The Predatory Rope

WARNING: The following story contains non-consensual scenarios and is intended for adults only. All real world bondage should ALWAYS be consensual and done in a safe way. If you ever find yourself tempted to do something non-consensual PLEASE get yourself mental help. Do not attempt to replicate any aspect of this story as the bondage is not safe. Some readers may find some elements of this story offensive, reader discretion is advised.

Samantha was out for her daily jog one cold November evening. Wearing a form fitting pair of athletic pants and shirt with a down vest for warmth she went about her daily workout. She was a bit of a fitness nut and she was not one to let rain, cold weather, or a string of disappearances stop her from getting her exercise in. In the past few months a series of people had gone missing, police had been unable to find any evidence or connections between the people other than the victims tended to be twenty to early thirty something. Samantha was not particularly worried though, she had taken a series of self defense classes, she was athletic, and she carried mace on her at all times. She figured on the very off chance whoever was behind the rash of disappears cane after her she’d be able to handle herself.

So Samantha jogged along listening to her headphones, blonde hair tied in a ponytail that was bobbing along as she ran. At about the one mile mark she stopped to do a few stretches outside an abandoned factory. Humming along to the music she was oblivious to the danger she now found herself in. Unfortunately for Samantha, the source of the disappearances wasn’t a who, it was a what, a predatory rope against which her fitness and self defense courses would be no match for. Now where this strange, dangerous rope came from it is hard to say. Maybe it was some enchanter’s spell gone awry or a strange alien creativity who merely mimicked an earth product as a form of camouflage. The source was an academic question at best however as it was irrelevant for the rope’s unfortunate victims.

As Samantha stretched a long coil of soft rope crawled towards her like a snake. It reached her leg and loosely wrapped around her calf. The other end of the rope then tightly wrapped itself around a metal pole attached to the building, ensuring Samantha would be unable to run even if she realized something was amiss. A few more coils lurked out of sight under a thick bush, ready to go to work on their victim. The loose coil around her leg suddenly tightened itself, sending a shock of pain through her leg. Samantha yelped, at first she assumed she just pulled something while stretching, but when she looked down she saw the bright white rope around her black athletic pants.

“What the hell is this??”

She mused as she reached down to undo the rope with both her arms. Unfortunately for her, this was exactly what the rope wanted its newest victim to do. Quickly the hidden coils closed in on her from the bush and as her hands began tugging on the leg rope the ropes from the bush quickly wrapped around her wrists. The rope was quite through, making a good twelve wraps before cinching itself off

Samantha understandably began to panic at this point. Her first instinct was to try and run, but the leg rope did its job and kept her tethered to the pole. With escape out of the question, the young woman began to hysterically scream. Somehow sensing its newest victim was trying to call for help, another coil of rope appeared and snaked up her body before winding itself around her neck. The rope then tightened, not enough to actually choke her, but enough to reduce her screams to raspy hysterical crying, quiet enough no one was going to hear her.

With its latest victim ready, the rope was ready to properly get to work. Samantha’s blue eyes went wide with horror as she saw numerous coils of rope crawling out of the abandoned building towards her. The coils aggressively went after her legs,determined to render their newest catch completely helpless. Ankles, shins, knees, thighs, and feet were all quickly wrapped tightly in white rope. Another rope slithered up her body and attached to the choking neck rope. The rope attached itself to a nearby sewer grate and began to tighten, forcing the terrified girl to her knees.

Samantha was terrified out of her mind now, sobbing and trying her best to call for Help despite the choke collar of rope. The rope clearly decided its prey was not quiet enough yet, another coil of rope wound itself into a ball, before she realized what was happening it roughly shoved its way into her mouth. Additional rope crawled into her mouth, adding to the ball in her mouth until her cheeks were bulging. Satisfied that her mouth was stuffed to capacity, another piece of rope wrapped itself brutally tight Around her lower face, making a vicious but effective rope cleave gag. With Samantha silenced fully, the rope set about continuing to add to herhelplessness

A long coil of rope began to intertwine itself around her chest, steadily making a tight chest harness. Even with a puffy vest on, the harness made the poor young women’s breasts quite noticeable. The wrist ropes began to undo themselves but only long enough to pull her arms around her back before tightly retying themselves. Another rope appeared and tightly pulled her elbows together, even with her flexibility the binding was so tight that she winced in pain. As that was going on yet another rope was attaching itself to the harness and wrist bindings, making a tight crotch rope that began digging its way deep into her crotch and buttcrack causing her to moan from a twisted mix of pleasure and pain.. Finally more rope began vertically connecting all her current bindings.

Now thoroughly bundled Samantha sat kneeling on the ground wedding, suddenly a larger rope snaked out of the building and wrapped itself once around her ankles, the rope tying her to the polereleased from the pole as the large rope began dragging her inside. Samantha desperately struggled but as snuggly bound as she was it did little to slow her inevitable fate. Once she was inside the dimly lit building she felt herself being pulled upwards towards the high ceiling feet first. Slowly she rose though the air before eventually her movement stopped, leaving her swinging in the air.

As she swung she became terrified at what she saw: multiple white cocoons of rope hung from the ceiling with her. Some were deathly still and some were squirming with varying levels of vigor. The closest cocoon was bucking and thrashing particularly desperately. Samantha saw some strands of red haired poking out of the windings of rope, she now remembered the last victim to disappear was an 18 year old red head named Amy.

Before she could Really get her bearings suddenly a swarm of rope began approaching her from the ceiling. This new rope was much finer than the rope currently already binding her, almost like twine. It very tightly began wrapping around her feet and began slowly working its way up, fully mumming her as it went. She desperately bucked and squirmed but there was no stopping its progress. Slowly but surely it moved up her athletic body, the windings of fine rope were so tight her breathing became strained, but not impossible as it compressed her stomach and chest. She gave out a final desperate muffled scream as the rope covered her eyes, leaving her in painful darkness.

She cried and squirmed, but there was no freedom for her and unfortunately for poor Samantha none would be coming. Even more unfortunate for her, she was going to soon discover, much like all the rope’s other victims, that even death wasn’t coming to free them. As the rope managed, through mysterious means, either technical or magical, to keep its victims alive. So they would hang in painfully tight bondage, blind and helpless, for as long as the rope felt like keeping them with only the muffled screams of fellow victims to keep them company…


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