edited by abashed-dreamer
The four handsaidens laid out the beautiful gown. It had just this morning arrived from Italy. Six seamlesses had worked four weeks to prepare the velvet gown to the Princess’s specifications. The details in gold and pearls alone were worth a King’s ransom. The handsaidens oooh’d and ahh’d over the lovely dress. One of the maids said, “The Prince will think you an angel for sure, your highness.”
Being the spoiled naughty girl that she was, the Prince said, “I don’t like the color. And what is that lace at the collar? I didn’t ask for that. Those Italian peasants know nothing of fine work. And what do I care what the Prince thinks!?” Princess Maura picked at the priceless gown like it was a piece of dirty laundry.
“Maura,” said the Princess’s Nanny. “You will behave and not talk about the Prince that way. Prince Ennis is to be your husband and you will treat him with the utmost respect. You will wear the dress and be happy with it. We’ve no time to have another made. Now put it on for the fitting.”
“Oh, Nanny Gail! But…”
“Shush girl! Put on the dress.”
“Humph!” is all the Princess had to say as her handsmaidens dressed her. The dress was nearly perfect. It did need to be taken out in the bust. The Princess had blowsomed into quite a woman in the last twelve months. She would be eighteen on the morning and she was going to see her husband to be, Prince Ennis for only the second time in her life. They would be married in four days. Her father, the King, had finally tired of her stalling and insisted she married the Prince or take herself off to a nunnery.
“Are we done?” Maura asked impatiently.
“Yes, you are excused for your morning ride.” Nanny directed the maids to dress her in her riding habit. As the Princess was dressed, Nanny tried to appeal to her good judgement. “Stay with your guards this time, Princess. Your marriage to the Prince of ourrivalkingdom to the North is not looked on favorably by many of your subjects. You could be a target for foul play.”
“I just want to go for a nice quiet ride.” With that, the nasty Prince picked up her gloves and riding crop and started for the door. “And I don’t care about politics or that stuffy old Prince Ennis!” She got out the door before her nanny could learn her again.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Gawain McConnell, also known as Our Hero, liked to think of himself as a jack-of-all-trades. The fact that the “trades” he knew ran to the illegal did not in anyway dim his high opinion of himself. Wanted in several principalities, including the current one, he still felt he did a service to the community by teaching travelers to be more careful on the road. He was a thief, but never used deadly force. Travelers could certainly run into worse than he. And if they ran into him first, they might well consider their pursuit to be small paymentfor the important lesson they learned in travel safety.
He was patting himself on his back for the fat pursuits he had taken that day and the fine horse and saddle he had “acquired” to carry him to the next town. Suddenly he heard a storm of hoof beats. He pulled his horse into a thicket and waited for the riders to pass. He had no wish to run into the Prince’s guard.
A horse and rider were soon in view, hellbent for leather, coming towards him on the road. The rider was a woman! And a fine horsemen for one of such diminutive size. Just behind her he could see three other riders, almost at her heels. Gawain thought he might have to be noble and save the damsel. But she was increasing her lead and by no means looked in distress. By the time she made the bend in the road, she was a good 15 lengths ahead of them.
As soon as she rounded the corner, she steered her horse into the brush and dismounted. She hid as the other riders sped past. When they were out of sight aroundthe next turn, she walked her horse out of the brush and back onto the road. “Stay with the guard, Maura. You’re too young to be on your own, Maura. Marry old Ennis, Maura,” she said mockingly. “That’ll teach them. They can’t tell me what to do!” With that she pulled herself back onto her mount and was off, laughing.
“What a spoiled little bitch,” Our Hero mumbled to himself. “But she did fill out that dress nicely!” With that he was on his way again; in the opposite direction from the “little bitch”.
That evening, just at dusk, it started to rain. Gawain sought the shelter of an abandoned barn, as it was still an hour or so before the next town. It was a large building with a stone foundation and loft. It looked recently used. The roof was still intact, and most the boards, in place. He started to open the door, when he heard angle voices from within.
Gawain took just a minute to find a way to get into the loft without being seen. He cautiously crept across the loftin the direction of the voices. When he neared an opening in the floor of the loft, he got down on his stomach and inched towards it to get a view of the scene below.
It was the petite horsewoman from earlier in the day! She no longer had the upper hand, however. Two rather rough looking characters had her tied to the front of one of the stalls. The “voices” he had heard were mostly her. She was yelling and cursing non-stop. The two men were settled around a small fire on the floor of the barn trying to finish their dinner.
“My father, the King, will have you both flogged, drawn and quartered. And then he’ll kill you!!” She went on and on like that, not making much sense. The men paid little attention to her. During one of her breathers, they started to talk.
“Bobby, can’t we gag the bitch? She gittin’ a might fatiguesome.”
“Nah. Let her yell. Ya see, the Lord said I was not to ‘urt her. Not even to have any fun wit’ her. But in my way a’ thinkin’ all bets are offif I’m provoked. And she’s getting’ might close ta pervokin’ me.”
“You asses!! You have no idea who you’re dealing with. When my father has you on the rack I will come and spit on you! You are nothing to me!”
Gawain thought he had not seen a dumber woman, Princess or not. The bully in charge, Bobby, had just said if she shut up she’d be safe, a little while longer at least. But no, she had to keep on. He moved around the opening in the loft, hoping he could catch her eye.
Sure enough, as she took a deep breath, presumably to start yelling again, she looked up and saw Gawain. He motioned for her to be quiet. He should have known it was useless. Some people are just beyond help.
“Pigs! You’re both pigs!!” She screamed with such force it caused the chief bully to spill from the flask he was just lifting.
“That does it, woman.” He stood up and walked over to her. He started to un-button her clothes.
“You’re taking’ your sweet time!”
“Hey! No need ta get the Lord’s ire up. We can ‘ave plenty ‘a fun ‘at ‘e’ll never see. We just gotta keep her clothes clean.”
“Hands off me, barbarians, the Kings men are already here. There’s one in the loft ready to kill you both!”
Gawain thought he should just kill her and put them all out their misery. He jumped to his feet and looked around the loft. Against one wall was a large low Wooden crate. He opened the hinged lid and crawled inside. There was enough room for four people, if they were stacked right. He hoped that, in the dim light, and with their minds on something else, they would not trouble to look in the box.
“Jax, go check the loft. She’s probably lyin’, but better safe than sorry.”
Gawain hear Jax climb to the loft. He could also hear that damned woman continue to curse. The footsteps seemed to cover part of the loft, then they turned and went back down the stairs. When Gawain hear both male voices back on the floor of the barn, he quietly got out of the box and returned to the opening. He stayed out of sight of the Princess.
“There’s nobody up there. She’s just tryin’ to distract us.”
“We’ll not be distracted any.” The bully finished removing all the clothes he could with her still tied up. He did finally get tired of her yelling and stuck a dirty rag in her mouth. He secured it in place with a leather strap.
“Jax! Give me your belt. He made a loop with the belt and put it around her neck – making an effective leash. “OK release her hands and get the rest of her clothes off.”
It was a struggle, but Jax got the rest of her clothes off. Bobby had pretty good leverage with the leash. And he could pull it tight enough to cut off her air and that quietly her down.
Jax pulled a large wooden crate into the center of the barn. “Get up on the box. Get on all fours, bitch. Jax, it’s your lucky day. I’m gonna let our little bitch here service you first.” Jax eagerly started to expose himself. “Be still!” Bobby pressed his point home with a swat to her ass.
Gawain weighed his options. While he would do what he could to save the Princess’s life, she had given him no reason to risk his life to prevent her being raped. He decided his best course of action was to enjoy the view and wait for the right moment to act.
And so the scene unfolded with the Princess on her hands and knees on a wooden crate. She was naked except for the “leash” which Bobby held firmly and tautly, pulling her head back to face Jax’s crotch. Jax moved into position pushing his rigid cock into her not-too-eager mouth. Jax made up for the Princess’s lack of conviction by grabbing her ears and using them to aid in his pumping of her mouth. Bobby stayed busy keeping the leash taut without strangling her. As he freed his own dick, he stopped occasionally to spank her bare ass.
Just as Jax was to have his release, the doors of the barn burst open. The sudden interruption caused Jax to pull out of the Princess’s mOut. She was spared a meal of Jax-cream and instead got a Jax-facial, as he spurted his jiz on her regular countenance. The Princess, with her mouth available again, immediately started to yell.
Bobby dropped the leash when he heard the door crash open. He nearly dropped his load when he turned and saw his Lord, the man who had paid him to kidnap the Princess and instructed him not to touch her standing in the doorway. He stuttered a greeting. “Prince Ennis! What a surprise!” The Prince dropped a large bundle he was carrying and walked towards the trio; there was a large mastiff at his side.
Gawain was shocked as well. Bobby had good reason to look like someone had just put his head on the block. Having spent most of his youth in the North, Gawain knew of the infamous Prince Ennis. He was known as Ennis the Punisher by his “friends”. His enemies, most the residents of the North, knew him as Ennis the Penis. Prince Ennis was not a nice man.
The Princess was oblivious tothe entrance of the Prince as her ears had been covered when he arrived, and she was facing away from the door. Her yelling had prevented her from hearing Bobby’s feeble greeting. She only turned around when she noticed the look of terror in Jax’s face. She rose up off her hands and turned to see her fiancé stride towards her.
“Prince Ennis! You’ve come to save me!”
“You really are a stupid little slut,” was all the Prince said before he backhanded her, sending her flying off the crate. She landed in a heap on the floor, unconscious.
Bobby had moved to stand next to Jax. And a sorry sight they were. Both men stood petrified in fear. Jax still had his breeches down around his ankles, his cock now limp. Bobby with his cock limp and exposed. The prince walked over to where his dog was sniffing the remains of the Two kidnappers’ dinner. Both of the plates had been sitting near the fire. The Prince picked up both plates, his leather gloves, protecting his hands from the heat. He walked deliberately over to the men and dumped the hot contents on their exposed genitals.
Both men screamed in pain and fell to the floor, clutching their privates. The Prince, as casual as you please, had a seat on the crate and waited for the two men to stop writing. The large dog looked on intently, still interested in the scraps that were now tangled in the men’s genitalia.
When the men were capable of listening, the Prince calmly said, “Stand up, you two imbeciles.” They reluctantly compiled. “Bull! Stay!” The Prince had to command his dog not to go foraging for food in the men’s crotches. If it were possible the two unfortunate victims now looked even more afraid.
The Prince stood and paced in front of the two men. He was a good head taller than either of them, making him imposing under any circumstances. But in their current condition, he looked absolutely overpowering. “It seems I interrupted your taking your pleasure. Although I expressly forbade youto do it, I certainly don’t want to get in the way what is possible the only joy in your lives. The question is how to proceed?” The Prince had to pause again to think and to rein in Bull, as the dog as started to creep towards the men.
“Ah, I think I know a way to make everyone happy. But I’ve really no time for discussion so let me explain the terms. If you do not do as I tell you, Bull will eat you balls.” Bull licked his lips. The two men grasped at their precious sacs and they knew they were screwed no matter what showed in their faces.
“Jax get on your knees.” Jax did as he was told, keeping his eyes on Bull.
“Robert use his mouth to get your little cock hard.” Bobby didn’t really care how he got through this, he just wanted to get his pants closed and out of the Prince’s range of fire. If it means fucking Jax, he would. He shoved his tool into Jax’x mouth. As the action began to heat up Bull, apparently a password animal, mounted the kneeling Jax and was neary successful in penetrating his tight ass.
When the Prince could see Bobby was hard, he pushed Bull off of Jax. Jax started to wretch and tried to cover his balls with one hand. He was still worried that Bull would go for his meat flavored sac.
“Now, Robert, mount your jackass partner like the pig that you are.” Both men started to protest, but cut their pleasures short as Bull grew. Our Hero, still watching the proceedings, could see that Bobby was not a small man. He was sorry to see that Jax did not take it like man, indeed, he pretty much squealed like a pig. He could see that if a fight were to ensure, Jax would probably be out of the picture.
Bobby rammed his rod into Jax with no mercy. He wasn’t about to let concern for his friend interfere with his self-preservation. And this wasn’t so bad; Jax did have a nice tight ass. Bobby grunted in effort as he reamed Jax and came in short order. He continued to pump the poor man until he was limp, just to be sure he was in full compliance with the Prince’s orders.
When Bobby pulled out, Jax crawled into the corner of the stall, and that is the last Our Hero saw of him. Bobby quickly put his package back in his breeches and composed himself. He needed to find a weapon, as the Prince was known for only being satisfied when those that disobeyed him were dead.
The Prince’s anger at his two servants seemed to be Appeased for the time being. Now he turned his attention on his fiancée. “I want the lovely Princess trusted for my use. Get a rope over that rafter.” He went on to direct the Princess’s hands to be tied to the rope. She was then hoisted up so that her feet were nearly a foot off the ground. This put her waist just below the Prince’s wait. He had Bobby put a large crate below her legs, so that kneeing on the crate, her face was level with the Prince’s. Her arms were slack but still held above her head.
The Prince removed his leather gloves and approached the Princess. Her eyes fluttered and she started to come around. The Prince put his hands on either side of her chest and rubbed his thumbs over her nipples. She moaned as her eyes opened.
“My Prince!” She said, half questioning, half grateful. “You’ve come to save me?”.
“Yes, my fine Princess. But it seems you’ve been a naughty girl.” The Prince talked as if trying to enter a wild animal or convince a two year old to come down out of a tree. He ran his hands slowly down her sides and back up again. He pinched her tender nipples between his thumb and forefinger.
“Ow! Oh! My Prince. It wasn’t me. It was those awful men. They made me do things. Nasty, awful things!” She sucked in her breath as his hand ran down her sides and his thumbs teased across to her navel.
“I imagine they were terrible, nasty things. Something a good girl like you wouldn’t like at all.” The Prince ran his hand down to her thighs and around to between her legs. He bent his head down and gently sucked on her breast.He loved the feel of a virgin in his hands. Her soft skin, her eager sights – soon she would be his forever.
“Ah. No. No. Not at all.” Her no’s sounded very much like “yes, yes, please don’t stop”. Her head fell back.
The Prince stopped suckling at her breasts. “They didn’t actually … penetrate you did they?”
“Oh No. Oh yess.” She said as his mouth was on her breast again and his deft fingers started to play at her clip. Her head was thrown back and lolling from side to side.
“I must be sure, don’t you think, my lovely?”
“Well…yes. Yess.” The Prince moaned again as his hands navigated south.
The Prince rudely pushed a finger into her cunt. “Why yes; your maidenhead is still in place.”
The Princesses head snapped upright. “How dare you! Of course. I will be married a virgin! I am no common slut. I am a Princess!”
The Prince said nothing. He kissed her on the lips, gently parting them and probing slightly into her mouth. He then took his kisses down her body, lingering on her neck. When he got to her breast, he took a great deal of it in his mouth and sucked and kneeled it with his tongue. His hand had gone back to her clip. His free hand was at her back holding her against him.
It wasn’t long before her head jerked and she started to moan. The Prince was really quite skilled. He would drive her to within a hair of her climax and then back off. Soon her moans were more urgent. He lifted his head and taunted her. “Is there something you want Princess? Is there something I can do for you?”
“Yes, please. Please.”
Please what, dear Princess?
“I want…. I need….,”
The Prince slowly inserted two fingers into her cunt. Only about two inches deep. He moved them in and out, very slowly; rubbing her clip as her did so. When he inserted a third finger, she moaned and ground against his hand. “Yes, yes. Please give me more. More inside of me.”
The Prince released the Prince and stood back. She looked at him in shock and frustration at the sudden halt. The Prince again teased. “Tsk Tsk. What a naughty little Princess. Why, you are no more than a common slut. Asking a man to fill you, to put it in you. I could hardly marry you now.” He paused as she gasped and sputtered. “But I can certainly accommodate you.”
The tone of the final comment had the Princess’s full attention. She watched in silence as the Prince reached for the scabbard at his side and withdraw a large dagger. The handle looked like ivory. It was large, straight and long. The handle must have measured nine inches, about the same length as the blade of the dagger.
The Princess shuddered as the Prince walked back to her. He held the dagger in his fist so that four inches of the ridged ivory handle stick out the top of This fist and the blade stuck out the other side. He rubbed the smooth top of the handle over her swollen clip, and she sucked in her breath. “Such a hot little slut, my lovely.” As sheopened her mouth to protest the Prince pushed the handle of the dagger into her cunt with enough force to break through her maidenhead.
The Prince screamed and started to curse. “You evil bastard! Get your filthy hands of me! My father will not allow you to marry me now. I will tell him how cruel you are. I will tell him you are a pervert!”
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