The Pond

My wife and I have three ornamental ponds in our back yard, that in the summer contains our koi that spend the winter in the basement in big aquariums. Last weekend she asked me to help her get them cleaned out. Seems easy enough, but not really that easy. They were full of water from melted snow, and also full of leaves from last fall.

I did start the process by draining the ponds, or the best I could, with all the leaves in the bottom there is always some water left. I planned to let them dry out some, and have an easier time getting the leaves out. My plan did not turn out to well, as it rained the first part of the week, and made it nearly to the start over point. So, going out there today makes it look like I did nothing.

Anyway, this is the lead in story behind one of my inner freak things, that my wife is wonderful enough to help me play out.

We were playing on the computers earlier tonight, we have two online computers. We play games and chat back and forthThrough emails, and instant messanger. During our conversations, she mentioned the ponds and asked why I had not cleaned them out for her yet. I tried to explain that I started but the weather did not cooperate. She did not care, and told me I would need to be punished for not listening.

I know where this was leading, so I began trying to talk her out of it, and offering several other suggestions. She told me that “you need to understand that I mean business.”

We have an association of “tools” as we call them and she told me to go select four of them and take them to the basement, along with something to tie me to the desk we have down there. I went and did this. For the next half hour or so she told me how I had screwed up, and would soon have a very red ass to remind me of my screw up.

She then told me to go down, take a shower quick, and put on a pair of my string bikini underwear, place the towel over the desk and send her a text message to let her know I was done.My heart had been beating out of my chest for the last half hour, and when the email came saying GO NOW!! it nearly jumped clean out of my chest.

I went down to shower, and must admit drug it out some. Dried off and went to get in position like ordered. I sent the text message, she replied right away saying I will be right down. Right down turned into nearly 10 minutes of me bent over the desk, staring at the items that soon would burn my ass.

Finally she came down the stairs, and used two belts to tie me to the desk, bent in half giving her a very nice target. She walked around behind me for a few moments, and then laid into me.

Not even sure what she used first, but know she used all four “tools” A large leather strap, a wooden paddle that I had constructed, a long had wooden spoon and a fiberglass cane. I was lucky today, or so I thought to get to start out with underwear on, as usually this is not the case. I do know that the first round with each tool got myAttention. I do know when the cane was used however, as this was my first expierience with it, and it stung like hell. The strap was not to bad, but the paddle and spoon were hard to take.

After using each “tool” I think 6 or 7 swats from each she stepped back and lit a cigarettegarette. She compalined then saying she did not like the “tools” I picked out. I asked why. She said “I don’t think they are working right. She then said “lets just take a look and see.” She then stripped off the underwear, that really gave very little protection anyway, and marveled now at the work she had done.

She then started again, I think first with the strap this time, then the spoon and paddle, I could not take it anymore and before she unloaded on me with the cane said my “safe word”

She untied me quickly and as she Walked back upstaris told me that I could now clean up the basement.

I must admit, that I was in heaven and hell tonight. The half hour leading up to it was so wonderful,exciting and scary at the same time. When the punishment began I also was in heaven, but a little bit of hell. Just how I like it.

I love my wife to pieces and am so happy and fortunate that she will play along with me like this. I know she will read this, and maybe will even give her account of this, not sure if she will or not, but maybe.

Only been done for about a half hour, sitting here my ass is still on fire, and hot to the touch, Can’t wait till tomorrow already, I think she wants me to clean the pond out, and I may just not do it…..


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