The Price of Love Pt. 03

Chapter Thirteen – The Gamble

The following chapter has been edited by Woodsman’s game. Thank you, game.

“Mistress Layla and her guests will be playing cards this evening. You’ll be required to keep them company,” Rose explained to Elise as they entered the sitting room.

“And what a delightful little piece of company she is,” a masculine voice from behind started both women. A smug blond man, wearing a dark dinner suit, tapped the tips of his fingers together and relaxed back in an armchair next to the door.

“Good evening, Master Patrick,” Elise said, without smiling, as she recalled the last time she had seen him. Her poor little ass had been sore for days afterwards.

Rose ignored him.

“You know, Rose,” he said, now rubbing one finger across his chin, “I’ve fucked uglier bitches than you.” He smiled and then added, “only they all barked and wagged their tails.”

Rose stopped and took a deep breath as if trying to contain her anger before addressing Elise again. “Stay here. I’ll be back in a moment. Don’t let that man near you.” Then turning to Patrick, “Keep your filthy hands of her.”

He frowned and gave Rose a look of mock disappointment. She had no sooner left the room than he stood up walking over to Elise, who was crossing her arms in a useless attempt to cover her bare breasts; his mere presence made her feel Uncomfortable.

“You don’t look at all pleased to see me,” he told her, standing over her so his warm breath caressed her neck, while he playedfully tugged at her g-string.

“That’s because I’m not.”

“Oh, come on, sweetheart. It’s not my fault Layla won’t let me fuck your pussy.”

Elise shot him a puzzled look.

“That’s right. She doesn’t like my fucking her little girls.” He moved even closer. His nose now touched her ear as he stroked the side of her arm with the back of his fingers. “Don’ t you know? She wants your sweet pussy all for herself,” he whispered.

“I thoughtI told you to keep your hands off her!” Rose returned, carrying a tray of sandwiches, which she slammed down on the table.

“Such blatant disrespect!” Patrick retorted in mock disgust. “I know what you need Rose.” Turning to her, he gripped the front of his crotch and jerked his hips forward a couple of times.

“Fuck off, Patrick.”

Elise was astonished to hear Rose say that, and even More so that Patrick didn’t seem fazed by it. Instead, he calmly walked back to where he had been sitting. He picked up the glass from the table beside the chair and took a sip, before turning to Elise again, “She just needs a nice big bone to lick. “

Rose rolled her eyes and let out an audible huff. “Help yourself to a drink, why don’t you?” Then addressing Elise again, ” Come here, girl.”

Happy to obey, Elise quickly moved well away from Patrick. Rose grabbed the end of her leash and gave it a couple of quick downward tugs. “Sit!” she commanded. Elise dropped down on the floor with her back straight and her hands resting on her thighs.

Rose wasn’t really difficult to get used to. Over the past few weeks Elise had learned the secret to pleasing her was pleasing Layla, and that usually wasn’t at all an unfortunate task. Apart from her ‘training’ Elise had most of the day to herself — free to roam the house and gardens, watch a little television, or do pretty well whatever she pleased. Most Evenings were spent with Layla. Although her kinky ways often involved whipping or spanking Elise, that too wasn’t difficult to get used to. In fact, hard as it was for her to comprehensive, Elise frequently found herself becoming aroused even at the thought of being used or paid by her mistress. The attention Layla paid her and the intensity of her enjoyment were like nothing Elise had ever experienced before. It was as if her pain fed Layla’s arousal and her mistress’s pleasure fed hers in a feast of lust. Soon voices could be heard outside. A man and woman Elisehadn’t seen before entered, followed by Layla. They greeted each other warmly, hugging and rubbing cheats while ignoring Elise, who remained kneeling. She had a feeling it would be a long evening; however, remaining in this position was no longer a problem for her. Hours of training by Rose had taught her to relax her muscles while remaining perfectly still.

The four of them sat down at the table and began to deal the cards. More than an hour passed. Layla and her guests continued to play, speaking to one another only occasionally in whispered tones. Elise began to wonder why exactly her presence had been required at all when she heard Patrick announcement triumphantly: “That’s it. I win!”

Standing up he turned to give Elise a lecherous grin. Her stomach began to churn.

“I’m sorry Elise, but a deal’s a deal,” Layla explained; however, her cool manner totally denied the apology. “Patrick’s won, and his prize shall be to have you suck his cock. “

Elise stifled a smile. She had been sure, when she had seen Patrick hastily unzipping his trousers, that she would once again be required to allow him to fuck her ass. A feeling a relief tinged with excitement now filled her. It had been so long since she had experienced the enjoyment of a man’s cock in her mouth – she stared – and his was hard, hot and ready!

He moved closer, standing right in font of her, his cock a mere lick away.

Grabbing her hair he jerked her head back, forcing her mouth to drop open. He then smiled down at her and told her: “Ah, what sweet lips you have. Lips that just begs to be fucked without speaking a single word.”

Elise panted with heated excitement, her breasts rising and falling with each breath, as Patrick teased and tempted her with his engorged and throbbing cock.

“Suck it,” he commanded, grabbing his shake and pushing his cock head into her mouth.

Immediately she enveloped her soft lips around it and began eagerly sucking. Rose may have taughtt her many new skills, but when it came to sucking a man’s cock, Elise was no amateur. Hungrily she slurped, her tongue flicking in and out under his cock while her teeth gently grazed his shake each time he drew back. It felt so good to have her mouth filled by a man again. Within minutes Elise became immersed in her own pleasure, and she let one hand slip down between her open thighs.

“Get Your hand off your cunt!” Patrick wrenched his cock from her mouth and scowled down at her. “Who the fuck gave you permission to touch yourself, slut? Well?”

Elise was dumbfounded. She had never had a man do, or say, that to her before.

“I thought you would enjoy…”

“I told you to suck my cock.” He then looked over at the others still sitting at the table. “Did any of You hear me tell the slut to finger her cunt?”

Soft murmurs of disapproval confirmed that indeed Elise hadn’t been given any such permission.

Patrick whipped out the belt from his trousers, then folding it in half, walked around behind Elise and hit it across her ass.

The leather lashed across her soft flesh with searing heat. She cried out and arched her back while remaining on her knees. He knelt down behind her, roughly grabbing her arms, then securing her hands with his belt behind her back.

He then stood up and walked around in front of her and once again, grabbing a handful of her hair, jerked her head back. “Let’s try this again,” he told her, holding his cock in his other hand.

This time he shoved it deep inside her mouth. His rough pubic hair rubbed on her nose, and his cool balls slapped against her chin. She gagged as it hit the back of her throat, but he ignored her. Impatiently, he thrust his cock in and out as if wanting her to swallow the whole fucking thing. Tears began to stream down her cheats and muffled cries could be heard to escape each time he drew his cock out only to thrust it forward again.

His upper lip curled, and he sneered as he looked down at her. He wanted Layla to see what she was missing – yes, his fabulous big cock! Fuck her! Why did this little whore get to enjoy Layla and not him? Fuck the little whore!

He closed his eyes. His face contained and, then with a couple of deep angle thrusts, he filled her mouth with his hot seed. Elise swallowed, but much of the warm milky fluid still dripped down her chin and onto her bare breasts as he withdraw. It tasted salty, just like she remembered it should, only this time it made her want to gag. She slumped over, panting and gasping for breath. It had not been the enjoyable experience she had been looking forward to at all.

“What’s the matter, slut? Was my cock too big for you?” he teased, then turning to Layla, “You see what you’re missing out on?”

The others at the table chuckled.

Rose’s eyes narrowed, and she clenched her teeth as she watched him in total loathing and contempt. Any man’s cock was too big, especially for Layla’s delicate mouth. No, Layla didn’t need his fucking cock in her mouth or any other place. She looked down at Elise, now softly sobbing, and knelt down next to her. Then taking a handkerchief from her pocket she gently wiped over Elise’s chin. The girl didn’t need a man’s cock either! ~~~~ The next morning Rose assisted Elise in her bath, kneeing beside the tub, holding the sponge over Elise, and letting the water trickled down over her pale skin.

“You know you really are quite lovely – too good for men. Men will use you. They just want somewhere to stick their filter cocks.”

Previously, Elise would have laughed at such a rash statement; however, now she began to believe Rose might just be right. Yes, she was good – too good for any man.

Chapter Fourteen – A Company of Three

The following chapter has been edited by Curtis. Thank you, Curtis.

Elise stood there naked but for her collar. The rooms upstairs had felt pleasantly warm. She wondered if perhaps it was the cool air of the dungeon now caused her body to shiver, or perhaps her nervous anticipation? As Layla and Rose talked Elise squeezed her thighs together and felt a familiar dampness. Tiny goose bumps began to form on her breasts and upper arms; her nipples now tingled and stood erect. As hard as it was for her to understand, the mere presence of these two women aroused excitement in her unlike anything she had experienced Previously.

“Did she feel wet when you she’s this morning?”

“Yes, quite damp.”

Elise had in fact awoken to the sensing of Rose’s fingers poking between her legs. Certainly she would have established her wetness in a matter of seconds; however, Rose had chosen cares her for several minutes, pressing her index finger deep inside, wriggling it about and then rubbing the girl’s clip and outer labia. Layla turned her attention to Elise, smiling and tapping her between her legs with the crop. “Spread your legs.” Anxious to please her mistress, Elise shuffled her ankles further apart. Layla cupped her warm hand over Elise’s baby smooth mound. “You want to touch yourself now, don’t you, little slut?”

“I think I would enjoy that, Mistress.”

“Oh? You would enjoy it? And you think your enjoyment is important?”

“No, what I mean was…”

Layla’s eyes narrowed as she moved closer, lowering her voice to a whisper as her lips almost touched Elise’s ear, “Your sweet pussy belong to me now. It is for my pleasure and use, not yours. If and when I choose to allow you that pleasure it will be for my pleasure, not yours.” She then walked around behind Elise, swinging her crop high into the air then lashing it down across the back of the girl’s legs.

Elise cried out. Tears began to well in her eyes, but otherwise she remained still as almost immediately a long red welt began to form on her pale skin.

“You’ve been touching yourself without permission haven’t you, slut?” “No, Mistress. I wouldn’t do that.”

“Fucking little liar! Rose just told me you were wet when she and she felt you this morning!”

Since coming to live at Layla’s house Elise often masturbated before falling asleep in bed. She had been told not to, but sometimes the urge was just too much. Up until now neither her mistress nor the maid had objected to her surprise late night activities. Unsure of why it was a problem now, and afraid of being punished, Elise began to spiral into panic. “Please, Mistress, please forgive this little slut!” she began, dropping onto her knees and gripping the back of Layla’s boots.

“Forgive you? Why of course I will forgive you, little one… Layla smiled down at her, then added, “after I have paid you.” Elise felt helpless. Obviously, her mistress intended to punish her, and it would be useless to try to reason otherwise. “Bring the slut over here to the spanking chair, Rose,” Layla instructed.

The spanking chair – it wasn’t really a chair at all., it was more like a benchmark. Madeof wood, it was raised high enough from the floor for a girl, like Elise, to stand before it and bend over at the waist. Two large holes had been cut out of one end, where her breasts would hang through. Metal cuffs, attached by chains to each wooden leg almost at floor level, would be where Elise’s hand and feet would be anchored. Rose pushed Elise down onto it, then when she had finished securing the cuffs she gave her a playful slap on the ass. “It’s time for your lesson now!”

The first stroke hit hard across the back of her legs causing Elise to instinctively try to rear up. The chain, however, prevented any such escape. “There, you didn’t like that did you, little slut?” Layla quipped, instantly flicking her ass twice more. “Think about it as you take you pain, Elise. You belong to me now. You and your sweet cunt are all mine!”

Tears began to trickle down the girl’s face. Her body ached, and her ass soon became covered in hot singing welts, but in her head things werebecoming clearer. Elise had been a bad girl, and bad girls must be punished. Elise must please Mistress Layla. Oh, the pain, the pleasure the thin line between the two began to melt as Elise drifted into sweet euphoria. “Oh, Mistress …”

Chapter Fifteen – The Challenge.

The following chapter has been edited by Curtis. Thank you, Curtis.

Elise jumped as she heard someone at the back kitchen door. She had only slipped down stairs for cup of tea and something to eat, and had not bothered to wear more than her panties and bra. The deliveryman and cleaning staff usually came on Fridays. But then, ‘It’s that ugly old, Arthur, the gardener,’ she told herself, rolling her eyes. Several times she had spied him peeking in through the windows, as he pretended to be tending to the roses. He often came inside for a glass of water. In fact, Elise was convinced he must have a most overworked bladder for the amount he drank some days. Rarely would he both to knock – “Oh, dear, I’mso sorry. I didn’t realize anyone was here,” he would lie, then he would linger and take his time sipping from his glass while having a good long lecherous look! Elise grinned, this time she was going to give the old boy something to really get excited about. She lifted herself up onto the kitchen benchmark next to the sink, then spreading her legs wide, began rubbing both hands up and down the insides of her smooth thighs, moaning as she ran her wet tongue over her moist pink lips.

“Well, well, well, what have we here?” A faint gasp escaped Elise’s mouth as she blinked and jerked her hand away. I was indeed a shock to see Patrick stroll in. Immediately she slapped her legs together and frowned.

“What are you doing here?” she snarled.

“That’s hardly any way to greet me now, is it?”

“You shouldn’t even be here.”

“Can’t a man call on his friends?”

“You should have used the front door.”

Patrick shrugged, then taking a chair, sat down and leaned back,casually lifting one booted foot up and resting it on the table. “I didn’t feel like using the front door. Besides, it’s you I’ve come to see. I know how hard it must be for a hot little bitch like you to be cooped up here day after day.”

“Actually, I quite like it here,” she lied. Patrick reached down to his crotch and rubbed his hand over the bulge now forming in his trousers. “Even though There’s no man around here to fuck that hot little pussy of yours?”

“I really think you should leave now,” Elise said, ignoring his question, before slipping off the benchmark and walking towards the door.

Patrick, however, quickly stood and moved to block her exit with his arm. “But we haven’t finished our little chat yet?”

“Let me pass.”

“But I just want to talk.”

“I’ve heard enough.” Elise tried to push him out of her way. This rather amused Patrick as he moved sideways to block her path.

“You stupid little girl. You haven’t had enough of anything until I say you have,” he hissed, his congenial mood suddenly evaporating.

Elise glared up at him as, again, she tried to push past.

“I’ll call Rose.”

“Oh, you know you don’t want to do that. Besides, I saw that crazy bitch heading out as I was coming around the back.”

“Let me past!” This time, rather foolishly, she placed her hand on his chest and tired to force him out of her way.

He chuckled and grabbed hold of her shoulders. “Oh, no you don’t.”

She squirmed to free herself, but his strength easily over powered hers. He grinned down at her then, as he leaned over her, and she felt his hot breath on her ear and neck. Again, she struggled, but that only assisted him in slipping her lacy bra down around her waist. Leaning further over, he licked her nipples with his thick tongue. It felt firm and warm against her soft skin, and his mouth made disgusting slurping sounds as he lapped hungrily at her breasts, exploring every part. Now Elise could break free. Lashing out like some kind of wildcat she dug her fingernails into the sides of his head, ripping into the flesh on his face and neck. He cried out, immediately pulling back and touching the side of his cheek with his fingertips, winning at the singing sensing. His expression changed, he laughed and asked, “So you like it rough do you, bitch? Ok, I can give it to you rough.” Grinning down at her and lifting his arm, ‘Patrick swung the back of his hand across the side of her face to send her tumbling helplessly across the room. Elise dropped to the floor, slumped over and panting to regain her breath after the struggle.

“Basstard!” she hissed as she held her hand to the side of her face.

And he grinned as he walked over to her and grabbed her hair, before forcing her back up onto her feet and dragging her over to the kitchen table. He pushed her, face down, on to it. Holding her with one hand, he used the toe of his boot to tap between her ankles, indicating for her to spreadd her legs. She resisted – struggle to break free. Still holding her by her hair, he gave her head a quick jerk, and her ass a sharp slap with his open hand. “Spread them, bitch!”

Still, Elise refused co-operate, squirming helplessly in a useless attempt to free herself. She managed to kick one heel up between his legs – but neither high nor fast enough. He laughed as he pulled back to avoid her foot. “Don’t worry, little girl – I’m not interested in fucking your ass when I can have your sweet cunt instead.”

Now pinning her down with his own body, he slide his hand between her tighs, rubbing up the insides of her legs, then slipping his fingers inside her panties to finger her moist pussy. “Mmm, I see you are pleased to see me after all,” he smiled, leaning further over and rubbing his wet mouth and tongue over the side of her face.

Elise’s arms flailed about, as she hit the table with her fist. She heard the clanking of his belt buckle followed by the sound of hiszipper coming down. “The bastard thinks he’s going fuck me!” she thought in angle defiance. However, when she felt his hard and hot cock drop against her ass, her rage began to subside and she silently began to reason, ‘It’s been too long since I’ve had a man’s cock. I’ll just give him what he wants, Layla doesn’t have to know. I’ll let him fuck me.’ But then she argued back with herself, ‘No, I’m too good for this bastard! I’m Layla’s slut, not his!’


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