The Sheriff

It was a warm evening, although cooler than the day had been, trees casting long shadows in the orange light of the setting sun. It was humid though, even in the Sheriff’s air conditioned car. He sat in the driver’s seat, eyes shaded from the dappled light on the edge of the woods, a couple of square miles of trees stuck in the middle of an otherwise unremarkable expansion of almost featureless farmland. The road ran through the middle of the copse, and a few dirt tracks branched off from it; although most of them didn’t lead to anything interesting.

The Sheriff was waiting for a particular vehicle, his car pulled over to the side of the road. He knew it would be coming this way, the alternative routes all added a good hour to the journey and laying in wait at this location afforded some shade for him at least, a little cover. He stretched out his arms over the Steering wheel, he hadn’t been waiting all that long but these waits always dragged, especially close to the end of a sHift. His hand moved down, reflexively tapping the pistol on his hip and he glanced over at his hat on the passenger’s seat. Neither had moved since he last checked a couple of minutes ago.

Eventually, in the distance, he saw a vehicle approaching. He sat up a little and as it got closer he saw exactly what he had been waiting for. A pickup truck, cherry red originally, now faded into something slightly More subtle. There were a couple of dents in the body work, but it was clean, neat and in good working order for a truck it’s age. The chrome bumpers still shone. As it passed by, into the woods, the Sheriff pulled out behind it. He hit the lights, flashing up red and blue, lighting up the shadows cast by the trees, unmissable.

A moment later, the truck indicated and pulled off onto one of those dead-end dirt tracks, dust kicking up behind it as it slowed to a halt. The Sheriff stopped his car behind the truck. He picked up his hat and stepped out, placing it on his head andTaking a moment to make sure it was straight. Tall and slim, his tan uniform hanging slightly loose, he walked towards the truck squiting slightly under the brim of his hat. He was frowning a little, one of the signs of a long, unsatisfying shift, along with a dusting of stubble on his jaw.

The truck door swung open with a slight creak and a pair of black-booted feet slipped out onto the ground. “I didn’t ask you to get out.” He said as she emerged.

She was wearing a blue patterned dress, short, above the knees and those boots ended just below them. Her long, dark hair hung loosely over her shoulders, and she brushed an errant strand away from her blue eyes. “I haven’t spooked you, have I Sheriff?” She smiled a little, a mix of amusement and a hint of announcement, her accent just a fraction thicker than his, a slightly more lyrical rhythm to it.

He stopped a few steps from her, near the tailgate of the truck. “You oughta know the drill by now Katy, we’ve done this enough times.” He had known her just about all his life, she was a couple of years younger and it wasn’t like there were a whole lot of different schools around here. They may not have been in the same circles, but those circles intersected a lot in a place like this, a messy Venn diagram of relationships, friends and history that made sure that half the county were on first name basis.

“And what is it I’m supposed to’ve done this time?” She raised an eyebrow inquisitively. Her life had gone in a different direction to his, but it’d be a stretch to call her a criminal, just someone with poor impulse control. She’d spend a few nights in his cells over the years, more often than not because she’d had too much to drink. The few times it had been something more serious, it hadn’t been worth pressing charges. Katy was an announcement, albeit the best looking one he had to deal with on a regular basis.

“Fella over in Braxton says you scammed him out of a couple of hundreds bucks.”He explained, moving slowly around towards the front of her truck, keeping his distance, trying to get a look into the cab. He wasn’t expecting to see a wad of cash sat in the passenger’s seat, but it was worth a look. He felt her eyes on him, following him. He didn’t see anything, but there weren’t too many places to hide something in there.

She told, feigning announcement. The Sheriff was a good guy, he needed to relax a little but he was nice to look at and she’d talked her way out of far more complicated situations before. “Did this falla name me?”

“He gave a pretty good description of you and your truck. There’s not many other hot brunettes who drive cherry red pickups around here Katy.”

“He said I’m hot?” She asked innocently.

“He said you took two hundred dollars, claimed it was some kinda business deal.” He pressed, not wanting to get drawn into her games. It was getting late and it’d been a long day.

“He accused me of being a hooker Sheriff. Triedto pay me for sex” There was a little ice in her voice this time. She’d been accused of a lot of things, she’d even done a few of them, but not that. And certainly not for a couple of hundreds bucks. “There I was, thinking we were just two people enjoying a drink, then he starts making these… assumptions.”

“And I’m sure you didn’t do anything to dissuade him once he started flashing the cash.” He retorted.

“I’m not a goddam hooker!” She shot back angrily, pointing a finger at him. “And I didn’t take his goddam money. I left when he was in the bathroom and that cash was exactly where he left it.” She added quickly.

He felt a flash of announcement, bordering on anger. Partly down to her attitude, partly down to the fact that he’d much rather be going home than dealing with Katy’s drama. He took a moment rather than get into an argument with her. “Fine, in that case how about you let me take a look around your truck. When I don’t find anything you can go back to whateverthe hell it was you were doing and I can go home.”

“You arrestin’ me?”

“I’m trying to avoid that for both our sakes.” He took a step towards the truck. She stayed between him and it.

“Then you ain’t goin’ through my truck.” She folded her arms.

“For chrissakes I can see most of it already, just open up the glove box and…” As he gestured towards the door, she held a hand out, shoving his outstretched arm away with the other.

He reflexively took hold of the hand that was moving towards his face, shifting his weight, turning her around and pushing her towards the hood of the truck. He kept hold of her wrist as she bent at the waist, leaning over the front of the truck with a dull thud, arm in the small of her back. He drew his handscuffs with his free hand, snapping them onto her wrist. He drew the other hand in, applying them to the other wrist, securing her hands. “I was really hopen’ you’d make this easy.” He grumbled.

She felt the warm metal of hertruck’s hood through her dress. The air had started to cool as the sun was setting, and the trees shadows dropped the temperature a little lower. His hand felt like it was holding her securely, struggling didn’t seem like it would accomplish much, and where would she go if she did manage to wriggle away?

She felt his hands on her now, starting to search her. They felt strong. Her arms were bare, the thin straps of her dress didn’t conceal anything either, so there wasn’t a lot to search. He made his way down, his hands sliding over the curves of her body, over her hips, then across into her lower back, fingertips searching for something. She realized that he wanted to check if she was hiding anything in her underwear; she wasn’t wearing any. His hands slipped down onto the curve of her ass, then he paused. He had realized there was nothing there to search.

He didn’t move for a moment, apparently thrown off by this revelation. Katy arched her back a little, a subtle movement to rub the curve of her ass against him. She felt his reaction. An immediate change, stiffening in his pants against her movement. Her fingers found the fabric of her dress, pulling it up a little. She felt the cool air on the naked skin at the top of her thighs and she moved against him again, hips grinding a little, feeling him getting hard quickly. She was getting turned on too, wetness growing between her legs.

He looked down at her, the thin material of her dress showing the curves of her body, which moved against him subtly, but clear in its intent. He was a little surprised at the intensity of his physical reaction, how immediately it was. His hands moved down, around her ass, fingertips on the edge of her dress, teasing her upper thighs.

She turned and looked back at him, their eyes met. The intent was clear, the desire, the need. His hands hitched up Her dress, her fingers pulling at the fabric that her cuffed hands could reach. Her breath caught as he exposed her,that cool air reaching her most intimate places.

The Sheriff reached down, fingertips meeting her pussy lips. He felt her wetness, starting to explore. The smoothness of her lips contrary with a neighborly trimmed patch of public hair. He found her clip and started to rub it, circulation with two fingers, slowly at first, gradually building speed, feeling her growing wetness as she reacted to him. She began to move with him, grinding her hips against his hand.

His touch was amazing. His warm hand contrasting with the cool air, teasing her, pleasuring her out here in the open, unable to control himself. She was breathing more heavily now, moving as best she could in her restraints to encourage his touch. She turned around as much as she could, propping herself up on one shoulder but she could still barely see him. His fingers felt good, but she wanted more, needed to feel him inside her. “Fuck me.” She moaned, half pleading request, half injury.

He needed this too, needed to be inside her. He unbuckled his belt with one hand, unzipping and pulling down his underwear. His cock was unleashed, rock hard, the tip wet with precum already, proof of how turned on he was. He had always gotten hard quickly and easily, but this was a particularly intense erection, one that was begging to be deep inside her. He gripped his thick shake, moving himself to her pussy lips. He felt her wetness again, teasing her with the head of his cock, letting her feel it against her.

She couldn’t stand it. Being constrained the way she was, feeling him against the entrance to her wet hole, knowing how close he was to being inside her. She wanted to reach back and guide him inside her, but all she could do is grind her hips and try to entire him.

He couldn’t stop himself for long. He thrusted forwards, the head of his cock Parting her eager lips. He felt the slight resistance of her tightness around him, pushing slowly deeper and deeper inside her, letting her feel his entire length filling her.

A low moan escaped her lips as she felt his cock inside her. She hadn’t been able to see it before he entered her but she could feel his size now, thick enough to make her feel wonderfully full without being painful and long enough to reach deep inside her. She braced herself as much as she could, letting out a satisfied little purr as he began to move in her.

His Thrusts were slow at first, feeling the tight grip around his cock. With one hand her pulled her dress up, her fingers taking hold of the fabric, giving him a perfect view of the curve of her ass. He watched himself disappearing deep into her, his shaft emerging slick with her juices. He placed one hand on the hood of her car, the other on her waist, leveraging himself so that he could control his movements the way he wanted.

He was moving a little faster now, and it felt amazing. The intensity increasing exponentially. She felt his grip tighten on her hip, gaining purchase, allowing him to fuck her harder, deeper. She moved her hips in time with him, matching his rhythm as much as her position allowed her to. Their bodies moved together, encouraging one another to go harder and faster. They were both breathing heavily, gasps and moans of pleasure escaping from them both, almost animalistic.

He was fucking her hard, just the way she needed him to, paying attention to her body, how she reacted to him. His thick cock reached all the spots she wanted and the intensity made it even more of a turn. She felt a tension building, every muscle in her body felt as though it were beginning to tense up.

He could feel the tension building within her. He had found a cadence that worked for them both. Pleasure built with every thrust within his cock, almost achingly hard now. Her pussy was soaking wet, he felt her juices on him, warm and wet, mixed with what he knew must be plenty of his own precum.

Her stomach felt tight, a sensing building deep inside her, somewhere between an itch and a ticket, a tension building to a release like a volcano about to erupt. Her breath caught almost every time now, moans and hums of pleasure replacing exercise. It feel good, but almost agonisingly close to something even more amazing. For a few moments, it felt as though she were stuck on the edge of that precipice, waiting for a release. And then it came. Her orgasm hit hard, pushing her over the edge. Waves of pleasure erupted from her centre, out through her pussy which she was intensely aware was being so perfectly filled by his thick cock. She heard moans escaping from her throat as he slowed his thrusts, allowing her orgasm to subside, that tension melting away.

Moments later, there was a clicking sound and Katy felt her wrists being released, another relief, albeit less intense. Her hands dropped onto the hood of her truck as he slipped out of her, still hard. She took the opportunity to turn over and look at him, her eyes immediatelyy drawn to his cock, soaked in her juices, a drop of precum emerging as she locked eyes on it. For a moment, she leaned on the truck, legs spread, pussy soaked and satisfied. What she wanted now was his fulfillment.

She dropped to her knees in front of him, intentions clear. He watched as she took his cock in her recently released hands, almost immediately guiding it into her mouth. She stroked his shake with one hand While she sucked the head of his cock, almost immediately replicating the rhythm they had been working to just before she came. He gasped in satisfaction at her efforts.

She could taste herself on him. The cocktail of her juices and his precum was intotoxicating, a constant reminder of how he had felt inside her, of the intensity of her orgasm. She wanted him to feel that too. His hand moved down to her hair, brushing away that errant strand again, and he rested it on her head, not controlling her, more confirming that what she was doing was working.

His bresomething was becoming ragged, he was almost moaning now as she sucked his cock. She looked up at him, blue eyes filled with desire as they met his. She kept sucking though, apparently seeing something that confirmed how close he was. He felt a dull intensity building up from the base of his cock towards the tip, an explosion about to happen.

She felt him get somehow even harder for a moment, in her hand and her mouth. He moaned, his eyes closing as hot cum exploited into her mouth. Added to the cock already filling her mouth, it was overwhelming. She released him from between her lips just as the second wave of cum was unleashed, landing on her exposed cleavage. His cock twitched again, a little more cum dripping out as he braced himself once again on her truck, desperately trying to catch his breath. She swallowed his warm, thick load, taking one more part of him inside of herself.

She got to her feet, both of them propped up by her truck. They looked at one another, sharinga wordless chuckle as they recovered. His cum dripped slowly between her breasts, she didn’t try to wipe it away. They were both flushed, bodies covered in sweat despite the cooling of the air. The sun had all but disappeared by now. They took a moment to straighten themselves out and she looked back at him, glancing at the cab of her truck, the door still open. “So…?” She began, slightly unsure of what she wanted to says.

“Go on.” He said, waving towards her truck. The message he’d got from Braxton PD implied that the guy who’d made the complaint about her was kind of a tool, and the job didn’t really seem worth his time any more.

She smiled at him. “I’ll see you around Sheriff.” She said, getting back into her truck and starting the engine.

“I’m sure you will.” He tipped his hat to her, taking it off as she drove away to mop his browser with his forearm.

She realized she was smiling as she drove towards home. She glanced over at her glovebox, and that smile widened just a little.


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