The multi-chapter story of Cathy started with ‘The Passionate Pleasures of Cathy’. The story contains adult material, including bondage, pain and humiliation, anal sex and ass-to mouth. If this offends you, do not read nor rate it. This chapter is the continuation of ‘The Dark Delights of Cathy’.
Cathy always tried to avoid being an overprotective mother. However, the announcement of her daughter Melanie she had decided to give up her virginity during her weekend in Seattle with Tony stretched Cathy’s lenience to the limit. She could live with the idea her beautiful daughter at some time would start enjoying the pleasures of the flesh but her choice of a man like Tony was quite another matter. Cathy’s feelings of guilt because having slept with her daughter’s boyfriend clouded her judgment considerably, to say the least.
Bittersweet memories rekindled in her mind, how Tony overwhelmed her the first time, how he surprised her the second time by the bold wayhe subdued her. Just reflecting on the way he had unleashed her primeval lusts and desires was enough to let Cathy rub her tights in excitement. Yes, her whole body had smoldered and twisted under his hands, had cavorted and convulsed in orgiastic peaks of pleasure. But at the same he had brought her down to uniformed lows of submission and had dragged her along the very limits of perversion. How could she trust her daughter in the hands of a man like that?
Cathy couldn’t imagine Tony would add insult to injury when she picked up the phone the day before Melanie would leave with him for Seattle. Obviously not deeming it necessary, this time he didn’t use any complicated stories or excuses, he just told her his demands.
‘Meet me at two… same place… and don’t expect to return home for the night…’
‘But Melanie…!’
‘Melanie will stay for the night at your parent’s place near the airport, she will go there right after she returns from ballet class. I’ll pickher up tomorrow morning at ten… our take off is at 1.00 pm. I will buy her a complete new outfit in Seattle.’
Before Cathy could react he already hang up. For a moment she stood there in silence, just alone with her thoughts racing through her mind. After a couple of minutes, which seemed like an eternity to her, she sat down and knew… She knew she wouldn’t have the strength to tell Melanie About him. She also knew she wouldn’t have the strength to resist him. Darn, she would be weak and just shamelessly submit to him again, to his lusts, to his humiliating, perverted games. Cathy shivered in anticipation of the blistering orgasm she would experience under his control. Her situation was awful… and wonderful at the same time!
One hour later she received a parcel by courier. It contained a costume in black leather, a true cat suit, an erotic adoption of the suit hurt by the female star in ‘Catwoman. The Movie’. The knee-length boots and the elbow-length gloves looked clearn-cut enough. The complicated network of straps only revealed its secrets when Cathy, after some fruitless attempts, managed to put the suit on. Her heartbeat accelerated when she saw her image in the mirror. The body didn’t consist of more than a web of black leather straps, revealing most of her creamy skin. Although looking very seductive, on first sight there seemed no reason for alarm, especially since her genital region was neatly covered and her treasure only could be disclosed by loosening two snaps. Quite different in character however was the huge heart-shaped opening in the back, revealing her bottom cheats almost totally.A heart-shaped ass! I will be revealing my heart-shaped bare bottom!Immediately Cathy realized that the main attraction of the erotic costume would be the rear, showing the creamy vanilla heart with its chocolate delicacy in It was a dirty man’s dream.I will look like a slut, offering her butt. It is obscene.When Cathy put onthe mask she was aware two openings would be available to the general donor of this costume, the opening to her anus and the opening to her mouth. Considering the past she could guess in what order these openings would be used…
She was started when the phone rang again. It was Melanie.
‘Hi mom. Tony already told me about the rush model assignment you have. Granny and grandpa are thrilled to have me for the night. Wish me lucky with you-know-what!’
After the first stammering, Cathy managed to formulate warms words for her daughter, wishing her a wonderful weekend and all the luck with the ‘personal stuff’, just what would be expected from a good mother. Only after she had put down the phone, Cathy realized she missed the last chance to chicken out. Maybe the first time she slept with Tony she was seduced, Perhaps the second time she was overpowered. She felt her heart throbbing in her throat when she realized she had ran out of excuses. This time she would deliberately deceive her daughter, having a hot date with her boyfriend. She would meet this man clandestinely, knowing all too well he would take her anally, humiliate her and let her perform the lewdest acts. And at the end… Cathy didn’t dare to think what she would do for him at the end.
All through her career as model and successful centerfold, Cathy succeeded keeping her love life in check. There had been the occasional intimacies and now and then she went through short neighbor relations, but everything always was under control. Thinking about Tony she realized she had resisted a man so furiously, just to be defeated so intensely. This time it would deteriorate even worse, she wouldn’t step into a regular defeat, she sensed the signs of her unconditional surrender!
Now she recognized her situation, Cathy became all business. As a centerfold she always had enjoyed presenting herself at her best and her sexiest. She had still two hours and with a knot in her belly she startedto prepare for her road to ecstasy. After shaving herself at the right places she took a shower, using her expensive perfumed soap, especially taking care of her intimate areas, as she used to do so when she had a hot date. Only this time she also indulged the dark area around her anus. When she was soaping the cleft between her bottom cheeses she closed her eyes and imagined his thick rod moving down the canyon. He liked to tease her by rubbing the whole length of his magnificent cock over her ridged rose, tingling her senses till her cunt was leaking in lust. Then he would roughly sweep away her remaining resistance and just hammer away… It would be wickedly delicious! Of course she would put upsomeresistance. It was the decent thing to do. But he would ignore her shriveling protests, shut her up the wicked way, continue to abuse her ass and Finally force her to do the dirty deed. It was horribly nasty and she still didn’t like to suck his cock, so filthy coming from her ass.No, she hated to do it at all, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer and just force her. May be he would even slap her bottom. He used to slap hard and it would be painful. Nothing she could do. Ultimately he would fill her mouth with his throbbing cock. It would be hard as steel but still its surface would feel velvety and she would have that wicked taste in her mouth as he plunged in.
Cathy had to interrupt her daydream to prevent coming right away. Shoot, time was flying! She admitted the image of her nude body in the mirror. Fortunately she had continued her personal ballet classes and the results were showing off. She knew didn’t have the figure of a supermodel, her curvy body holding too much promise of ripening pleasures to suite the current taste for skinny damages. Yet, she was still beautiful, a wonderfully aged blonde, nearing the age of forty at her sexual peak, with all her spectacular features available for intense scrutiny. Her generous breasts were full of life, shaking as she wriggled her torso to test their elasticity. She slip her hands over her waist, over her rib-cage to cup them, imagining he was behind her, cradling her breasts, feeling their softness and heft. She imagined the touch of his fingers on her rapidly hardening nipples, torturing them while he tongued her neck and shoulder. Then he would force her to bend over a chair and his fingers would insinuate themselves into the humid folders of her slick, hot female flesh.
The image was so vivid. The scene enrolled behind her closed eyes with such a lurid brilliance. She almost could feel the firm grip of one of his hands in her neck, the finger of his other hand circuit around the engaged bud of her cliprioris. Her eyes popped open with a startled gasp and suddenly she found herself staring in the mirror, one hand caressing her breasts, the other cupping her sex. She looked like a woman desperate with desire. Embarrassed she told herself to stop, she looked like Melanie, all workedup for a hot date. She was a grown woman, for heaven’s sake. Although need pulsed in her body, she managed to straighten herself, putting on the Catwoman outfit piece by piece, relinquishing every moment she felt another piece of cool leather against her hot skin. Only after she had rested another five minutes she felt ready to confront him. She shivered in anticipation when she started her car, still feeling a restless ache between her thighs.
Cathy was glad it took her over half an hour to drive cross-town from her home in the suburbs to the MetroLux hotel downtown. It gave her the time to cool down and come to her senses. She was meeting the man who sent her some weird costume just to let her know he was going to fuck her in the ass. It was the same man who was going to deflower her daughter. It was not just bizarre, it was sick. Why did she continue driving? She should make a U-turn right away, phone him and give him a piece of her mind. But then the restless ache between her legs reminded her of the reason why she continued the long drive through the city. She felt awfully weak and yes, she was a terrible mother too.
He waited for her in the lobby, painfully handsome and relaxed as always.
‘I’m glad to see you.’
His touch as they shook hands was familiarly electrifying.
‘You look especially beautiful today’ he said while they were waiting for the elevator.
It better be, it took almost needed almost an hour for my make-up only.Cathy thought.
The elevator ride to one of the upper floors took an eternity. She was grateful it was autumn. It allowed her to wear a coat over her Catwoman suit. The beautiful Vera Wang neck coat was a present for one of her model assignments and she knew it looked perfect on her. Nobody would guess she was wearing anything erotic like a Catwoman suit underneath. Only Tony knew, she had seen the flicker of approval in his eyes. Riding the elevator with so many other people, Cathy nevertheless felt very naked under her coat. She wondered if he would tear it from her body as soon as they entered the room like their first sexual encounter. None of that this time, he just closed the door behind them and turned to her.
‘Let me give you the Grand Tour first’
For optimal privacy the Honeymoon Suite of the hotel could only be reached through two double doors and they were in the small hall separating them. It was nicely decorated as could be expected. Everything seemed totally predictable until Tony took a key from his pocket. Quietly he opened an inconspicuous door in the far corner, which just looked like a standard service door.
‘Follow me and I’ll show you an interesting feature of this room.’
Cathy more or less had expected some action other than a guided tour of the premises. This man never failed to surprise her. She followed him when he climbed up the steps of a short staircase. They entered a small room with a couple of chairs, arranged theaterstyle facing a screen about four feet high and six feet wide. Cathy was just thinking this was an odd place to watch a movie when she noticed the ‘screen’ wasn’t a screen at all, it was a one-way mirror, presenting a spacious view of the enormous bed. Immediately Cathy felt thrown back in the atmosphere of decadent lewdness she had learned to associate with Tony’s presence.
‘This hotel was built some 100 years ago in the late 1890s. In those days the filthy rich sometimes created facilities to accommodate their specialized needs.’ Tony said cheerfully. ‘You don’t have to worry, nobody will watch your performance in the outfit I selected for you. However, during the last renovation they upgraded the facilities to make them state of the art. This room is equipped with the latest digital hardware to record the activities of newlyweds as a facility for their future ‘Happy Anniversary’ celebrations!’
Cathy now understands the purpose of the numerous electronic paraphernalia in the room. When she had another look at the one-way mirror, she found amazing how many details on the bed she could distinguish. Did they rig the glass or was it just her heated imagination the image looked sharper and closer than expected? If a password couple would occur the lush, welcome mattress a possible observer would be able to watch their erotic exercises in minute detail. No overheated imagination was needed to confer Special significance to the general thick carpet in front of the bed. It easily would serve as a stage for a couple to perform acts so password the comfort of a soft bed wasn’t needed. These actions would take place right before the eyes of a concealed audience. When they were back in the Honeymoon Suite Cathy had another look at the mirrored wall facing the bed, marveling nothing indicated someone might be watching.
‘Let me show you some other gadgets of this Suite’ Tony said, offering her a large leather case.
She gulped when she opened it and several whips in black leather were staring at her, neighborly arranged in their custom made receipts. The sudden threat caught her by surprise and she felt excitement swirling icily up her spine. Painful memories from old times restored, memories better be forgotten. It had been so many years past. Involuntary she touched one of the whips, a menucing cat-‘o-nine-tails, immediately withdrawing her hand at the touch of the solid winded leather.
‘I will cry out loud.’ Cathy whispered, shifting her eyes to the other side, feeling she wouldn’t be able to withhold her emotions if she remained looking at those frightening whips. Her genitals seemed to break out in sweat. He ignored her words, reached out for the nightstand and handled her a remote with a yellow and a red button.
‘Push the yellow button.’
When she did, she heard the soft sound of screens moving.
‘What did I do?’
‘You let the soundproof screens down. It’s another great feature. Now you can screamm your heart out. The whole room is soundproof, no noise here can be heard out side! Isn’t that neighbor for a honeymoon suite?’
‘What about the red button?’
‘It handles the equipment in the observation room. Just push the button if you want to keep some heated memories as souvenir. But wait, where are my manners? Let me take your coat first…’
His words sounded like standard courtesy, but under the circumstances were saturated withdouble-entendre.The atmosphere in the bedroom was thick with erotic tension. She felt his hand softly caresing her skin when her designer coat slipped from her shoulders. He obviously was pleased with the rich display of her naked flesh the Catwoman suit provided him. In a playful, teasing gesture she turned her back to him, covering her bottom With her hands, effectively blocking both the view of her breasts and her behind. Cathy was fully aware she only would score a temporary success. Just by making one step forwards he pushed his hand under her arms to cover her unprotected breasts and mercilessly pinched her swollen nipples. She moaned and in a reflex brought her hands up to keep him in check. Immediately his right hand shifted to the heart-shaped open plain in her back with its central, dark abyss. Gasping for air and twisting in delight Cathy allowed his fingers tease the ridges of her anus. How wickedly delicious to be tricked this way! Her twin orbs wiggled in shameless collaboration.
‘Now be a good pussycat and present yourself properly.’ He whispered in her ear.
Under all circumstances Cathy remained a professional. With the ease of an experienced centerfold she walked the line to the far end prisonerly wiggling her hips, knowing the sight of her grinding orbs would be quite a sight to behold. When she reached the wall she dropped to her knees, she didn’t know why, she just gave in to an impulse, the instinct of an animal showing she was properly trained. After the playful interlude the sexual tension was thick as ever. Crawling over the carpet on hand and knees like a cat in heat Cathy made her way back to him. Shivers of anticipation rolled from her shoulders over her eager breasts, tingled down her spine and after lingering over the soft insides of her thighs, surged into the moistening depths of her cunt.
During the whole trek her eyes remained fixed at the promising bulge of his trousers. When she finally reached his legs she reached to open his zipper but instinctively felt she had better wait. Like a true kitten she rubbed her cheeks against the tissue of his trouser-legs, slowly working her way up till she could feel the pulse of his throbbing cock. When she looked up at him she saw him gazing down at her with those amazing green eyes. The familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach reached an alarming level. It was a deep urge, crying out to be fulfilled.
He smiled at her and his finger traced the outline of her lips. She remembered him being so fascinated by her lips. Her need for his cock was overflowing. She wanted to wrap her lips around it, to feel its power and strength in her mouth. Raw desire was rushing through her veins. She groaned of pure wanting when he slowly opened his zipper, finally disclosing the object of her lust. His magnificent penis lunged from its hiding to seek her attention: the shaft lined with veins, the head meaty and full, sporting a dewy droplet of pre-come. His balls, richly furred with thick curls, were hanging heavy and taut.
Now, with the prime sample of manhood moving in front of her face, Cathy suddenly felt self-conscious. What was she doing? She was a model with a reasonably successful career, used to be treated with respect. Instead being wine and dinner with a subsequent lengthy flirtation, she now was on her knees in front of the opened thighs of This man without having shown at least a glimpse of resistance. Cathy sat back on her heels, looking up at him, her face poised just inches fromhis rigid prick. Again she had a look at the symbol of male domination, soaring arrogantly in the air.
With a sob of surrender Cathy launched herself forward into his dangling sacs, submissively hiding her face deep in the sweaty stuffiness of his scrotum. Importantly she paid equal attention to the left and the right. She retired feeling him all over his face and inhaling the odor of his strength and desire. Slowly she reached up to clap his erection in both hands. Almost respectfully her long, elegant hands explored the swollen shake, caressing his prick in silent admission. Tenderly she cradled the wrinkled sacks of his balls with her hands handling them like precious delicacies. She pulled at his hips and let them sink into her open mouth, playfully rolling the exquisite fruits over her tongue in an exquisite erotic care.
Shifting her approach Cathy started licking his upstanding cock. With broad strokes her tongue ceaselessly caresed his turgid manhood till theShaft was thoroughly coated, wet and glaiming with her saliva. Then she ducked her head to nuzzle at the base. She couldn’t have enough licking and snapping at the hairy scrotum. Hesitantly she worked her way up again to the crown. She paused, glancing up at him, waiting for his approval. Only when he let his hand brush through her blonde locks she tilted the shake back to capture the swollen head in her docile mouth. Then, forming her lips into a ring, she really went down on him, taking him deep in her throat, bobbing her head slowly up and down, cocksucking like an expert adult movie star.
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