She knew he would never forget her birthday. Every year he would come up with something more laborate and decade. Last year it was a weekend trip to Vegas. She had no idea how he would top that one. So all day she waited for the phone call, the flowers, the chocolate, and all day nothing happened. There was no limo waiting when she got home and no crazy romantic gesture to lure her into bed.
She decided to let it go since he did so much for her. She won’t even mention it she decided as she walked into her apartment and kicked off her heels with a sight of relief. A nice hot bath would be just what she needed right now so she walked into her bedroom to undress. As she shimmied out of her work skirt she saw a sexy black outfit laying neighborly on the bed. It was all leather and so short she didn’t think it would cover anything. High siletto heels, a blindfold, and a note were next to it.
The note read “Put this on, tie the blindfold, and sit on your bed and wait for me.” She loved it when he talked to her like that and felt her body respond immediately as she did as she was told.
It was no longer the tedious act of getting dressed but had been transformed into a sensitive act that she performed just for him. It filled her with pleasure and satisfaction as she tied on the blindfold. It was a bond they were creating even though they were apart. He ordered and she obeyed but only Because she was willing to please him. She sat on the bed and thought to herself that the note reminded her of a naughty Alice in Wonderland tale. She knew he would make her wait for awhile not to tease or annoy her but to prepare her. The longer she sat there the more she thought of what he might have in store for her.
The excitement of the unknown made her feel alive and sent a pleasant zing straight to her core. Every sense was Heightened. She needed to be filled and touched. The leather of the dress was not enough friction and was just making her hotter so she lay down on the bed to give herself access to touch herself. “Hmmm, ” she moaned as her fingers explored her sex and came away glistening with her cream. At that moment she heard footsteps and felt a presence standing over her.
His breath was raspy and short and she could tell he was turned on by her display. It felt like an eternity passed with no sound other than their breathing and no movement but the rise and fall of her chest. She had stopped touching herself when she realized he was there. She was so open for him that it surprised her what he did next. His fingers gently and slowly lifted her fingers to his mouth. He sucked on her fingers and tasted her. Her breath hitched,
Whatever he did always pushed her and always seemed to uncover a secret desire. Something she would feel the need to hide from others. Never from him. He wouldn’t let her hide. He made her feel safe but at the same time right on the edge. It was such a contradiction and yet it was all him. He made senseto her.
“Troy I…” She never finished.
“No speaking Tori,” His voice had command to it but it was deeper than usual. She smiled to herself realizing he was using what she called his fuck me voice. She was getting to him.
Next she felt his fingers on her opening her folds and touching her lightly in all the right spots. Her slick wetness coated his fingers. She couldn’t help but move into his hand even though she knew he wanted her to be still.
His finger entered her slowly and she grabbed onto the bedsheets. He pushed a second finger into her and she bit down on her lip to stifle her scream. He knew exactly what she needed and gave it to her. Every touch bringing her closer to heaven.
A buzzing sound filled the room and Tori squirmed as she felt another burst of wetness spill from her. More torture ensured as it seemed to go on forever until she felt the vibrator against her clip. “Oh god Troy!” She screamed out before she could stop herself. He pulled thevibrator from her just as she felt bliss only moments away.
“Trust me Tori. The wait will be worth it,” It sounded like he was miles away. With the blindfold on, the vibrator still buzzing, and his fingers exploring her Tori felt as if she was floating away. All the parts of her coalesced into a tiny fixed point of pleasure. She felt the timelessness of herself in this state. She was somehow bigger than her physical being and the irony of that during a most physical act was not lost on her.
She heard the sound of his zipper and next she felt him thrust inside her. It was sheer ecstasy. They both kept still for a few seconds allowing her to adjust to his size. Every moment gave her satisfaction. He arched into her and he pushed himself even deeper. By now Tori was moaning and begging for more.
Troy began a slow and steady rhythm grabbing her thighs and twisting into her at just the right angle. Every time he entered her the pressure of him hitting her clip would bringher closer and closer to orgasm. His thrusts grow more and more frantic. His pace grow quicker. She heard the buzzing of the vibrator again and know what he was about to do. She felt the victory against her as he continued to pump in and out of her.
“Don’t come. I’m not done with you yet,” His voice was calm and focused despite how hard he was fucking her. “I’m going to take you somewhere Tori and fuck you just like this while others watch. You won’t be able to see them but they will love watching you. You look so beautiful when you come and I want to share it.”
“Oh god yes,” I whispered. The thought of it nearly sending me over the edge. How did he know that?
He clicked the vibrator up to full speed and I cried out. I was too close. So ready for whatever he wanted of me. “Come for me now Tori,” Troy urged her and at that moment the sweet surrender roared through her. She exploded and the orgasm swept over her. It went on and on for what seemed like forever. She collapsed onto the bed feeling weightless and relaxed. Troy kissed her long and hard. His tongue entwined with hers and when their lips parted he said “Happy Birthday. I love you Tori.”
I woke up sore, sweety, and extremely aroused. I couldn’t remember where I was, only the sweet memory of the dream about Troy. That’s when it hit me like a ton of bricks and it felt like the floor was dropped from Underneath me. Troy was dead. The dream was from the night we both decided we would get engaged.
I had always felt that marriage would never make me happy and was hesitant to believe it could work for anyone. Troy felt the same usually but that night something had changed. He had faith that we could make it work. Now all I felt was an emptiness inside that Troy had once filled with pleasure, trust, and the promise of our future.
My mind raced with the images of the moment the nice detective with goal in his brown eyes told me about his death. I would become all too familiar with that look. I would see it in the eyes of family and friends. I would recognize it blocks away on the face of acquaintances.
I looked around the bedroom in the small apartment that we had shared. I hadn’t even made it to the bed last night. I had attempted to go through Troy’s things and finally box them up but at some point I decided to get drunk instead. Lying here among his clothes that still held his Scent, I could almost pretend he was still here with me. I swear that I could feel a phantom kiss upon my forehead in the same way he had done before he went off to work. He would try not to wake me but sometimes I’d end up taking his clothes off. He’d complain he’d be late but he could never refuse me.
I tried to get up but my head started to spin. Great. Another hangover to start the day was all I needed right now. I felt something tiny and sharp stall me in the side. Waking up can be such a bitch. It was something in one of Troy’s suit pockets. I reached around and pulld the offending object out.
I throw it across the floor so I could move and hear metal scape against the floor. It landed in the back of Troy’s closet and I squinted through the morning light to get a better look at it. It glinted and I could make out a key chain with a gold key attached. It looked expensive so it was probably from the security firm Troy had worked for.
I half crawled to the closet to grab it and held it up to the light to inspect it. There was a symbol of some kind on the key chain. Sort of like an M but not quite. It looked familiar but lately I was having a hard time remembering things.
Time to get up and make some coffee. I can look up the mysterious symbol on my laptop. Standing up I had to brace myself on the closet doorframe. The smell of coffee brewing seemed to bring some of my senses back and clear my head a bit. An internet search brought up quite a few astrology webpages and I realized the symbol was the sign of Scorpio. A letter M with an upturned tail at the end. Interesting. Troy worked for Scorpio Securities and I figured they would probably want their key back.
I pulled up their web page and immediately noticed the same Scorpio design in their logo. Scrolling around to find a contact number I noticed the little Scorpio symbol in red in the right corner. It looked identical to the key I now held in my hand. It was stylized in script and There was a shadow image of a key behind it.
I paused for just a half a second then clicked the icon. The screen flashed and then went completely black. Damn! A virus. I reached over quickly for the power button but just as I had my finger over it the screen turned a deep dark red. My eyes took in the words on the screen but I could not believe what I was reading.
If you have been given the key
then you are invited to be a part of
A very exclusive sex club.
Every fantasy will be realized,
Every desire will be yours, and nothing is taboo
as long as you are willing.
Are you ready to explore your hidden self?
Call us if you are one of us.
At the very bottom of the screen was a phone number. It was almost identical to the number Troy had given me to reach him at work.
My vision filled with red and it was not from the computer screen. Troy worked for a sex club!
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