The Present

Author’s Note: This story is dark and has scenes that may offend some. If you do not like nonconsensual sex then do not read this story.


The table was set so elegantly, the good silver and china seemed to shimmer in the soft candlelight. Danielle sat at the table with a dreamy smile on her face. Her ten-year anniversary of being married to Todd was being commemorated by one of the loveliest Evenings she could remember. They had gone to the opera and seen Othello and rushed back to the house for a late dinner. Danielle was feeling warm as the cognac she was sipping spread throughout her body relaxing her entirely.

She took small bites of the chocolate mouse in front of her and beamed at her husband as he sat across the table. Danielle leaned forward and her firm large breasts brushed the edge of the table. Her hair was tied in back and braided and the thick braid reached down to her waist. Her brown eyes sparkled in the candlelight and she resisted the urge to throw off her short black dress and begin the after dinner festivals by pinching her nipples hard.

Todd sat back in his chair and spread his thick muscle legs widely. He smiled back at Danielle with a look that said, I know exactly what you are thinking. What he didn’t reveal was that he knew even more than that. His hair was conservatively cut and he could have passed for a young George Clooney. He pointed his dark brown, almost black, eyes directly at Danielle and spread his hands on his lean waist and said, “Dear, I got you a present.”

“Oh, Todd! You shouldn’t have!” The two laughed till they cried at this point. Saying “you shouldn’t have” had been a running gag dating from their days as boyfriend and girlfriend way back in College.

But then the laughter subsided and Todd said, “Oh, but I did, would you like to see it?”

“Yes, of course. Where is it?” Danielle was anxious and nervous. Her husband’s surprises could be very mischievous. Danielle still remembered the time he hired a full camera crew to film them having sex. She had been a little nervous but once they got into it she seemed to be able to block them out, that is until they watched the video the next night.

Todd got up and clapped his hands three times. His father was French and he retained a bit of the European sensibility. Danielle’s gaze was centered on him and when she heard the kitchen doors swing open her head whipped around in surprise. Outlined by the harsh light of the kitchen Danielle could see a female form, her female qualities made all the more noticeable due to the fact that she was completely nude.

Danielle smiled and clapped her hands and raced around the table to hug and kiss her husband. “Oh, Todd! She really is delightful. Is she for me? Oh, Todd, have her come closer.”

“She is Most definitely for you, dear. Sonya, come closer. Let Danielle see you.” Sonya walked to the table and as she stepped closer Danielle could see that she was perThe consequence. Her curly red hair fall forward over her large breasts. Her nipples were pointing straight out and looked very firm. She looked strong and was in fact taller than both Todd and Danielle.

Her broad shoulders tapered to a thin wait which again led the eye to her swelling hips and long luscious legs. She looked like a Viking goddess.

Sonya’s expression was blank, though she seemed like a toy to Danielle who, as a girl, tended to be very hard on her toys. “Todd, she looks just adorable. Let’s take her into the bedroom!” Todd stood up and placed his napkin on the table.

“Absolutely dear. Lead the way.” The two lovers led Sonya into the master bedroom and pinched and ticked each other as they went. Still Sonya was silent as she followed and in the back of Danielle’s mind Sonya’s silence intrigued her. She wondered, as she got hotter by the second what it was that she did not yet know about her not so little present.

They arrived in the bedroom and it lookedJust it always did, a big bed in the center of the room covered with a white fluffy bedspread. Danielle left into Todd’s arms and he held her small body as she kissed him all over his face. He smiled and kissed her back and whispered in her ear, “Maybe you should play with your new toy, dear. While I sit here and watch.”

It was then that Danielle knew what his present was, or so she thought. He sat down on the chair beside the bed and Danielle grinned at him and pounded on the tall red headed silent girl. She pushed her body against Sonya’s and began kissing her neck and breasts. Danielle’s back was to Todd and she couldn’t see the look of evil satisfaction covering his face like a setting fog. Danielle’s kisses spread down to Sonya’s breasts and she began suckling her perfect pink nipples. Still Sonya stood immobile and silent.

Danielle, however, was getting very worked up and the silence only caused her to get even hotter. She was squeezing her legs together and scratchching Sonya’s back as she bit and sucked her breasts. Danielle was devouring her and could feel the cum juice rise and begin to drip down her thighs.

All the while, unbeknownst to Danielle, Sonya’s gaze was locked on that of Todd’s. Danielle was oblivious to everything as she dug her fingers roughly into Sonya’s vagina. She reached into it like a purse thief and withdraw her hand to lick up the juices and spread them all over Sonya’s breasts. And then it happened and everything in the room changed at once.

An imperceptible nod from Todd’s aristocratic head breathed life into Sonya. Her face suddenly lit up revealing two rows of impossible white teeth. She laughed and grabbed Danielle’s arms and pinned them behind her back. Danielle screamed but Sonya was ready for that, too. She bent her head forward and sucked Danielle’s outstretched tongue into her mouth and bit it hard over and over again.

Danielle screamed and struggled, but the strength of the bigger girl was tooMuch to overcome. Helpless, Danielle moaned into Sonya’s mouth. She rubbed her cunt against Sonya’s leg and wished her dress was off and crushed on the floor.

Sonya looked down at the struggle woman in her arms and laughed at her. “You keep on struggling little girl. You won’t get anywhere. Your husband paid me lots of money to do anything I want to you and you better believe I am going to do just that. You better be in good shape because Auntie Sonya’s going to wring you out.”

With that she throw Danielle onto the bed and leaped on her before she could escape. Laughing, Sonya tore Danielle’s dress from her and throw it on the ground. Danielle was wearing a sexy black half-cup demi bra and a matching thong panty. “Look at the little slut and her sexy underwear.” Sonya’s voice was slightly accented and the lilt increased the air of mockery her voice possessed.

Danielle struggled as Sonya held her wrists over her head and sat on her hips. “Todd, help! She’s crazy! Oh god, don’t let her hurt me!”

“I’m sorry dear, but there’s not a lot I can do. I did already pay her and it isn’t as if the money is refundable. I would suggest you enjoy this as best you can, dear. I am sure she won’t do any permanent damage.” Not much anyway, Todd thought. Todd began undressing and fastidiously laid his clothes on his valet next to the bed. Sonya sneered at Danielle and slapped her face again and again. Danielle was close to tears and her cheeks were flushed. She had stopped struggle and only whimpered as Sonya got off of her flipped her over and throw her face down on the bed.

Sonya sat on Danielle’s short left leg and slipped a chain around it. The metal was cold and the hard steel of the chain dug into Danielle’s flesh and caused her to scream out when Sonya yanked it. Then Danielle’s other ankle was chained and she found she couldn’t really move around too much.

“Try to move around you little bitch. Your husband ran the chains under the bed.You are trapped here and I am going to use you like the bitch you are. Sonya then lifted Danielle by her thick braid and she was forced back into a kneeing position. The chain was keeping her legs impossible wide as she was pulled back forcibly into a pose of complete supplication.

Sonya cuffed Danielle’s wrists. One cuff on each wrist clamped down and Danielle whimpered as she felt the cool air on her swelling clip. She saw her husband sitting on the edge of the bed idly struggling his cock and moaned. Sonya shut down Danielle forward and chained her wrists to the other chain running under the bed.

“Look at the nasty bitch, she looks like a dog that wants a good fucking. Do you want a good fucking doggy? Well I’m going to give you one, but I’m not sure it’s one you’ll like.” Sonya went into the walk-in closet and when she returned she sat on the bed so that her crotch was right under Danielle’s face. Danielle looked down to see a very large black strap on dildo pointing up from Sonya’s black rubber panties.

“Oooh nooo! Please god don’t, my cunt could never take it.”

Sonya smiled. “Who says it’s going in your cunt, slut?”

A beat, then another and then Danielle began crying and screaming for her husband to rescue her. Slap! Sonya’s hand hit the side of Danielle’s face, stopping her screams but not her sobs. “Now listen up slut. This is a big cock I have here and you can make things a bit easier on yourself by lubricating it up.

Suck it or don’t suck it. Either way I am going to shove it in your ass in about five minutes.” Danielle shivered and glanced over at Todd.

“Better listen to her dear and do what she says. It looks like she means business.” Danielle then turned to look at the enormous rubber cock in front of her and Plunged her face down onto it. Her big thick braid whipped about as she tried to coat every bit of it with as much of her saliva as she could.

She sucked Sonya’s strap on deep into the back of her throatand made sure to drool onto the base. Then she lifted off of it and licked the top of it spreading her spit all over the cock. Sonya merely leered at her with a lecherous look in her eyes.

“Very good little slut, keep licking because soon I am going to pound your ass until you scream. Your hubby is going to get quite the show.” This spurred Danielle on and she bobbed her head over the thick cock taking it as deeply as she could on each stroke.

She was possessed as her cheeks sucked in and her tongue wildly flailed around it as if it were alive and she was trying her best to please it. As she licked the dildo she felt her pussy began to twitch and clutch as if it were hungry and needy. She moaned a bit as she began to enjoy the cock in her mouth. As she worked her head up and down it she imagined it in her cunt and she wiggled her ass in the air as her lips pressed over the invader in her mouth.

Sonya grabbed Danielle’s braid and pulled her head off of the cock by yanking the braid hard. Danielle’s head jerked back and she screamed. Then Sonya took some rope and tied a strong knot around the braid. “This is going to keep you from moving around too much, slut.” Sonya put a cold heavy chain around Danielle’s waist and locked it there with a padlock. Then she tied the other end of the rope to the chain forcing Danielle’s head up so that her head was locked in position staring straight ahead.

“Danielle, it looks like that kind of hurts. I hope your little present isn’t proving too much for you.” Todd was struggling his cock and chuckling at his wife’s prediction. His meaty cock was actually big enough for two fists and Sonya looked at it longingly before Danielle’s moans brought her out of her reverie.

Danielle moaned and struggled. She pleaded for her husband’s Intercession but as soon as she felt the crotch of her panties moved aside and the cold slippery rubber head of the cock on her anus she stopped pleading because she knew it was too late.

She got very quiet and waited for what seemed like hours and days and then without warning the giant phallus was forcing itself into her. She tried to keep it out by clenching her sphincter but it was no use. Todd moved around the bed and stepped closer to Danielle’s ass to see Sonya’s progress.

“Danielle that cock is really having a hard time getting into your ass. Are you sure you aren’t trying to force it out? You know you can’t keep that cute little sphincter squeezed closed forever.”

“Ung ung! Danielle grunted as her head was stretched back by her hair braid. She looked like an erotic status.

Todd moved over to Danielle’s face and kissed her sweetly on the cheek. Then he stretched out beside her and began cooing to her as if they were alone and cuddling “Sweetheart, I so hope you are enjoying our anniversary as much as I am. Are you?”

“Ung ung ung. Gyeeah!”

“Oh dear, Sonya. I think she’s lost the ability totalk. You really have turned her into a grunting bitch. There is going to be a big tip in this for you.” Todd said with a wink.

Sonya continued to tease Danielle’s asshole and then with one massive thrust of her hips slammed the swollen head of the dildo straight past Danielle’s sphincter. A howl could be heard all over the house. It came from Danielle’s gaping, drooling mouth.

Danielle keep right on howling as the thick wet cock slide deep into her. Sonya poured lube all over her ass so that the rubber cock would go in deeper and easier as it slide inside. The lube also prevented Danielle from having any say whatsoever in regards to how much cock was going in and out of her or how fast and hard she was being fucked. She had become a hole and was fast getting to the point where that was all she cared to be.

As the cock in her ass thrust in and out her, Danielle’s cunt was pulsing as if it were filled with a nice chunky dildo of its own. Her inarticulate cries had turnedfrom protests to pleases. Todd kissed her quivering mouth and crioned to her, “What’s wrong, honey? Do you need something? Sonya seems a bit angry for some reason so I don’t know if it is safe to ask her for anything, but if you tell me I might be able to help you.”

Todd leaned his ear closer to Danielle’s mouth and she breathed words into it. Sonya had grabbed Danielle’s hips and was pulling her tight shaped ass back hard on the latex dick inside her. She would occasionally reach up and pinch her own nipples while continuing to pound fiercely at Danielle’s asshole.

“The bitch probably wants her clip rubbed. Too bad she’s all tied up or she’d be able to rub it herself. Is that what you want, bitch?”

“Ung ung yess! Please! Oh God! You’re killing meee!” The cock continued to slam into her ass and Danielle felt her asshole began to grip it hard. Todd got up and changed positions so that his head was under her crack. He could look up and see the dildo stretching her ass.

“Look at that. Every time the dildo pulls out of Danielle’s asshole and then plugs back into her, it stretches her pussy lips a bit and which causes them to rub her clip. Danielle, this has got to be horrible torture for you.”

Todd’s voice was syrupy with ironic mocking as he moved his erect cock under Danielle’s nose. Her head was unable to move down as it was held in check by the rope on her hair braid. She wanted to bend down in the worst way and suck it until the pent up semen erupted inside her mouth. She wanted to gulp down Todd’s cum, or better yet to have it spray all over her face.

Instead she was forced to watch Todd’s hand glide up and down the shake made slippery by his pre-come. Her face was just out of reach of it and no matter how far out she stuck her tongue she couldn’t reach it.

“Sonya do you think you could touch my wife’s clip? She is in a serious state of need.” Todd asked.

“Oh yes,” the red headed Viking said as she kissed her own breasts and pumped her hips into the quivering woman in front of her. “I can touch her clip in a way she will not soon forget. Give me that clothes pin.”

Danielle’s heart jumped into her throat and she struggled to get loose as Todd handed Sonya a wooden clothespin. Sonya had fun flicking it open so Danielle could hear the clack, clack, clack of it as it snapped closed. Danielle tried to move her head around to see the source of the sound but her hair stretched back behind her prevented her from taking any other pose but looking straight ahead like a well trained dog.

And like a dog she whimpered. Her mouth hung open because her head was pulled back so far she couldn’t keep it closed and also because the pounding on her asshole made her utter a continuous series of grunts and whiles. “I’m so sorry, honey. It looks like you are going to get a big pin on your clip.” Todd smiled as his voice mocked Danielle’s pain.

Sonya reached under Danielle and pulled her cunt lips up to expose one very swollen and throbbing cliporis. Then she poised the open clothespin over it and clamped it down hard. Danielle shrieked and bucked up and down trying to dislodge the pin on her clip. It was squeezed her tender flesh in a very cruel way and Todd could see that it was making Danielle’s cunt quiver. Cum was dripping down her thighs and her cunt lips were red. Todd could see Danielle’s cunt hole open and close as the pin hold onto her clip with a vicious grip.

Then Sonya took a vibrator in hand. “Do you want a vibe on your clip, slut? That’s what you were beginning for just now. I will be merciful and give you some of it now. Do try to scream a lot as it makes me so very horny,” Sonya giggled as tears began streaming down Danielle’s face.

She turned on the vibrator and its mechanical buzzing made Danielle jump again. As soon as the vibe touched the clothes pin Danielle stretched her head back as far as it would go causing her hair braid to go slack. Shebegan openly sobbing as the clothespin, excited by the vibrator, began chewing on her clip like a pit bull.

Todd moved back towards Danielle’s crying face and began licking up her tears as one by one they rolled down her face. “Mmmm, delicious, I have been looking forward to drinking your tears for a long time, my dear. We really must do this more often.

Stop fighting it now, and let me have more. Think of how horribly that clothespin is pressing down on your poor defenseless clip. That vibe must be agitating the hell out of it.” Indeed Sonya had pressed the vibe so hard onto the clothespin that every victory that was passing through it to the clothespin was pulling and yanking Danielle’s clip at hundreds of cycles per minute.

Then Sonya simply removed the pin and pressed the vibe directly onto Danielle’s tortured clip. Danielle screamed louder and louder.

“Iiiyyyaahhhh! Iiiiiiiyyyyyaaaahhhh! Ooo Good! You bitch! I’ll kill you for this! After I get loose I’llkill you!!” She compromised and moaned as the pain became more and more intense as the blood flowed back into her clip. Todd looked at Danielle with a sad resigned look in his eyes.

“Shouldn’t have said that, dear, I think she is really going to hurt you now. I would try to please her if I were you. She looks like she means business.”

“Oh, Todd. Why are you doing this to me? Don’t you love me?”

“Love you? I once did and might still do, but I am feeling rather mean right now. Oh look, Sonya has my belt in her hand.”

Smack! The leather belt came down hard on Danielle’s ass. Smack! Red marks began to appear. Smack! Danielle began screaming. Smack after smack landed on Danielle’s ass and back leaving horrible red welts.

Sonya Keep fucking her ass and whipping her as Danielle waited and cried. Sonya wielded the belt like a circle trainer and made Danielle her little animal. “Take this bitch. Take it and learn to behave or I will shove my fist up your asshole.” Sonya continued to press the vibrator on Danielle’s clip, whip her ass and fuck her well greased asshole.

Danielle’s clip began to stop hurting and started to feel good. She tried to grind her hips into it, but couldn’t move enough to get sufficient stimulation to orgasm. It was a nagging thing having that buzzing piece of plastic lightly brushing her clip as Sonya’s beautiful body was pounding into her over and over again. Danielle stopped crying and began whimpering and moaning. She lost herself and began sounding like a helpless little girl.


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