, let your body take over. You were flirting with me. You saw me watching you. You will entic men with this gorgeous belly of yours.” He left my breasts and kissed across my belly. When he got to my navel, he swirled his tongue around while fingering my breasts.

“Let go, Jamilah. Respond to my touch. Respond with your heart, not your head. Let me feel this magnificent belly in my mouth.”

Mmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmmm,” I moaned.

“Roll this sweet bound belly for me. Pull your belly in and push down past the rope.”

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm,” I compiled.

“Good girl. Now, pull it in from the bottom and push it up and over.”

I did as he instructed me.

“Oh yes, my princess, I was right. Your belly moves well even under restraint. If you were mine, I would have your belly bound any time you dance for me.”

“Mmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!”

“I must see, is your pussy wet?” He reached under my skirt. In seconds, my panties were slide down my legs. He untied my ankles. I felt him slide two fingers into my pussy.

“Oh yes, quite aroused. I am going to dance with you, Jamilah. You shall dance on my cock. Do you understand?”

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!” I was so alive and shaking with anticipation. Amir lifted me up. His cock danced against my wet lips.

“You are very tight! Do not resist…uhhhhhh!” Amir slid into me. He began to bounce me on his cock.

“Jamilah…uhhhh…I knew you were special…you feel so good….uhhhhh…my American princess…”

He bounced me while balancing my weight in his arms. I knew he was strong! Suddenly, an orgasm began to rock my core. I could not stop it.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!”

Amir grunted. His body stiffened. He slowly released me. He untied me from the pole. He removed my blindfold. I blinked. We were in a dimly lit room. I saw the pillar where I had just been tied and fucked. Amir stood before me, his shirt wide open, revealing a hairy and muscle torso.

“You were amazing,” he said, struggling my cheek.

“Mmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm?” I pointed to my mouth.

“You want the gag off?”

“Mmmmmmmmmmm,” I nodded.

“Not yet. I am not done with you.”

“Mmmmmmmm?” I held out my hands.

“Do not worry my dear, you will not miss your first job. I am merely getting you ready.”

“Mmmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmm?” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Jamilah, you must lose your inhibitions if you are going to win your audience. It is not enough just to move well or have a sexy belly. You must be totally committed to the dance. To do that, you must lose your fear. I could smell it on you the minute you walked in the store. So, you will be with me tonight. I am going to teach you things you never could learn in any class. Plus,” he kissed my taped mouth, “I think you like being tied and gagged. I think you like me too.”

I blushed.

“I think you can communicate well without your voice. You will learn other ways to communicate your needs to me.” He kissed me again.

“Come, let us add to this costume. You need a face veil. It will be very sensitive if they only see your beautiful eyes.” Amir pinned a longer veil in my hair that hung down my back. He fitted a shorter veil over my nose and mouth. It completely obscured the tape gag.

“Yes, very nice. Now, I will bind your belly again. Hold on to the pillar.”

He took arope, folded it in half and wrapped it around my waist. He pulled the free ends though the loop he created and began to wind the rope around my waist. With each turn, he pulled the rope a little tighter, cinching my waist. When he had no more rope to wind, he knotted the rope behind my back. Then he took out his tape measure.

“I have reduced your waist by two inches. Is the belly rope tight?”

“Mmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmm!” I nodded. I pointed to it and I wriggled my hips.

“You can still breathe. It is no different from a corset. This one is simply made of rope.”

“Mmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm, mmmmmm?” I pointed to the rope again.

“What is it for?”

“Mmmmmmm,” I nodded.

“I have a belly dancer fetish. I always wanted to capture a beautiful belly like yours. This gives me a focal point while you are dancing, especially while you are doing belly rolls and undulations. It is also a way to get you to lose your inhibition. If you can dance with your mouth taped, your belly and hands bound, I know you will be magnificent!”

“Mmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm!” I pointed to my mouth and my belly.

“You don’t believe me?”

I shook my head.

“Come my dear, the night is young.”

Amir tied my hands behind me.

“Now my dear, listen to the music and dance. Dance like no one is watching! Remember to let go!”

This is crazy, isn’t it? This is totally crazy? Yet, why did it feel so, so right?

I began to sway my hips to the music. Since I could not use my arms, I had to rely on my hips and belly. I swayed, I shimmied, I undulated, I rolled.

“You are turning me on. My cock is so hard right now!” Amir sat in a chair and pulled out his immense cock. I was surprised! All of that fit in me?

“Come, sit and enjoy your price, American princess.” I walked over to him.

“Backward,” he said, spinning me so that my back faced him. He held my hips and slide his cock into my warm, wet, lush pussy.

“Mmmmmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!”

“Good girl!” Amir began to bounce me on his lap. My hips made noise as they bounced against his thighs. He stopped and said,

“Move your hips back and forth, then move them in a circle. Belly dance on this cock!”

“Mmmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” I rocked and rolled on that big length of his. Oh man, did this feel good! I liked the way I sounded all tied and gagged!

“Mmmmmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmmm!”

“Turn around.” I got up and I turned around. He got his cock back inside my pussy.

“Ahhhhhh…yes….uhhhhhhh! Uhhhhhh, roll that bound belly!”

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmm, hmmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!”

I came again, very hard. Amir was not far behind. Then he untied my hands, the belly rope and he said,

“You may remove your gag.”

I peeled the tape off my mouth. I pulled out the scarf I had been chewing on.

“May I have some water, please?”

“Yes, my dear.” Amir fixed his clothes. I adjusted the costume. He brought me a glass of water.

“No sleeping drugs,” he said. I laughed and drank. When I was done, Amir gave me a long and sensitive kiss.

“You were amazing. I want to see you dance tomorrow night.”


“Then afterwards, dinner?”

“You want to take me out?”

“You are a beautiful, sexy woman, and you…I must have you as my girl, Jamilah. I felt your attention when I saw you.”

“You did?”

“Yes. Now, I must know, what is your real name?”


“You are serious?”

“I am. I could show you my license.”

He smiled.

“I think I should see you home. I will have this cleaned and to you by morning. No charge. You more than earned it, my princess.”

My gig the next night was a big hit. Amir was right. I danced freely and without inhibition. I booked five more gigs that night. I had one more that night, another private session with my new man, Amir Akram. Who would have known that becoming a belly dancer wouldhave such rewards?

I never dreamed it, but I hope I never stop dreaming.

The End


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